  /** Check if the state was saved successfully to the user profile. */
  public void statesAreSaved() {
    User actual = fileUserManager.getUser("xuser");
    Question actualQuestion = actual.getState().getCurrentQuestion();
    QuestionLevel actualLevel = actual.getState().getCurrentLevel();

    assertEquals(actualQuestion, expectedQuestion);
  /** Add a score the the user and check if the score is saved. */
  public void addScore() {
    Integer expectedScore = 4;
    expectedUser.saveScore(expectedQuestion, expectedScore);
    Map<Question, Integer> map = new HashMap();
    map = expectedUser.getState().getAllScores();
    Integer actualScore = map.get(expectedQuestion);

    assertEquals(expectedScore, actualScore);

    expectedUser.newState(QuestionCategory.COLORS, QuestionLevel.LEVEL_2);
    map = new HashMap();
    map = expectedUser.getState().getAllScores();
    assertEquals(map.size(), 0);

    Object[][] objects = new Object[1][2];
    objects = expectedUser.getHistory(QuestionCategory.SHAPES, QuestionLevel.LEVEL_1);
    assertEquals("xquestion", objects[0][0]);