private void setControlActive( List<Control> controlList, List<Control> controlListForTable, String[] controlIds) { for (Control control : controlList) { control.setActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < controlIds.length; i++) { if (control.getId() == Long.parseLong(Utils.isEmpty(controlIds[i]) ? "0" : controlIds[i])) { control.setActive(true); } } controlListForTable.add(control); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/icga/InternalCtrlGapAnalysisAC.html", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String InternalCtrlGapAnalysisACPost(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { logger.debug(" :: InternalCtrlGapAnalysisAC POSt ::"); String controlIds = ""; List<Control> controlList = adminService.getAllControl(); for (Control control : controlList) { String checkboxStatus = request.getParameter(control.getId() + ""); if (checkboxStatus != null && Constants.CHECK_BOX_ON.equals(checkboxStatus)) { controlIds = controlIds + "," + control.getId(); } } controlIds = Utils.isEmpty(controlIds) ? "" : controlIds.substring(1, controlIds.length()); logger.debug(" ControlIds : " + controlIds); if (Utils.isEmpty(controlIds)) { Utils.setErrorMessage( request, Utils.getMessageBundlePropertyValue("icga.analyzeByControl.noIdisSelect")); return "redirect:./InternalCtrlGapAnalysisAC.html"; } return "redirect:internalCtrlGapAnalysis.html?icga=0&controlIds=" + controlIds; }
/** * control list with applied in no of transaction * * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/icga/getJASONforExistingControlList.html", method = RequestMethod.POST) public @ResponseBody JasonBean getAssignmentList(HttpServletRequest request) { logger.debug("Control List Controller "); String page = request.getParameter("page") != null ? request.getParameter("page") : "1"; String rp = request.getParameter("rp") != null ? request.getParameter("rp") : "10"; String sortname = request.getParameter("sortname") != null ? request.getParameter("sortname") : "projectName"; String sortorder = request.getParameter("sortorder") != null ? request.getParameter("sortorder") : "desc"; String query = request.getParameter("query") != null ? request.getParameter("query") : "false"; String qtype = request.getParameter("qtype") != null ? request.getParameter("qtype") : "false"; String controlIds = request.getParameter("controlIds") != null ? request.getParameter("controlIds") : "0"; String tableName = request.getParameter("tableName") != null ? request.getParameter("tableName") : ""; String controlIdsListAsString = ""; JasonBean jasonData = new JasonBean(); List dbColumnHeaderList = new ArrayList(); int totalControl = 0; List controlList = new ArrayList(); List<Cell> entry = new ArrayList<Cell>(); List allControlList = new ArrayList<Cell>(); Map<String, Integer> countMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); try { String partSql = !"0".equals(controlIds) ? InternalControlGapAnalysisController.getStringForComparingControls(controlIds) : ""; allControlList = adminJdbcService.getControlIdList(controlIds, partSql); controlIdsListAsString = getCommaseparatedStringFromList(allControlList); String[] controllIdsArray = !"0".equals(controlIds) ? getUsedControlsByControlIds(controlIds, controlIdsListAsString.split(",")) : controlIdsListAsString.split(","); countMap = countStringOccurences(controllIdsArray, adminJdbcService); if (countMap != null && countMap.size() > 0) { logger.debug("AMLOG:: countMap size: " + countMap.size()); jasonData.setPage(Utils.parseInteger(page)); for (String string : countMap.keySet()) { Map map = new HashMap(); Long controlId = !Utils.isEmpty(string) ? Long.parseLong(string) : 0; logger.debug("AMLOG:: controlId: " + controlId); // Control control = new Control(); Cell cell = new Cell(); Control control = controlId > 0 ? (Control) adminService.loadEntityById(controlId, Constants.CONTROL) : new Control(); /*control.setId(controlId); control.setName(controlName);*/ control.setTotalUsed(countMap.get(string)); cell.setCell(control); entry.add(cell); map.put("control_name", control.getName()); map.put("transaction_type", control.getTransactionType()); map.put("total", countMap.get(string)); controlList.add(map); } int totalItem = controlList != null ? controlList.size() : 0; Map mapForHeader = new HashMap(); mapForHeader.put( "name", "control_name"); // key=flexigrid parameter name, value = dbField Name mapForHeader.put("transactionType", "transaction_type"); mapForHeader.put("totalUsed", "total"); dbColumnHeaderList.add(mapForHeader); request.getSession().setAttribute(tableName, dbColumnHeaderList); jasonData.setRows(entry); jasonData.setTotal(totalItem); jasonData.setDbColumnHeader(dbColumnHeaderList); if ("max".equals(rp)) { logger.debug("SMN LOG: custom controlList size=" + controlList.size()); TransactionSearchController.setTotalListSizeAndListInSession( totalItem, controlList, request); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.debug("CERROR: Real Time Project exception : " + ex); } return jasonData; }
private void setControlInActive(List<Control> controlList, List<Control> controlListForTable) { for (Control control1 : controlList) { control1.setActive(false); controlListForTable.add(control1); } }