protected Void doInBackground(List<LotLocation>... locations) { try { int count = locations[0].size(); for (LotLocation placemark : locations[0]) { ReplaceableAttribute descriptionAttribute = new ReplaceableAttribute("description", placemark.getDescription(), Boolean.TRUE); ReplaceableAttribute latAttribute = new ReplaceableAttribute( "lat", String.valueOf(placemark.getPoint().latitude), Boolean.TRUE); ReplaceableAttribute lngAttribute = new ReplaceableAttribute( "lng", String.valueOf(placemark.getPoint().longitude), Boolean.TRUE); List attrs = new ArrayList(3); attrs.add(descriptionAttribute); attrs.add(latAttribute); attrs.add(lngAttribute); PutAttributesRequest par = new PutAttributesRequest( "Locations", new Generator().getRandomID("LOT-ADMIN-"), attrs); SimpleDB.getInstance().putAttributes(par); publishProgress((int) ((count-- / (float) locations[0].size()) * 100)); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("LoadLocationsTask", "Failure attempting to load locations in background task", e); } return null; }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(TreeMap<Float, DropsiteLocation> result) { Log.d("GetDropsiteTask", result.size() + " total locations obtained"); int count = RETURN_COUNT; List<DropsiteLocation> locations = new ArrayList<DropsiteLocation>(); for (Map.Entry<Float, DropsiteLocation> l : result.entrySet()) { locations.add(l.getValue()); // only return a subset of the overall count if (--count == 0) break; } Log.d( "GetDropsitesTask", "Passing " + mGetDropsiteLocationsCompleteListeners.size() + " listeners " + locations.size() + " locations"); // notify all listeners that work is complete for (GetDropsiteLocationsCompleteListener listener : mGetDropsiteLocationsCompleteListeners) { listener.onDropsiteLocationFetchComplete(locations); } }
public void loadLocationsAsync(String kml) { List<LotLocation> locations = new ArrayList<LotLocation>(); try { XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser"); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(kml.getBytes()); // build out an XML document using TagSoup Document doc = new Builder(parser).build(is); // set the ns of the document as the XPathContext or we will not find the elements when we // attempt to parse XPathContext context = new XPathContext("ns", ""); // get the Placemark nodes within the data Nodes nodes = doc.query(".//ns:Placemark", context); for (int index = 0; index < nodes.size(); index++) { LotLocation placemark = new LotLocation(); Node placemarkNode = nodes.get(index); Node nameNode = placemarkNode.query("ns:name", context).get(0); if (nameNode != null) placemark.setLocation(nameNode.getValue()); Node descriptionNode = placemarkNode.query("ns:description", context).get(0); if (descriptionNode != null) placemark.setDescription(descriptionNode.getValue()); Node lnglatNode = placemarkNode.query("ns:Point/ns:coordinates", context).get(0); if (lnglatNode != null) { // get longitude,latitude,altitude, per KML spec String[] points = lnglatNode.getValue().split(","); placemark.setPoint( new LatLng( Double.parseDouble(points[1].trim()), Double.parseDouble(points[0].trim()))); } locations.add(placemark); } // spin off a new thread and load locations new LoadLocationsTask().execute(locations); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("LoadLocationsTask", "Failure attempting to load locations", e); } }