LayoutContainer initProButtons() { TableLayout tl = new TableLayout(2); lc.setLayout(tl); TableData td1 = new TableData(); td1.setColspan(1); TableData td2 = new TableData(); td2.setColspan(2); bsd_add = new BcodeSelectDialog<TreeNodeModelData>() { public void doposted(List<TreeNodeModelData> modeldatalist) { if (modeldatalist.size() > 0) { this.setEmptyText("已经选择了数据"); List<TreeNodeModelData> selectchecklist = bsd_add.getTree().getCheckedSelection(); if (selectchecklist.size() <= 0) { MessageBox.alert("错误", "请选择“离职人员”", null); return; } String bcodestr = ""; for (TreeNodeModelData tnmd : selectchecklist) { BusiObject bo = new BusiObject(); bcodestr += " systembcode like '" + tnmd.get("systembcode") + "%25' or "; } bcodestr += " 1=2"; GWT.log("bcodestr =" + bcodestr); String sql = "select icode, bcode,employstatus,leavereason,leavemark,Resignationdate from bcode_job where exists (select * from systembcode_view where systembcode_view.bcode = bcode_job.bcode and ( " + bcodestr + "))"; GWT.log("sql =" + sql); store.getStoreinfo().setSql(sql); store.reload(); } } }; bsd_add.setNeesreselect(false); bsd_add.setEmptyText("未选择数据"); bsd_add.setExpanded(); bsd_add.setCheckNodes(CheckNodes.BOTH); Resignationdate = new DateField(); Resignationdate.getPropertyEditor().setFormat(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")); save.addListener(Events.OnClick, getListener()); lc.add(new LabelField("选择人员:"), td1); lc.add(bsd_add, td1); lc.add(new LabelField("状态改变为:"), td1); lc.add(C_num8, td1); lc.add(leavereason_l, td1); lc.add(C_num9, td1); lc.add(resignationdate_l, td1); lc.add(Resignationdate, td1); lc.add(mark_l, td1); lc.add(mark_t, td1); leavereason_l.setVisible(false); C_num9.setVisible(false); mark_l.setVisible(false); mark_t.setVisible(false); resignationdate_l.setVisible(false); Resignationdate.setVisible(false); lc.add(save, td2); bsd_add.addListener(Events.Changed, getListener()); C_num8.addListener(Events.Changed, getListener()); C_num9.addListener(Events.Changed, getListener()); mark_t.addListener(Events.Changed, getListener()); Resignationdate.addListener(Events.Changed, getListener()); return lc; }
private TextArea getCommandLineTextArea() { if (txtrEnterTheCommand == null) { txtrEnterTheCommand = new TextArea(); txtrEnterTheCommand.setFieldLabel("Enter the command to run"); txtrEnterTheCommand.setAllowBlank(false); txtrEnterTheCommand.addListener( Events.KeyUp, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { String text = txtrEnterTheCommand.getValue(); String exe; if (text == null) { exe = ""; } else { int firstWhitespace = text.indexOf(" "); if (firstWhitespace == -1) { exe = text; } else { exe = text.substring(0, firstWhitespace); } } if (lastCalculatedExecutable != null && lastCalculatedExecutable.equals(exe)) { return; } final String executable = exe; lastCalculatedExecutable = exe; suggestJobname(); if (exe.length() == 0) { lastCalculatedExecutable = null; setStatus("No executable specified."); setAppNotAvailable(); return; } setStatus("Trying to find application(s) for executable: " + executable); GrisuClientService.Util.getInstance() .getApplicationForExecutable( exe, new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { getApplicationPanel().setHeading("Application"); arg0.printStackTrace(); } public void onSuccess(String[] arg0) { if (arg0.length == 0) { setStatus("Could not find application for executable: " + executable); setAppNotAvailable(); return; } if (arg0.length > 1) { setStatus( "Found more than one application for executable: " + executable + ". Please contact [email protected] and tell them to bloody fix this."); // return; } setStatus( "Found " + arg0.length + " applications for executable " + executable + ". Getting Versions..."); setCurrentApplication(arg0); fillVersionsComboBox(); } }); } }); } return txtrEnterTheCommand; }