private void sendLogAndConfirm() { if (!sendButtonEnabled) { Dialogs.message(this, R.string.log_post_not_possible); return; } if (CalendarUtils.isFuture(date)) { Dialogs.message(this, R.string.log_date_future_not_allowed); return; } if (typeSelected.mustConfirmLog()) { Dialogs.confirm( this, R.string.confirm_log_title, res.getString(R.string.confirm_log_message, typeSelected.getL10n()), new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int which) { sendLogInternal(); } }); } else { sendLogInternal(); } }
private void setDefaultValues() { date = Calendar.getInstance(); rating = GCVote.NO_RATING; typeSelected = cache.getDefaultLogType(); // it this is an attended event log, use the event date by default instead of the current date if (cache.isEventCache() && CalendarUtils.isPastEvent(cache) && typeSelected == LogType.ATTENDED) { date.setTime(cache.getHiddenDate()); } text = null; image = Image.NONE; }