public BoundStatementWrapper bindForSimpleCounterIncrementDecrement( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps, PropertyMeta pm, Long increment, ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel) { EntityMeta entityMeta = context.getEntityMeta(); Object primaryKey = context.getPrimaryKey(); log.trace( "Bind prepared statement {} for simple counter increment of {} using primary key {} and value {}", ps.getQueryString(), pm, primaryKey, increment); Object[] boundValues = ArrayUtils.add( extractValuesForSimpleCounterBinding(entityMeta, pm, primaryKey), 0, increment); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(boundValues); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, boundValues, getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), NO_LISTENER, NO_SERIAL_CONSISTENCY); }
public BoundStatementWrapper bindForClusteredCounterIncrementDecrement( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps, PropertyMeta counterMeta, Long increment) { EntityMeta entityMeta = context.getEntityMeta(); Object primaryKey = context.getPrimaryKey(); log.trace( "Bind prepared statement {} for clustered counter increment/decrement for {} using primary key {} and value {}", ps.getQueryString(), entityMeta, primaryKey, increment); ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = overrider.getWriteLevel(context); List<Object> primaryKeys = bindPrimaryKey( primaryKey, entityMeta.getIdMeta(), counterMeta.structure().isStaticColumn()); Object[] keys = addAll(new Object[] {increment}, primaryKeys.toArray()); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(keys); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, keys, getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), NO_LISTENER, NO_SERIAL_CONSISTENCY); }
public BoundStatementWrapper bindForClusteredCounterSelect( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps, boolean onlyStaticColumns, ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel) { EntityMeta entityMeta = context.getEntityMeta(); Object primaryKey = context.getPrimaryKey(); log.trace( "Bind prepared statement {} for clustered counter read for {} using primary key {}", ps.getQueryString(), entityMeta, primaryKey); List<Object> primaryKeys = bindPrimaryKey(primaryKey, entityMeta.getIdMeta(), onlyStaticColumns); Object[] boundValues = primaryKeys.toArray(); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(boundValues); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, boundValues, getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), NO_LISTENER, NO_SERIAL_CONSISTENCY); }
public Optional<Auction> getAuction(String auctionName) { BoundStatement auctionBoundStatement = getAuction.bind(auctionName); Row auction = session.execute(auctionBoundStatement).one(); LOGGER.debug("Getting auction information for auction {} rows {}", auctionName, auction); BoundStatement bidsBound = getAuctionBids.bind(auctionName); List<BidVo> bids = session .execute(bidsBound) .all() .stream() .map( row -> new BidVo( row.getString("bid_user"), row.getLong("bid_amount"), UUIDs.unixTimestamp(row.getUUID("bid_time")))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return Optional.of( new Auction( auction.getString("name"), Instant.ofEpochMilli(auction.getLong("ends")), bids, auction.getString("owner"))); }
public BoundStatementWrapper bindForUpdate( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps, List<PropertyMeta> pms) { EntityMeta entityMeta = context.getEntityMeta(); Object entity = context.getEntity(); log.trace( "Bind prepared statement {} for properties {} update of entity {}", ps.getQueryString(), pms, entity); ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = overrider.getWriteLevel(context); List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(); final int staticColumnsCount = FluentIterable.from(pms).filter(PropertyMeta.STATIC_COLUMN_FILTER).size(); final boolean onlyStaticColumns = staticColumnsCount > 0 && pms.size() == staticColumnsCount; values.addAll(fetchTTLAndTimestampValues(context)); values.addAll(fetchPropertiesValues(pms, entity)); values.addAll(fetchPrimaryKeyValues(entityMeta, entity, onlyStaticColumns)); values.addAll(fetchCASConditionsValues(context, entityMeta)); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(values.toArray()); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, values.toArray(), getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), context.getCASResultListener(), context.getSerialConsistencyLevel()); }
public void execute(Tuple tuple) {"Story found"); String tweet = tuple.getString(0); outputCollector.ack(tuple); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.prepare("INSERT INTO tweets (seen, tweet) VALUES (?, ?)"); session.execute(preparedStatement.bind(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), tweet)); }
@Override public Company getCompany(final String firstName, final String lastName) { final String cql = "select * from company where first_name = ? and last_name = ?"; final PreparedStatement cachedPreparedStatement = getCachedPreparedStatement(cql); final BoundStatement statement = cachedPreparedStatement.bind(firstName, lastName); final ResultSet resultSet = cassandraOperations.getSession().execute(statement); final Row row =; return toCompany(row); }
private PreparedStatement getCachedPreparedStatement(final String cql) { final CachedPreparedStatementCreator cachedPreparedStatementCreator = new CachedPreparedStatementCreator(cql); final PreparedStatement preparedStatement = cachedPreparedStatementCreator.createPreparedStatement(cassandraTemplate.getSession()); preparedStatement.setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.ONE); return preparedStatement; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see dal.SchoolDAL#delete(models.School) */ @Override public int delete(School school) { final PreparedStatement statement = session.prepare("DELETE FROM school WHERE school_id = ?"); final BoundStatement boundStatement = statement.bind(school.getSchoolId()); try { session.executeAsync(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } return 1; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see dal.SchoolDAL#getById(java.lang.String) */ @Override public School getById(String id) { final PreparedStatement statement = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM school WHERE school_id = ?"); final BoundStatement boundedStatement = statement.bind(id); final ResultSetFuture schoolFuture = session.executeAsync(boundedStatement); final Row schoolRow = schoolFuture.getUninterruptibly().one(); School school; if (schoolRow != null) { school = createSchoolForRow(schoolRow); } else { school = null; } return school; }
public static void waitForSchemaVersionsToCoalesce( String encapsulatingOperationDescription, CQLKeyValueService kvs) { PreparedStatement peerInfoQuery = kvs.getPreparedStatement( CassandraConstants.NO_TABLE, "select peer, schema_version from system.peers;", kvs.session); peerInfoQuery.setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.ALL); Multimap<UUID, InetAddress> peerInfo = ArrayListMultimap.create(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sleepTime = 100; do { peerInfo.clear(); for (Row row : kvs.session.execute(peerInfoQuery.bind()).all()) { peerInfo.put(row.getUUID("schema_version"), row.getInet("peer")); } if (peerInfo.keySet().size() <= 1) { // full schema agreement return; } sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime * 2, 5000); } while (System.currentTimeMillis() < start + CassandraConstants.SECONDS_WAIT_FOR_VERSIONS * 1000); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( String.format( "Cassandra cluster cannot come to agreement on schema versions, during operation: %s.", encapsulatingOperationDescription)); for (Entry<UUID, Collection<InetAddress>> versionToPeer : peerInfo.asMap().entrySet()) { sb.append(String.format("\nAt schema version %s:", versionToPeer.getKey())); for (InetAddress peer : versionToPeer.getValue()) { sb.append(String.format("\n\tNode: %s", peer)); } } sb.append( "\nFind the nodes above that diverge from the majority schema " + "(or have schema 'UNKNOWN', which likely means they are down/unresponsive) " + "and examine their logs to determine the issue. Fixing the underlying issue and restarting Cassandra " + "should resolve the problem. You can quick-check this with 'nodetool describecluster'."); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); }
private void migrate(Set<Integer> scheduleIds, PreparedStatement query, final Bucket bucket) {"Migrating " + bucket + " data for " + scheduleIds.size() + " schedules"); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(scheduleIds.size()); MigrationProgressLogger progressLogger = new MigrationProgressLogger(bucket, latch); File logFile = new File(dataDir, bucket + "_migration.log"); MigrationLog migrationLog = null; try { migrationLog = new MigrationLog(logFile); Set<Integer> migratedScheduleIds =; threadPool.submit(progressLogger); for (Integer scheduleId : scheduleIds) { if (migratedScheduleIds.contains(scheduleId)) { log.debug( bucket + " data for schedule id " + scheduleId + " has already been migrated. It will " + "be skipped."); latch.countDown(); } else { readPermits.acquire(); ResultSet resultSet = session.execute(query.bind(scheduleId)); ListenableFuture<Integer> migrationFuture = threadPool.submit(new MetricsWriter(scheduleId, bucket, resultSet)); Futures.addCallback( migrationFuture, migrationFinished(scheduleId, bucket, latch, migrationLog)); } } latch.await();"Finished migrating " + bucket + " data"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { threadPool.shutdownNow(); throw new RuntimeException( "Migration of " + bucket + " data did not complete due to an interrupt. The " + "upgrade will have to be run again to finish the migration", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Migration of " + bucket + " data did not complete due to an I/O error. The " + "upgrade will have to be run again to finish the migration", e); } finally { progressLogger.finished(); try { migrationLog.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("There was an error closing " + logFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } }
private void insert(Session session) { try { PreparedStatement pstmt = session.prepare( "insert into sens_by_day(s_id, s_date, s_time, s_val) values(?, ?, ?, ?);"); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(pstmt); // Date型変換 SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ"); Date formatDate = sdf.parse("2016-07-25 10:00:00JST"); // Bind boundStatement.bind("s001.home", "2016-07-25", formatDate, "28.24"); System.out.println("cql=" + pstmt.getQueryString()); // Insert one record into the users table session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static Set<Peer> getPeers(Session session) { PreparedStatement selectPeerInfo = session.prepare( "select peer, data_center, rack, release_version, rpc_address, schema_version, tokens from system.peers;"); Set<Peer> peers = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Row row : session.execute(selectPeerInfo.bind()).all()) { Peer peer = new Peer(); peer.peer = row.getInet("peer"); peer.data_center = row.getString("data_center"); peer.rack = row.getString("rack"); peer.release_version = row.getString("release_version"); peer.rpc_address = row.getInet("rpc_address"); peer.schema_version = row.getUUID("schema_version"); peer.tokens = row.getSet("tokens", String.class); peers.add(peer); } return peers; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see dal.SchoolDAL#save(models.School) */ @Override public School save(School school) { final PreparedStatement statement = session.prepare( "INSERT INTO (school_id,name,address,email,gender_type) " + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); final BoundStatement boundStatement = statement.bind( school.getSchoolId(), school.getName(), school.getAddress(), school.getEmail(), school.getGenderType()); final ResultSetFuture savedSchoolFuture = session.executeAsync(boundStatement); // final Row response = savedSchoolFuture.getUninterruptibly().one(); return school; }
public BoundStatementWrapper bindStatementWithOnlyPKInWhereClause( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps, boolean onlyStaticColumns, ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel) { Object primaryKey = context.getPrimaryKey(); log.trace("Bind prepared statement {} with primary key {}", ps.getQueryString(), primaryKey); PropertyMeta idMeta = context.getIdMeta(); List<Object> values = bindPrimaryKey(primaryKey, idMeta, onlyStaticColumns); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(values.toArray()); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, values.toArray(), getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), context.getCASResultListener(), context.getSerialConsistencyLevel()); }
public List<Auction> getAllAuctionsSparse() { BoundStatement bound = getAllAuctionSparse.bind(); return session .execute(bound) .all() .stream() .map( row -> new Auction( row.getString("name"), row.getString("owner"), Instant.ofEpochMilli(row.getLong("ends")))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
public BoundStatementWrapper bindForSimpleCounterDelete( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps, PropertyMeta pm) { EntityMeta entityMeta = context.getEntityMeta(); Object primaryKey = context.getPrimaryKey(); log.trace( "Bind prepared statement {} for simple counter delete for {} using primary key {}", ps.getQueryString(), pm, primaryKey); ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = overrider.getWriteLevel(context); Object[] boundValues = extractValuesForSimpleCounterBinding(entityMeta, pm, primaryKey); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(boundValues); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, boundValues, getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), NO_LISTENER, NO_SERIAL_CONSISTENCY); }
@Override public void indexTimeseriesId( final LabelId metric, final List<LabelId> tags, final ByteBuffer timeSeriresId) { final long longMetric = toLong(metric); final Map<Long, Long> longTags = toMap(tags); session.executeAsync( insertTagsStatement .bind() .setLong(0, longMetric) .setString(1, LabelType.METRIC.toValue()) .setBytesUnsafe(2, timeSeriresId) .setLong(3, longMetric) .setMap(4, longTags)); final Iterator<LabelId> tagIterator = tags.iterator(); while (tagIterator.hasNext()) { session.executeAsync( insertTagsStatement .bind() .setLong(0, toLong( .setString(1, LabelType.TAGK.toValue()) .setBytesUnsafe(2, timeSeriresId) .setLong(3, longMetric) .setMap(4, longTags)); session.executeAsync( insertTagsStatement .bind() .setLong(0, toLong( .setString(1, LabelType.TAGV.toValue()) .setBytesUnsafe(2, timeSeriresId) .setLong(3, longMetric) .setMap(4, longTags)); } }
public BoundStatementWrapper bindForClusteredCounterDelete( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps) { EntityMeta entityMeta = context.getEntityMeta(); Object primaryKey = context.getPrimaryKey(); log.trace( "Bind prepared statement {} for simple counter delete for {} using primary key {}", ps.getQueryString(), entityMeta, primaryKey); ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = overrider.getWriteLevel(context); List<Object> primaryKeys = bindPrimaryKey(primaryKey, entityMeta.getIdMeta(), false); Object[] boundValues = primaryKeys.toArray(new Object[primaryKeys.size()]); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(boundValues); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, boundValues, getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), NO_LISTENER, NO_SERIAL_CONSISTENCY); }
public BoundStatementWrapper bindForInsert( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps, List<PropertyMeta> pms) { EntityMeta entityMeta = context.getEntityMeta(); Object entity = context.getEntity(); log.trace("Bind prepared statement {} for insert of entity {}", ps.getQueryString(), entity); ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = overrider.getWriteLevel(context); List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(); values.addAll(fetchPrimaryKeyValues(entityMeta, entity, false)); values.addAll(fetchPropertiesValues(pms, entity)); values.addAll(fetchTTLAndTimestampValues(context)); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(values.toArray()); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, values.toArray(), getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), context.getCASResultListener(), context.getSerialConsistencyLevel()); }
public List<ProjectRegionMilestone> findAll() { List<ProjectRegionMilestone> projectRegionMilestones = new ArrayList<>(); BoundStatement stmt = findAllStmt.bind(); session .execute(stmt) .all() .stream() .map( row -> { ProjectRegionMilestone projectRegionMilestone = new ProjectRegionMilestone(); projectRegionMilestone.setId(row.getUUID("id")); projectRegionMilestone.setPlanned(row.getDate("planned")); projectRegionMilestone.setActual(row.getDate("actual")); return projectRegionMilestone; }) .forEach(projectRegionMilestones::add); return projectRegionMilestones; }
public BoundStatementWrapper bindForCollectionAndMapUpdate( PersistentStateHolder context, PreparedStatement ps, DirtyCheckChangeSet changeSet) { EntityMeta entityMeta = context.getEntityMeta(); Object entity = context.getEntity(); log.trace( "Bind prepared statement {} for collection/map update of entity {}", ps.getQueryString(), entity); ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = overrider.getWriteLevel(context); List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(); final CollectionAndMapChangeType changeType = changeSet.getChangeType(); values.addAll(fetchTTLAndTimestampValues(context)); switch (changeType) { case ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_LIST: values.add(changeSet.getEncodedListChanges()); break; case ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_SET: values.add(changeSet.getEncodedSetChanges()); break; case ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_MAP: values.add(changeSet.getEncodedMapChanges()); break; case REMOVE_COLLECTION_OR_MAP: values.add(null); break; case ADD_TO_SET: case REMOVE_FROM_SET: values.add(changeSet.getEncodedSetChanges()); break; case APPEND_TO_LIST: case PREPEND_TO_LIST: case REMOVE_FROM_LIST: values.add(changeSet.getEncodedListChanges()); break; case SET_TO_LIST_AT_INDEX: // No prepared statement for set list element at index throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot bind statement to set element at index for list"); case REMOVE_FROM_LIST_AT_INDEX: // No prepared statement for set list element at index throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot bind statement to remove element at index for list"); case ADD_TO_MAP: values.add(changeSet.getEncodedMapChanges()); break; case REMOVE_FROM_MAP: values.add(changeSet.getEncodedMapChanges().keySet().iterator().next()); values.add(null); break; } values.addAll( fetchPrimaryKeyValues( entityMeta, entity, changeSet.getPropertyMeta().structure().isStaticColumn())); values.addAll(fetchCASConditionsValues(context, entityMeta)); BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(values.toArray()); return new BoundStatementWrapper( context.getEntityClass(), bs, values.toArray(), getCQLLevel(consistencyLevel), context.getCASResultListener(), context.getSerialConsistencyLevel()); }
public UUID placeBid(String auctionName, String user, Long amount) { UUID uuid = UUIDs.timeBased(); BoundStatement bound = storeBid.bind(auctionName, uuid, amount, user); session.execute(bound); return uuid; }
public static void main(String args[]) { String[] calles_28001 = {"Alcala", "Preciados", "Gran Via", "Princesa"}; String[] calles_28002 = {"Castellana", "Goya", "Serrano", "Velazquez"}; String addres = "Alcala"; String cpCode = "28001"; int index_28001 = 0; int index_28002 = 0; List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { String id = (i + 1) + ""; String email = "user" + id + ""; String nombre = "nombre_" + id; String cp; String calle; if (i % 2 == 0) { cp = "28001"; calle = calles_28001[index_28001]; index_28001++; index_28001 = index_28001 % 4; } else { cp = "28002"; calle = calles_28002[index_28002]; index_28002++; index_28002 = index_28002 % 4; } User user = new User(id, email, nombre, cp, calle); users.add(user); } // conectar y crear column family Cluster cluster; String node = ""; cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(node).build(); Session session; session = cluster.connect(); session.execute("drop keyspace utad_cql"); session.execute( "CREATE KEYSPACE utad_cql WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1};"); // Creo la tabla con la PK compuesta por CP, Calle, e Id Usuario, para // asegurarme que cada registro que inserto es único (lo discrimino por // id_usuario) session.execute( "CREATE TABLE utad_cql.usersByCPAddress (id_usuario int, cp int, nombre text, email text, calle text, primary key(cp, calle, id_usuario));"); PreparedStatement ps1 = session.prepare( "Insert into utad_cql.usersByCPAddress(id_usuario, cp, nombre, email, calle) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement(); // Realizamos las inserciones en BD for (User user : users) { int id = Integer.parseInt(; int cp = Integer.parseInt(user.cp); String nombre = user.nombre; String email =; String calle = user.calle; batch.add(ps1.bind(id, cp, nombre, email, calle)); } session.execute(batch); System.out.println("\nRegistros insertados en Cassandra"); // Muestro el resultado correspondiente, pero comento los campos que no // se piden en el resultado, para confirmar, descomentandolos, que los // datos son los correctos. Limitamos la muestra resultado a 20 registros. StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder(); sbQuery.append("select id_usuario, nombre, email "); // sbQuery.append(",cp, calle "); sbQuery.append("from utad_cql.usersByCPAddress where calle='").append(addres); sbQuery.append("' and cp=").append(cpCode); sbQuery.append(" limit 20"); ResultSet results = session.execute(sbQuery.toString()); // Leemos los datos recuperados. for (Row row : results) { System.out.println("\nid : " + row.getInt("id_usuario")); System.out.println("nombre : " + row.getString("nombre")); System.out.println("email : " + row.getString("email")); // System.out.println("cp : " + row.getInt("cp")); // System.out.println("calle : " + row.getString("calle")); } cluster.close(); System.out.println("\nFin de la ejecución"); }
public void deleteAll() { BoundStatement stmt = truncateStmt.bind(); session.execute(stmt); }
public void createAuction(Auction auction) { BoundStatement bound = createAuction.bind(auction.getName(), auction.getOwner(), auction.getEnds().toEpochMilli()); session.execute(bound); }