   * Get list of disks in a virtual machine
   * @title Retrieve the list of hard disks of a virtual machine in the cloud infrastructure
   * @param datacenterId
   * @param rackId
   * @param machineId
   * @param vmId
   * @param restBuilder
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public DisksManagementDto getListOfDisks(
      @PathParam(DatacenterResource.DATACENTER) @NotNull @Min(1) final Integer datacenterId,
      @PathParam(RackResource.RACK) @NotNull @Min(1) final Integer rackId,
      @PathParam(MachineResource.MACHINE) @Min(1) @NotNull final Integer machineId,
          final Integer vmId,
      @Context final IRESTBuilder restBuilder)
      throws Exception {

    VirtualMachine vm =
        service.getVirtualMachineFromInfrastructure(datacenterId, rackId, machineId, vmId);

    List<DiskManagement> disks = storageService.getListOfHardDisksByVM(vm);

    DisksManagementDto dto = new DisksManagementDto();

    for (DiskManagement disk : disks) {
      dto.getCollection().add(DiskResource.createDiskTransferObject(disk, restBuilder));

    return dto;
   * Return a virtual machine deployed in the given physical machine.
   * @title Retrive a virtual machine deployed in a physical machine
   * @wiki Returns the requested virtual machine that is deployed in a physical machine and is
   *     actually managed by abiquo. That means that the virtual machine exist in the database and
   *     in the hypervisor.
   * @param datacenterId identifier of the datacenter
   * @param rackId identifier of the rack
   * @param machineId identifier of the machine
   * @param vmId identifier of the requested virtual machine
   * @param restBuilder a Context-injected object to create the links of the Dto
   * @return the {VirtualMachineDto} object with the virtual machine deployed in the physical
   *     machine
   * @throws Exception
  public VirtualMachineDto getInfrastructureVirtualMachine(
      @PathParam(DatacenterResource.DATACENTER) @NotNull @Min(1) final Integer datacenterId,
      @PathParam(RackResource.RACK) @NotNull @Min(1) final Integer rackId,
      @PathParam(MachineResource.MACHINE) @Min(1) @NotNull final Integer machineId,
          final Integer vmId,
      @Context final IRESTBuilder restBuilder)
      throws Exception {
    VirtualMachine vm =
        service.getVirtualMachineFromInfrastructure(datacenterId, rackId, machineId, vmId);

    VirtualAppliance vapp = service.getVirtualApplianceFromVirtualMachineHelper(vm);

    return createTransferObject(datacenterId, rackId, machineId, vm, vapp, restBuilder);