  @With({UserCredentialWrapFilter.class, ConnectToDBFilter.class})
  public static Result changePassword() {
    Logger.trace("Method Start");
    Http.RequestBody body = request().body();

    JsonNode bodyJson = body.asJson();
    Logger.trace("changePassword bodyJson: " + bodyJson);
    if (bodyJson == null)
      return badRequest(
          "The body payload cannot be empty. Hint: put in the request header Content-Type: application/json");

    // check and validate input
    if (!bodyJson.has("old")) return badRequest("The 'old' field is missing");
    if (!bodyJson.has("new")) return badRequest("The 'new' field is missing");

    String currentPassword = DbHelper.getCurrentHTTPPassword();
    String oldPassword = (String) bodyJson.findValuesAsText("old").get(0);
    String newPassword = (String) bodyJson.findValuesAsText("new").get(0);

    if (!oldPassword.equals(currentPassword)) {
      return badRequest("The old password does not match with the current one");

    Logger.trace("Method End");
    return ok();