/** * 升级方法 * * @param model * @return String */ @Deprecated private String generateOriDevReportLocation(ReportDesignModel model) { if (model == null) { return null; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(getDevReportDir()); builder.append(File.separator); String name = null; try { String[] listFile = fileService.ls(this.getDevReportDir()); for (String file : listFile) { if (file.startsWith(model.getId())) { name = file; builder.append(name); break; } } } catch (FileServiceException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (name == null) { builder.append(model.getId()); builder.append(Constants.FILE_NAME_SEPERATOR); builder.append(name); builder.append(Constants.FILE_NAME_SEPERATOR); builder.append(model.getDsId()); } return builder.toString(); }
/** * 依据model对象生成持久化文件名称 * * @param model * @return */ private String generateDevReportLocation(ReportDesignModel model) { if (model == null) { return null; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(getDevReportDir()); builder.append(File.separator); builder.append(model.getId()); builder.append(Constants.FILE_NAME_SEPERATOR); builder.append(model.getName().hashCode()); builder.append(Constants.FILE_NAME_SEPERATOR); builder.append(model.getDsId()); return builder.toString(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws DataSourceOperationException */ @Override public boolean publishReport(ReportDesignModel model, String securityKey) throws ReportModelOperationException, DataSourceOperationException { boolean result = false; String devReportLocation = this.generateDevReportLocation(model); String realeaseLocation = this.getReleaseReportLocation(model); try { // 删除原来已经发布的报表,如果不存在,忽略此处异常 ReportDesignModel tmp = this.getModelByIdOrName(model.getId(), true); if (tmp != null) { try { fileService.rm(getReleaseReportLocation(tmp)); } catch (Exception e) { fileService.rm(getOriReleaseReportLocation(tmp)); } } } catch (FileServiceException e1) { logger.info(e1.getMessage(), e1); } try { result = this.fileService.copy(devReportLocation, realeaseLocation); } catch (FileServiceException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ReportModelOperationException("发布报表失败!"); } if (!result) { logger.error("拷贝报表失败!"); throw new ReportModelOperationException("发布报表失败!"); } /** 发布 */ DataSourceDefine dsDefine; DataSourceInfo dsInfo; try { dsDefine = dsService.getDsDefine(model.getDsId()); DataSourceConnectionService<?> dsConnService = DataSourceConnectionServiceFactory.getDataSourceConnectionServiceInstance( dsDefine.getDataSourceType().name()); dsInfo = dsConnService.parseToDataSourceInfo(dsDefine, securityKey); } catch (DataSourceOperationException e) { logger.error("Fail in Finding datasource define. ", e); throw e; } catch (DataSourceConnectionException e) { logger.error("Fail in parse datasource to datasourceInfo.", e); throw new DataSourceOperationException(e); } List<Cube> cubes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ExtendArea area : model.getExtendAreaList()) { try { if ((area.getType() != ExtendAreaType.TABLE && area.getType() != ExtendAreaType.LITEOLAP_TABLE && area.getType() != ExtendAreaType.CHART && area.getType() != ExtendAreaType.LITEOLAP_CHART) || area.getType() == ExtendAreaType.PLANE_TABLE || QueryUtils.isFilterArea(area.getType())) { continue; } Cube cube = QueryUtils.getCubeWithExtendArea(model, area); cubes.add(cube); } catch (QueryModelBuildException e) { logger.warn("It seems that logicmodel of area is null. Ingore this area. "); continue; } } if (cubes.size() == 0) { logger.info("cube is empty, don't need to create index!"); return true; } new Thread() { public void run() { MiniCubeConnection connection = MiniCubeDriverManager.getConnection(dsInfo); connection.publishCubes(cubes, dsInfo); } }.start(); return true; }