@Override public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) { Adjust.onPause(); }
@Override public void onCreate() { LoggingUtil.v("Called SpilSDKApplication.onCreate()"); try { Class.forName("android.os.AsyncTask"); } catch (Throwable ignore) { // ignored } // Crash Reporting ACRA.init(this); CrashReportUtil crashReportUtil = new CrashReportUtil(); ACRA.getErrorReporter().setReportSender(crashReportUtil); super.onCreate(); // Google Analytics getDefaultTracker(); // Adjust try { String appToken = SpilConfig.getInstance(this).getAdjustAppToken(); String environment; if (SpilConfig.getInstance(this).isDebugModeEnabled()) { environment = AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX; } else { environment = AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION; } if (appToken != null) { if (!appToken.isEmpty() || appToken.length() > 0) { LoggingUtil.d("Enabling Adjust"); AdjustConfig adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(this, appToken, environment); Adjust.onCreate(adjustConfig); registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new AdjustLifecycleCallbacks()); } } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError error) { LoggingUtil.e( "Spil Adjust Module not included! If you want to use Adjust please include the spilsdk-adjust dependency"); } try { String subdomain = SpilConfig.getInstance(this).getZendeskSubdomain(); String appId = SpilConfig.getInstance(this).getZendeskAppId(); String oauthClientId = SpilConfig.getInstance(this).getZendeskOauthClientId(); if (subdomain.length() > 0 && !subdomain.isEmpty() && appId.length() > 0 && !appId.isEmpty() && oauthClientId.length() > 0 && !oauthClientId.isEmpty()) { LoggingUtil.d("Enabling Zendesk"); ZendeskConfig.INSTANCE.init(this, subdomain, appId, oauthClientId); Identity identity = new AnonymousIdentity.Builder().build(); ZendeskConfig.INSTANCE.setIdentity(identity); } else { LoggingUtil.e( "Spil Zendesk Module initialisation failed! Please make sure you include all the necessary information in the 'defaultGameConfig.json' file (subdomain, appId and oauthClientId). "); } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError error) { LoggingUtil.e( "Spil Zendesk Module not included! If you want to use zendesk please include the spilsdk-zendesk dependency"); } catch (NullPointerException error) { LoggingUtil.e( "Spil Zendesk Module initialisation failed! Please make sure you include all the necessary information in the 'defaultGameConfig.json' file (subdomain, appId and oauthClientId). "); } SpilSdk.resetContext(); }
@Override public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) { Adjust.onResume(); }