private static void performPirate(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { throw new CivException("Only residents of towns can perform spy missions."); } // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); CultureChunk cc = CivGlobal.getCultureChunk(coord); if (cc == null || cc.getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's borders."); } // Check that the player is within range of the town hall. Structure tradeoutpost = cc.getCiv().getNearestStructureInTowns(player.getLocation()); if (!(tradeoutpost instanceof TradeOutpost)) { throw new CivException("The closest structure to you must be a trade outpost."); } double distance = player .getLocation() .distance(((TradeOutpost) tradeoutpost).getTradeOutpostTower().getLocation()); if (distance > mission.range) { throw new CivException("Too far away from the trade outpost to pirate it."); } TradeOutpost outpost = (TradeOutpost) tradeoutpost; ItemStack stack = outpost.getItemFrameStore().getItem(); if (stack == null || ItemManager.getId(stack) == CivData.AIR) { throw new CivException("No trade goodie item at this location."); } if (processMissionResult(player, cc.getTown(), mission)) { outpost.getItemFrameStore().clearItem(); player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), stack); CivMessage.sendSuccess(player, "Arg! Got the booty!"); CivMessage.sendTown( cc.getTown(), CivColor.Rose + "Avast! Someone stole our trade goodie " + outpost.getGood().getInfo().name + " at " + outpost.getCorner()); } }
private static void performSabotage(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); CultureChunk cc = CivGlobal.getCultureChunk(coord); if (cc == null || cc.getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's borders."); } // Check that the player is within range of the town hall. Buildable buildable = cc.getTown().getNearestBuildable(player.getLocation()); if (buildable instanceof TownHall) { throw new CivException("Nearest structure is a town hall which cannot be destroyed."); } if (buildable instanceof Wonder) { if (buildable.isComplete()) { throw new CivException("Cannot sabotage completed wonders."); } } double distance = player.getLocation().distance(buildable.getCorner().getLocation()); if (distance > mission.range) { throw new CivException("Too far away the " + buildable.getDisplayName() + " to sabotage it"); } if (buildable instanceof Structure) { if (!buildable.isComplete()) { throw new CivException("Cannot sabotage incomplete structures."); } if (buildable.isDestroyed()) { throw new CivException(buildable.getDisplayName() + " is already destroyed."); } } if (buildable instanceof Wonder) { // Create a new mission and with the penalties. mission = CivSettings.missions.get("spy_sabotage_wonder"); } double failMod = 1.0; if (resident.getTown().getBuffManager().hasBuff("buff_sabotage")) { failMod = resident.getTown().getBuffManager().getEffectiveDouble("buff_sabotage"); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGray + "Your goodie buff 'Sabotage' will come in handy here."); } if (processMissionResult(player, cc.getTown(), mission, failMod, 1.0)) { CivColor.Yellow + "DISASTER!" + CivColor.White + " A " + buildable.getDisplayName() + " has been destroyed! Foul play is suspected."); buildable.setHitpoints(0); buildable.fancyDestroyStructureBlocks();; if (buildable instanceof Wonder) { Wonder wonder = (Wonder) buildable; wonder.unbindStructureBlocks(); try { wonder.delete(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
@Override public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { try { if (War.isWarTime()) { throw new CivException("Cannot use spy missions during war time."); } ConfigMission mission = CivSettings.missions.get(this.getId()); if (mission == null) { throw new CivException("Unknown mission " + this.getId()); } Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(event.getPlayer()); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { throw new CivException("Only residents of towns can perform spy missions."); } Date now = new Date(); if (!event.getPlayer().isOp()) { try { int spyRegisterTime = CivSettings.getInteger(CivSettings.espionageConfig, "espionage.spy_register_time"); int spyOnlineTime = CivSettings.getInteger(CivSettings.espionageConfig, "espionage.spy_online_time"); long expire = resident.getRegistered() + (spyRegisterTime * 60 * 1000); if (now.getTime() <= expire) { throw new CivException( "You cannot use a spy yet, you must play CivCraft a bit longer before you can use it."); } expire = resident.getLastOnline() + (spyOnlineTime * 60 * 1000); if (now.getTime() <= expire) { throw new CivException("You must be online longer before you can use a spy."); } } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ConfigUnit unit = Unit.getPlayerUnit(event.getPlayer()); if (unit == null || !"u_spy")) { event.getPlayer().getInventory().remove(event.getItem()); throw new CivException("Only spies can use mission books."); } ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(event.getPlayer().getLocation()); CultureChunk cc = CivGlobal.getCultureChunk(coord); TownChunk tc = CivGlobal.getTownChunk(coord); if (cc == null || cc.getCiv() == resident.getCiv()) { throw new CivException( "You must be in a civilization's culture that's not your own to spy on them."); } if ((cc != null && cc.getCiv().isAdminCiv()) || (tc != null && tc.getTown().getCiv().isAdminCiv())) { throw new CivException("You cannot spy on an admin civ."); } if (CivGlobal.isCasualMode()) { if (!cc.getCiv().getDiplomacyManager().isHostileWith(resident.getCiv()) && !cc.getCiv().getDiplomacyManager().atWarWith(resident.getCiv())) { throw new CivException( "You must be hostile or at war with " + cc.getCiv().getName() + " in order to perform spy missions in casual mode."); } } resident.setInteractiveMode( new InteractiveSpyMission( mission, event.getPlayer().getName(), event.getPlayer().getLocation(), cc.getTown())); } catch (CivException e) { CivMessage.sendError(event.getPlayer(), e.getMessage()); } }