@Override public void removeVcenterCluster(URI datacenterUri, URI clusterUri) throws InternalException { VcenterApiClient vcenterApiClient = null; try { VcenterDataCenter vcenterDataCenter = _dbClient.queryObject(VcenterDataCenter.class, datacenterUri); Cluster cluster = _dbClient.queryObject(Cluster.class, clusterUri); Vcenter vcenter = _dbClient.queryObject(Vcenter.class, vcenterDataCenter.getVcenter()); _log.info( "Request to remove cluster " + vcenter.getLabel() + "/" + vcenterDataCenter.getLabel() + "/" + cluster.getLabel()); vcenterApiClient = new VcenterApiClient(_coordinator.getPropertyInfo()); vcenterApiClient.setup(vcenter.getIpAddress(), vcenter.getUsername(), vcenter.getPassword()); vcenterApiClient.removeCluster(vcenterDataCenter.getLabel(), cluster.getExternalId()); } catch (VcenterObjectConnectionException e) { throw VcenterControllerException.exceptions.objectConnectionException( e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (VcenterObjectNotFoundException e) { throw VcenterControllerException.exceptions.objectNotFoundException( e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (VcenterServerConnectionException e) { throw VcenterControllerException.exceptions.serverConnectionException( e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("removeVcenterCluster exception " + e); throw VcenterControllerException.exceptions.unexpectedException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } finally { if (vcenterApiClient != null) vcenterApiClient.destroy(); } }
/** * Adds the tenant to the vCenter acls if the tenant admin is creating it. This always sets the * vCenter tenant (the old deprecated filed to null). * * @param tenant a valid tenant org if the tenant admin is creating it. * @param vcenter the vCenter being created. */ private void addVcenterAclIfTenantAdmin(TenantOrg tenant, Vcenter vcenter) { // Always set the deprecated tenant field of a vCenter to null. vcenter.setTenant(NullColumnValueGetter.getNullURI()); if (isSystemAdmin()) { return; } URI tenantId; if (tenant != null) { tenantId = tenant.getId(); } else { // If the tenant org is not valid, try to use the // user's tenant org. tenantId = URI.create(getUserFromContext().getTenantId()); } // If the User is an admin in the tenant org, allow the // operation otherwise, report the insufficient permission // exception. if (_permissionsHelper.userHasGivenRole(getUserFromContext(), tenantId, Role.TENANT_ADMIN)) { // Generate the acl entry and add to the vCenters acls. String aclKey = _permissionsHelper.getTenantUsePermissionKey(tenantId.toString()); vcenter.addAcl(aclKey, ACL.USE.name()); _log.debug("Adding {} to the vCenter {} acls", aclKey, vcenter.getLabel()); } }
/** * Check if the vCenter being updated is used by any of its vCenterDataCenters or clusters or * hosts or not. This validates only with respect to the tenant that is being removed from the * vCenter acls. If the tenant that is getting removed teh vCenter has any exports with the * vCenter's vCenterDataCenter or its clusters or hosts. * * @param vcenter the vCenter being updated. * @param changes new acl assignment changes for the vCenter. */ private void checkVcenterUsage(Vcenter vcenter, ACLAssignmentChanges changes) { // Make a copy of the vCenter's existing tenant list. List<ACLEntry> existingAclEntries = _permissionsHelper.convertToACLEntries(vcenter.getAcls()); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(existingAclEntries)) { // If there no existing acl entries for the vCenter // there is nothing to validate if it is in user or not. _log.debug("vCenter {} does not have any existing acls", vcenter.getLabel()); return; } // If there are no tenants to be removed from the vCenter acls, // there is nothing to check for usage. if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(changes.getRemove())) { _log.debug("There are not acls to remove from vCenter {}", vcenter.getLabel()); return; } Set<String> tenantsInUse = new HashSet<String>(); Set<URI> removingTenants = _permissionsHelper.getUsageURIsFromAclEntries(changes.getRemove()); Set<URI> existingTenants = _permissionsHelper.getUsageURIsFromAclEntries(existingAclEntries); Iterator<URI> removingTenantsIterator = removingTenants.iterator(); while (removingTenantsIterator.hasNext()) { URI removingTenant = removingTenantsIterator.next(); if (!existingTenants.contains(removingTenant)) { continue; } // Check if vCenter is in use for the removing tenant or not. // This checks for all the datacenters of this vcenter that belong to the // removing tenant and finds if the datacenter or it clusters or hosts // use the exports from the removing tenant or not. if (ComputeSystemHelper.isVcenterInUseForTheTenant( _dbClient, vcenter.getId(), removingTenant)) { TenantOrg tenant = _dbClient.queryObject(TenantOrg.class, removingTenant); tenantsInUse.add(tenant.getLabel()); } } if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(tenantsInUse)) { throw APIException.badRequests.cannotRemoveTenant("vCener", vcenter.getLabel(), tenantsInUse); } }
private List<String> getVirtualMachines( URI datacenterUri, URI clusterUri, URI hostUri, boolean runningOnly) throws InternalException { VcenterApiClient vcenterApiClient = null; try { Host host = _dbClient.queryObject(Host.class, hostUri); VcenterDataCenter vcenterDataCenter = _dbClient.queryObject(VcenterDataCenter.class, datacenterUri); Cluster cluster = _dbClient.queryObject(Cluster.class, clusterUri); Vcenter vcenter = _dbClient.queryObject(Vcenter.class, vcenterDataCenter.getVcenter()); _log.info( "Request to get virtual machines for " + vcenter.getLabel() + "/" + vcenterDataCenter.getLabel() + "/" + cluster.getLabel() + "/" + host.getHostName()); vcenterApiClient = new VcenterApiClient(_coordinator.getPropertyInfo()); vcenterApiClient.setup(vcenter.getIpAddress(), vcenter.getUsername(), vcenter.getPassword()); return runningOnly ? vcenterApiClient.getRunningVirtualMachines( vcenterDataCenter.getLabel(), cluster.getExternalId(), host.getHostName()) : vcenterApiClient.getVirtualMachines( vcenterDataCenter.getLabel(), cluster.getExternalId(), host.getHostName()); } catch (VcenterObjectConnectionException e) { throw VcenterControllerException.exceptions.objectConnectionException( e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (VcenterObjectNotFoundException e) { throw VcenterControllerException.exceptions.objectNotFoundException( e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (VcenterServerConnectionException e) { throw VcenterControllerException.exceptions.serverConnectionException( e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("getVirtualMachines exception " + e); throw VcenterControllerException.exceptions.unexpectedException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } finally { if (vcenterApiClient != null) vcenterApiClient.destroy(); } }
/** * Validates the create/update vCenter input data * * @param param the input parameter * @param vcenter the vcenter being updated in case of update operation. This parameter must be * null for create operations. */ protected void validateVcenter(VcenterParam param, Vcenter vcenter, Boolean validateConnection) { if (vcenter == null || (param.findIpAddress() != null && !param.findIpAddress().equals(vcenter.getIpAddress()))) { checkDuplicateAltId(Vcenter.class, "ipAddress", param.findIpAddress(), "vcenter"); } if (vcenter == null || (param.getName() != null && !param.getName().equals(vcenter.getLabel()))) { checkDuplicateLabel(Vcenter.class, param.getName(), "vcenter"); } validateVcenterCredentials(param, vcenter); if (validateConnection != null && validateConnection == true) { String errorMessage = VCenterConnectionValidator.isVCenterConnectionValid(param); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(errorMessage)) { throw APIException.badRequests.invalidVCenterConnection(errorMessage); } } }
/** * Add or remove individual Access Control List entry(s). When the vCenter is created with no * shared access (Vcenter.shared = Boolean.FALSE), there cannot be multiple Access Control List * Entries associated with this vCenter. * * @param changes Access Control List assignment changes. Request body must include at least one * add or remove operation * @param id the URN of a ViPR Project. * @return the vCenter discovery async task. */ @PUT @Path("/{id}/acl") @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @CheckPermission(roles = {Role.SECURITY_ADMIN, Role.SYSTEM_ADMIN}) public TaskResourceRep updateAclAssignments( @PathParam("id") URI id, ACLAssignmentChanges changes) { // Make sure the vCenter is a valid one. Vcenter vcenter = queryObject(Vcenter.class, id, true); ArgValidator.checkEntity(vcenter, id, isIdEmbeddedInURL(id)); // Validate the acl assignment changes. It is not valid when an // acl entry contains more than one privilege or privileges // other than USE. validateAclAssignments(changes); // Make sure that the vCenter with respect to the tenants // that we are removing is not in use (means the datacenters // and its clusters and hosts with the removing tenant do not // have any exports). checkVcenterUsage(vcenter, changes); _permissionsHelper.updateACLs( vcenter, changes, new PermissionsHelper.UsageACLFilter(_permissionsHelper)); _dbClient.updateAndReindexObject(vcenter); auditOp( OperationTypeEnum.UPDATE_VCENTER, true, null, vcenter.getId().toString(), vcenter.getLabel(), changes); // Rediscover the vCenter, this will update the updated // list of tenants based its latest acls to its datacenters // and hosts and clusters. return doDiscoverVcenter(queryObject(Vcenter.class, vcenter.getId(), true)); }
/** * Check if the other tenants using the vCenter before deleting it. SysAdmin deleting the vCenter * is always allowed whereas, if the vCenter is shared with multiple tenants then it cannot be * deleted by the Tenant Admin. * * @param vcenter to be deleted. */ private void checkIfOtherTenantsUsingTheVcenter(Vcenter vcenter) { if (!isSystemAdmin() && vcenter.getAcls().size() > 1) { throw APIException.forbidden.tenantAdminCannotDeleteVcenter( getUserFromContext().getName(), vcenter.getLabel()); } }