  public void estimate(
      InstanceList documents,
      int numIterations,
      int showTopicsInterval,
      int outputModelInterval,
      String outputModelFilename,
      Randoms r) {
    ilist = documents.shallowClone();
    numTypes = ilist.getDataAlphabet().size();
    int numDocs = ilist.size();
    topics = new int[numDocs][];
    docTopicCounts = new int[numDocs][numTopics];
    typeTopicCounts = new int[numTypes][numTopics];
    tokensPerTopic = new int[numTopics];
    tAlpha = alpha * numTopics;
    vBeta = beta * numTypes;

    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Initialize with random assignments of tokens to topics
    // and finish allocating this.topics and this.tokens
    int topic, seqLen;
    FeatureSequence fs;
    for (int di = 0; di < numDocs; di++) {
      try {
        fs = (FeatureSequence) ilist.get(di).getData();
      } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            "LDA and other topic models expect FeatureSequence data, not FeatureVector data.  "
                + "With text2vectors, you can obtain such data with --keep-sequence or --keep-bisequence.");
        throw e;
      seqLen = fs.getLength();
      numTokens += seqLen;
      topics[di] = new int[seqLen];
      // Randomly assign tokens to topics
      for (int si = 0; si < seqLen; si++) {
        topic = r.nextInt(numTopics);
        topics[di][si] = topic;

        0, numDocs, numIterations, showTopicsInterval, outputModelInterval, outputModelFilename, r);
    // 124.5 seconds
    // 144.8 seconds after using FeatureSequence instead of tokens[][] array
    // 121.6 seconds after putting "final" on FeatureSequence.getIndexAtPosition()
    // 106.3 seconds after avoiding array lookup in inner loop with a temporary variable
