public void run() { mAllImages.removeImageAt(mCurrentPosition); if (mAllImages.getCount() == 0) { finish(); return; } else { if (mCurrentPosition == mAllImages.getCount()) { mCurrentPosition -= 1; } } mImageView.clear(); mCache.clear(); // Because the position number is changed. setImage(mCurrentPosition, true); }
@Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); mPaused = true; // mGetter could be null if we call finish() and leave early in // onStart(). if (mGetter != null) { mGetter.cancelCurrent(); mGetter.stop(); mGetter = null; } setMode(MODE_NORMAL); // removing all callback in the message queue mHandler.removeAllGetterCallbacks(); if (mAllImages != null) { mSavedUri = getCurrentUri(); mAllImages.close(); mAllImages = null; } hideOnScreenControls(); mImageView.clear(); mCache.clear(); for (ImageViewTouchBase iv : mSlideShowImageViews) { iv.clear(); } }
void setImage(int pos, boolean showControls) { mCurrentPosition = pos; Bitmap b = mCache.getBitmap(pos); if (b != null) { IImage image = mAllImages.getImageAt(pos); mImageView.setImageRotateBitmapResetBase( new RotateBitmap(b, image.getDegreesRotated()), true); updateZoomButtonsEnabled(); } ImageGetterCallback cb = new ImageGetterCallback() { public void completed() {} public boolean wantsThumbnail(int pos, int offset) { return !mCache.hasBitmap(pos + offset); } public boolean wantsFullImage(int pos, int offset) { return offset == 0; } public int fullImageSizeToUse(int pos, int offset) { // this number should be bigger so that we can zoom. we may // need to get fancier and read in the fuller size image as the // user starts to zoom. // Originally the value is set to 480 in order to avoid OOM. // Now we set it to 2048 because of using // native memory allocation for Bitmaps. final int imageViewSize = 2048; return imageViewSize; } public int[] loadOrder() { return sOrderAdjacents; } public void imageLoaded(int pos, int offset, RotateBitmap bitmap, boolean isThumb) { // shouldn't get here after onPause() // We may get a result from a previous request. Ignore it. if (pos != mCurrentPosition) { bitmap.recycle(); return; } if (isThumb) { mCache.put(pos + offset, bitmap.getBitmap()); } if (offset == 0) { // isThumb: We always load thumb bitmap first, so we will // reset the supp matrix for then thumb bitmap, and keep // the supp matrix when the full bitmap is loaded. mImageView.setImageRotateBitmapResetBase(bitmap, isThumb); updateZoomButtonsEnabled(); } } }; // Could be null if we're stopping a slide show in the course of pausing if (mGetter != null) { mGetter.setPosition(pos, cb, mAllImages, mHandler); } updateActionIcons(); if (showControls) showOnScreenControls(); scheduleDismissOnScreenControls(); }