public void testGetPhotosViaMockServiceHandlesIOException() throws Exception { Photo photo = (Photo) EasyMock.createStrictMock(Photo.class); EasyMock.expect(photo.getId()).andReturn("dummyId1"); EasyMock.expect(photo.getId()).andReturn("dummyId2"); PhotosInterface photosInterface = (PhotosInterface) EasyMock.createStrictMock(PhotosInterface.class); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getInfo("31670708", null)).andReturn(photo); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getSizes("dummyId1")).andThrow(new IOException()); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getInfo("31671077", null)).andReturn(photo); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getSizes("dummyId2")).andThrow(new IOException()); Flickr flickr = (Flickr) EasyMock.createStrictMock(Flickr.class); EasyMock.expect(flickr.getPhotosInterface()).andReturn(photosInterface); EasyMock.replay(new Object[] {flickr, photosInterface, photo}); FlickrFacade flickrFacade = new FlickrFacade(flickr); try { List photos = flickrFacade.getPhotos(PHOTO_IDS_CSV); assertNotNull(photos); assertTrue(photos.size() == 0); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Thrown exception should've been handled by FlickrFacade: " + e); } EasyMock.verify(new Object[] {flickr, photosInterface, photo}); }
public void testGetPhotosetsViaMockService() throws Exception { Photo photo1 = (Photo) EasyMock.createStrictMock(Photo.class); EasyMock.expect(photo1.getId()).andReturn("dummyId1"); Photo photo2 = (Photo) EasyMock.createStrictMock(Photo.class); EasyMock.expect(photo2.getId()).andReturn("dummyId2"); List photosetsPhotos1 = new ArrayList(); photosetsPhotos1.add(photo1); List photosetsPhotos2 = new ArrayList(); photosetsPhotos2.add(photo2); PhotosetsInterface photosetsInterface = (PhotosetsInterface) EasyMock.createStrictMock(PhotosetsInterface.class); EasyMock.expect(photosetsInterface.getPhotos("711101")).andReturn(photosetsPhotos1); EasyMock.expect(photosetsInterface.getPhotos("711155")).andReturn(photosetsPhotos2); PhotosInterface photosInterface = (PhotosInterface) EasyMock.createStrictMock(PhotosInterface.class); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getSizes("dummyId1")).andReturn(new ArrayList()); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getSizes("dummyId2")).andReturn(new ArrayList()); Flickr flickr = (Flickr) EasyMock.createStrictMock(Flickr.class); EasyMock.expect(flickr.getPhotosetsInterface()).andReturn(photosetsInterface); EasyMock.expect(flickr.getPhotosInterface()).andReturn(photosInterface); EasyMock.replay(new Object[] {flickr, photosetsInterface, photosInterface, photo1, photo2}); FlickrFacade flickrFacade = new FlickrFacade(flickr); List photos = flickrFacade.getPhotosFromPhotosets(PHOTOSET_IDS_CSV); assertNotNull(photos); assertTrue(photos.size() == 2); EasyMock.verify(new Object[] {flickr, photosetsInterface, photosInterface, photo1, photo2}); }
public PImage loadImage() { int i = picAct.currentPicsIndex; if (!this.picAct.canceled) { if (i < picAct.MAX_IMAGES) { Photo photo = (Photo) picAct.list.get(i); PImage pImage = sketch.loadImage(photo.getSmallUrl()); picAct.currentPicsIndex++; return pImage; } else { picAct.pageOffset++; picAct.currentPicsIndex = 0; connect(picAct.tags, false, false); } } else { this.picAct.removeImgs(); } return null; }
public void testGetPhotosViaMockService() throws Exception { Photo photo = (Photo) EasyMock.createStrictMock(Photo.class); EasyMock.expect(photo.getId()).andReturn("dummyId1"); EasyMock.expect(photo.getId()).andReturn("dummyId2"); PhotosInterface photosInterface = (PhotosInterface) EasyMock.createStrictMock(PhotosInterface.class); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getInfo("31670708", null)).andReturn(photo); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getSizes("dummyId1")).andReturn(new ArrayList()); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getInfo("31671077", null)).andReturn(photo); EasyMock.expect(photosInterface.getSizes("dummyId2")).andReturn(new ArrayList()); Flickr flickr = (Flickr) EasyMock.createStrictMock(Flickr.class); EasyMock.expect(flickr.getPhotosInterface()).andReturn(photosInterface); EasyMock.replay(new Object[] {flickr, photosInterface, photo}); FlickrFacade flickrFacade = new FlickrFacade(flickr); List photos = flickrFacade.getPhotos(PHOTO_IDS_CSV); assertNotNull(photos); assertTrue(photos.size() == PHOTO_IDS_CSV.split(",").length); EasyMock.verify(new Object[] {flickr, photosInterface, photo}); }
public void doBackup(File directory) throws Exception { if (!directory.exists()) directory.mkdir(); RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getRequestContext(); if (this.authStore != null) { Auth auth = this.authStore.retrieve(this.nsid); if (auth == null) this.authorize(); else rc.setAuth(auth); } PhotosetsInterface pi = flickr.getPhotosetsInterface(); PhotosInterface photoInt = flickr.getPhotosInterface(); Map<String, Collection> allPhotos = new HashMap<String, Collection>(); Iterator sets = pi.getList(this.nsid).getPhotosets().iterator(); while (sets.hasNext()) { Photoset set = (Photoset); PhotoList photos = pi.getPhotos(set.getId(), 500, 1); allPhotos.put(set.getTitle(), photos); } int notInSetPage = 1; Collection notInASet = new ArrayList(); while (true) { Collection nis = photoInt.getNotInSet(50, notInSetPage); notInASet.addAll(nis); if (nis.size() < 50) break; notInSetPage++; } allPhotos.put("NotInASet", notInASet); Iterator<String> allIter = allPhotos.keySet().iterator(); while (allIter.hasNext()) { String setTitle =; String setDirectoryName = makeSafeFilename(setTitle); Collection currentSet = allPhotos.get(setTitle); Iterator setIterator = currentSet.iterator(); File setDirectory = new File(directory, setDirectoryName); setDirectory.mkdir(); while (setIterator.hasNext()) { Photo p = (Photo); String url = p.getLargeUrl(); URL u = new URL(url); String filename = u.getFile(); filename = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, filename.length()); System.out.println("Now writing " + filename + " to " + setDirectory.getCanonicalPath()); BufferedInputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(photoInt.getImageAsStream(p, Size.LARGE)); File newFile = new File(setDirectory, filename); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile); int read; while ((read = != -1) { fos.write(read); } fos.flush(); fos.close(); inStream.close(); } } }
public void showActivityBB( String city, double v1x, double v1y, double v3x, double v3y, Calendar start, Calendar end, String output_file) throws IOException { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(output_file))); PhotosInterface pi = f.getPhotosInterface(); SearchParameters params = new SearchParameters(); params.setMinTakenDate(start.getTime()); params.setMaxTakenDate(end.getTime()); System.out.println(String.valueOf(v1x)); params.setBBox( String.valueOf(v1x), String.valueOf(v1y), String.valueOf(v3x), String.valueOf(v3y)); params.setHasGeo(true); int counter = 0; PhotoList list = null; try { list =, picXpage, 1); } catch (FlickrException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println( "\nRetrievind data around of " + city + "from " + "" + start.getTime() + " to " + end.getTime()); System.out.println(list.getTotal() + " pictures being retrieved..."); for (int k = 1; k <= list.getPages(); k++) { try { list =, picXpage, k); } catch (FlickrException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < list.getPerPage(); i++) { Photo x = (Photo) list.get(i); String description, title = ""; try { x = pi.getInfo(x.getId(), x.getSecret()); } catch (SAXException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (FlickrException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // String description=x.getDescription().replace('\n', ' '); // String title=x.getTitle().replace('\n', ' '); String date = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.MEDIUM, Locale.ITALY) .format(x.getDateTaken()); GeoData geo = x.getGeoData(); String username = x.getOwner().getUsername(); description = (x.getDescription()); if (description != null) description = description.replace('\n', ' '); title = (x.getTitle()); if (title != null) title = title.replace('\n', ' '); if (geo != null) { // out.println(username+"*"+geo.getLatitude()+"*"+geo.getLongitude()+"*"+geo.getAccuracy()+"*"+date); if (description != null) try { // Convert from Unicode to UTF-8 // String string = "abc\u5639\u563b"; byte[] utf8 = description.getBytes("UTF-8"); // Convert from UTF-8 to Unicode description = new String(utf8, "UTF-8"); System.out.println(description); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { System.out.println(e); } out.println( username + "\t" + title + "\t" + description + "\t" + geo.getLatitude() + "\t" + geo.getLongitude() + "\t" + geo.getAccuracy() + "\t" + date); counter++; } else { try { Iterator<Exif> iter = pi.getExif(x.getId(), x.getSecret()).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Exif exif =; String raw = exif.getLabel() + " " + exif.getRaw(); if (raw.contains("atitude") || raw.contains("ongitude")) // avoid 1st letter for case sensitive System.out.println("!!! " + exif.getLabel() + " " + exif.getRaw()); } } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println("broken picture @ page= " + k + " pic= " + i); } } System.out.println( (100 * k) / list.getPages() + "% Complete. Pictures " + counter + " on " + list.getTotal()); } out.close(); }