/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.aptana.editor.js.parsing.ast.JSTreeWalker#visit(com.aptana.editor.js.parsing.ast.JSArithmeticOperatorNode) */ @Override public void visit(JSBinaryArithmeticOperatorNode node) { String type = JSTypeConstants.NUMBER_TYPE; if (node.getNodeType() == IJSNodeTypes.ADD) { IParseNode lhs = node.getLeftHandSide(); IParseNode rhs = node.getRightHandSide(); // NOTE: Iterate down the tree until we find the first non-addition node or the first string while (lhs.getNodeType() == IJSNodeTypes.ADD) { rhs = lhs.getLastChild(); lhs = lhs.getFirstChild(); if (rhs instanceof JSStringNode) { break; } } if (lhs instanceof JSStringNode || rhs instanceof JSStringNode) { type = JSTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE; } else { List<String> lhsTypes = this.getTypes(lhs); List<String> rhsTypes = this.getTypes(rhs); if (lhsTypes.contains(JSTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE) || rhsTypes.contains(JSTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE)) { type = JSTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE; } } } this.addType(type); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aptana.editor.js.parsing.ast.JSTreeWalker#visit(com.aptana.editor.js.parsing.ast.JSIdentifierNode) */ @Override public void visit(JSIdentifierNode node) { String name = node.getText(); Collection<PropertyElement> properties = null; if (this._scope != null && this._scope.hasSymbol(name)) { IParseNode parent = node.getParent(); if (parent != null && parent.getNodeType() == IJSNodeTypes.PARAMETERS) { // special handling of parameters to potentially get the type // from documentation and to prevent an infinite loop since // parameters point to themselves in the symbol table this.addParameterTypes(node); } else { // Check the local scope for type first JSSymbolTypeInferrer symbolInferrer = new JSSymbolTypeInferrer(this._scope, this._index, this._location); PropertyElement property = symbolInferrer.getSymbolPropertyElement(name); if (property != null) { // We found a match in the local scope properties = CollectionsUtil.newList(property); } else { // No match in the local scope, query the globals in index properties = this._queryHelper.getGlobals(this._index, getProject(), getFileName(), name); } } } else { // Scope says it doesn't has a symbol with that name, so query the globals in index properties = this._queryHelper.getGlobals(this._index, getProject(), getFileName(), name); } // Hopefully we found at least one match... if (properties != null) { for (PropertyElement property : properties) { if (property instanceof FunctionElement) { FunctionElement function = (FunctionElement) property; for (String type : function.getSignatureTypes()) { this.addType(type); } } else { for (String type : property.getTypeNames()) { this.addType(type); } } } } }
/** * addParameterTypes * * @param identifierNode */ private void addParameterTypes(JSIdentifierNode identifierNode) { IParseNode parent = identifierNode.getParent(); IParseNode grandparent = (parent != null) ? parent.getParent() : null; boolean foundType = false; if (grandparent != null && grandparent.getNodeType() == IJSNodeTypes.FUNCTION) { DocumentationBlock docs = ((JSNode) grandparent).getDocumentation(); if (docs != null) { String name = identifierNode.getText(); int index = identifierNode.getIndex(); List<Tag> params = docs.getTags(TagType.PARAM); if (params != null && index < params.size()) { ParamTag param = (ParamTag) params.get(index); if (name.equals(param.getName())) { for (Type parameterType : param.getTypes()) { String type = parameterType.getName(); // Fix up type names as might be necessary type = JSTypeMapper.getInstance().getMappedType(type); this.addType(type); foundType = true; } } } } } // Use "Object" as parameter type if we didn't find types by other // means if (!foundType) { this.addType(JSTypeConstants.DEFAULT_PARAMETER_TYPE); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aptana.editor.js.parsing.ast.JSTreeWalker#visit(com.aptana.editor.js.parsing.ast.JSInvokeNode) */ @Override public void visit(JSInvokeNode node) { IParseNode child = node.getExpression(); if (child instanceof JSNode) { // TODO hang the "require" string as a constant somewhere! if (child instanceof JSIdentifierNode && "require".equals(child.getNameNode().getName())) // $NON-NLS-1$ { // it's a requires! JSArgumentsNode args = (JSArgumentsNode) node.getArguments(); IParseNode[] children = args.getChildren(); for (IParseNode arg : children) { if (arg instanceof JSStringNode) { JSStringNode string = (JSStringNode) arg; String text = string.getText(); // strip quotes TODO Use util method to strip quotes! if (text.startsWith("'") || text.startsWith("\"")) // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ { text = text.substring(1, text.length() - 1); } // Handle resolving absolute versus relative module ids! URI resolved = _location.resolve(text); URI relative = _index.getRelativeDocumentPath(resolved); this.addType(relative.getPath() + ".exports"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } } List<String> types = this.getTypes(child); // NOTE: This is a special case for functions used as a RHS of assignments or as part of a // property chain. // If the invocation returns undefined, we change that to Object. // TODO: As a refinement, we want to check that the function being called is not defined in // the current // scope if (types.isEmpty()) { IParseNode parent = node.getParent(); if (parent != null) { switch (parent.getNodeType()) { case IJSNodeTypes.ASSIGN: if (node.getIndex() == 1) { this.addType(JSTypeConstants.OBJECT_TYPE); } break; case IJSNodeTypes.GET_PROPERTY: this.addType(JSTypeConstants.OBJECT_TYPE); break; default: break; } } } for (String typeName : types) { if (JSTypeUtil.isFunctionPrefix(typeName)) { List<String> returnTypes = JSTypeUtil.getFunctionSignatureReturnTypeNames(typeName); for (String returnTypeName : returnTypes) { this.addType(returnTypeName); } } } } }