private static long extractLong( ResourceProfile profile, String key, long minimumValue, long defaultValue) { assert profile != null; assert key != null; String valueString = extract(profile, key, null); long value; try { if (valueString == null || valueString.isEmpty()) { value = defaultValue; } else { value = Integer.parseInt(valueString); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { WGLOG.error("E00001", profile.getName(), key, valueString); throw new IllegalArgumentException( MessageFormat.format( "The \"{1}\" must be a valid number: {2} (resource={0})", profile.getName(), key, valueString), e); } if (value < minimumValue) { WGLOG.error("E00001", profile.getName(), key, valueString); throw new IllegalArgumentException( MessageFormat.format( "The \"{1}\" must be > 0: {2} (resource={0})", profile.getName(), value, valueString)); } return value; }
@Override public void prepare() throws IOException { LOG.debug( "Preparing JDBC resource source (resource={}, table={})", profile.getResourceName(), script.getTableName()); try { this.resultSet = prepareResultSet(); } catch (SQLException e) { for (SQLException ex = e; ex != null; ex = ex.getNextException()) { WGLOG.error( ex, "E03001", profile.getResourceName(), script.getName(), script.getTableName(), script.getColumnNames()); } throw new IOException( MessageFormat.format( "Failed to prepare JDBC source (resource={0}, table={1}, columns={2})", profile.getResourceName(), script.getTableName(), script.getColumnNames()), e); } LOG.debug( "Creating ResultSet support {} for {}", script.getSupport().getClass().getName(), script.getColumnNames()); support = script.getSupport().createResultSetSupport(resultSet, script.getColumnNames()); }
private static String extract(ResourceProfile profile, String configKey) { assert profile != null; assert configKey != null; String value = extract(profile, configKey, null); if (value == null) { WGLOG.error("E00001", profile.getName(), configKey, null); throw new IllegalArgumentException( MessageFormat.format( "Resource \"{0}\" must declare \"{1}\"", profile.getName(), configKey)); } return value.trim(); }
private void prepareNextStream() throws IOException {; currentPath = streamProvider.getCurrentPath();"I04001", resourceName, processName, currentPath); try { currentStream = streamProvider.openStream(); currentWriter = streamSupport.createWriter(currentPath, currentStream); } catch (IOException e) { WGLOG.error(e, "E04001", resourceName, processName, currentPath); throw e; } }
private void closeCurrentStream() throws IOException { currentWriter.flush();"I04002", resourceName, processName, currentPath, currentStream.getCount()); bytesCount += currentStream.getCount(); try { currentStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { WGLOG.error(e, "E04002", resourceName, processName, currentPath); throw e; } currentPath = null; currentStream = null; currentWriter = null; }
/** * Creates a new connection using this configuration. * * @return the created connection * @throws IOException if failed to create a new connection */ public Connection openConnection() throws IOException { LOG.debug("Opening JDBC connection: {}", url); try { Class<? extends Driver> driverClass = Class.forName(driver, true, classLoader).asSubclass(Driver.class); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.putAll(getConnectionProperties()); if (user != null) { properties.put("user", user); } if (password != null) { properties.put("password", password); } Connection conn = null; try { conn = openConnection(driverClass, properties); } catch (Exception first) { Exception last = first; for (int i = 1, n = getConnectRetryCount(); i <= n; i++) { WGLOG.warn(last, "W00001", getResourceName(), url, i, getConnectRetryCount()); try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(getConnectRetryInterval()); conn = openConnection(driverClass, properties); break; } catch (Exception retry) { last = retry; } } if (conn == null) { throw last; } } boolean succeed = false; try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); succeed = true; } finally { if (succeed == false) { LOG.debug("Disposing JDBC connection: {}", url); conn.close(); } } return conn; } catch (Exception e) { WGLOG.error(e, "E00002", getResourceName(), url); throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format("Failed to open connection: {0}", url), e); } }
/** * Converts {@link ResourceProfile} into {@link JdbcProfile}. * * @param profile target profile * @return the converted profile * @throws IllegalArgumentException if profile is not valid, or any parameter is {@code null} */ public static JdbcProfile convert(ResourceProfile profile) { if (profile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("profile must not be null"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } String resourceName = profile.getName(); ClassLoader classLoader = profile.getContext().getClassLoader(); String driver = extract(profile, KEY_DRIVER); String url = extract(profile, KEY_URL); String user = extract(profile, KEY_USER, null); String password = extract(profile, KEY_PASSWORD, null); Map<String, String> connectionProperties = PropertiesUtil.createPrefixMap(profile.getConfiguration(), KEY_PREFIX_PROPERTIES); JdbcProfile result = new JdbcProfile( resourceName, classLoader, driver, url, user, password, connectionProperties); int batchGetUnit = extractInt(profile, KEY_BATCH_GET_UNIT, 0, DEFAULT_BATCH_GET_UNIT); long batchPutUnit = extractLong(profile, KEY_BATCH_PUT_UNIT, 1, DEFAULT_BATCH_PUT_UNIT); int connectRetryCount = extractInt(profile, KEY_CONNECT_RETRY_COUNT, 0, DEFAULT_CONNECT_RETRY_COUNT); int connectRetryInterval = extractInt(profile, KEY_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL, 1, DEFAULT_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL); String truncateStatement = extract(profile, KEY_TRUNCATE_STATEMENT, DEFAULT_TRUNCATE_STATEMENT); try { MessageFormat.format(truncateStatement, "dummy"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { WGLOG.error("E00001", profile.getName(), KEY_TRUNCATE_STATEMENT, truncateStatement); throw new IllegalArgumentException( MessageFormat.format( "The \"{1}\" must be a valid MessageFormat: {2} (resource={0})", profile.getName(), KEY_TRUNCATE_STATEMENT, truncateStatement), e); } result.setBatchGetUnit(batchGetUnit); result.setBatchPutUnit(batchPutUnit); result.setConnectRetryCount(connectRetryCount); result.setConnectRetryInterval(connectRetryInterval); result.setTruncateStatement(truncateStatement); return result; }
@Override public boolean next() throws IOException { try { sawNext =; return sawNext; } catch (SQLException e) { sawNext = false; for (SQLException ex = e; ex != null; ex = ex.getNextException()) { WGLOG.error( ex, "E03001", profile.getResourceName(), script.getName(), script.getTableName(), script.getColumnNames()); } throw new IOException( MessageFormat.format( "Failed to fetch next object from JDBC source (resource={0}, table={1})", profile.getResourceName(), script.getTableName()), e); } }