 public GridElement cloneFromMe() {
   try {
     java.lang.Class<? extends GridElement> cx = this.getClass(); // get class of dynamic object
     GridElement c = cx.newInstance();
     c.setPanelAttributes(getPanelAttributes()); // copy states
     return c;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.error("Error at calling CloneFromMe() on entity", e);
   return null;
   * Must be overwritten because Swing uses this method to tell if 2 elements are overlapping It's
   * also used to determine which element gets selected if there are overlapping elements (the
   * smallest one) IMPORTANT: on overlapping elements, contains is called for all elements until the
   * first one returns true, then the others contain methods are not called
   * <p>In future this logic should be the same as in
   * BaseletGWT.DrawPanel.getGridElementOnPosition() which is much simpler because its externally
   * calculated (this migration is only possible if there are not GridElement Listeners, but instead
   * only one Diagram Listener which delegates the event to the specific GridElement like in GWT)
  public static boolean checkForOverlap(GridElement gridElement, Point p) {
    JComponent component = (JComponent) gridElement.getComponent();
    java.awt.Rectangle rectangle = component.getVisibleRect();
    Point absolute =
        new Point(
            gridElement.getRectangle().getX() + p.getX(),
            gridElement.getRectangle().getY() + p.getY());
    if (!rectangle.contains(p.x, p.y)) {
      return false;

    DrawPanel drawPanel = HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(gridElement).getDrawPanel();
    List<GridElement> elements = drawPanel.getGridElements();
    Selector selector = drawPanel.getSelector();
    for (GridElement other : elements) {
      if (other == gridElement
          || other.getLayer() < gridElement.getLayer()
          || !other.isSelectableOn(absolute)) {
        continue; // ignore this element, elements with a lower layer and elements which are not
                  // selectable on the point

      // issue #260: if a relation is the only selected element its selection should be retained
      if (gridElement instanceof Relation && other instanceof Relation) {
        if (selector.isSelectedOnly(gridElement)) {
          return true;
        if (selector.isSelectedOnly(other)) {
          return false;

      JComponent otherComponent = (JComponent) other.getComponent();
      if (other.getLayer()
          > gridElement
              .getLayer()) { // elements with higher layer can "overwrite" contains-value of this
        // move point to coordinate system of other entity
        Point other_p =
            new Point(
                p.x + gridElement.getRectangle().x - other.getRectangle().x,
                p.y + gridElement.getRectangle().y - other.getRectangle().y);
        if (otherComponent.contains(Converter.convert(other_p))) {
          return false;

      java.awt.Rectangle other_rectangle = otherComponent.getVisibleRect();
      // move bounds to coordinate system of this component
      other_rectangle.x += other.getRectangle().x - gridElement.getRectangle().x;
      other_rectangle.y += other.getRectangle().y - gridElement.getRectangle().y;
      // when elements intersect, select the smaller element except if it is an old relation
      // (because they have a larger rectangle than they use). NOTE: Old Relations are not checked
      // because they do not properly implement isSelectableOn
      if (!(other instanceof com.baselet.element.old.element.Relation)
          && rectangle.intersects(other_rectangle)
          && firstSmallerThanSecond(other_rectangle, rectangle)) {
        return false;
    return true;