/* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.app.Activity#onRestart() */ @Override protected void onRestart() { Log.d(LOG_PREFIX, "onRestart called"); // restarting file download if (fileDownloader != null && fileDownloader.hasRemainingDownloads()) { Log.d(LOG_PREFIX, "Continuing downloading of photos"); fileDownloader.execute(); } super.onRestart(); }
/** * Called when the list of all photos have been downloaded from backend * * @param slideShowPhotos Photos in the feed, may not exist in cache yet */ private void actionOnPhotoUrlsDownloaded(List<SlideshowPhoto> slideShowPhotos) { Log.i(LOG_PREFIX, "Photo gallery definition downloaded, now looking through the results"); // Let's add the existing one to the adapter immediately, and send the other to the // FileDownloader ArrayList<DownloadableObject> notCachedPhotos = new ArrayList<DownloadableObject>(100); ArrayList<SlideshowPhoto> cachedPhotos = new ArrayList<SlideshowPhoto>(200); for (Iterator<SlideshowPhoto> iterator = slideShowPhotos.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { SlideshowPhoto slideshowPhoto = iterator.next(); if (slideshowPhoto.isCacheExisting(rootFileDirectory)) { cachedPhotos.add(slideshowPhoto); } else { notCachedPhotos.add(slideshowPhoto); } } if (cachedPhotos.size() > 0) { // lets randomize all the cached photos long seed = System.nanoTime(); Collections.shuffle(cachedPhotos, new Random(seed)); addSlideshowPhoto(cachedPhotos); } if (notCachedPhotos.size() > 0) { // Rules for download // 1. Never download on roaming if (AndroidUtils.isConnectedRoaming(getApplicationContext())) { notifyUser(getString(R.string.msg_connected_roaming)); return; } boolean connectOn3G = SlideshowPreferences.doDownloadOn3G(getApplicationContext()); boolean isConnectedToWifi = AndroidUtils.isConnectedToWifi(getApplicationContext()); boolean isConnectedToWired = AndroidUtils.isConnectedToWired(getApplicationContext()); // 2. Do not download if not connected to Wifi and user has not changed connect to Wifi // setting if (isConnectedToWifi == false && isConnectedToWired == false && connectOn3G == false) { if (AndroidUtils.isGoogleTV(getApplicationContext())) { String msg = "On GoogleTV, but not connected to wifi or wired. Ignoring this. WifiCon=" + isConnectedToWifi + " WiredCon=" + isConnectedToWired; Log.w(LOG_PREFIX, msg); isConnectedToWifi = true; } else { notifyUser(getString(R.string.msg_connected_mobile)); } } // 3. Connect if on wifi or if not connected to wifi and wifi setting is changed if ((isConnectedToWifi == true || isConnectedToWired == true) || connectOn3G == true) { Log.i( LOG_PREFIX, "Downloading photos. ConnectedToWifi=" + isConnectedToWifi + " ConnectOn3G=" + connectOn3G); // lets randomize all the non-cached photos long seed = System.nanoTime(); Collections.shuffle(notCachedPhotos, new Random(seed)); fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(this.getBaseContext(), this, rootFileDirectory, notCachedPhotos); fileDownloader.execute(); } } else { Log.i(LOG_PREFIX, "No new photos to download"); } }