/* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dataimport.importer.IFileImporter#getPreview(int) */ public String[][] getPreview(int noOfLines) throws IOException { CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(importFile), settings.getImportCharset()), settings.getSeperator()); String[][] data = new String[noOfLines][]; int row = 0; int columns = -1; while (csvReader.readRecord() && row < noOfLines) { if (columns == -1) { columns = csvReader.getColumnCount(); } data[row] = new String[columns]; for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { data[row][i] = csvReader.get(i); } row++; } csvReader.close(); String[][] outData = new String[row][]; for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { outData[i] = data[i]; } return outData; }
private List<SimpleBicycle> getKnownModelList(String filename) { List<SimpleBicycle> list = new ArrayList<SimpleBicycle>(); File file = new File(filename); try { InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); // CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(inputStream, Charset.forName("CP1251")); CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(inputStream, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); csvReader.setDelimiter(';'); while (csvReader.readRecord()) { String[] values = csvReader.getValues(); SimpleBicycle simpleBicycle = new SimpleBicycle(); simpleBicycle.setDirtyModel(values[0].trim()); simpleBicycle.setModel(values[1].trim()); simpleBicycle.setWheelSize(WheelSize.getSizeByValue(values[2].trim())); list.add(simpleBicycle); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return list; }
public PaymentRecord(CsvReader reader) throws IOException, NotFoundException { if (!reader.readRecord()) { throw new NotFoundException("kein Payment gefunden"); } // ToDo gleiche Belege nur einmal abarbeiten kontoStr = reader.get("Bu-Konto"); belegStr = reader.get("BelegNr"); // String opBetragStr = reader.get("OP/Kost"); opBetragStr = reader.get("OP-Betrag"); opBetragStr = opBetragStr.replace(".", ""); opBetragStr = opBetragStr.replace(",", "."); betragNr = 0; try { betragNr = Float.parseFloat(opBetragStr.replace(',', '.')); } catch (Throwable t) { } kontoNr = 0; try { kontoNr = Integer.parseInt(kontoStr); } catch (Throwable t) { } belegNr = 0; try { belegNr = Integer.parseInt(belegStr); } catch (Throwable t) { } }
@Override protected SimpleFeatureType buildFeatureType() { String[] headers; Map<String, Class<?>> typesFromData; CsvReader csvReader = null; try { csvReader = csvFileState.openCSVReader(); headers = csvReader.getHeaders(); typesFromData = CSVStrategy.findMostSpecificTypesFromData(csvReader, headers); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (csvReader != null) { csvReader.close(); } } SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = CSVStrategy.createBuilder(csvFileState, headers, typesFromData); Class<?> latClass = typesFromData.get(latField); Class<?> lngClass = typesFromData.get(lngField); if (CSVStrategy.isNumeric(latClass) && CSVStrategy.isNumeric(lngClass)) { List<String> csvHeaders = Arrays.asList(headers); int index = csvHeaders.indexOf(latField); AttributeTypeBuilder builder2 = new AttributeTypeBuilder(); builder2.setCRS(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84); builder2.binding(Point.class); AttributeDescriptor descriptor = builder2.buildDescriptor(pointField); builder.add(index, descriptor); builder.remove(latField); builder.remove(lngField); } return builder.buildFeatureType(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { logger.debug("Running"); try { URL url = new URL(ApplicationConfiguration.getApplicationProperty("edubase.data.allschools.csv")); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); CsvReader schools = new CsvReader(in); schools.readHeaders(); while (schools.readRecord()) { School s = new School(schools); Postcode p = new Postcode(s.getPostcode()); // s.debug(); } in.close(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("Finished"); }
public static Map<String, SNInventory> getMapByreader(CsvReader reader) { Map<String, SNInventory> map = new HashMap<String, SNInventory>(); try { reader.readHeaders(); while (reader.readRecord()) { // 逐行读入除表头的数据 String[] strs = reader.getValues(); if (null != strs) { SNInventory in = new SNInventory(); for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) { // logger.info(i); String str = strs[i]; // logger.info(str); if (i == 0) { // logger.info(str); in.setGoodType("样机"); } else if (i == 2) { in.setBranchName(str); } else if (i == 3) { in.setBranchNum(str); } else if (i == 6) { in.setGoodGroupName(str); } else if (i == 7) { in.setGoodGroupNum(str); } else if (i == 10) { in.setGoodpName(str); } else if (i == 11) { in.setGoodNum(str); } else if (i == 12) { double realnum = Double.valueOf(str); int re = (int) realnum; in.setModelnum(re); } else if (i == 13) { in.setSerialNumber(str); } } String key = in.getBranchNum() + "_" + in.getGoodNum(); // logger.info(key); SNInventory inmap = map.get(key); if (null == inmap) { map.put(key, in); } else { inmap.setModelnum(inmap.getModelnum() + in.getModelnum()); } } } logger.info(map.size()); reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // 跳过表头 如果需要表头的话,不要写这句。 return map; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dataimport.importer.IFileImporter#reset() */ public boolean reset() throws IOException { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } reader = new CsvReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(importFile), settings.getImportCharset()), settings.getSeperator()); reader.setSafetySwitch(safetySwitch); return true; }
/** * Reads floating values from a CSV file and returns them in an array. * * @param state * @param terminalFileCSV the file with the float values * @return an array with all of the float values in the file */ public double[] getRawTimeSeriesValuesFromCSVfile( EvolutionState state, CsvReader terminalFileCSV) { // expect the CSV file to contain only float values ... Vector rawValues = new Vector(100); try { while (terminalFileCSV.readRecord()) { for (int i = 0; i < terminalFileCSV.getColumnCount(); i++) rawValues.add(terminalFileCSV.get(i)); } } catch (IOException e) { state.output.fatal("The file with time series raw values failed when reading records. " + e); } // convert the vector into an array double rvArray[] = new double[rawValues.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < rvArray.length; i++) rvArray[i] = Double.parseDouble((String) rawValues.elementAt(i)); return rvArray; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dataimport.importer.IFileImporter#getLong(int) */ public Long getLong(int column) throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException { try { String longS = reader.get(column); if (null == longS || 0 == longS.trim().length()) { return null; } return Long.parseLong(longS); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException(); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dataimport.importer.IFileImporter#getInt(int) */ public Integer getInt(int column) throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException { try { String intS = reader.get(column); if (null == intS || 0 == intS.trim().length()) { return null; } return Integer.parseInt(intS); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException(nfe); } }
/** * This example shows how to obtain a color. * * @param g * @param monitor * @throws RenderException */ public void render(Graphics2D g, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws RenderException { if (monitor == null) monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); CsvReader reader = null; try { ILayer layer = getContext().getLayer(); IGeoResource resource = layer.findGeoResource(CSV.class); if (resource == null) return; ReferencedEnvelope bounds = getRenderBounds(); monitor.subTask("connecting"); CSV csv = resource.resolve(CSV.class, null); // LOOK UP STYLE IStyleBlackboard style = layer.getStyleBlackboard(); Color color = (Color) style.get(ColorStyle.ID); // DATA TO WORLD CoordinateReferenceSystem dataCRS = layer.getCRS(); CoordinateReferenceSystem worldCRS = context.getCRS(); MathTransform dataToWorld = CRS.findMathTransform(dataCRS, worldCRS, false); // DRAW FILE monitor.beginTask("csv render", csv.getSize()); reader = csv.reader(); reader.readHeaders(); int nameIndex = reader.getIndex("name"); Coordinate worldLocation = new Coordinate(); while (reader.readRecord()) { Point point = CSV.getPoint(reader); Coordinate dataLocation = point.getCoordinate(); try { JTS.transform(dataLocation, worldLocation, dataToWorld); } catch (TransformException e) { continue; } if (bounds != null && !bounds.contains(worldLocation)) { continue; // optimize! } java.awt.Point p = getContext().worldToPixel(worldLocation); g.setColor(color); g.fillRect(p.x - 2, p.y - 2, 6, 6); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); String name = reader.get(nameIndex); g.drawString(name, p.x + 15, p.y + 15); monitor.worked(1); if (monitor.isCanceled()) break; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RenderException(e); // rethrow any exceptions encountered } catch (FactoryException e) { throw new RenderException(e); // rethrow any exceptions encountered } finally { if (reader != null) reader.close(); monitor.done(); } }
private List<Block> readBlocksCSV(File filename) throws IOException { CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(filename.getAbsolutePath(), ',', Charset.forName("UTF8")); reader.setTextQualifier('"'); reader.skipLine(); reader.readHeaders(); ArrayList<Block> blocks = new ArrayList<Block>(); while (reader.readRecord()) { int startIp = Integer.parseInt(reader.get("startIpNum")); int endIp = Integer.parseInt(reader.get("endIpNum")); int pixelId = Integer.parseInt(reader.get("pixelId")); Block block = new Block(); block.startIp = startIp; block.endIp = endIp; block.pixelId = pixelId; blocks.add(block); } return blocks; }
private List<Location> readLocationCSV(File filename) throws IOException { CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(filename.getAbsolutePath(), ',', Charset.forName("UTF8")); reader.setTextQualifier('"'); reader.skipLine(); reader.readHeaders(); ArrayList<Location> locations = new ArrayList<Location>(); while (reader.readRecord()) { double lat = Double.parseDouble(reader.get("latitude")); double lon = Double.parseDouble(reader.get("longitude")); String country = reader.get("country"); Location location = new Location(); location.latitude = lat; location.longitude = lon; location.country = country; locations.add(location); } return locations; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dataimport.importer.IFileImporter#getDate(int) */ public Date getDate(int column) throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException { Date d = null; try { DateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat(settings.getDateFormat()); String dateString = reader.get(column); // we allow the return of null values if the the reader returns // an empty String or a null String if (null != dateString && dateString.trim().length() > 0) { d = f.parse(dateString); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // i18n[CSVFileImporter.invalidDateFormat=Invalid date format given] JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, stringMgr.getString("CSVFileImporter.invalidDateFormat")); throw new UnsupportedFormatException(); } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException(); } return d; }
/** * Updates the table of quotes for this symbol. Assumes that the listofsymbols has been updated, * but the table itself may not exist. Takes a date range, including both start and end days. * * <p>Yahoo Finance returns an error message rather than an empty CSV if the start and end dates * are today. The caller is responsible for checking that the call range is acceptable. * * @param symbol - symbol to update * @param startDate - beginning of range to add to * @param endDate - end of range to add to */ static void updateSymbol(String symbol, Date startDate, Date endDate) throws Exception { System.out.println("Trying to update:" + symbol); Connection conn = initialize(); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); URL data = YahooCsvDownloadUrl(symbol, startDate, endDate); BufferedReader in = null; try { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(data.openStream())); } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Symbol not found:" + symbol); e.printStackTrace(); return; } CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(in); reader.readHeaders(); String[] headers = reader.getHeaders(); stat.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + symbol + " (" + getColNames(headers) + ");"); String statement = "INSERT INTO " + symbol + " (" + getColNames(headers) + ") VALUES (" + getQueryQuestionMarks(headers) + ");"; PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement(statement); while (reader.readRecord()) { for (int j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) { String str = reader.get(headers[j]); prep.setString(j + 1, str); } // TODO: salim, what's the point of these calls? prep.addBatch(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); prep.executeBatch(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); } reader.close(); in.close(); conn.close(); }
public static Map<Name, String> parseEmailAddresses(InputStream csvStream) throws IOException { final CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(csvStream, ',', Charset.forName("utf-8")); try { final Map<Name, String> parsedEmails = new TreeMap<Name, String>(SurnameFirstNameComparator.getInstance()); final EmailValidator emailValidator = EmailValidator.getInstance(); while (reader.readRecord()) { final String emailAddress = reader.get(0); if (!emailValidator.isValid(emailAddress)) { LOGGER.trace( "The e-mail address {} is not valid; this will not be considered a valid e-mail entry.", emailAddress); continue; } final String givenName = reader.get(1); final String surname = reader.get(2); if (StringUtils.isBlank(givenName) || StringUtils.isBlank(surname)) { LOGGER.trace( "A record for e-mail address {} with given name {} and surname {} contains an invalid name component and will be ignored.", emailAddress, givenName, surname); continue; } final Name name = new BasicName(givenName, surname); if (parsedEmails.containsKey(name)) { LOGGER.error( "Warning! {} {} already exists with e-mail address {} and will be replaced with {}.", givenName, surname, parsedEmails.get(name), emailAddress); } parsedEmails.put(name, emailAddress); } return parsedEmails; } finally { reader.close(); } }
/** * 1. get fileComponent from action * * <p>2. validate fileName to see if filePrefix is allowed * * <p>3. validate file format with the import file template * * <p>4. * * @see * com.pc.core.web.interceptor.AroundInterceptor#before(com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation) */ public void before(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception { Action action = (Action) invocation.getAction(); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) invocation.getInvocationContext().get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_REQUEST); if (action instanceof ImportPreparation && request instanceof MultiPartRequestWrapper) { ServletContext servletContext = ServletActionContext.getServletContext(); ActionContext invocationContext = invocation.getInvocationContext(); ImportPreparation importPreparation = (ImportPreparation) action; // 1. get fileComponent from valueStack FileComponent fileComponent = (FileComponent) invocation.getStack().findValue("fileComponent"); if (fileComponent == null || fileComponent.getUpload() == null) throw new ImportException( "error.upload.file.empty", "r:" + importPreparation.getErrorReturn() + "/import/error"); // 2. validate fileName String fileExt = fileComponent.getFileExtension(); if (!Arrays.asList(this.allowedPrefix).contains(fileExt)) { throw new ImportException( "error.upload.file-ext.not-allowed", "r:" + importPreparation.getErrorReturn() + "/import/error"); } // Create CsvReader to parse the file CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(new FileReader(fileComponent.getUpload())); try { // get file header information from cache String header = (String) servletContext.getAttribute( importPreparation.getTarget().toUpperCase() + "_HEADERS"); String[] headerKeys = header.split(","); // 3. validate file format if (csvReader.readHeaders()) { if (headerKeys.length != csvReader.getHeaderCount()) { throw new ImportException( "error.upload.file-format.mismatch", "r:" + importPreparation.getErrorReturn() + "/import/error"); } } // Read data from CsvReader List<Map<String, String>> data = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); while (csvReader.readRecord()) { Map<String, String> record = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < headerKeys.length; i++) { record.put(headerKeys[i], csvReader.get(i)); } data.add(record); } // 4. validate data importPreparation.validate(data); // 5. set data OgnlContextState.setCreatingNullObjects(invocationContext.getContextMap(), true); OgnlContextState.setDenyMethodExecution(invocationContext.getContextMap(), true); OgnlContextState.setReportingConversionErrors(invocationContext.getContextMap(), true); prepareImportData(invocation, importPreparation.getDataName(), data); } finally { // release all the resource anyway csvReader.close(); OgnlContextState.setCreatingNullObjects(invocationContext.getContextMap(), true); OgnlContextState.setDenyMethodExecution(invocationContext.getContextMap(), true); OgnlContextState.setReportingConversionErrors(invocationContext.getContextMap(), true); } } }
// 型号 , 状态 public static Map<String, List<SNInventory>> getMapBranchType( User user, String startTime, int branchid) { // startTime = "2015-05-03"; // List<Inventory> list = new ArrayList<Inventory>(); Branch branch = BranchService.getMap().get(branchid); String bnum = ""; if (null != branch) { bnum = branch.getEncoded(); } // logger.info() Map<String, Product> mapp = ProductService.gettypeNUmmap(); // logger.info(mapp); Map<String, List<SNInventory>> map = new HashMap<String, List<SNInventory>>(); if (null != branch && branch.getBranchtype().getSaletype() == SaleModel.Model.苏宁.getValue()) { try { String tempPath = PathUtill.getXMLpath(); tempPath += "data" + File.separator + "DownloadInventory" + File.separator + startTime + File.separator + "SuNing"; logger.info(tempPath); File file = new File(tempPath); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } File file2 = new File(tempPath + File.separator + "model.csv"); // file2.createNewFile(); CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(file2.getPath(), ',', Charset.forName("GBK")); // 一般用这编码读就可以了 reader.readHeaders(); while (reader.readRecord()) { // 逐行读入除表头的数据 String[] strs = reader.getValues(); if (null != strs) { SNInventory in = new SNInventory(); for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) { // logger.info(i); String str = strs[i]; // logger.info(str); if (i == 0) { // logger.info(str); in.setGoodType("样机"); } else if (i == 2) { in.setBranchName(str); } else if (i == 3) { in.setBranchNum(str); } else if (i == 6) { in.setGoodGroupName(str); } else if (i == 7) { in.setGoodGroupNum(str); } else if (i == 10) { in.setGoodpName(str); } else if (i == 11) { in.setGoodNum(str); } else if (i == 12) { double realnum = Double.valueOf(str); int re = (int) realnum; in.setNum(re); } else if (i == 13) { in.setSerialNumber(str); } } // logger.info(in.getBranchNum()); String bnu = in.getBranchNum(); // logger.info(bnu); // logger.info(in.getBranchNum()); if (bnum.equals(bnu)) { String key = in.getGoodNum(); // logger.info(key); Product p = mapp.get(key); // logger.info(p); if (null != p) { String pname = mapp.get(key).getType(); List<SNInventory> inmap = map.get(pname); if (inmap == null) { inmap = new ArrayList<SNInventory>(); map.put(pname, inmap); } inmap.add(in); } } } } logger.info(map.size()); reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // 跳过表头 如果需要表头的话,不要写这句。 } return map; }
/** Sets up all the GEPSymbolSet symbols, loading them from the parameter file. */ public void setup( final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base, final Parameter def, GEPSpecies species) { // Name of file with the terminal (variable) definitions and training values String terminalFilename; // Name of file with the test data values if specified String testingTerminalFilename; // keep track of the maximum arity of any function maxArity = 0; // What's my name? Don't really use this at this time ... name = state.parameters.getString(base.push(P_NAME), def.push(P_NAME)); if (name == null || name.equals("")) state.output.warning( "No name was given for this GEP symbol set...not required at this time.", base.push(P_NAME), def.push(P_NAME)); // How many functions do I have? numberOfFunctions = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_FUNCTIONSIZE), def.push(P_FUNCTIONSIZE), 1); numberOfSymbols = numberOfFunctions; // How many terminals do I have? Check for a data file first ... // if time series problem type and using raw time series data then // number of terminals will be specified in the embedding dimension value // provided in the parameter file // else if a file specified // get the 1st line of the file and count the fields in it (#terminals is number of fields // minus // the number of chromosomes/dependent variables) // else // use the number of terminals specified in the parameter file terminalFilename = state.parameters.getStringWithDefault( base.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), ""); testingTerminalFilename = state.parameters.getStringWithDefault( base.push(P_TESTINGTERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TESTINGTERMINALFILENAME), ""); String terminalSymbolsfromFile[] = null; CsvReader terminalFileCSV = null; CsvReader testingTerminalFileCSV = null; // Are we processing raw time series data? boolean timeseriesWithRawDataValues = species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_TIMESERIES && species.timeseriesEmbeddingDimension > 0; if (!terminalFilename.equals("")) { String defaultTerminalFileSeparator = ","; // default field separator is comma try { // allow for gzip files .... end with .gz or .gzip\ if (terminalFilename.endsWith(".gz") || terminalFilename.endsWith(".gzip")) { terminalFileCSV = new CsvReader( (InputStream) (new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(terminalFilename))), Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")); // set terminal file name to be the one with gzip or gz removed from the end if (terminalFilename.endsWith(".gz")) terminalFilename = terminalFilename.substring(0, terminalFilename.length() - 3); else terminalFilename = terminalFilename.substring(0, terminalFilename.length() - 5); } else terminalFileCSV = new CsvReader(terminalFilename); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { state.output.fatal( "The file with terminal definitions and/or values (" + terminalFilename + ") could not be found", base.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME)); } catch (IOException e) { state.output.fatal( "The file with terminal definitions and/or values (" + terminalFilename + ") could not be found or the expected GZIP file could nor be opened", base.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME)); } // if filename has extension .dat it is space delimited, if .csv (or anything else // for that matter) it is comma delimited // (separator can still be changed with the terminalfileseparator parameter) if (terminalFilename.endsWith(".dat")) defaultTerminalFileSeparator = "space"; // if using a file for the terminals and their values then check for a non-default separator String terminalFileSeparator = state.parameters.getStringWithDefault( base.push(P_TERMINALFILESEPARATOR), def.push(P_TERMINALFILESEPARATOR), defaultTerminalFileSeparator); if (terminalFileSeparator.toLowerCase().equals("comma")) terminalFileSeparator = ","; else if (terminalFileSeparator == "\\t" || terminalFileSeparator.toLowerCase().equals("tab")) terminalFileSeparator = "\t"; else if (terminalFileSeparator == "space") terminalFileSeparator = " "; terminalFileCSV.setDelimiter(terminalFileSeparator.charAt(0)); // let's check for a testing data file at this time as well .. if no file for // names and training data no need to worry about this one. if (!testingTerminalFilename.equals("")) { try { // allow for gzip files .... end with .gz or .gzip\ if (testingTerminalFilename.endsWith(".gz") || testingTerminalFilename.endsWith(".gzip")) testingTerminalFileCSV = new CsvReader( (InputStream) (new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(testingTerminalFilename))), Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")); else testingTerminalFileCSV = new CsvReader(testingTerminalFilename); testingTerminalFileCSV.setDelimiter(terminalFileSeparator.charAt(0)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { state.output.fatal( "The file with testing data values (" + testingTerminalFilename + ") could not be found", base.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME)); } catch (IOException e) { state.output.fatal( "The file with testing data values (" + terminalFilename + ") could not be found or the expected GZIP file could nor be opened", base.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME)); } } } if (timeseriesWithRawDataValues) numberOfTerminals = species.timeseriesEmbeddingDimension; else if (terminalFileCSV != null) { // get the terminal symbols for the independent and dependent variables try { terminalFileCSV.readHeaders(); terminalSymbolsfromFile = terminalFileCSV.getHeaders(); } catch (IOException e) { state.output.fatal( "The file with variable (terminal) definitions and values (" + terminalFilename + ") failed to read the headers" + e, base.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME)); } // 1 less for each dependent variable (number of chromosomes) at the end numberOfTerminals = terminalSymbolsfromFile.length - species.numberOfChromosomes; if (numberOfTerminals < 1) state.output.fatal( "The file with terminal definitions and data values (" + terminalFilename + ") has no independent variables specified in record 1", base.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME)); // if using a file for the terminals and their values then check for a non-default separator } else { numberOfTerminals = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_TERMINALSIZE), def.push(P_TERMINALSIZE), 1); } numberOfSymbols += numberOfTerminals; if (numberOfSymbols < 1) state.output.error( "The GEPSymbolSet \"" + name + "\" have at least 1 terminal symbol defined.", base.push(P_TERMINALSIZE), def.push(P_TERMINALSIZE)); // add a special Symbol for constants if we are using them ... it will be added to the // end of the array of symbols! if (species.useConstants) { numberOfTerminals++; // special constant terminal numberOfSymbols++; } symbols = new GEPSymbol[numberOfSymbols]; int numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol = numberOfSymbols; if (species.useConstants) // add the constant terminal symbol to the end { symbols[numberOfSymbols - 1] = (GEPSymbol) (new GEPConstantTerminalSymbol()); symbols[numberOfSymbols - 1].id = numberOfSymbols - 1; numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol--; } Parameter pTerminal = base.push(P_TERMINAL); Parameter pdefTerminal = def.push(P_TERMINAL); Parameter pFunction = base.push(P_FUNCTION); Parameter pdefFunction = def.push(P_FUNCTION); // create hashtable of names of terminals and hash table with names of functions // so we can easily check that they are not duplicates Hashtable functionHT = new Hashtable(); Hashtable terminalHT = new Hashtable(); // process the functions for (int x = 0; x < numberOfFunctions; x++) { Parameter pp = pFunction.push("" + x); Parameter ppdef = pdefFunction.push("" + x); String function = state.parameters.getStringWithDefault(pp, ppdef, ""); if (function.equals("")) // no name for the function state.output.fatal("Invalid function specifier: '" + function + "'", pp, ppdef); // make sure not specifying the same function more than once if (functionHT.get(function) != null) state.output.fatal( "Function '" + function + "' was specified more than once in list of function symbols"); else functionHT.put(function, function); GEPFunctionSymbol fs = null; try { Class classDefinition = Class.forName(LOCATION_OF_FUNCTION_CLASSES + "." + function); fs = (GEPFunctionSymbol) classDefinition.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { state.output.fatal( "Unable to create GEPFunctionSymbol class for function '" + function + "'. " + e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { state.output.fatal( "Unable to create GEPFunctionSymbol class for function '" + function + "' " + e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { state.output.fatal( "Unable to create GEPFunctionSymbol class for function '" + function + "' " + e); } // if using a logical function must be a logical problem if (fs.isLogicalFunction() && (species.problemType != GEPSpecies.PT_LOGICAL)) state.output.fatal( "Can only use logical functions with a logical problem type. Function " + function + " is a logical function.", pp, ppdef); // if using a numerical function must be an non logical problem if (!fs.isLogicalFunction() && (species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_LOGICAL)) state.output.fatal( "Can only use logical functions with a non logical problem type. Function " + function + " is a numerical function.", pp, ppdef); symbols[x] = (GEPSymbol) fs; // symbols[x].setup(state, base); if (fs.arity < 1) state.output.fatal("Arity must be > 0 for a GEPTerminalSymbol)", pp, ppdef); symbols[x].id = x; int weight = state.parameters.getInt(pp.push(P_FUNCTIONWEIGHT), ppdef.push(P_FUNCTIONWEIGHT), 1); if (weight < 1) { state.output.warning( "Weight for GEP Function must be > 0; defaulting to 1)", pp.push(P_FUNCTIONWEIGHT), ppdef.push(P_FUNCTIONWEIGHT)); weight = 1; } symbols[x].weight = weight; if (symbols[x].arity > maxArity) maxArity = symbols[x].arity; } // process the terminals ... defined by default for timeseries data, in the // CSV file if specified and not timeseries, or in the params file if neither of those. for (int x = numberOfFunctions; x < numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol; x++) { // load the terminal symbols int index = x - numberOfFunctions; String terminal = ""; if (timeseriesWithRawDataValues) { // terminals get default names v0, v1, v2, v3, ... vn-1 terminal = "v" + index; } else if (terminalFileCSV == null) // terminals defined in param file { Parameter pp = pTerminal.push("" + index); Parameter ppdef = pdefTerminal.push("" + index); terminal = state.parameters.getStringWithDefault(pp, ppdef, ""); } else { // terminals defined in CSV file terminal = terminalSymbolsfromFile[index]; } if (terminal.equals("")) // no name for the terminal state.output.fatal("Invalid terminal specifier: '" + terminal + "' for terminal # " + index); // make sure not specifying the same function more than once if (terminalHT.get(terminal) != null) state.output.fatal( "Terminal symbol (indep var) '" + terminal + "' was specified more than once in list of terminal symbols (independent variables)"); else terminalHT.put(terminal, terminal); GEPTerminalSymbol ts = new GEPTerminalSymbol(terminal, this); symbols[x] = (GEPSymbol) ts; // symbols[x].setup(state, base); if (ts.arity != 0) // cannot happen state.output.fatal("Arity must be exactly 0 for a GEPTerminalSymbol)"); symbols[x].id = x; symbols[x].weight = 1; // all Terminal symbols have weight of 1 } // must be at least 1 Terminal symbol in the SymbolSet. // If not then the user didn't specify the terminals in the param file or in the data file if (numberOfTerminals < 1) state.output.fatal( "Must be at least one Terminal Symbol in the set of GEPSymbols\n" + "Either did not specify the terminal symbols in the param file or\n" + "did not specify the appropriate data file with the terminals specified in the first line."); // collect the id's (indices) of the terminal and function symbols that // are in the set of symbols terminals = new int[numberOfTerminals]; int terminalNum = 0; functions = new int[numberOfFunctions]; int functionNum = 0; for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSymbols; x++) { if (symbols[x] instanceof GEPConstantTerminalSymbol) terminals[terminalNum++] = x; else if (symbols[x] instanceof GEPTerminalSymbol) terminals[terminalNum++] = x; else if (symbols[x] instanceof GEPFunctionSymbol) functions[functionNum++] = x; } // collect the weights for symbols and terminals and normalize and cumulate them. // Then we can use these arrays to pick appropriate symbols or terminals according to // their weights ... using the RandomChooser.PickFromDistribution cumulativeNormalizedSymbolWeights = new float[numberOfSymbols]; cumulativeNormalizedTerminalWeights = new float[numberOfTerminals]; cumulativeNormalizedFunctionWeights = new float[numberOfFunctions]; int j = 0, k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSymbols; i++) { float weight = (float) (symbols[i].weight); cumulativeNormalizedSymbolWeights[i] = weight; if (symbols[i] instanceof GEPTerminalSymbol || symbols[i] instanceof GEPConstantTerminalSymbol) cumulativeNormalizedTerminalWeights[j++] = weight; if (symbols[i] instanceof GEPFunctionSymbol) cumulativeNormalizedFunctionWeights[k++] = weight; } RandomChoice.organizeDistribution(cumulativeNormalizedSymbolWeights); RandomChoice.organizeDistribution(cumulativeNormalizedTerminalWeights); RandomChoice.organizeDistribution(cumulativeNormalizedFunctionWeights); // use the 2/3 rule if fewer functions else the 1/2 rule (don't count the constant // terminal here) if (numberOfFunctions < (numberOfTerminals - (species.useConstants ? 1 : 0))) probabilityOfChoosingFunction = 2.0 / 3.0; else probabilityOfChoosingFunction = 0.5; // ... and finally get the training and testing data values for the terminals and dependent // variable // and put them into the Terminal instances (creating a 'special' Terminal Symbol to // hold the dependent variable training and testing values) // If this is a time series problem AND we are using the raw time series data then // we named the terminals v1, v2, ..., nn where n is the number of independent // variables as specified in the embedding dimension (which) was used to // determine the number of terminals. But we have to process the time series data // to get the values for each terminal ... get the raw data from the CSV file // if specified or from the user program ... then process it into rows of data // representing the independent variables and the dependent variable. // // timeseries-delay -- if 1 uses each time series value, if 2 uses every other one, etc. // timeseries-embeddingdimension -- determines the number of timeseries points to use // as independent variables when transforming the set of time series data. Another // data point is used as the dependent variable value. So the time series 'raw' data // consisting of a list of single values is processed by splitting the data into // groups (rows) of size embeddingdimension+1. From the end of the time series data // embeddingdimension+1 values are chosen (if delay is 1 all values are chosen, if // 2 every other one is chosen). The last value is the independent variable value. // Then the next row is selected by moving 'delay' // values from the end and chosing embeddingdimension+1 values. This is repeated // until no more sets of size embeddingdimension+1 can be chosen. If this produces // n sets of data then testingprediction of them are used for testing and // (n - testingpredictions) are used for training. // // So if we had the data: // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 // and delay was 1 and embeddingdimension was 4 then we'd process the set into // the following 17 data sets. If testingpredictions was 6 then the 1st 11 // would be used for training and the last 6 for testing // iv1 iv2 iv3 iv4 dv // 1 2 3 4 5 // 2 3 4 5 6 // 3 4 5 6 7 // . . . // 14 15 16 17 18 // 15 16 17 18 19 // 16 17 18 19 20 // 17 18 19 20 21 // If delay was 2 then 7 sets would be formed as: // iv1 iv2 iv3 iv4 dv // 1 3 5 7 9 // 3 5 7 9 11 // . . . // 9 11 13 15 17 // 11 13 15 17 19 // 13 15 17 19 21 // timeseries-testingpredictions -- specifies the number of sets of data to devote to testing if (timeseriesWithRawDataValues) { GEPDependentVariable.symbol = "dependentVariable"; double rawTimeSeriesValues[] = null; if (terminalFileCSV == null) rawTimeSeriesValues = ((GEPProblem) state.evaluator.p_problem).getTimeSeriesDataValues(); else rawTimeSeriesValues = getRawTimeSeriesValuesFromCSVfile(state, terminalFileCSV); if (rawTimeSeriesValues == null) state.output.fatal("Unable to get time series data values from User Program or CSV file"); Vector values[] = processRawTimeSeriesValues(state, species, rawTimeSeriesValues); // have an array of vectors; 1 vector for each indep variable and the dep variable(s) for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { // get the values for training ... and testing (specified by timeseriesTestingPredictions) int sizeOfTrainingData = values[i].size() - species.timeseriesTestingPredictions; double v[] = new double[sizeOfTrainingData]; double testingV[] = new double[species.timeseriesTestingPredictions]; for (int m = 0; m < v.length; m++) v[m] = ((Double) values[i].elementAt(m)).doubleValue(); for (int n = 0; n < testingV.length; n++) testingV[n] = ((Double) values[i].elementAt(n + sizeOfTrainingData)).doubleValue(); int depVarIndex = i - values.length + species.numberOfChromosomes; if (depVarIndex >= 0) // last column(s) in file is(are) the dependent variable(s) { GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.setValues(v, depVarIndex); GEPDependentVariable.testingData.setValues(testingV, depVarIndex); } else { ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[numberOfFunctions + i]).setTrainingValues(v); ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[numberOfFunctions + i]).setTestingValues(testingV); } } } // else If there is a file with the terminals and dep variable(s) use this else ask for // the values from the User Program (problem). else if (terminalFileCSV != null) // terminals defined in CSV file { GEPDependentVariable.symbol = terminalSymbolsfromFile[terminalSymbolsfromFile.length - 1]; // get all the values into an array of vectors (each vector holds the values for a // single terminal (dep or indep variable) Vector values[] = new Vector[terminalSymbolsfromFile.length]; for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) values[i] = new Vector(); try { while (terminalFileCSV.readRecord()) { for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) values[i].add(terminalFileCSV.get(i)); } } catch (IOException e) { state.output.fatal( "The file with terminal definitions/values failed when reading records. " + e); } for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) { double v[] = new double[values[i].size()]; for (int m = 0; m < v.length; m++) try { v[m] = Double.parseDouble((String) values[i].elementAt(m)); } catch (Exception e) { state.output.fatal( "Failed trying to read a training data set value. The field is supposed to be a number but was the string '" + (String) values[i].elementAt(m) + "'.\n" + e); } int jj = terminalSymbolsfromFile.length - species.numberOfChromosomes; if (i >= jj) // last column(s) in file is(are) the dependent variable(s) GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.setValues(v, i - jj); else ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[numberOfFunctions + i]).setTrainingValues(v); } // get the testing data as well if a file was specified if (testingTerminalFileCSV != null) // testing data defined in CSV file { // get all the values into an array of vectors (each vector holds the values for a // single terminal (dep or indep variable) Vector testingValues[] = new Vector[terminalSymbolsfromFile.length]; for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) testingValues[i] = new Vector(); try { while (testingTerminalFileCSV.readRecord()) { for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) testingValues[i].add(testingTerminalFileCSV.get(i)); } } catch (IOException e) { state.output.fatal( "The file with testing data values failed when reading records. " + "\nMake sure the file has the same column separators as the testing data file." + "\nAlso check that it has the same as the number of columns as the testing file" + e); } for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) { double v[] = new double[testingValues[i].size()]; for (int m = 0; m < v.length; m++) try { v[m] = Double.parseDouble((String) testingValues[i].elementAt(m)); } catch (Exception e) { state.output.fatal( "Failed trying to read a testing data set value. The field is supposed to be a number but was the string '" + (String) testingValues[i].elementAt(m) + "'.\n" + e); } int jj = terminalSymbolsfromFile.length - species.numberOfChromosomes; if (i >= jj) // last column(s) in file is(are) the dependent variable(s) GEPDependentVariable.testingData.setValues(v, i - jj); else ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[numberOfFunctions + i]).setTestingValues(v); } } } // else terminals were defined in the param file and no CSV file // defined so .... ask User Problem for the values, training and testing (if there are any) else { GEPDependentVariable.symbol = "dependentVariable"; GEPProblem prob = (GEPProblem) state.evaluator.p_problem; double vals[] = null; for (int i = numberOfFunctions; i < numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol; i++) { GEPTerminalSymbol ts = (GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]; vals = prob.getDataValues(ts.symbol); if (vals == null) state.output.fatal( "Expecting user problem (GEPProblem/ProblemForm) to supply training data values for terminal symbol '" + ts + "'."); ts.setTrainingValues(vals); vals = prob.getTestingDataValues(ts.symbol); if (vals != null) // don't have to supply testing data ts.setTestingValues(vals); } // if just one dep var then ask user by requesting with getdataValues("dependentVariable") // and if more than one dep var (more than 1 chromosome) then ask for dep variables // with getDataValues("dependentVariable0"), getDataValues("dependentVariable1"), ... for (int i = 0; i < species.numberOfChromosomes; i++) { String depVarSym = GEPDependentVariable.symbol; if (species.numberOfChromosomes > 1) depVarSym = depVarSym + i; vals = prob.getDataValues(depVarSym); if (vals == null) state.output.fatal( "Expecting user problem (GEPProblem/ProblemForm) to supply training data values for dependent variable '" + depVarSym + "'."); GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.setValues(vals, i); vals = prob.getTestingDataValues(depVarSym); if (vals != null) // don't have to supply testing data GEPDependentVariable.testingData.setValues(vals, i); } } // Some checking of data values to ensure they meet the requirements for the various problem // types. // For all problem types need to make sure all indep vars and the dep var have the same number // of values! int numValues = GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.values[0].length; for (int i = numberOfFunctions; i < numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol; i++) if (((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]).trainingValues.length != numValues) state.output.fatal( "Must have same number of values for all independent variables and the dependent variable." + "/nNumber of values for Dependent Variable is: " + numValues + "/nNumber of values for Independent Variable '" + symbols[i].symbol + "' is: " + ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]).trainingValues.length); // For Classification and logical problems all dependent variable values must be either 0 or 1 if (species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_CLASSIFICATION || species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_LOGICAL) { double dvVals[] = GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.values[0]; for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) if (dvVals[i] != 0.0 && dvVals[i] != 1.0) state.output.fatal( "For classification/logical problems all dependent variable values must be either 1 or 0.\nFound value " + dvVals[i] + " at index " + i + "in the values."); } // For Logical problems all independent variable values must be 0 or 1 if (species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_LOGICAL) { // for each indep variable symbol for (int i = numberOfFunctions; i < numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol; i++) { double ivVals[] = ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]).trainingValues; for (int m = 0; m < numValues; m++) if (ivVals[m] != 0.0 && ivVals[m] != 1.0) state.output.fatal( "For logical problems all independent variable values must be either 1 or 0.\nFound value " + ivVals[m] + " at index '" + m + "' in the variable '" + ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]).symbol + "'."); } } state.output.exitIfErrors(); }
public void importarProspecto(String nombreArchivo) { try { CsvReader prospecto = new CsvReader(nombreArchivo); prospecto.readHeaders(); while (prospecto.readRecord()) { String dni = prospecto.get(0); String nombres = prospecto.get(1); String apellido_paterno = prospecto.get(2); String apellido_materno = prospecto.get(3); String telefono = prospecto.get(4); String fechacontacto = prospecto.get(5); String correo = prospecto.get(6); String direccion = prospecto.get(7); String distrito = prospecto.get(7); String departamento = prospecto.get(8); // perform program logic here registrarProspecto( dni, nombres, apellido_paterno, apellido_materno, telefono, fechacontacto, correo, direccion, distrito, departamento); } prospecto.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private static void filterCSV( String filename, LinkedList<String> filters, LinkedList<String> includes) throws IOException { FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename); CsvReader csvIn = new CsvReader(fr, SEPARATOR); csvIn.setSafetySwitch(false); if (csvIn.readHeaders()) { csvIn.readRecord(); System.out.println("'" + filename + "' has " + csvIn.getColumnCount() + " column."); int usedColumn = 0; String[] headers = csvIn.getHeaders(); StringBuffer newHeader = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer newValues = new StringBuffer(); HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); allData.put(filename, data); for (String header : headers) { boolean matches = false; // check if a filter matches the entry for (String filter : filters) { if (header.contains(filter)) { matches = true; // ok, filter matches, but maybe it is on the include list? for (String include : includes) { if (header.contains(include)) { matches = false; break; } } break; } } if (!matches) { usedColumn++; String value = csvIn.get(header); newHeader.append(header); newHeader.append(SEPARATOR_OUT); newValues.append(value); newValues.append(SEPARATOR_OUT); if (data != null) { if (!keys.containsKey(header)) { keys.put(header, true); } data.put(header, value); } } } System.out.println(" -> " + usedColumn + " column remains"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filename + FILENAME_POSTFIX, false); fw.write(newHeader.toString()); fw.write(NEW_LINE); fw.write(newValues.toString()); fw.close(); } else { System.err.println("Can not read header from '" + filename + "'"); } }
@Test public void testCreateService() throws Exception { Activator instance = Activator.getDefault(); assertNotNull("Run as a JUnit Plug-in Test", instance); Bundle bundle = instance.getBundle(); URL url = bundle.getEntry("cities.csv"); System.out.println("Bundle URL" + url); URL fileUrl = FileLocator.toFileURL(url); System.out.println("Bundle URL" + fileUrl); // get the service factory IServiceFactory factory = CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getServiceFactory(); // create the service List<IService> services = factory.createService(fileUrl); // ensure the service was created assertNotNull(services); assertEquals(1, services.size()); // ensure the right type of service was created IService service = services.get(0); assertNotNull(service); ICatalog catalog = CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog(); catalog.add(service); // we can now find this service! List<IResolve> found = catalog.search("csv", null, null); assertEquals(2, found.size()); // get all the resources from the service List<? extends IGeoResource> resources = service.resources(null); assertNotNull(resources); assertEquals(resources.size(), 1); CSV csv = null; for (IGeoResource resource : resources) { IGeoResourceInfo info = resource.getInfo(null); String description = info.getDescription(); assertNotNull(description); System.out.println("Description:" + description); ReferencedEnvelope bounds = info.getBounds(); assertTrue(!bounds.isNull()); System.out.println("Bounds:" + bounds); if (resource.canResolve(CSV.class)) { csv = resource.resolve(CSV.class, null); } } CsvReader reader = csv.reader(); reader.readHeaders(); reader.setCaptureRawRecord(true); reader.setTrimWhitespace(true); int count = 0; while (reader.readRecord()) { String x = reader.get("x"); String y = reader.get("y"); System.out.print(reader.getCurrentRecord() + " point " + x + " x " + y); Point point = CSV.getPoint(reader); System.out.println("-->" + point); count++; } reader.close(); System.out.println(count); }
public StringBuffer uploadAndReportCustomDataFile( InputStream inputStream, long size, String fileFormat, char delimChar, List<String> listOfUIDsToUpdate, CustomFieldGroup customFieldGroup, PhenoCollection phenoCollection, boolean overwriteExisting) throws FileFormatException, ArkSystemException { List<PhenoCollection> phenoCollectionsWithTheirDataToInsert = new ArrayList<PhenoCollection>(); delimiterCharacter = delimChar; uploadReport = new StringBuffer(); InputStream convertedInputStream; if (fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FileFormat.XLS.toString())) { XLStoCSV xlsToCSV = new XLStoCSV(delimiterCharacter); convertedInputStream = xlsToCSV.convertXlsInputStreamToCsv(inputStream); } else { convertedInputStream = inputStream; } InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = null; CsvReader csvReader = null; DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); int subjectCount = 0; long updateFieldsCount = 0L; long insertFieldsCount = 0L; long emptyDataCount = 0L; try { inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(convertedInputStream); csvReader = new CsvReader(inputStreamReader, delimiterCharacter); String[] stringLineArray; List<LinkSubjectStudy> allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated = null; if (listOfUIDsToUpdate.size() > 0) { allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated = iArkCommonService.getUniqueSubjectsWithTheseUIDs(study, listOfUIDsToUpdate); } else { allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated = new ArrayList<LinkSubjectStudy>(); } if (size <= 0) { uploadReport.append( "ERROR: The input size was not greater than 0. Actual length reported: "); uploadReport.append(size); uploadReport.append("\n"); throw new FileFormatException( "The input size was not greater than 0. Actual length reported: " + size); } csvReader.readHeaders(); List<String> fieldNameCollection = Arrays.asList(csvReader.getHeaders()); ArkFunction phenoCustomFieldArkFunction = iArkCommonService.getArkFunctionByName( Constants.FUNCTION_KEY_VALUE_PHENO_COLLECTION); // "); List<CustomFieldDisplay> cfdsThatWeNeed = iArkCommonService.getCustomFieldDisplaysIn( fieldNameCollection, study, phenoCustomFieldArkFunction, customFieldGroup); // Paul has requested - in pheno we only insert List<PhenoData> dataThatWeHave = // iArkCommonService.getCustomFieldDataFor(cfdsThatWeNeed, allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated); // read one line which contains potentially many custom fields QuestionnaireStatus uploadingStatus = iPhenotypicService.getPhenoCollectionStatusByName( Constants.PHENO_COLLECTION_STATUS_UPLOADED); while (csvReader.readRecord()) { List<PhenoData> phenoDataToInsertForThisPhenoCollection = new ArrayList<PhenoData>(); log.info("reading record " + subjectCount); stringLineArray = csvReader.getValues(); String subjectUID = stringLineArray[0]; String recordDate = stringLineArray[1]; Date recordDate_asDate = (recordDate.isEmpty() ? new Date() : simpleDateFormat.parse(recordDate)); LinkSubjectStudy subject = getSubjectByUIDFromExistList(allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated, subjectUID); // log.info("get subject from list"); CustomField customField = null; List<PhenoCollection> subjectExistingMatchingPhenoCollections = iPhenotypicService.getSubjectMatchingPhenoCollections( subject, customFieldGroup, recordDate_asDate); PhenoCollection phenoCollectionIntoDB = new PhenoCollection(); if (subjectExistingMatchingPhenoCollections.size() == 0 || !overwriteExisting) { phenoCollectionIntoDB.setDescription(phenoCollection.getDescription()); phenoCollectionIntoDB.setLinkSubjectStudy(subject); // phenoCollectionIntoDB.setName(phenoCollection.getName()); phenoCollectionIntoDB.setQuestionnaire(customFieldGroup); if (recordDate.isEmpty()) { phenoCollectionIntoDB.setRecordDate(new Date()); } else { phenoCollectionIntoDB.setRecordDate(recordDate_asDate); } phenoCollectionIntoDB.setStatus( uploadingStatus); // TODO for this to be UPLOADED TYPE STATUS } else { if (subjectExistingMatchingPhenoCollections.size() == 1) { recordDate_asDate = (recordDate.isEmpty() ? new Date() : simpleDateFormat.parse(recordDate)); phenoCollectionIntoDB = subjectExistingMatchingPhenoCollections.get(0); } else { subjectCount++; continue; } } for (CustomFieldDisplay cfd : cfdsThatWeNeed) { String theDataAsString = null; customField = cfd.getCustomField(); if (csvReader.getIndex(cfd.getCustomField().getName()) < 0) { for (String nameAsSeenInFile : fieldNameCollection) { if (nameAsSeenInFile.equalsIgnoreCase(cfd.getCustomField().getName())) { theDataAsString = csvReader.get(nameAsSeenInFile); } } } else { theDataAsString = csvReader.get(cfd.getCustomField().getName()); } if (theDataAsString != null && !theDataAsString.isEmpty()) { PhenoData dataToInsert = new PhenoData(); dataToInsert.setCustomFieldDisplay(cfd); // as much as i disagree...pheno data isn't tied to subject....pheno collection is // dataToInsert.setLinkSubjectStudy(subject); setValue(customField, cfd, dataToInsert, theDataAsString); boolean flag = true; for (PhenoData phenoData : phenoCollectionIntoDB.getPhenoData()) { if (phenoData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getId() == cfd.getId()) { phenoData.setDateDataValue(dataToInsert.getDateDataValue()); phenoData.setErrorDataValue(dataToInsert.getErrorDataValue()); phenoData.setNumberDataValue(dataToInsert.getNumberDataValue()); phenoData.setTextDataValue(dataToInsert.getTextDataValue()); flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { phenoDataToInsertForThisPhenoCollection.add(dataToInsert); } insertFieldsCount++; } else { emptyDataCount++; } } phenoCollectionIntoDB.getPhenoData().addAll(phenoDataToInsertForThisPhenoCollection); log.info(phenoCollectionIntoDB.toString()); phenoCollectionsWithTheirDataToInsert.add(phenoCollectionIntoDB); subjectCount++; } log.info( "finished message for " + subjectCount + "\n DATA inserts = " + insertFieldsCount + " phenocollections = " + phenoCollectionsWithTheirDataToInsert.size() + " amount of empty scells =" + emptyDataCount); } catch (IOException ioe) { uploadReport.append( "SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected I/O exception whilst reading the subject data file\n"); log.error("processMatrixSubjectFile IOException stacktrace:", ioe); throw new ArkSystemException("Unexpected I/O exception whilst reading the subject data file"); } catch (Exception ex) { uploadReport.append( "SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected exception whilst reading the subject data file\n"); log.error("processMatrixSubjectFile Exception stacktrace:", ex); throw new ArkSystemException( "Unexpected exception occurred when trying to process subject data file"); } finally { uploadReport.append("Total file size: "); uploadReport.append(decimalFormat.format(size / 1024.0 / 1024.0)); uploadReport.append(" MB"); uploadReport.append("\n"); if (csvReader != null) { try { csvReader.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Cleanup operation failed: csvRdr.close()", ex); } } if (inputStreamReader != null) { try { inputStreamReader.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Cleanup operation failed: isr.close()", ex); } } } uploadReport.append("Processed "); uploadReport.append(subjectCount); uploadReport.append(" rows."); uploadReport.append("\n"); uploadReport.append("Inserted "); uploadReport.append(insertFieldsCount); uploadReport.append(" rows of data."); uploadReport.append("\n"); uploadReport.append("Updated "); uploadReport.append(updateFieldsCount); uploadReport.append(" rows of data."); uploadReport.append("\n"); // TODO better exceptionhandling iPhenotypicService.processPhenoCollectionsWithTheirDataToInsertBatch( phenoCollectionsWithTheirDataToInsert, study); return uploadReport; }
public PaymentStatistic processKZ(File csvFile, LoggingHandler lh) throws IOException { CsvReader reader = null; ArrayList<PaymentRecord> recordList = new ArrayList(); Double sum = 0.0; PaymentStatistic statisticAll = new PaymentStatistic(); try { reader = new CsvReader(csvFile.getCanonicalPath()); reader.setDelimiter(';'); reader.readHeaders(); // Headers ohne Spaces mittels trim String[] headers = new String[reader.getHeaderCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < reader.getHeaderCount(); i++) { headers[i] = reader.getHeader(i).trim(); } reader.setHeaders(headers); // http://www.csvreader.com/java_csv_samples.php // http://javacsv.sourceforge.net/ PaymentRecord record = new PaymentRecord(reader); recordList.add(record); while (true) { try { PaymentRecord newRecord = new PaymentRecord(reader); if (newRecord.getKontoNr() == record.getKontoNr()) { // nicht verarbeiten, gleicher Kunde recordList.add(newRecord); sum = sum + newRecord.getBetragNr(); record = newRecord; continue; } // unterschiedliche Kundennummer, alte Belege verarbeiten if (sum == 0.0) { PaymentStatistic statistic = processKZPaymentRecord(recordList, lh); statisticAll.addStatistic(statistic); } // System.out.println("Kunde " + record.getKontoStr() + "OP: " + sum); recordList = new ArrayList(); sum = 0.0; recordList.add(newRecord); sum = sum + newRecord.getBetragNr(); record = newRecord; continue; } catch (Throwable th) { // kein neuer record mehr, Liste verarbeiten if (sum == 0.0) { PaymentStatistic statistic = processKZPaymentRecord(recordList, lh); statisticAll.addStatistic(statistic); } } break; } reader.close(); } catch (Throwable th) { lh.getLogger(Globals.LOGGINGKZ).log(Level.SEVERE, null, th); return statisticAll; } return statisticAll; }
/** Checks if some update is needed to be done and executes it if neccessary */ public static void update() throws Exception { String version = Config.getInstance().getVersion(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(version)) { // program is started for the first time, no update neccessary return; } if (ObjectUtils.equals(version, Config.getLatestVersion())) { // already updated return; } logger.log( Level.INFO, "Updating from legacy version {0} to current version {1}", new Object[] {version, Config.getLatestVersion()}); // changes to 1.4 if (Config.compareProgramVersions(version, "1.4") < 0) { // add message ID to queue logger.fine("Updating queue to add message IDs..."); try { Field queueFileField = PersistenceManager.class.getDeclaredField("queueFile"); queueFileField.setAccessible(true); File queueFile = (File) queueFileField.get(null); List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(queueFile, "UTF-8"); ArrayList<String> newLines = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String line : lines) { newLines.add(line + ","); } FileUtils.writeLines(queueFile, "UTF-8", newLines); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Updating queue file failed", ex); } } // changes to 0.8.0 if (Config.compareProgramVersions(version, "0.8.0") < 0) { // set country prefix from locale if (StringUtils.isEmpty(Config.getInstance().getCountryPrefix())) { Config.getInstance() .setCountryPrefix(CountryPrefix.getCountryPrefix(Locale.getDefault().getCountry())); } } // changes to 0.17.0 if (Config.compareProgramVersions(version, "0.16.0") <= 0) { // keyring encryption changed from AES to XOR logger.fine("Updating keyring file to newer encryption..."); try { byte[] passphrase = new byte[] { -53, -103, 123, -53, -119, -12, -27, -82, 3, -115, 119, -101, 86, 92, 92, 28 }; SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(passphrase, "AES"); String CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION = "AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"; Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keySpec); Field keyringFileField = PersistenceManager.class.getDeclaredField("keyringFile"); keyringFileField.setAccessible(true); File keyringFile = (File) keyringFileField.get(null); ContinuousSaveManager.disableKeyring(); Keyring keyring = Keyring.getInstance(); keyring.clearKeys(); CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(keyringFile.getPath(), ',', Charset.forName("UTF-8")); reader.setUseComments(true); while (reader.readRecord()) { String gatewayName = reader.get(0); String login = reader.get(1); String password = reader.get(2); byte[] ciphertext = Base64.decodeBase64(password.getBytes("UTF-8")); byte[] cleartext = cipher.doFinal(ciphertext); password = new String(cleartext, "UTF-8"); Tuple<String, String> key = new Tuple<String, String>(login, password); keyring.putKey(gatewayName, key); } reader.close(); ContinuousSaveManager.enableKeyring(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Updating keyring file failed", ex); } } // changes to 0.22.0 if (Config.compareProgramVersions(version, "0.21") <= 0) { // transfer senderName and senderNumber settings Field configFileField = PersistenceManager.class.getDeclaredField("configFile"); configFileField.setAccessible(true); File configFile = (File) configFileField.get(null); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = xpf.newXPath(); Document doc = db.parse(configFile); String senderNumber = xpath.evaluate("//void[@property='senderNumber']/string", doc); String senderName = xpath.evaluate("//void[@property='senderName']/string", doc); Signature defaultSig = Signatures.getInstance().get(Signature.DEFAULT.getProfileName()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(senderName)) { defaultSig.setUserName(senderName); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(senderNumber)) { defaultSig.setUserNumber(senderNumber); } } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dataimport.importer.IFileImporter#close() */ public boolean close() throws IOException { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } return true; }
public static List<SNInventory> getMap() { // startTime = "2015-05-03"; List<SNInventory> list = new ArrayList<SNInventory>(); Map<Integer, Map<String, Map<Integer, InventoryBranch>>> mapin = InventoryBranchManager.getInventoryMap(); try { String tempPath = PathUtill.getXMLpath(); tempPath += "data" + File.separator + "DownloadInventory" + File.separator + TimeUtill.getdateString() + File.separator + "SuNing"; logger.info(tempPath); File file = new File(tempPath); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } File file2 = new File(tempPath + File.separator + "model.csv"); // file2.createNewFile(); CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(file2.getPath(), ',', Charset.forName("GBK")); // 一般用这编码读就可以了 reader.readHeaders(); int count = 0; while (reader.readRecord()) { // 逐行读入除表头的数据 String[] strs = reader.getValues(); if (null != strs) { SNInventory in = new SNInventory(); for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) { // logger.info(i); String str = strs[i]; // logger.info(str); if (i == 0) { // logger.info(str); in.setGoodType("样机"); } else if (i == 2) { in.setBranchName(str); } else if (i == 3) { in.setBranchNum(str); } else if (i == 6) { in.setGoodGroupName(str); } else if (i == 7) { in.setGoodGroupNum(str); } else if (i == 10) { in.setGoodpName(str); } else if (i == 11) { in.setGoodNum(str); } else if (i == 12) { double realnum = Double.valueOf(str); int re = (int) realnum; in.setNum(re); } else if (i == 13) { in.setSerialNumber(str); } } count++; int branchid = -1; int type = -1; try { branchid = BranchService.getNumMap(Model.苏宁.getValue()).get(in.getBranchNum()).getId(); // logger.info(in.getBranchNum()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.info("转化门店出错"); } try { type = ProductService.gettypeNUmmap().get(in.getGoodNum()).getId(); // logger.info(in.getGoodNum()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.info("转化型号出错"); } if (branchid != -1 && type != -1) { in.setBid(branchid); in.setTid(type); Map<String, Map<Integer, InventoryBranch>> mapb = mapin.get(branchid); if (null == mapb) { list.add(in); } else { Map<Integer, InventoryBranch> mapt = mapb.get(type + ""); if (null == mapt) { list.add(in); } else { InventoryBranch inb = mapt.get(OrderGoods.prototype); if (null == inb) { list.add(in); } } } } } } logger.info("count" + count); reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.info(e); } // 跳过表头 如果需要表头的话,不要写这句。 logger.info("list" + list.size()); return list; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dataimport.importer.IFileImporter#next() */ public boolean next() throws IOException { return reader.readRecord(); }
private static List<String[]> readRecords( final Hashtable<String, String> global, final CsvReader reader) throws IOException { final List<String[]> transactions = new ArrayList<String[]>(); reader.setDelimiter(';'); reader.setUseComments(false); reader.setTextQualifier('\''); int state = 0; while (reader.readRecord()) { final String[] record = reader.getValues(); final String first = record[0]; switch (state) { case 0: if (first.startsWith("#Klient")) { if (reader.readRecord()) { global.put("name", reader.getValues()[0]); state = 1; } } break; case 1: if (first.startsWith("#Za okres:")) { if (reader.readRecord()) { global.put("start_date", reader.getValues()[0]); global.put("end_date", reader.getValues()[1]); state = 2; } } break; case 2: if (first.startsWith("#Waluta")) { if (reader.readRecord()) { global.put("currency", reader.getValues()[0]); state = 3; } } break; case 3: if (first.startsWith("#Numer rachunku")) { if (reader.readRecord()) { global.put("account_number", reader.getValues()[0]); state = 4; } } break; case 4: if (first.startsWith("#Saldo pocz")) { global.put("start_balance", reader.getValues()[1]); state = 5; } break; case 5: if (first.startsWith("#Data operacji")) { state = 6; } break; case 6: if (record.length > 6 && record[6].startsWith("#Saldo ko")) { global.put("end_balance", record[4]); state = 7; continue; } if (record.length != 9) continue; transactions.add(record); break; } } return transactions; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dataimport.importer.IFileImporter#getString(int) */ public String getString(int column) throws IOException { return reader.get(column); }