public Boolean isReportActive(Long repoSeqId) { IPersistenceService persistenceService = (IPersistenceService) ServiceLocator.findService("hibernatePesistenceService"); ; List activeFlagList = persistenceService.executeQuery( " from " + EntityConstansts.ReportsAuthDetails + " where repoSeqid= " + repoSeqId + " and activeFlag = 0"); if (activeFlagList != null && !activeFlagList.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; }
public List getAllAccessReports() throws ALNTApplicationException, ALNTSystemException { IPersistenceService persistenceService = (IPersistenceService) ServiceLocator.findService("hibernatePesistenceService"); ; List accessReportsList = persistenceService.executeQuery( " from " + EntityConstansts.JiResourceFolder + " resFolder where resFolder.parentFolder in (select id from " + EntityConstansts.JiResourceFolder + " folder where folder.uri in ('/organizations/organization_1/reports/ACCESS','/organizations/organization_1/reports/ADHOC/ACCESS'))"); // +"and not in (SELECT repoSeqid FROM "+ EntityConstansts.ReportsAuthDetails +" // where rad.activeFlag = 0))"); /*List accessReportsList = persistenceService.executeQuery(" from "+EntityConstansts.JiResourceFolder+ " resFolder where resFolder.parentFolder in (select id from "+EntityConstansts.JiResourceFolder + " folder where folder.uri in ('/reports/ACCESS','/reports/ADHOC/ACCESS'))" + " and not in (SELECT repoSeqid FROM ReportAuthDetails where activeFlag = 0)");*/ // List accessReportsList = persistenceService.executeQuery("select resFolder.label as label // from "+ EntityConstansts.JiResourceFolder +" resFolder where resFolder.uri in // ('/reports/ACCESS','/reports/ADHOC/ACCESS') "); return accessReportsList; }