public static void addPresetPath(String npcName, PresetPath path, NPCHandler handle) {; for (SyncWrapper wrap : io.getReadableData()) { io.add(wrap.getTag(), wrap.getObject()); } io.add(npcName, path); io.write(); presetNPCs.add(npcName); SimpleNPC rem = handle.getSimpleNPCByName(npcName); if (rem != null) { rem.destroyNPCObject(); } LoadNPCTemplate tmp = new LoadNPCTemplate(npcName); tmp.loadProperties(); SimpleNPC npc = tmp.getLoadedNPCTemplate().registerSimpleNPCFixedSpawn(handle, fixedSpawns.get(npcName)); npc.setPresetPath(path); PresetPathsDisplay.updateSoftReference(); }
public static boolean removePresetPath(Player p, String npcName, NPCHandler handle) { if (!FileLocator.doesNPCNameExist(npcName)) { if (p != null) { QuestX.logChat(p, ChatColor.RED + LocaleBundle.getString("no_npc_name")); } return false; } else { if (!fixedSpawns.containsKey(npcName)) { if (p != null) { QuestX.logChat(p, LocaleBundle.getString("no_fixed_spawn")); } return false; } else { if (!presetNPCs.contains(npcName)) { QuestX.logChat(p, LocaleBundle.getString("no_preset_path")); return false; } else {; io.clearWriteArray(); io.clearReadArray(); for (SyncWrapper wrap : loader.getReadableData()) { // copy all the data read, except the npc to remove if (!wrap.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase(npcName)) { io.add(wrap); } } io.write(); presetNPCs.remove(npcName); SimpleNPC rem = handle.getSimpleNPCByName(npcName); if (rem != null) { rem.destroyNPCObject(); } LoadNPCTemplate tmp = new LoadNPCTemplate(npcName); tmp.loadProperties(); SimpleNPC npc = tmp.getLoadedNPCTemplate() .registerSimpleNPCFixedSpawn(handle, fixedSpawns.get(npcName)); npc.setAllowedToMove(true); PresetPathsDisplay.updateSoftReference(); QuestX.logChat(p, ChatColor.GREEN + "Preset path for NPC " + npcName + " was removed."); return true; } } } }
public static void spawnFixedNPCS(NPCHandler handle) {;; for (SyncWrapper wrap : io.getReadableData()) { if (!wrap.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) { presetNPCs.add(wrap.getTag()); } } QuestX.logDebug("wrapper length = " + loader.getReadableData().size()); for (SyncWrapper wrapper : loader.getReadableData()) { if (wrapper.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("NPC_COUNT")) { continue; } String npcName = wrapper.getTag(); if (FileLocator.doesNPCNameExist(npcName)) { SyncLocation sl = (SyncLocation) wrapper.getObject(); Location spawnLocation = sl.getBukkitLocation(); LoadNPCTemplate tempLoader = new LoadNPCTemplate(npcName); tempLoader.loadProperties(); NPCTemplate template = tempLoader.getLoadedNPCTemplate(); SimpleNPC npc = template.registerSimpleNPCFixedSpawn(handle, spawnLocation); npc.setAllowedToMove(false); if (io.doesObjectExist(npcName)) { PresetPath path = (PresetPath) io.getObject(npcName); npc.setPresetPath(path); } npc.setAllowedToMove(true); fixedSpawns.put(npcName, spawnLocation); } else { QuestX.logError("Tried to load NPC '" + npcName + "' but no NPC file was found."); } } FixedSpawnsDisplay.updateSoftReference(); PresetPathsDisplay.updateSoftReference(); }
public static boolean addFixedNPCSpawn(Player p, String npcName, Location l, NPCHandler handle) { if (!FileLocator.doesNPCNameExist(npcName)) { if (p != null) { QuestX.logChat(p, ChatColor.RED + LocaleBundle.getString("no_npc_name")); } return false; } else { if (fixedSpawns.containsKey(npcName)) { if (p != null) { QuestX.logChat(p, LocaleBundle.getString("yes_fixed_spawn")); } return false; } SimpleNPC remove = handle.getSimpleNPCByName(npcName); if (remove != null) { remove.destroyNPCObject(); } LoadNPCTemplate tmp = new LoadNPCTemplate(npcName); tmp.loadProperties(); tmp.getLoadedNPCTemplate().registerSimpleNPCFixedSpawn(handle, l);; for (SyncWrapper wrap : loader.getReadableData()) { loader.add(wrap.getTag(), wrap.getObject()); } loader.add(npcName, new SyncLocation(l)); loader.write(); loader.clearReadArray(); loader.clearWriteArray(); fixedSpawns.put(npcName, l); FixedSpawnsDisplay.updateSoftReference(); if (p != null) { QuestX.logChat(p, LocaleBundle.getString("fixed_spawn_success") + npcName + "'."); } return true; } }
public static void spawnFixedNPC(NPCHandler handle, String name) {;; SyncLocation sl = (SyncLocation) loader.getObject(name); Location spawnLocation = sl.getBukkitLocation(); LoadNPCTemplate tempLoader = new LoadNPCTemplate(name); tempLoader.loadProperties(); NPCTemplate template = tempLoader.getLoadedNPCTemplate(); SimpleNPC npc = template.registerSimpleNPCFixedSpawn(handle, spawnLocation); npc.setAllowedToMove(false); if (io.doesObjectExist(name)) { PresetPath path = (PresetPath) io.getObject(name); npc.setPresetPath(path); } npc.setAllowedToMove(true); }
public static boolean editFixedNPCSpawn(Player p, String npcName, NPCHandler handle) { if (!FileLocator.doesNPCNameExist(npcName)) { if (p != null) { QuestX.logChat(p, ChatColor.RED + "There is no NPC created with this name!"); } return false; } else { if (!fixedSpawns.containsKey(npcName)) { if (p != null) { QuestX.logChat(p, LocaleBundle.getString("no_fixed_spawn")); } return false; } else { SimpleNPC rem = handle.getSimpleNPCByName(npcName); if (rem != null) { rem.destroyNPCObject(); };; loader.clearWriteArray(); for (SyncWrapper wrap : loader.getReadableData()) { // copy all the data read, except the npc to remove, set // this to be edited if (!wrap.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase(npcName)) { loader.add(wrap); } else { if (p != null) { loader.add(wrap.getTag(), new SyncLocation(p.getLocation())); } } } loader.write(); loader.clearReadArray(); loader.clearWriteArray();; io.clearWriteArray(); io.clearReadArray(); for (SyncWrapper wrap : loader.getReadableData()) { // copy all the data read, except the npc to remove if (!wrap.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase(npcName)) { io.add(wrap); } } io.write(); if (presetNPCs.contains(npcName)) { QuestX.logChat(p, "The preset path for NPC '" + npcName + "' was removed."); presetNPCs.remove(npcName); } LoadNPCTemplate tmp = new LoadNPCTemplate(npcName); tmp.loadProperties(); SimpleNPC npc = tmp.getLoadedNPCTemplate().registerSimpleNPCFixedSpawn(handle, p.getLocation()); npc.setAllowedToMove(true); if (p != null) { QuestX.logChat( p, "The fixed spawn for NPC '" + npcName + "' was changed to your current location."); } PresetPathsDisplay.updateSoftReference(); return true; } } }