protected void protectedOnHandleIntent$14d1abce() { DatabaseCleaner databasecleaner; if (!DistributedDataStorage.shouldPlatformUseThisStore((PlatformWrapper)mContext.getSystemService("sso_platform"))) { MAPLog.e(TAG, "Ignoring Database cleaning request because this platform does not use distributed data storage"); return; } MAPLog.i(TAG, "Cleaning database of unneeded items"); databasecleaner = new DatabaseCleaner(mContext); databasecleaner.cleanDatabase(); databasecleaner.scheduleDatabaseClean(); return; Exception exception; exception; databasecleaner.scheduleDatabaseClean(); throw exception; }
public class DatabaseCleaner { public static class DatabaseCleaningService extends AmazonIntentService { private Context mContext; public static boolean isValidOnThisPlatform(PlatformWrapper platformwrapper) { return DistributedDataStorage.shouldPlatformUseThisStore(platformwrapper); } protected void protectedOnHandleIntent$14d1abce() { DatabaseCleaner databasecleaner; if (!DistributedDataStorage.shouldPlatformUseThisStore((PlatformWrapper)mContext.getSystemService("sso_platform"))) { MAPLog.e(TAG, "Ignoring Database cleaning request because this platform does not use distributed data storage"); return; } MAPLog.i(TAG, "Cleaning database of unneeded items"); databasecleaner = new DatabaseCleaner(mContext); databasecleaner.cleanDatabase(); databasecleaner.scheduleDatabaseClean(); return; Exception exception; exception; databasecleaner.scheduleDatabaseClean(); throw exception; } public void setContext(Context context) { mContext = ServiceWrappingContext.create(context); } public DatabaseCleaningService() { super(com/amazon/identity/auth/device/storage/DatabaseCleaner$DatabaseCleaningService.getName()); setContext(this); } } private static final Object LOCK[] = new Object[0]; private static final String TAG = com/amazon/identity/auth/device/storage/DatabaseCleaner.getName(); private final AlarmManagerWrapper mAlarmManager; private final ServiceWrappingContext mContext; private final DataStorage mDataStorage; private final SystemWrapper mSystem; public DatabaseCleaner(Context context) { mContext = ServiceWrappingContext.create(context); mDataStorage = ((DataStorageFactory)mContext.getSystemService("dcp_data_storage_factory")).getDataStorage(); mAlarmManager = (AlarmManagerWrapper)mContext.getSystemService("sso_alarm_maanger"); mSystem = (SystemWrapper)mContext.getSystemService("dcp_system"); } private Collection calculatedDatabaseValuesToRemove(Collection collection) { Collection collection1 = null; for (Iterator iterator = collection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { RemoteMapInfo remotemapinfo = (RemoteMapInfo); collection = new RemoteAmazonDataStorage(mContext, remotemapinfo); try { collection = collection.getAllDeletedData(); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Collection collection) { MAPLog.w(TAG, (new StringBuilder("Failed to get deleted data from ")).append(remotemapinfo.getPackageName()).toString(), collection); collection = null; } if (collection == null) { MAPLog.w(TAG, String.format("Remote Package %s is unable to provide any deleted data", new Object[] { remotemapinfo.toString() })); } else if (collection1 == null) { collection1 = collection; } else { collection1.retainAll(collection); } } collection = TAG; StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder("Deleting Values: "); if (collection1 != null) { collection = collection1.toString(); } else { collection = "None"; } stringbuilder.append(collection).toString(); return collection1; } public void cleanDatabase() { Object obj = MAPApplicationInformationQueryer.getInstance(mContext).getAllMapApplication(); Collection collection = calculatedDatabaseValuesToRemove(((Collection) (obj))); if (collection == null || collection.size() == 0) { MAPLog.i(TAG, "No Deleted items to clean from the MAP databases"); } else { obj = ((Collection) (obj)).iterator(); while (((Iterator) (obj)).hasNext()) { RemoteMapInfo remotemapinfo = (RemoteMapInfo)((Iterator) (obj)).next(); if (!(new RemoteAmazonDataStorage(mContext, remotemapinfo)).clearBulkData(collection)) { MAPLog.e(TAG, "Was not fully successful remotely removing deleted items"); } } } } public void scheduleDatabaseClean() { boolean flag = true; Object aobj[] = LOCK; aobj; JVM INSTR monitorenter ; Object obj; long l; l = mSystem.currentTimeMillis(); obj = StringConversionHelpers.toLong(mDataStorage.getDeviceData("clean_database_store", "clean_database_time_ms_key")); if (obj != null) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L9: if (obj != null) goto _L4; else goto _L3 _L3: obj = TAG; _L5: aobj; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; return; _L2: if (((Long) (obj)).longValue() > l) { flag = false; } goto _L1 _L7: obj = mContext; Intent intent = new Intent(""); intent.setClass(((Context) (obj)), com/amazon/identity/auth/device/storage/DatabaseCleaner$DatabaseCleaningService); obj = PendingIntentWrapper.getService$227fb7c8(((Context) (obj)), intent); continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ _L4: String s = TAG; l = PlatformSettings.getInstance(mContext).getSettingLong("wait_to_clean_database_ms", TimeUtil.fromHoursTo(24L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) + l; mAlarmManager.set$6d261ae(l, ((PendingIntentWrapper) (obj))); mDataStorage.setDeviceData("clean_database_store", "clean_database_time_ms_key", String.valueOf(l)); goto _L5 obj; throw obj; _L1: if (flag) goto _L7; else goto _L6 _L6: obj = null; if (true) goto _L9; else goto _L8 _L8: }