private String getFromDate(ReportForm reportForm, ActionMessages errors) {
    String fromDate = null;
    if (reportForm.getListType().compareToIgnoreCase("R") == 0
        || reportForm.getListType().compareToIgnoreCase("S") == 0) {

      // Get From Date
      try {
        fromDate = FormatDate.convertToDateYYYYMMDD(reportForm.getFromDate());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(""));


    } else if (reportForm.getListType().compareToIgnoreCase("weekly") == 0) {
      try {

        fromDate = FormatDate.convertToDateMMDDYYYY(FormatDate.getCurrentDateFormatedMMDDYYYY());

        fromDate = FormatDate.addToDateMMDDYYYY(fromDate, -8, 0);

        fromDate = FormatDate.convertUnformattedMDYtoYMD(fromDate);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(""));

    } else if (reportForm.getListType().compareToIgnoreCase("monthly") == 0) {
      try {

        fromDate = FormatDate.convertToDateMMDDYYYY(FormatDate.getCurrentDateFormatedMMDDYYYY());

        fromDate = FormatDate.addToDateMMDDYYYY(fromDate, 0, -1);

        fromDate = FormatDate.convertUnformattedMDYtoYMD(fromDate);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(""));
    return fromDate;
  public ActionForward execute(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws javax.servlet.ServletException, {

    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    DbUserSession sessionUser = SessionHelpers.getUserSession(request);
    DatabaseTransaction t = null;
    DbSpeedData[] dbSpeedData = null;
    DbLocation[] dbLocation = null;
    LocaleDTO userlocale = null;

    MiscCashReceiptsForm miscCashReceipts = new MiscCashReceiptsForm();
    java.util.ArrayList locationList = new java.util.ArrayList();
    java.util.ArrayList glDescriptionList = new java.util.ArrayList();
    java.util.ArrayList cashAcctList = new java.util.ArrayList();
    java.util.ArrayList payMethodList = new java.util.ArrayList();
    java.util.ArrayList pleaseSelect = new java.util.ArrayList();

    if (sessionUser == null) {
      errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.login.invalid"));

    // Database Access Logic
    try {
      t = (DatabaseTransaction) DatabaseTransaction.getTransaction(sessionUser);

      // Set the list of receipt types in session.

      // Populate the locationList collection
      dbLocation = FdmsDb.getInstance().getLocationsForRegion(t, sessionUser.getRegion());
      // AppLog.trace("DbLocation list length = " +dbLocation.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < dbLocation.length; i++) {
        String listValue = String.valueOf(dbLocation[i].getId());
        String listLabel = dbLocation[i].getName();
        locationList.add(new OptionsList(listValue, listLabel));

      // Populate the glDescriptionList collection
      dbSpeedData =
              .getSpeedData(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion(), "REVTYPE");
      // AppLog.trace("DbSpeedData for REVTYPE list length = " +dbSpeedData.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < dbSpeedData.length; i++) {
        String listValue = CsvTable.getField(dbSpeedData[i].getData(), 2);
        String listLabel = CsvTable.getField(dbSpeedData[i].getData(), 1);
        glDescriptionList.add(new OptionsList(listValue, listLabel));

      // Populate the cashAcctList collection
      dbSpeedData =
              .getSpeedData(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion(), "CASHTYPE");
      // AppLog.trace("DbSpeedData for CASHTYPE list length = " +dbSpeedData.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < dbSpeedData.length; i++) {
        String listValue = CsvTable.getField(dbSpeedData[i].getData(), 2);
        String listLabel = CsvTable.getField(dbSpeedData[i].getData(), 1);
        cashAcctList.add(new OptionsList(listValue, listLabel));

      // Populate the payMethodList", payMethodList)
      userlocale =
          FdmsDb.getInstance().getLocale(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion());
      dbSpeedData =
              .getSpeedData(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion(), "PAYMETHOD");
      // AppLog.trace("DbSpeedData for PAYMETHOD list length = " +dbSpeedData.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < dbSpeedData.length; i++) {
        if (dbSpeedData[i].getData() != null && dbSpeedData[i].getData().length() > 1) {
          String listValue = dbSpeedData[i].getData().substring(0, 2);
          String listLabel = dbSpeedData[i].getData();
          payMethodList.add(new OptionsList(listValue, listLabel));

      // Form Defaults

      pleaseSelect.add(new OptionsList("", "--Select--"));
      // AppLog.trace("Finished setting miscCashReceipts form bean");

    } catch (PersistenceException pe) {
      logger.error("Persistence Exception in ShowMiscCashReceipts.doPerform. " + pe);
          ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.PersistenceException", pe.getCause()));
    } catch (Exception pe) {
      logger.error("Exception in ShowMiscCashReceipts.doPerform. ", pe);
          ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.GeneralException", pe.getMessage()));
    } finally {
      if (t != null) t.closeConnection();

    // Set Form Bean Into Scope
    session.setAttribute("miscCashReceipts", miscCashReceipts);
    session.setAttribute("locationList", locationList);
    session.setAttribute("glDescriptionList", glDescriptionList);
    session.setAttribute("cashAcctList", cashAcctList);
    session.setAttribute("payMethodList", payMethodList);
    session.setAttribute("pleaseSelect", pleaseSelect);
    // AppLog.trace("Setting miscCashReceipts form bean and collection arrays into session scope.");

    ActionForward actionForward = mapping.findForward("miscCashReceipts");

    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
      //"ShowMiscCahsReceipts invoking forward mapping getInput().");
      saveErrors(request, errors);
      actionForward = new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());

    return actionForward;
  /** Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (11/22/2002 9:31:43 AM) */
  public void setNewForm(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      DbUserSession sessionUser,
      HttpSession session,
      fdms.ui.struts.form.MiscCashReceiptsForm form,
      ActionErrors errors) {

    DatabaseTransaction t = null;
    DbSpeedData[] dbSpeedData = null;
    DbLocation[] dbLocation = null;
    LocaleDTO userlocale = null;
    ArrayList locationList = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList glDescriptionList = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList cashAcctList = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList payMethodList = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList pleaseSelect = new ArrayList();

    // Database Access Logic
    try {
      t = (DatabaseTransaction) DatabaseTransaction.getTransaction(sessionUser);

      // Set the list of receipt types in session.

      // Populate the locationList collection
      dbLocation = FdmsDb.getInstance().getLocationsForRegion(t, sessionUser.getRegion());
      // AppLog.trace("DbLocation list length = " +dbLocation.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < dbLocation.length; i++) {
        String listValue = String.valueOf(dbLocation[i].getId());
        String listLabel = dbLocation[i].getName();
        locationList.add(new OptionsList(listValue, listLabel));

      // Populate the glDescriptionList collection
      dbSpeedData =
              .getSpeedData(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion(), "REVTYPE");
      // AppLog.trace("DbSpeedData for REVTYPE list length = " +dbSpeedData.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < dbSpeedData.length; i++) {
        String listValue = CsvTable.getField(dbSpeedData[i].getData(), 2);
        String listLabel = CsvTable.getField(dbSpeedData[i].getData(), 1);
        glDescriptionList.add(new OptionsList(listValue, listLabel));

      // Populate the cashAcctList collection
      dbSpeedData =
              .getSpeedData(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion(), "CASHTYPE");
      // AppLog.trace("DbSpeedData for CASHTYPE list length = " +dbSpeedData.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < dbSpeedData.length; i++) {
        String listValue = CsvTable.getField(dbSpeedData[i].getData(), 2);
        String listLabel = CsvTable.getField(dbSpeedData[i].getData(), 1);
        cashAcctList.add(new OptionsList(listValue, listLabel));

      // Populate the payMethodList", payMethodList)
      userlocale =
          FdmsDb.getInstance().getLocale(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion());

      dbSpeedData =
              .getSpeedData(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion(), "PAYMETHOD");
      // AppLog.trace("DbSpeedData for PAYMETHOD list length = " +dbSpeedData.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < dbSpeedData.length; i++) {
        String listValue = dbSpeedData[i].getData().substring(0, 2);
        String listLabel = dbSpeedData[i].getData();
        payMethodList.add(new OptionsList(listValue, listLabel));

      // Form Defaults

      pleaseSelect.add(new OptionsList("", "--Select--"));
      // AppLog.trace("Finished setting miscCashReceipts form bean");

    } catch (PersistenceException pe) {
      logger.error("Persistence Exception in ProcessMiscCashReceipts.setNewForm. " + pe);
          ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.PersistenceException", pe.getCause()));
    } catch (Exception pe) {
      logger.error("Exception in ProcessMiscCashReceipts.setNewForm. ", pe);
          ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.GeneralException", pe.getMessage()));
    } finally {
      if (t != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          logger.error("Error in closeConnection() : ", e);

    // Set Form Bean Into Scope
    session.setAttribute("locationList", locationList);
    session.setAttribute("glDescriptionList", glDescriptionList);
    session.setAttribute("cashAcctList", cashAcctList);
    session.setAttribute("payMethodList", payMethodList);
    session.setAttribute("pleaseSelect", pleaseSelect);
    // AppLog.trace("Setting miscCashReceipts collection arrays into session scope.");

   * Method execute
   * @param mapping
   * @param form
   * @param request
   * @param response
   * @return ActionForward
  public ActionForward execute(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws javax.servlet.ServletException, {

    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    DbUserSession user = (DbUserSession) session.getAttribute(SessionValueKeys.DB_USER);
    ReportForm reportForm = (ReportForm) form;
    ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();

    // ArrayList <CheckListBean> checkURL = new ArrayList <CheckListBean>();
    // session.setAttribute("checkURL", checkURL);

    String requestType = reportForm.getRequestType();
    if (requestType == null) {
      requestType = "";
    String pageName = "";
    setReport(reportForm, user, session, errors, request);

    if (reportForm.getListType() == null) {
    } else {

    if (requestType.compareToIgnoreCase("changeLocale") == 0) {
      changeLocale(reportForm, user, session, errors, request);
      // changeCategory(reportForm, user, session, errors, request);
      return (mapping.findForward("localeChange"));
    } else if (requestType.compareToIgnoreCase("changeLocation") == 0) {
      // changeCategory(reportForm, user, session, errors, request);
      return (mapping.findForward("localeChange"));
    } else if (requestType.compareToIgnoreCase("changeCategory") == 0) {
      // changeCategory(reportForm, user, session, errors, request);
      return (mapping.findForward("localeChange"));
    } else {

      // ArrayList <OptionsList> reports = new ArrayList<OptionsList>();
      // reports.add( new OptionsList( "0" ,"--Select--"));
      // request.setAttribute("reports",reports);

    if (requestType.compareToIgnoreCase("print") == 0) {

      //			Timer smsTimer = new Timer("SMSThread", true);
      //			CompanyManagerBean cmBean = new CompanyManagerBean();
      //			CompanyDTO company = cmBean.getCompany(user.getCompanyID());
      //			smsTimer.schedule(new SMSGenerator(company,1), 0l);

      ReportSchedulingDTO reportScheduling = new ReportSchedulingDTO();
      setReportScheduling(reportForm, reportScheduling, errors, user);
      ReportSchedulingDAO reportScheDAo = new ReportSchedulingDAO(user);
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {


      String crystalFlag =
              .getProperty(user.getConfigID(), "CrystalServer.useReportingService");

      if (crystalFlag != null && "true".equals(crystalFlag)) {
        CompanyManagerBean cmBean = new CompanyManagerBean();
        CompanyDTO company = cmBean.getCompany(user.getCompanyID());
        runNow(reportScheduling, company);


    } else if (requestType.compareToIgnoreCase("schedule") == 0) {

      ReportSchedulingDTO reportScheduling = new ReportSchedulingDTO();
      setReportScheduling(reportForm, reportScheduling, errors, user);

      int repeatNumber = 0;
      try {
        repeatNumber = FormatNumber.parseInteger(reportForm.getRepeatNumber());
      } catch (Exception e) {
      String fromDate = getFromDate(reportForm, errors);
      java.util.Date fDate = FormatDate.convertToDateYYMMDD(fromDate);
      String toDate = getToDate(reportForm, errors);
      java.util.Date tDate = FormatDate.convertToDateYYMMDD(toDate);
      Date rDate = new Date();
      try {
        rDate = FormatDate.convertToDate(reportForm.getRunDate());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(""));

      ReportSchedulingDAO reportScheDAo = new ReportSchedulingDAO(user);

      if (repeatNumber > 0) { // do more than 1 time.

        boolean scheduleNow = true;
        Timer timer = new Timer(true);

        for (int i = 0; i < repeatNumber; i++) {
          try {
            //						ReportSchedulingDTO aSchedule = new ReportSchedulingDTO();
            //						copyObj(reportScheduling,aSchedule);
            if (scheduleNow) {
              Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();
              date.setTime((java.util.Date) reportScheduling.getRunDate());
              // date.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 5);
              // set runtime. (CDT)
              date.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, reportScheduling.getRunTimeHH()); // 0-23

              date.set(Calendar.MINUTE, reportScheduling.getRunTimeMM());
              if (date.getTimeInMillis() <= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                CompanyManagerBean cmBean = new CompanyManagerBean();
                CompanyDTO company = cmBean.getCompany(user.getCompanyID());
                runNow(reportScheduling, company);
              } else {
                scheduleNow = false;
            // setSchedule(timer, aSchedule, user);
            ReportSchedulingDTO aSchedule = new ReportSchedulingDTO();
            copyObj(reportScheduling, aSchedule);
            reportScheduling = aSchedule;
          } catch (Exception e) {


          String strFDate = FormatDate.convertDateToMMDDYYYY(fDate);
          String strTDate = FormatDate.convertDateToMMDDYYYY(tDate);
          String strRDate = FormatDate.convertDateToMMDDYYYY(rDate);
          int field = -1;
          if (reportForm.getRepeatType().compareToIgnoreCase("D") == 0) {
            field = 1;

          } else if (reportForm.getRepeatType().compareToIgnoreCase("W") == 0) {
            field = 7;

          } else if (reportForm.getRepeatType().compareToIgnoreCase("M") == 0) {
            field = 0;
          if (field > -1) {
            strRDate = FormatDate.addToDateMMDDYYYY(strRDate, field, (field == 0 ? 1 : 0));
            strFDate = FormatDate.addToDateMMDDYYYY(strFDate, field, (field == 0 ? 1 : 0));
            strTDate = FormatDate.addToDateMMDDYYYY(strTDate, field, (field == 0 ? 1 : 0));
            rDate = FormatDate.convertMMDDYYYYToDateYYMMDD(strRDate);
            fDate = FormatDate.convertMMDDYYYYToDateYYMMDD(strFDate);
            tDate = FormatDate.convertMMDDYYYYToDateYYMMDD(strTDate);
            reportScheduling.setRunDate(new java.sql.Date(rDate.getTime()));
            reportScheduling.setFromDate(new java.sql.Date(fDate.getTime()));
            reportScheduling.setToDate(new java.sql.Date(tDate.getTime()));
      } else { // do only one time
        try {
          Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();
          date.setTime((java.util.Date) reportScheduling.getRunDate());
          // date.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 5);
          // set runtime. (CDT)
          date.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, reportScheduling.getRunTimeHH()); // 0-23

          date.set(Calendar.MINUTE, reportScheduling.getRunTimeMM());
          if (date.getTimeInMillis() <= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
            CompanyManagerBean cmBean = new CompanyManagerBean();
            CompanyDTO company = cmBean.getCompany(user.getCompanyID());
            runNow(reportScheduling, company);
          // setSchedule( null, reportScheduling,  user);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    // we comment it out because we don't want it to do the pupup but let the user look at the
    // printed report list.
    // reportForm.setReportURL(pageName);
    return (mapping.findForward("localeChange"));