private boolean checkDistracterUsingMaxFreqencyOfExactMatches(final String testedWord) {
   // The tested word is a distracter when there is a word that is exact matched to the tested
   // word and its probability is higher than the tested word's probability.
   final int perfectMatchFreq = mDictionaryFacilitator.getFrequency(testedWord);
   final int exactMatchFreq = mDictionaryFacilitator.getMaxFrequencyOfExactMatches(testedWord);
   final boolean isDistracter = perfectMatchFreq < exactMatchFreq;
   if (DEBUG) {
     Log.d(TAG, "perfectMatchFreq: " + perfectMatchFreq);
     Log.d(TAG, "exactMatchFreq: " + exactMatchFreq);
     Log.d(TAG, "isDistracter: " + isDistracter);
   return isDistracter;