  List<Module> createModulesForProjectConfigs() throws IOException {
    DependencyGraph dependencyGraph = partialGraph.getDependencyGraph();
    List<Module> modules = Lists.newArrayList();

    // Convert the project_config() targets into modules and find the union of all jars passed to
    // no_dx.
    ImmutableSet.Builder<Path> noDxJarsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
    for (BuildTarget target : partialGraph.getTargets()) {
      BuildRule buildRule = dependencyGraph.findBuildRuleByTarget(target);
      ProjectConfig projectConfig = (ProjectConfig) buildRule.getBuildable();

      BuildRule srcRule = projectConfig.getSrcRule();
      if (srcRule != null) {
        Buildable buildable = srcRule.getBuildable();
        if (buildable instanceof AndroidBinary) {
          AndroidBinary androidBinary = (AndroidBinary) buildable;
          AndroidDexTransitiveDependencies binaryDexTransitiveDependencies =

      Module module = createModuleForProjectConfig(projectConfig);
    ImmutableSet<Path> noDxJars = noDxJarsBuilder.build();

    // Update module dependencies to apply scope="PROVIDED", where appropriate.
    markNoDxJarsAsProvided(modules, noDxJars);

    return modules;
  private Module createModuleForProjectConfig(ProjectConfig projectConfig) throws IOException {
    BuildRule projectRule = projectConfig.getProjectRule();
    Buildable buildable = projectRule.getBuildable();
        projectRule instanceof JavaLibrary
            || buildable instanceof JavaLibrary
            || buildable instanceof JavaBinary
            || buildable instanceof AndroidLibrary
            || buildable instanceof AndroidResource
            || buildable instanceof AndroidBinary
            || buildable instanceof NdkLibrary,
        "project_config() does not know how to process a src_target of type %s.",

    LinkedHashSet<DependentModule> dependencies = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
    final BuildTarget target = projectConfig.getBuildTarget();
    Module module = new Module(projectRule, target);
    module.name = getIntellijNameForRule(projectRule);
    module.isIntelliJPlugin = projectConfig.getIsIntelliJPlugin();

    String relativePath = projectConfig.getBuildTarget().getBasePathWithSlash();
    module.pathToImlFile = String.format("%s%s.iml", relativePath, module.name);

    // List the module source as the first dependency.
    boolean includeSourceFolder = true;

    // Do the tests before the sources so they appear earlier in the classpath. When tests are run,
    // their classpath entries may be deliberately shadowing production classpath entries.

    // tests folder
    boolean hasSourceFoldersForTestRule =
            true /* isTestSource */);

    // test dependencies
    BuildRule testRule = projectConfig.getTestRule();
    if (testRule != null) {
      walkRuleAndAdd(testRule, true /* isForTests */, dependencies, projectConfig.getSrcRule());

    // src folder
    boolean hasSourceFoldersForSrcRule =
            false /* isTestSource */);

    addRootExcludes(module, projectConfig.getSrcRule(), projectFilesystem);

    // At least one of src or tests should contribute a source folder unless this is an
    // non-library Android project with no source roots specified.
    if (!hasSourceFoldersForTestRule && !hasSourceFoldersForSrcRule) {
      includeSourceFolder = false;

    // IntelliJ expects all Android projects to have a gen/ folder, even if there is no src/
    // directory specified.
    boolean isAndroidRule = projectRule.getProperties().is(ANDROID);
    if (isAndroidRule) {
      boolean hasSourceFolders = !module.sourceFolders.isEmpty();
      if (!hasSourceFolders) {
        includeSourceFolder = true;

    // src dependencies
    // Note that isForTests is false even if projectRule is the project_config's test_target.
    walkRuleAndAdd(projectRule, false /* isForTests */, dependencies, projectConfig.getSrcRule());

    String basePathWithSlash = projectConfig.getBuildTarget().getBasePathWithSlash();

    // Specify another path for intellij to generate gen/ for each android module,
    // so that it will not disturb our glob() rules.
    // To specify the location of gen, Intellij requires the relative path from
    // the base path of current build target.
    module.moduleGenPath = generateRelativeGenPath(basePathWithSlash).toString();

    DependentModule jdkDependency;
    if (isAndroidRule) {
      // android details
      if (projectRule.getBuildable() instanceof NdkLibrary) {
        NdkLibrary ndkLibrary = (NdkLibrary) projectRule.getBuildable();
        module.isAndroidLibraryProject = true;
        module.keystorePath = null;
        module.nativeLibs =
      } else if (projectRule.getBuildable() instanceof AndroidResource) {
        AndroidResource androidResource = (AndroidResource) projectRule.getBuildable();
        module.resFolder = createRelativePath(androidResource.getRes(), target);
        module.isAndroidLibraryProject = true;
        module.keystorePath = null;
      } else if (projectRule.getBuildable() instanceof AndroidBinary) {
        AndroidBinary androidBinary = (AndroidBinary) projectRule.getBuildable();
        module.resFolder = null;
        module.isAndroidLibraryProject = false;
        KeystoreProperties keystoreProperties =

        // getKeystore() returns a path relative to the project root, but an IntelliJ module
        // expects the path to the keystore to be relative to the module root.
        module.keystorePath =
      } else {
        module.isAndroidLibraryProject = true;
        module.keystorePath = null;

      module.hasAndroidFacet = true;
      module.proguardConfigPath = null;

      // If there is a default AndroidManifest.xml specified in .buckconfig, use it if
      // AndroidManifest.xml is not present in the root of the [Android] IntelliJ module.
      if (pathToDefaultAndroidManifest.isPresent()) {
        String androidManifest = basePathWithSlash + "AndroidManifest.xml";
        if (!projectFilesystem.exists(androidManifest)) {
          String manifestPath = this.pathToDefaultAndroidManifest.get();
          String rootPrefix = "//";
              "Currently, we expect this option to start with '%s', "
                  + "indicating that it is relative to the root of the repository.",
          manifestPath = manifestPath.substring(rootPrefix.length());
          String relativePathToManifest =
          // IntelliJ requires that the path start with a slash to indicate that it is relative to
          // the module.
          module.androidManifest = "/" + relativePathToManifest;

      // List this last so that classes from modules can shadow classes in the JDK.
      jdkDependency = DependentModule.newInheritedJdk();
    } else {
      module.hasAndroidFacet = false;

      if (module.isIntelliJPlugin()) {
        jdkDependency = DependentModule.newIntelliJPluginJdk();
      } else {
        jdkDependency = DependentModule.newStandardJdk();

    // Assign the dependencies.
    module.dependencies =
        createDependenciesInOrder(includeSourceFolder, dependencies, jdkDependency);

    // Annotation processing generates sources for IntelliJ to consume, but does so outside
    // the module directory to avoid messing up globbing.
    JavaLibrary javaLibrary = null;
    if (projectRule.getBuildable() instanceof JavaLibrary) {
      javaLibrary = (JavaLibrary) projectRule.getBuildable();
    } else if (projectRule instanceof JavaLibrary) {
      javaLibrary = (JavaLibrary) projectRule;
    if (javaLibrary != null) {
      AnnotationProcessingData processingData = javaLibrary.getAnnotationProcessingData();

      Path annotationGenSrc = processingData.getGeneratedSourceFolderName();
      if (annotationGenSrc != null) {
        module.annotationGenPath =
            "/" + Paths.get(basePathWithSlash).relativize(annotationGenSrc).toString();
        module.annotationGenIsForTest = !hasSourceFoldersForSrcRule;

    return module;