/** resets the drawing tool after the drawing action is the mode is not the remanent mode */ public void resetDrawing() { if (!Editor.getEditor().getRemanentModeManager().isRemanentMode()) { Editor.getEditor().getSelectionManager().setToRegularMode(); } }
/** * creates a svg element by specifiying its parameters * * @param handle the current svg handle * @param text the text for the new element * @return the created svg element */ public Element createElement(SVGHandle handle, String text) { // the edited document Document doc = handle.getScrollPane().getSVGCanvas().getDocument(); // creating the text element final Element element = doc.createElementNS(doc.getDocumentElement().getNamespaceURI(), handledElementTagName); // getting the last color that has been used by the user String colorString = Editor.getColorChooser().getColorString(ColorManager.getCurrentColor()); element.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "fill:" + colorString + ";stroke:none;"); element.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "font-size:12pt;fill:" + colorString + ";"); EditorToolkit.setAttributeValue(element, xAtt, drawingPoint.getX()); EditorToolkit.setAttributeValue(element, yAtt, drawingPoint.getY()); // creating the text node Text textValue = doc.createTextNode(text); element.appendChild(textValue); // inserting the element in the document and handling the undo/redo // support insertShapeElement(handle, element); handle.getSelection().handleSelection(element, false, false); return element; }
/** creates the menu and tool items */ protected void createMenuAndToolItems() { // creating the listener to the menu and tool items ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { notifyDrawingMode(); if (e.getSource().equals(shapeCreatorMenuItem)) { shapeCreatorToolItem.removeActionListener(this); shapeCreatorToolItem.setSelected(true); shapeCreatorToolItem.addActionListener(this); } } }; // getting the icons for the items shapeCreatorIcon = ResourcesManager.getIcon(shapeModuleId, false); shapeCreatorDisabledIcon = ResourcesManager.getIcon(shapeModuleId, true); // creating the menu item shapeCreatorMenuItem = new JMenuItem(itemLabel, shapeCreatorIcon); shapeCreatorMenuItem.setDisabledIcon(shapeCreatorDisabledIcon); shapeCreatorMenuItem.addActionListener(listener); shapeCreatorMenuItem.setEnabled(false); // creating the tool item shapeCreatorToolItem = new JToggleButton(shapeCreatorIcon); shapeCreatorToolItem.setDisabledIcon(shapeCreatorDisabledIcon); shapeCreatorToolItem.setToolTipText(itemToolTip); shapeCreatorToolItem.addActionListener(listener); shapeCreatorToolItem.setEnabled(false); // adding the listener to the switches between the svg handles final HandlesManager svgHandleManager = Editor.getEditor().getHandlesManager(); svgHandleManager.addHandlesListener( new HandlesListener() { @Override public void handleChanged(SVGHandle currentHandle, Set<SVGHandle> handles) { boolean isDrawingEnabled = isDrawingEnabled(currentHandle); shapeCreatorMenuItem.setEnabled(isDrawingEnabled); shapeCreatorToolItem.setEnabled(isDrawingEnabled); SelectionInfoManager selectionManager = Editor.getEditor().getSelectionManager(); if (selectionManager.getDrawingShape() != null && selectionManager.getDrawingShape().equals(AbstractShape.this)) { selectionManager.setToRegularMode(); } } }); }
/** * the constructor of the class * * @param editor the editor */ public TextShape(Editor editor) { super(editor); shapeModuleId = "TextShape"; handledElementTagName = "text"; retrieveLabels(); createMenuAndToolItems(); // creating the text dialog if (Editor.getParent() instanceof JDialog) { textDialog = new TextDialog(this, (JDialog) Editor.getParent()); } else if (Editor.getParent() instanceof Frame) { textDialog = new TextDialog(this, (Frame) Editor.getParent()); } }
/** * returns the resize transform corresponding to the parameters * * @param handle a svg handle * @param bounds the bounds of the area to be resized * @param item the selection item * @param firstPoint the first point * @param secondPoint the second point * @return the resize transform corresponding to the parameters */ protected AffineTransform getResizeTransform( SVGHandle handle, Rectangle2D bounds, SelectionItem item, Point2D firstPoint, Point2D secondPoint) { // getting the diff point Point2D diff = new Point2D.Double( secondPoint.getX() - firstPoint.getX(), secondPoint.getY() - firstPoint.getY()); // getting the scale and the translation factors double sx = 1.0, sy = 1.0, tx = 0, ty = 0; int type = item.getType(); if (Editor.getEditor().getSquareModeManager().isSquareMode()) { switch (type) { case SelectionItem.NORTH: diff = new Point2D.Double(diff.getY(), diff.getY()); sy = 1 - diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); sx = sy; tx = (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth() / 2) * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight()) * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.SOUTH: diff = new Point2D.Double(diff.getY(), diff.getY()); sy = 1 + diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); sx = sy; tx = (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth() / 2) * (1 - sx); ty = bounds.getY() * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.EAST: diff = new Point2D.Double(diff.getX(), diff.getX()); sx = 1 + diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); sy = sx; tx = bounds.getX() * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2) * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.WEST: diff = new Point2D.Double(diff.getX(), -diff.getX()); sx = 1 - diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); sy = sx; tx = (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth()) * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2) * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.NORTH_EAST: diff = new Point2D.Double(diff.getX(), -diff.getX()); sx = 1 + diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); sy = sx; tx = (bounds.getX()) * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight()) * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.NORTH_WEST: diff = new Point2D.Double(diff.getY(), diff.getY()); sy = 1 - diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); sx = sy; tx = (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth()) * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight()) * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.SOUTH_EAST: diff = new Point2D.Double(diff.getY(), diff.getY()); sy = 1 + diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); sx = sy; tx = bounds.getX() * (1 - sx); ty = bounds.getY() * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.SOUTH_WEST: diff = new Point2D.Double(diff.getX(), -diff.getX()); sx = 1 - diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); sy = sx; tx = (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth()) * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY()) * (1 - sy); break; } } else { switch (type) { case SelectionItem.NORTH: sy = 1 - diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); ty = (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight()) * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.SOUTH: sy = 1 + diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); ty = bounds.getY() * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.EAST: sx = 1 + diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); tx = bounds.getX() * (1 - sx); break; case SelectionItem.WEST: sx = 1 - diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); tx = (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth()) * (1 - sx); break; case SelectionItem.NORTH_EAST: sx = 1 + diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); sy = 1 - diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); tx = (bounds.getX()) * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight()) * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.NORTH_WEST: sx = 1 - diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); sy = 1 - diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); tx = (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth()) * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight()) * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.SOUTH_EAST: sx = 1 + diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); sy = 1 + diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); tx = bounds.getX() * (1 - sx); ty = bounds.getY() * (1 - sy); break; case SelectionItem.SOUTH_WEST: sx = 1 - diff.getX() / bounds.getWidth(); sy = 1 + diff.getY() / bounds.getHeight(); tx = (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth()) * (1 - sx); ty = (bounds.getY()) * (1 - sy); break; } } // creating the transform AffineTransform af = new AffineTransform(); af.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(sx, sy)); af.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(tx, ty)); return af; }
/** notifies all the selection managers that the items action mode has been enabled */ public void notifyItemsActionMode() { Editor.getEditor() .getSelectionManager() .setSelectionMode(SelectionInfoManager.ITEMS_ACTION_MODE, this); }
/** notifies all the selection managers that the drawing mode has been enabled */ public void notifyDrawingMode() { Editor.getEditor() .getSelectionManager() .setSelectionMode(SelectionInfoManager.DRAWING_MODE, this); }