public void start() { if (filename == null) { String jettyHomeProperty = OptionHelper.getSystemProperty("jetty.home"); filename = jettyHomeProperty + File.separatorChar + DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; getStatusManager() .add(new WarnStatus("filename property not set. Assuming [" + filename + "]", this)); } try { File configFile = new File(filename); if (configFile.exists()) { JoranConfigurator jc = new JoranConfigurator(); jc.setContext(this); jc.doConfigure(filename); } else { getStatusManager().add(new ErrorStatus("[" + filename + "] does not exist", this)); } if (getName() == null) { setName("LogbackRequestLog"); } RequestLogRegistry.register(this); getStatusManager() .add( new InfoStatus( "RequestLog added to RequestLogRegistry with name: " + getName(), this)); started = true; } catch (JoranException e) { // errors have been registered as status messages } }
public void start() { if (filename == null) { String tomcatHomeProperty = OptionHelper.getSystemProperty("catalina.home"); filename = tomcatHomeProperty + File.separatorChar + DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; getStatusManager() .add(new InfoStatus("filename property not set. Assuming [" + filename + "]", this)); } File configFile = new File(filename); if (configFile.exists()) { try { JoranConfigurator jc = new JoranConfigurator(); jc.setContext(this); jc.doConfigure(filename); } catch (JoranException e) { // TODO can we do better than printing a stack trace on syserr? e.printStackTrace(); } } else { getStatusManager().add(new WarnStatus("[" + filename + "] does not exist", this)); } if (!quiet) { StatusPrinter.print(getStatusManager()); } started = true; }