public CQueryPredicates(Binder binder, OrmQueryRequest<?> request) { this.binder = binder; this.request = request; this.query = request.getQuery(); this.bindParams = query.getBindParams(); this.idValue = query.getId(); }
/** Build and execute the find Id's query. */ public <T> BeanIdList findIds(OrmQueryRequest<T> request) { CQueryFetchIds rcQuery = queryBuilder.buildFetchIdsQuery(request); try { BeanIdList list = rcQuery.findIds(); if (request.isLogSql()) { String logSql = rcQuery.getGeneratedSql(); if (TransactionManager.SQL_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { logSql += "; --bind(" + rcQuery.getBindLog() + ")"; } request.logSql(logSql); } if (request.isLogSummary()) { request.getTransaction().logSummary(rcQuery.getSummary()); } if (!list.isFetchingInBackground() && request.getQuery().isFutureFetch()) { // end the transaction for futureFindIds (it had it's own one) logger.debug("Future findIds completed!"); request.getTransaction().end(); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { throw CQuery.createPersistenceException( e, request.getTransaction(), rcQuery.getBindLog(), rcQuery.getGeneratedSql()); } }
/** Build and execute the row count query. */ public <T> int findRowCount(OrmQueryRequest<T> request) { CQueryRowCount rcQuery = queryBuilder.buildRowCountQuery(request); try { int rowCount = rcQuery.findRowCount(); if (request.isLogSql()) { String logSql = rcQuery.getGeneratedSql(); if (TransactionManager.SQL_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { logSql += "; --bind(" + rcQuery.getBindLog() + ")"; } request.logSql(logSql); } if (request.isLogSummary()) { request.getTransaction().logSummary(rcQuery.getSummary()); } if (request.getQuery().isFutureFetch()) { logger.debug("Future findRowCount completed!"); request.getTransaction().end(); } return rowCount; } catch (SQLException e) { throw CQuery.createPersistenceException( e, request.getTransaction(), rcQuery.getBindLog(), rcQuery.getGeneratedSql()); } }
/** Create the Sql select based on the request. */ public CQueryFetchIds(OrmQueryRequest<?> request, CQueryPredicates predicates, String sql) { this.request = request; this.query = request.getQuery(); this.sql = sql; this.maxRows = query.getMaxRows(); query.setGeneratedSql(sql); this.desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); this.predicates = predicates; }
/** Find a list/map/set of beans. */ public <T> BeanCollection<T> findMany(OrmQueryRequest<T> request) { // flag indicating whether we need to close the resources... boolean useBackgroundToContinueFetch = false; CQuery<T> cquery = queryBuilder.buildQuery(request); request.setCancelableQuery(cquery); try { if (!cquery.prepareBindExecuteQuery()) { // query has been cancelled already logger.trace("Future fetch already cancelled"); return null; } if (request.isLogSql()) { logSql(cquery); } BeanCollection<T> beanCollection = cquery.readCollection(); BeanCollectionTouched collectionTouched = request.getQuery().getBeanCollectionTouched(); if (collectionTouched != null) { // register a listener that wants to be notified when the // bean collection is first used beanCollection.setBeanCollectionTouched(collectionTouched); } if (cquery.useBackgroundToContinueFetch()) { // stop the request from putting connection back into pool // before background fetching is finished. request.setBackgroundFetching(); useBackgroundToContinueFetch = true; BackgroundFetch fetch = new BackgroundFetch(cquery); FutureTask<Integer> future = new FutureTask<Integer>(fetch); beanCollection.setBackgroundFetch(future); backgroundExecutor.execute(future); } if (request.isLogSummary()) { logFindManySummary(cquery); } request.executeSecondaryQueries(defaultSecondaryQueryBatchSize); return beanCollection; } catch (SQLException e) { throw cquery.createPersistenceException(e); } finally { if (useBackgroundToContinueFetch) { // left closing resources to BackgroundFetch... } else { if (cquery != null) { cquery.close(); } if (request.getQuery().isFutureFetch()) { // end the transaction for futureFindIds // as it had it's own transaction logger.debug("Future fetch completed!"); request.getTransaction().end(); } } } }