// @Test public void testGetIssueByJql() { RemoteIssue[] issueByJql = lxitJiraService.getIssueByJql("project = DL1003 AND status = Open"); for (RemoteIssue remoteIssue : issueByJql) { LxitJiraService.fixIssue(remoteIssue.getKey()); System.out.println( "LxitJiraIssueServiceTest.testGetIssueByJql() key:" + remoteIssue.getKey()); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { LxitJiraService jirairaService = new LxitJiraService(); RemoteIssue[] issueByJql = jirairaService.getIssueByJql("project = DLSIX AND status = Open"); for (RemoteIssue remoteIssue : issueByJql) { LxitJiraService.fixIssue(remoteIssue.getKey()); System.out.println( "LxitJiraIssueServiceTest.testGetIssueByJql() key:" + remoteIssue.getKey()); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { JIRAClient client = null; // Get the previous JIRA Build Action, if any. Run<?, ?> prevBuild = build.getPreviousBuild(); JIRABuildResultReportAction buildAction = null; if (prevBuild != null) { buildAction = prevBuild.getAction(JIRABuildResultReportAction.class); } try { client = getSite().createClient(); if (build.getResult().isWorseThan(Result.SUCCESS)) { String issueKey = null; if (buildAction != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(buildAction.raisedIssueKey) && !buildAction.resolved) { // Oke the previous build also failed and has an Issue linked to it. // So relink that issue also to this build issueKey = client.updateIssue(build, buildAction.raisedIssueKey); } else { issueKey = client.createIssue(build, projectKey, issueType, issuePriority, assignToBuildBreaker); } build.addAction(new JIRABuildResultReportAction(build, issueKey, false)); listener.getLogger().println("JBRR: Raised build failure issue: " + issueKey); } else if (autoClose && build.getResult().isBetterOrEqualTo(Result.SUCCESS)) { // Auto close the previously raised issues, if any if (buildAction != null) { RemoteIssue issue = client.getIssue(buildAction); if (issue == null || issue.getKey() == null) { listener .getLogger() .println( "WARN: Failed to automatically close issue: Unable to locate issue " + buildAction.raisedIssueKey + " in JIRA site " + getSite().name); } else if (client.canCloseIssue(issue)) { if (client.closeIssue(issue, build)) { build.addAction(new JIRABuildResultReportAction(build, issue.getKey(), true)); listener .getLogger() .println( "INFO: Closed issue " + issue.getKey() + " using action: " + getSite().getCloseActionName()); } else { listener .getLogger() .println("WARN: Failed to automatically close issue: " + issue.getKey()); } } } } } catch (AxisFault e) { listener.error("JBRR: " + e.getFaultString()); } catch (ServiceException e) { listener.error("JBRR: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { listener.error("JBRR: Invalid JIRA URL configured"); } finally { if (client != null) { client.logout(); } } return true; }