private static void applicationInit(int targetSdkVersion, String[] argv, ClassLoader classLoader)
      throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller {
    // If the application calls System.exit(), terminate the process
    // immediately without running any shutdown hooks.  It is not possible to
    // shutdown an Android application gracefully.  Among other things, the
    // Android runtime shutdown hooks close the Binder driver, which can cause
    // leftover running threads to crash before the process actually exits.

    // We want to be fairly aggressive about heap utilization, to avoid
    // holding on to a lot of memory that isn't needed.

    final Arguments args;
    try {
      args = new Arguments(argv);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
      Slog.e(TAG, ex.getMessage());
      // let the process exit

    // The end of of the RuntimeInit event (see #zygoteInit).

    // Remaining arguments are passed to the start class's static main
    invokeStaticMain(args.startClass, args.startArgs, classLoader);