private boolean ErrTimeTransfinite(TYPE type) { if (errtime.equals(DEFAULT_ERRTIME)) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=ErrTimeTransfinite" + "\n--DEFAULT_ERRTIME "); return false; } else { int errtime1 = Integer.parseInt(errtime.substring(4, 12)); int curtime = Integer.parseInt(getCurTime().substring(4, 12)); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=ErrTimeTransfinite" + "\n--errtime1:" + errtime1 + "\n--curtime :" + curtime); if (type == TYPE.RETRYINTERVAL) { if (curtime - errtime1 > 1 || curtime - errtime1 < 0) { return true; } } else if (type == TYPE.ONEDAYINTERVAL) { if (curtime - errtime1 > 10000 || curtime - errtime1 < 0) { return true; } } return false; } }
/** 获取<=50条日志信息并拼接 */ private String getLogInformation() { String text = ""; if (mContext == null) { return null; } LogDB logDB = new LogDB(mContext);; Cursor cursor = logDB.getAllLogText(); boolean isSingleLog = false; String log0017 = null; String log0017List = null; for (int i = 0; i < LOGTEXT_NUM && cursor.moveToNext(); i++) { String id = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); String logtext = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("logtext")); String[] itemsTemp = logtext.split("#"); if (itemsTemp[0].equals(ACTION_USE_LOG)) { isUseLog = true; } idSet.add(Integer.valueOf(id)); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=getLogInformation" + "\n--id = " + Integer.valueOf(id) + " logText = " + logtext); if (cursor.getCount() == 1) { text = getParams(logtext, true); isSingleLog = true; break; } else { if (log0017 == null) { log0017 = getParams0017NoMd5(); } text = getParams(logtext, false); log0017List = getParams0017List(log0017List, text); } } cursor.close(); logDB.close(); if (!isSingleLog) { if ((log0017 != null) && (log0017List != null)) { text = getParams0017WithMd5(log0017, log0017List); } else { text = null; } } if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=getLogInformation" + "\n--informationsize = " + idSet.size() + "\n--text = " + text); return text; }
@Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); cancelUpdate = true; manager.cancel(id); Log.v("updateservice", "service ondestroy"); }
private void loadThemeInformation( boolean reloadGallery ) { ThemeService service = new ThemeService( this ); themeInformation = service.queryTheme( packageName , destClassName ); if( themeInformation.isInstalled() ) { Context dstContext = null; try { dstContext = createPackageContext( packageName , Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY ); } catch( NameNotFoundException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } Log.v( LOG_TAG , "2222222222222222destClassName = " + destClassName ); ContentConfig destContent = new ContentConfig(); destContent.loadConfig( dstContext , destClassName ); themeInformation.loadInstallDetail( dstContext , destContent ); if( reloadGallery ) { themeLocalAdapter = new ThemePreviewLocalAdapter( this , destContent , dstContext , false ); galleryPreview.setAdapter( themeLocalAdapter ); } return; } if( reloadGallery ) { galleryPreview.setAdapter( new ThemePreviewHotAdapter( this , packageName , downModule , false ) ); } }
private void checkThread() { synchronized (threadSync) { if (handlerThread == null) { handlerThread = new HandlerThread("handlerThread"); handlerThread.start(); mHandler = new Handler(handlerThread.getLooper()); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=checkThread"); } } }
private void exitThread() { synchronized (threadSync) { if (handlerThread != null) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=exitThread"); handlerThread.quit(); handlerThread = null; mHandler = null; } } }
private void downloadTabFinish() { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "downloadListFinish:" + ACTION_TAB_CHANGED); ConfigurationTabService sv = new ConfigurationTabService(mContext); sv.clearTable(); sv.batchInsert(tabInfo); saveTabTime(); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_TAB_CHANGED); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); }
private int getErrTimes() { if (mContext == null) { return 0; } ConfigDB config = new ConfigDB(mContext);; int count = Integer.parseInt(config.getRecord(ERRCOUNT)); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=getErrTimes" + "\n--geterrtimes:" + count); config.close(); return count; }
@Override public void run() { String url = SERVER_URL_TEST; String params = getParams(ACTION_TAB, true); boolean isSucceed = false; if (params != null) { CustomerHttpClient client = new CustomerHttpClient(mContext); String[] res =, params); if (isExit) { synchronized (syncTabObject) { downTabThread = null; return; } } if (res != null) { String content = res[0]; Log.v("downloadtab", "content = " + content); JSONObject json = null; try { json = new JSONObject(content); int retCode = json.getInt("retcode"); if (retCode == 0) { String configUrl = json.getString("tablist"); json = new JSONObject(configUrl); tabInfo.clear(); for (Iterator iter = json.keys(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); JSONObject tmJson = (JSONObject) json.get(key); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("tabid", tmJson.getString("tabid")); map.put("enname", tmJson.getString("enname")); map.put("cnname", tmJson.getString("cnname")); map.put("twname", tmJson.getString("twname")); map.put("id", key); tabInfo.add(map); } Collections.sort(tabInfo, new ByStringValue()); isSucceed = true; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (isSucceed) { downloadTabFinish(); } synchronized (syncTabObject) { downTabThread = null; return; } }
private void downloadListFinish() { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "downloadListFinish:" + ACTION_HOTLIST_CHANGED); ThemeXmlParser parserXml = new ThemeXmlParser(mContext); HotService sv = new HotService(mContext); Intent intent = new Intent(); sv.clearTable(); for (String item : types) { if (parserXml.parseList(DownloadList.getInstance(mContext).getListInfo(), item, mContext)) { sv.batchInsert(parserXml.getThemeList()); } } saveListTime(); intent.setAction(ACTION_HOTLIST_CHANGED); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); }
@Override public void onReceive( Context context , Intent intent ) { String actionName = intent.getAction(); Log.d( LOG_TAG , "action=" + actionName ); if( actionName.equals( StaticClass.ACTION_PREVIEW_CHANGED ) ) { SpinnerAdapter apt = galleryPreview.getAdapter(); if( apt != null && apt instanceof ThemePreviewHotAdapter ) { ( (ThemePreviewHotAdapter)apt ).reload(); // pageControl.setCurrentPage(galleryPreview // .getSelectedItemPosition()); } } }
private boolean SuccessTimeTransfinite() { if (mContext == null) { return false; } ConfigDB config = new ConfigDB(mContext);; String successtime = config.getRecord(SUCCESSTIME); config.close(); if (successtime.equals(DEFAULT_ERRTIME)) { return true; } else { try { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(df.parse(successtime)); Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar1.setTime(df.parse(getCurTime())); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=SuccessTimeTransfinite" + "\n--successtime1:" + successtime + "\n--curtime :" + getCurTime()); long delta = calendar1.getTimeInMillis() - calendar.getTimeInMillis(); if (delta > 1440 * 60 * 1000 || delta < 0) { return true; } } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return false; }
private String getParams(String logText, boolean isAddMd5) { String action = null; String resid = null; String packageName = null; String[] itemsTemp = logText.split("#"); int len = itemsTemp.length; if (len > 0) { action = itemsTemp[0]; if (len > 1) resid = itemsTemp[1]; if (len > 2) packageName = itemsTemp[2]; } String appid = null; String sn = null; PackageManager pm; JSONObject res; int networktype = -1; int networksubtype = -1; ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo netInfo = connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (netInfo != null) { networktype = netInfo.getType(); networksubtype = netInfo.getSubtype(); } appid = Assets.getAppId(mContext); String channelString = AnalyticsConfig.getChannel(mContext); if (MainActivity.sbGoogleVersion == true && channelString.equals("amazon")) { if (appid.equals("f2986")) { appid = "f566"; } } sn = Assets.getSerialNo(mContext); Log.v("downloadlist", "sn = " + sn); if (appid == null || sn == null) return null; pm = mContext.getPackageManager(); res = new JSONObject(); try { res.put("Action", action); if (isAddMd5) { res.put("packname", mContext.getPackageName()); res.put("versioncode", pm.getPackageInfo(mContext.getPackageName(), 0).versionCode); res.put("versionname", pm.getPackageInfo(mContext.getPackageName(), 0).versionName); res.put("sn", sn); res.put("appid", appid); res.put("shellid", getShellID()); res.put("timestamp", 0); res.put("uuid",; TelephonyManager mTelephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); res.put( "imsi", mTelephonyMgr.getSubscriberId() == null ? "" : mTelephonyMgr.getSubscriberId()); res.put( "iccid", mTelephonyMgr.getSimSerialNumber() == null ? "" : mTelephonyMgr.getSimSerialNumber()); res.put("imei", mTelephonyMgr.getDeviceId() == null ? "" : mTelephonyMgr.getDeviceId()); res.put( "phone", mTelephonyMgr.getLine1Number() == null ? "" : mTelephonyMgr.getLine1Number()); java.text.DateFormat format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); res.put("localtime", format.format(new Date())); res.put("model", Build.MODEL); res.put("display", Build.DISPLAY); res.put("product", Build.PRODUCT); res.put("device", Build.DEVICE); res.put("board", Build.BOARD); res.put("manufacturer", Build.MANUFACTURER); res.put("brand", Build.BRAND); res.put("hardware", Build.HARDWARE); res.put("buildversion", Build.VERSION.RELEASE); res.put("sdkint", Build.VERSION.SDK_INT); res.put( "androidid", android.provider.Settings.Secure.getString( mContext.getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID)); res.put("buildtime", Build.TIME); res.put("heightpixels", mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels); res.put("widthpixels", mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels); res.put("networktype", networktype); res.put("networksubtype", networksubtype); res.put("producttype", 4); res.put("productname", "uipersonalcenter"); res.put("count", 0); res.put("opversion", getVersion()); Log.v("downloadlist", logText + "下载线程启动"); } if (action.equals(ACTION_USE_LOG)) { res.put("param1", ""); res.put("param2", ""); res.put("count", getUseCount()); } else if (action.equals(ACTION_UNINSTALL_LOG)) { res.put("param1", resid); res.put("param2", packageName); res.put("count", 0); } else if (action.equals(ACTION_DOWNLOAD_LOG) || action.equals(ACTION_INSTALL_LOG)) { res.put("param1", resid); res.put("param2", packageName); res.put("count", 0); } String content = res.toString(); String params = content; if (isAddMd5) { String md5_res = getMD5EncruptKey(content + DEFAULT_KEY); // res.put("md5", md5_res); String newContent = content.substring(0, content.lastIndexOf('}')); params = newContent + ",\"md5\":\"" + md5_res + "\"}"; } return params; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
private static void initAssets(Context context) { mContext = context; String serialno = ""; String domain = ""; String app_id = ""; String template_id = ""; String channel_id = ""; ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); Uri uri; if (com.coco.theme.themebox.util.FunctionConfig.isNetVersion()) uri = Uri.parse("content://" + TURBO_LAUNCHER_PROVIDER_AUTHOR + "/" + "config"); else uri = Uri.parse("content://" + "" + "/" + "config"); String[] projection = null; String selection = null; String[] selectionArgs = null; String sortOrder = null; config = new JSONObject(); try { selection = " propertyName=? "; selectionArgs = new String[] {PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_DOMAIN}; Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { domain = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("propertyValue")); } cursor.close(); } else { domain = ""; } config.put(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_DOMAIN, domain); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { selection = " propertyName=? "; selectionArgs = new String[] {PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_SERIALNO}; Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { serialno = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("propertyValue")); } cursor.close(); } else { serialno = ""; } config.put(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_SERIALNO, serialno); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { selection = " propertyName=? "; selectionArgs = new String[] {PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_APPID}; Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { app_id = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("propertyValue")); } cursor.close(); } else { app_id = ""; } config.put(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_APPID, app_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { selection = " propertyName=? "; selectionArgs = new String[] {PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_TEMPLATEID}; Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { template_id = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("propertyValue")); } cursor.close(); } else { template_id = ""; } config.put(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_TEMPLATEID, template_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { selection = " propertyName=? "; selectionArgs = new String[] {PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_CHANNELID}; Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { channel_id = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("propertyValue")); } cursor.close(); } else { channel_id = ""; } config.put(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_CHANNELID, channel_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { Log.v( "theme", "assets " + PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_DOMAIN + ":" + config.getString(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_DOMAIN)); Log.v( "theme", "assets " + PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_SERIALNO + ":" + config.getString(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_SERIALNO)); Log.v( "theme", "assets " + PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_APPID + ":" + config.getString(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_APPID)); Log.v( "theme", "assets " + PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_TEMPLATEID + ":" + config.getString(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_TEMPLATEID)); Log.v( "theme", "assets " + PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_CHANNELID + ":" + config.getString(PREFERENCE_KEY_CONFIG_CHANNELID)); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void startUICenterLog(String action, String resid, String packageName) { String logText = action + "#" + resid + "#" + packageName; boolean isFind = false; if (mContext == null) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--[(mContext == null)] --------------------- return"); return; } if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--order:" + logText); LogDB logDB = new LogDB(mContext);; Cursor cursor = logDB.getAllLogText(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String text = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("logtext")); if (text.equals(logText)) { isFind = true; break; } } cursor.close(); if (!isFind) { logDB.insertRecord(logText); } logDB.close(); if (mHandler != null) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--存在上传线程 ---------------------return"); return; } checkThread(); if (!exitErrTime()) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--不存在错误时间"); if (SuccessTimeTransfinite()) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--成功时间超过时间间隔 =========================="); // 上传数据; } else { exitThread(); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--exitThread成功时间没有超过时间间隔 ---------------------exitThread--------------------"); } } else { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--存在错误时间"); if (getErrTimes() > 3 && ErrTimeTransfinite(TYPE.ONEDAYINTERVAL)) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--错误时间超过一小时 =========================="); // 更新失败次数&失败时间 recordErrCount(1); recordErrTime(); // 上传数据; } else if (getErrTimes() <= 3 && ErrTimeTransfinite(TYPE.RETRYINTERVAL)) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--错误时间间隔超过1分钟 ========================== "); // 上传数据; } else { exitThread(); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=packageOnEvent" + "\n--exitThread错误时间没有超过时间间隔 ---------------------exitThread-------------------- "); } } }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ActivityManager.pushActivity(this); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mContext = this; // added by begin String sdpath = getSDPath(); if (sdpath != null) { PATH_ENABLE_LOG = sdpath + File.separator + "enablelog.log"; File dir = new File(PATH_ENABLE_LOG); if (dir.exists()) { Log.setEnableLog(true); } } // added by end if (!com.coco.theme.themebox.StaticClass.isAllowDownload(mContext) && com.coco.theme.themebox.util.FunctionConfig .isDownToInternal()) { com.coco.theme.themebox.StaticClass.canDownToInternal = true; } PathTool.makeDirApp(); // teapotXu_20130304: add start // set a flag that indicates whether the ThemeSelectIcon launched the // ThemeBox or Launcher app. String pkgNameFromThemeBox = getIntent().getStringExtra("FROM_PACKAGE"); if (pkgNameFromThemeBox != null && pkgNameFromThemeBox.length() > 16 && pkgNameFromThemeBox.substring(0, 16).equals( "com.coco.themes.")) { b_theme_icon_start_launcher = true; return; } // teapotXu_20130304: add end downModule = new DownModule(this); themedownModule = new ThemeDownModule(this); if (!com.coco.theme.themebox.util.FunctionConfig.isLockVisible() && !com.coco.lock2.lockbox.StaticClass.isLockBoxInstalled(this)) { setContentView(R.layout.man_tab_nolock); } else { setContentView(R.layout.main_tab_lock); } tabHost = (TabHost) findViewById(; tabHost.setup(); // 添加主题页面 tabTheme = new TabThemeFactory(MainActivity.this, themedownModule); final View indicatorTheme = View.inflate(MainActivity.this, R.layout.indicator_theme, null); tabHost.addTab(tabHost.newTabSpec(TAG_THEME) .setIndicator(indicatorTheme).setContent(tabTheme)); if (com.coco.theme.themebox.util.FunctionConfig.isLockVisible() || com.coco.lock2.lockbox.StaticClass.isLockBoxInstalled(this)) { int Screen_W = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth(); int Screen_H = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getHeight(); // 添加锁屏页面 tabLock = new TabLockFactory(MainActivity.this, downModule, Screen_W, Screen_H); View indicatorLock = View.inflate(MainActivity.this, R.layout.indicator_lock, null); tabHost.addTab(tabHost.newTabSpec(TAG_LOCK) .setIndicator(indicatorLock).setContent(tabLock)); int tabIndex = getIntent().getIntExtra( StaticClass.EXTRA_MAIN_TAB_INDEX, 0); switch (tabIndex) { default: case 0: tabHost.setCurrentTabByTag(TAG_THEME); break; case 1: tabHost.setCurrentTabByTag(TAG_LOCK); break; } } // 友盟 进入主题盒子统计 MobclickAgent.onEvent(mContext, "StartBox"); // 友盟 新用户统计 NewUser(mContext); // 友盟 活跃用户统计 ActiveUser(mContext); }
@Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub mHandler.removeCallbacks(UploadRun); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) { Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=UploadRun" + "\n--上传线程"); } // 判断是否联网 if (!IsHaveInternet(mContext)) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=UploadRun" + "\n--没有线程"); exitThread(); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=UploadRun" + "\n--没有网退出线程" + "---------------------exitThread--------------------"); return; } else { String params = getLogInformation(); if (params != null) { CustomerHttpClient client = new CustomerHttpClient(mContext); String[] res =, params); if (res != null) { String content = res[0]; JSONObject json = null; try { json = new JSONObject(content); int retCode = json.getInt("retcode"); if (retCode == 0) { delAllData(); clearErrTimeAndCount(); recordSuccessTime(); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=UploadRun" + "\n--上传成功 =============ok====================" + "\n--params = " + params); } else { isUseLog = false; int errcount = getErrTimes(); recordErrCount(++errcount); recordErrTime(); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=UploadRun" + "\n--上传失败=============not ok====================" + "\n--params = " + params + "\n--retCode =" + retCode); } } catch (JSONException e) { isUseLog = false; int errcount = getErrTimes(); recordErrCount(++errcount); recordErrTime(); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=UploadRun" + "\n--上传失败=============not ok====================" + "\n--params = " + params); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { isUseLog = false; int errcount = getErrTimes(); recordErrCount(++errcount); recordErrTime(); if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v( "UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=UploadRun" + "\n--上传失败=============not ok====================" + "\n--params = " + params + "\n--res =" + res); } } if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=UploadRun" + "\n--关闭上传线程"); exitThread(); } }
@Override public void run() { String url = SERVER_URL_TEST; String params = getParams(ACTION_LIST, true); boolean isSucceed = false; if (params != null) { CustomerHttpClient client = new CustomerHttpClient(mContext); String[] res =, params); if (isExit) { synchronized (syncObject) { downListThread = null; return; } } if (res != null) { String content = res[0]; Log.v("downloadlist", "content = " + content); // Tools.writelogTosd( content ); JSONObject json = null; try { json = new JSONObject(content); int retCode = json.getInt("retcode"); if (retCode == 0) { String configUrl = json.getString("reslist"); json = new JSONObject(configUrl); for (Iterator iter = json.keys(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); JSONObject tmJson = (JSONObject) json.get(key); ListInfo listInfo = new ListInfo(); for (Iterator mIterator = tmJson.keys(); mIterator.hasNext(); ) { String mKey = (String); if (mKey.equals("tabid")) { listInfo.setTabid(tmJson.get(mKey).toString()); } else if (mKey.equals("enname")) { listInfo.setEnname(tmJson.get(mKey).toString()); } else if (mKey.equals("cnname")) { listInfo.setCnname(tmJson.get(mKey).toString()); } else if (mKey.equals("twname")) { listInfo.setTwname(tmJson.get(mKey).toString()); } else if (mKey.equals("typeid")) { listInfo.setTypeid(tmJson.get(mKey).toString()); } else { JSONObject jsObj = (JSONObject) tmJson.get(mKey); ItemInfo itemInfo = new ItemInfo(); itemInfo.setIndex(mKey); System.out.println( "mKey = " + mKey + " jsObj.getString() = " + jsObj.getString("cnname")); itemInfo.setResid(jsObj.getString("resid")); itemInfo.setEnname(jsObj.getString("enname")); itemInfo.setCnname(jsObj.getString("cnname")); // itemInfo.setTwname(jsObj.getString("twname")); itemInfo.setResurl(jsObj.getString("resurl")); itemInfo.setPackname(jsObj.getString("packname")); itemInfo.setSize(jsObj.getString("size")); itemInfo.setAuthor(jsObj.getString("author")); itemInfo.setAboutchinese(jsObj.getString("aboutchinese")); itemInfo.setVersion(jsObj.getString("version")); itemInfo.setVersionname(jsObj.getString("versionname")); itemInfo.setAboutenglish(jsObj.getString("aboutenglish")); itemInfo.setPrice(jsObj.getString("price")); itemInfo.setPricedetail(jsObj.getString("pricedetail")); itemInfo.setPricePoint(jsObj.getString("pricepoint")); itemInfo.setIcon(jsObj.getString("icon")); itemInfo.setThumbimg(jsObj.getString("thumbimg")); try { itemInfo.setEnginepackname(jsObj.getString("enginepackname")); itemInfo.setEngineurl(jsObj.getString("engineurl")); itemInfo.setEnginesize(jsObj.getString("enginesize")); } catch (JSONException e) { itemInfo.setEnginepackname(null); itemInfo.setEngineurl(null); itemInfo.setEnginesize(null); } try { itemInfo.setEnginedesc(jsObj.getString("enginedesc")); } catch (JSONException e) { itemInfo.setEnginedesc(null); } try { itemInfo.setThirdparty(jsObj.getString("thirdparty")); } catch (JSONException e) { itemInfo.setThirdparty(null); } try { JSONArray preview = jsObj.getJSONArray("previewlist"); String[] pre = new String[preview.length()]; for (int k = 0; k < preview.length(); k++) { pre[k] = preview.getString(k); } itemInfo.setPreviewlist(pre); } catch (JSONException e) { itemInfo.setPreviewlist(new String[] {itemInfo.getThumbimg()}); } listInfo.getItemList().add(itemInfo); } } info.add(listInfo); } isSucceed = true; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (isSucceed) { downloadListFinish(); } synchronized (syncObject) { downListThread = null; return; } }