private void dismissInternal() { // Remove any attached window decor for recycling boolean hadDecor = mDecor != null; if (hadDecor) { mWindowManager.removeView(mDecor); mWindowRecycled++; mDecor.getViewTreeObserver().removeGlobalOnLayoutListener(this); mDecor = null; mWindow.closeAllPanels(); } mShowing = false; mDismissed = true; // Cancel any pending queries mHandler.cancelOperation(TOKEN_DATA); mQuerying = false; // Completely hide header and reset track mHeader.setVisibility(View.GONE); resetTrack(); }
/** * Start showing a dialog for the given {@link Contacts#_ID} pointing towards the given location. */ public synchronized void show(Uri lookupUri, Rect anchor, int mode, String[] excludeMimes) { if (mQuerying || mShowing) { Log.w(TAG, "dismissing before showing"); dismissInternal(); } if (TRACE_LAUNCH && false /*!android.os.Debug.isMethodTracingActive()*/) { android.os.Debug.startMethodTracing(TRACE_TAG); } // Prepare header view for requested mode mLookupUri = lookupUri; mAnchor = new Rect(anchor); mMode = mode; mExcludeMimes = excludeMimes; mHeader = getHeaderView(mode); setHeaderText(, R.string.quickcontact_missing_name); setHeaderText(, null); setHeaderText(, null); setHeaderImage(, null); resetTrack(); mHasValidSocial = false; mDismissed = false; mQuerying = true; // Start background query for data, but only select photo rows when they // directly match the super-primary PHOTO_ID. final Uri dataUri = getDataUri(lookupUri); mHandler.cancelOperation(TOKEN_DATA); // Only request photo data when required by mode if (mMode == QuickContact.MODE_LARGE) { // Select photos, but only super-primary mHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_DATA, lookupUri, dataUri, DataQuery.PROJECTION, Data.MIMETYPE + "!=? OR (" + Data.MIMETYPE + "=? AND " + Data._ID + "=" + Contacts.PHOTO_ID + ")", new String[] {Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE}, null); } else { // Exclude all photos from cursor mHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_DATA, lookupUri, dataUri, DataQuery.PROJECTION, Data.MIMETYPE + "!=?", new String[] {Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE}, null); } }