  * Sets the name of the bucket containing the object to be downloaded. Returns this {@link
  * GetObjectRequest}, enabling additional method calls to be chained together.
  * @param bucketName The name of the bucket containing the object to be downloaded.
  * @return This {@link GetObjectRequest}, enabling additional method calls to be chained together.
  * @see GetObjectRequest#getBucketName()
  * @see GetObjectRequest#setBucketName(String)
 public GetObjectRequest withBucketName(String bucketName) {
   return this;
  * Constructs a new {@link GetObjectRequest} with all the required parameters.
  * @param bucketName The name of the bucket containing the desired object.
  * @param key The key in the specified bucket under which the object is stored.
  * @param versionId The Amazon S3 version ID specifying a specific version of the object to
  *     download.
  * @see GetObjectRequest#GetObjectRequest(String, String)
 public GetObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, String versionId) {