private IHyperlink getControllerlink(ViewPath viewPath, IRegion wordRegion) { IType controller = SymfonyModelAccess.getDefault() .findController( viewPath.getBundle(), viewPath.getController(), input.getScriptProject()); if (controller != null) { String tpl = viewPath.getTemplate(); // try to open a corresponding action try { String action = tpl.substring(0, tpl.indexOf(".")); if (action.length() > 0) { IMethod method = controller.getMethod(action + "Action"); return new ModelElementHyperlink(wordRegion, method, new OpenAction(editor)); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore and open the controller } return new ModelElementHyperlink(wordRegion, controller, new OpenAction(editor)); } return null; }
private IHyperlink getTemplateLink(ViewPath viewPath, IRegion wordRegion) { IScriptFolder folder = SymfonyModelAccess.getDefault() .findBundleFolder(viewPath.getBundle(), input.getScriptProject()); if (folder == null) { Logger.debugMSG("Unable to resolve template link: " + viewPath); return null; } String path = "Resources/views/"; if (viewPath.getController() != null) { path += viewPath.getController() + "/"; } path += viewPath.getTemplate(); ISourceModule module = folder.getSourceModule(path); if (module != null) { return new ModelElementHyperlink(wordRegion, module, new OpenAction(editor)); } return null; }
@Override public void apply(ICompletionReporter reporter) throws BadLocationException { ViewPathArgumentContext context = (ViewPathArgumentContext) getContext(); CompletionRequestor req = context.getCompletionRequestor(); if (req.getClass() == PHPCompletionProposalCollector.class) { return; } if (workaroundCount == 0) { workaroundCount++; } else { workaroundCount = 0; return; } SymfonyModelAccess model = SymfonyModelAccess.getDefault(); ISourceModule module = context.getSourceModule(); ViewPath viewPath = context.getViewPath(); String bundle = viewPath.getBundle(); String controller = viewPath.getController(); String template = viewPath.getTemplate(); SourceRange range = getReplacementRange(context); IDLTKSearchScope projectScope = SearchEngine.createSearchScope(context.getSourceModule().getScriptProject()); String prefix = context.getPrefix(); // complete the bundle part if (bundle == null && controller == null && template == null) { List<Bundle> bundles = model.findBundles(context.getSourceModule().getScriptProject()); for (Bundle b : bundles) { IType[] bundleTypes = PhpModelAccess.getDefault() .findTypes(b.getElementName(), MatchRule.EXACT, 0, 0, projectScope, null); if (bundleTypes.length == 1) { ModelElement bType = (ModelElement) bundleTypes[0]; if (CodeAssistUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(bType.getElementName(), prefix)) { Bundle bundleType = new Bundle(bType, b.getElementName()); reporter.reportType(bundleType, ":", range); } } } // complete the controller part: "Bundle:| } else if (controller == null && template == null) { IType[] controllers = model.findBundleControllers(bundle, module.getScriptProject()); if (controllers != null) { for (IType ctrl : controllers) { String name = ctrl.getElementName().replace("Controller", ""); if (!name.endsWith("\\")) { Controller con = new Controller((ModelElement) ctrl, name); reporter.reportType(con, ":", range); } } } // complete template path: "Bundle:Controller:| } else if (bundle != null && controller != null && template == null) { IModelElement[] templates = model.findTemplates(bundle, controller, module.getScriptProject()); if (templates != null) { for (IModelElement tpl : templates) { if (CodeAssistUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(tpl.getElementName(), prefix)) { Template t = new Template((ModelElement) tpl, tpl.getElementName()); reporter.reportType(t, "", range); } } } // project root: "::| } else if (bundle == null && controller == null && template != null) { IModelElement[] templates = model.findRootTemplates(module.getScriptProject()); if (templates != null) { for (IModelElement tpl : templates) { if (CodeAssistUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(tpl.getElementName(), prefix)) { Template t = new Template((ModelElement) tpl, tpl.getElementName()); reporter.reportType(t, "", range); } } } // bundle root: "AcmeDemoBundle::| } else if (bundle != null && controller == null && template != null) { IModelElement[] templates = model.findBundleRootTemplates(bundle, module.getScriptProject()); if (templates != null) { for (IModelElement tpl : templates) { if (CodeAssistUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(tpl.getElementName(), prefix)) { Template t = new Template((ModelElement) tpl, tpl.getElementName()); reporter.reportType(t, "", range); } } } } }