public Boolean identify() throws IOException, SQLException { Boolean result = false; try { resultSet = hBaseSQLManager.executeSqlGetString( "SELECT MD5_ID FROM VISITOR WHERE MD5_ID ='" + getMd5Id() + "'"); if ( result = true; } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (hBaseSQLManager.statement != null) try { hBaseSQLManager.statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return result; }
/** * Method which saves visitor. There are listed 4 cases: 1. Visitor's cookiesId & cookiesData are * equal to visitor's MD5_ID & MD5_DATA into HBase. 2. Visitor's cookiesId are equal to MD5_ID * from HBase, but DATA is not equal. The we update visitor. 3. Visitor's cookies does not have * cookiesId or cookiesData. If visitor's md5Data is found into HBase, then we assign visitor to * existing one. 4. Visitor's cookies does not have cookiesId or cookiesData. Create new visitor * if nothing similar found into Hbase. */ @Override public void save() { // JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); String cookiesId = getMd5Id(); String cookiesData = getMd5Data(); String md5IdSearch = ""; String md5DataSearch = ""; int visitorId = 0; // CASE: WHEN THERE ARE COOKIES BUT THERE ARE NO USER IN DB!!! /** This if checks if visitor has cookies. */ if (!cookiesId.equals("")) { try { resultSet = hBaseSQLManager.executeSqlGetString( "SELECT * FROM VISITOR WHERE MD5_ID ='" + cookiesId + "'"); if ( { md5IdSearch = resultSet.getString("MD5_ID"); md5DataSearch = resultSet.getString("MD5_DATA"); visitorId = resultSet.getInt("ID"); } } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (hBaseSQLManager.statement != null) try { hBaseSQLManager.statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (cookiesId.equals(md5IdSearch)) { if (cookiesData.equals(md5DataSearch)) { } else { /* Seems user changed something. We'll update visitor. OK */ try { hBaseSQLManager.executeSqlGetIdOnUpdate( "UPSERT INTO VISITOR(ID, USER_AGENT, HEADERS, " + "TIMEZONE, SCREEN, ENABLED_COOKIES, PLUGINS, FONTS, MD5_ID, MD5_DATA) " + "VALUES(" + visitorId + ", '" + getUserAgent() + "', '" + getHeaders() + "', " + getTimezone() + ", '" + getScreen() + "', '" + isEnabledCookies() + "'" + ", '" + getPlugins() + "', '" + getFonts() + "', '" + getMd5Id() + "', '" + getMd5Data() + "')"); } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (hBaseSQLManager.statement != null) try { hBaseSQLManager.statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } /** This if checks if visitor does not have cookies. */ if (cookiesId.equals("")) { String md5id = ""; try { resultSet = hBaseSQLManager.executeSqlGetString( "SELECT MD5_DATA FROM VISITOR WHERE MD5_DATA = '" + getMd5Data() + "'"); if ( md5DataSearch = resultSet.getString("MD5_DATA"); } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (hBaseSQLManager.statement != null) try { hBaseSQLManager.statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (md5DataSearch.equals(getMd5Data())) { try { resultSet = hBaseSQLManager.executeSqlGetString( "SELECT MD5_ID FROM VISITOR WHERE MD5_DATA = '" + md5DataSearch + "'"); if ( md5id = resultSet.getString("MD5_ID"); } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (hBaseSQLManager.statement != null) try { hBaseSQLManager.statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } setMd5Id(md5id); } else { try { hBaseSQLManager.executeSqlGetIdOnUpdate( "UPSERT INTO VISITOR(ID, USER_AGENT, TIMEZONE, HEADERS, SCREEN, ENABLED_COOKIES, PLUGINS," + " FONTS, MD5_DATA) " + "VALUES(NEXT VALUE FOR VISITOR.VISITOR_SEQUENCE, '" + getUserAgent() + "', " + getTimezone() + ", '" + getHeaders() + "', '" + getScreen() + "', '" + isEnabledCookies() + "'" + ", '" + getPlugins() + "', '" + getFonts() + "', '" + getMd5Data() + "')"); try { resultSet = hBaseSQLManager.executeSqlGetString( "SELECT ID FROM VISITOR WHERE MD5_DATA = '" + getMd5Data() + "'"); if ( visitorId = resultSet.getInt("ID"); } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (hBaseSQLManager.statement != null) hBaseSQLManager.statement.close(); } md5id = createMD5(Integer.toString(visitorId)); setMd5Id(md5id); hBaseSQLManager.executeSqlGetIdOnUpdate( "UPSERT INTO VISITOR(ID, MD5_ID) VALUES(" + visitorId + ", '" + getMd5Id() + "')"); } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (hBaseSQLManager.statement != null) try { hBaseSQLManager.statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } try { try { hBaseSQLManager.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }