private void publishFailureDetected(String broker) { try { String pubStr = "[class," + HeartbeatSubscriber.MESSAGE_CLASS + "]," + "[detectorID,'" + m_BrokerCore.getBrokerID() + "']," + "[detectedID,'" + broker + "']," + "[type,'FAILURE_DETECTED']"; Publication pub = MessageFactory.createPublicationFromString(pubStr); PublicationMessage pubMsg = new PublicationMessage( pub, m_BrokerCore.getNewMessageID(), MessageDestination.HEARTBEAT_MANAGER); Map<MessageDestination, LinkInfo> statisticTable = m_BrokerCore.getOverlayManager().getORT().getStatisticTable(); MessageDestination failureBroker = new MessageDestination(broker, DestinationType.BROKER); if (statisticTable.containsKey(failureBroker)) { LinkInfo link = statisticTable.get(failureBroker); link.setStatus(); }"Sending failure of " + broker + " detected messsage."); m_BrokerCore.routeMessage(pubMsg, MessageDestination.INPUTQUEUE); } catch (ParseException e) { heartbeatLogger.error(e.getMessage()); exceptionLogger.error(e.getMessage()); } }
private void advertiseHeartbeat() { String advStr = "[class,eq," + HeartbeatSubscriber.MESSAGE_CLASS + "]," + "[brokerID,isPresent,'TEXT']," + "[fromID,eq,'" + m_BrokerCore.getBrokerID() + "']," + "[type,isPresent,'TEXT']," + "[handle,isPresent,'TEXT']"; Advertisement adv; try { adv = MessageFactory.createAdvertisementFromString(advStr); } catch (ParseException e) { exceptionLogger.error(e.getMessage()); return; } AdvertisementMessage msg = new AdvertisementMessage( adv, m_BrokerCore.getNewMessageID(), MessageDestination.HEARTBEAT_MANAGER); msg.setTTL(1); heartbeatLogger.debug("Sending initial advertisement for heartbeat."); m_BrokerCore.routeMessage(msg, MessageDestination.INPUTQUEUE); }
/** * Send a subscription represented by the String subStr to the broker with URI brokerURI. * * @param subStr Subscription in String format. Check the PADRES message format for the syntax. * @param brokerURI The URI of the broker to which the subscription is to be sent. * @return The SubscriptionMessage sent to the broker containing the given subscription. * @throws ClientException If there is a synatx error in the given subscription string or an * thrown by the {@link #subscribe(Subscription, String)} method called by this method. * @throws ParseException */ public SubscriptionMessage subscribe(String subStr, String brokerURI) throws ClientException, ParseException { Subscription newSub = MessageFactory.createSubscriptionFromString(subStr); if (newSub.getClassVal() == null) { throw new ClientException("Subscription syntax error"); } return subscribe(newSub, brokerURI); }
/** * Send an advertisement to a broker. The advertisemnet is given as a String comforming the PADRES * message format. The broker is specified with its URI. * * @param advStr The advertisement string conforming PADRES message format. * @param brokerURI The URI of the broker to send the advertisement to. * @return The {@link AdvertisementMessage} produced by the given advertisement string. The * message ID of the message is returned by the broker. * @throws ClientException Either their is a syntax error the advertisement string or other error * during advertisement. * @throws ParseException * @see #advertise(Advertisement, String) */ public AdvertisementMessage advertise(String advStr, String brokerURI) throws ClientException, ParseException { Advertisement newAdv = MessageFactory.createAdvertisementFromString(advStr); if (newAdv.getClassVal() == null) { throw new ClientException("Advertisement syntax error"); } return advertise(newAdv, brokerURI); }
public PublicationMessage publish(String pubStr, String brokerID) throws ClientException { try { Publication newPub = MessageFactory.createPublicationFromString(pubStr); if (newPub.getClassVal() == null) { throw new ClientException("Publication syntax error"); } return publish(newPub, brokerID); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ClientException(e); } }
private void publishHeartbeats() { try { Map<MessageDestination, OutputQueue> neighbors = m_BrokerCore.getOverlayManager().getORT().getBrokerQueues(); synchronized (neighbors) { for (MessageDestination md : neighbors.keySet()) { String brokerID = md.getDestinationID(); // create and set a timer event for the heartbeat request TimerEvent event = new TimerEvent(this, m_HeartbeatTimeout, HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_TIMER); event.setAttachment(brokerID); int handle = m_TimerThread.setTimer(event); // publish the heartbeat request String pubStr = "[class," + HeartbeatSubscriber.MESSAGE_CLASS + "]," + "[brokerID,'" + brokerID + "']," + "[fromID,'" + m_BrokerCore.getBrokerID() + "']," + "[type,'HEARTBEAT_REQ']," + "[handle,'" + handle + "']"; Publication pub = MessageFactory.createPublicationFromString(pubStr); PublicationMessage pubMsg = new PublicationMessage( pub, m_BrokerCore.getNewMessageID(), MessageDestination.HEARTBEAT_MANAGER); "Broker " + m_BrokerCore.getBrokerID() + " is sending heartbeat REQ to broker " + brokerID + " with handle " + handle); m_BrokerCore.routeMessage(pubMsg, MessageDestination.INPUTQUEUE); // add by shuang for testing currentHandle = handle; } } } catch (ParseException e) { heartbeatLogger.error(e.getMessage()); exceptionLogger.error(e.getMessage()); } }