/** Adds a url-pattern */ public void addURLPattern(String pattern) throws PatternSyntaxException { String regexpPattern = UrlMap.urlPatternToRegexpPattern(pattern); int flags = (CauchoSystem.isCaseInsensitive() ? Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0); Pattern regexp = Pattern.compile(regexpPattern, flags); _urlPatternList.add(regexp); }
/** Sets the url-pattern */ public void addURLPattern(String pattern) { String regexpPattern = UrlMap.urlPatternToRegexpPattern(pattern); int flags = (CauchoSystem.isCaseInsensitive() ? Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0); try { _regexp = Pattern.compile(regexpPattern, flags); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); } }
/** Finds the web-app matching the current entry. */ public WebAppUriMap findEntryByURI(String uri) { if (_appDeploy.isModified()) _uriToAppCache.clear(); WebAppUriMap entry = _uriToAppCache.get(uri); if (entry != null) return entry; String cleanUri = uri; if (CauchoSystem.isCaseInsensitive()) cleanUri = cleanUri.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); // server/105w try { cleanUri = getInvocationDecoder().normalizeUri(cleanUri); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e); } entry = findByURIImpl(cleanUri); _uriToAppCache.put(uri, entry); return entry; }