   * Helper method to move the animal from the edge of the arena, based on its current x and y
   * coordinates
   * @param x - coordinate of the animal's current location
   * @param y - coordinate of the animal's current location
  private Command moveFromEdge(
      int x, int y, ArenaWorld world, ArenaAnimal animal, Location currentLocation) {
    Location eastOf = new Location(currentLocation, Direction.EAST);
    Location southOf = new Location(currentLocation, Direction.SOUTH);
    Location westOf = new Location(currentLocation, Direction.WEST);
    Location northOf = new Location(currentLocation, Direction.NORTH);

    Location randomLoc;

    // if fox is at top left quadrant, move east
    if (y <= world.getHeight() / 2
        && x <= world.getWidth() / 2
        && isLocationEmpty(world, animal, eastOf)) {
      return new MoveCommand(animal, eastOf);
    // if fox is at top right quadrant, move south
    else if (y <= world.getHeight() / 2
        && x >= world.getWidth() / 2
        && isLocationEmpty(world, animal, southOf)) {
      return new MoveCommand(animal, southOf);
    // if fox is at bottom right quadrant, move west
    else if (y >= world.getHeight() / 2
        && x >= world.getWidth() / 2
        && isLocationEmpty(world, animal, westOf)) {
      return new MoveCommand(animal, westOf);
    // if fox is at bottom of arena, move north
    else if (y >= world.getHeight() / 2
        && x <= world.getWidth() / 2
        && isLocationEmpty(world, animal, northOf)) {
      return new MoveCommand(animal, northOf);
    // move in random direction
    else {
      int count = 0;
      do {
        randomLoc = Util.getRandomEmptyAdjacentLocation((World) world, currentLocation);
        if (randomLoc == null) {
          return new WaitCommand();
      } while (randomLoc.getDistance(currentLocation) > 1 && count < 4);

      if (Util.isValidLocation(world, randomLoc)
          && Util.isLocationEmpty((World) world, randomLoc)
          && count < 4) {
        return new MoveCommand(animal, randomLoc);
      } else {
        return new WaitCommand();
  public Command getNextAction(ArenaWorld world, ArenaAnimal animal) {
    // TODO: Change this. Implement your own AI to make decisions regarding
    // the next action.

    final Location CURRENT_LOCATION = animal.getLocation();
    final int ENERGY = animal.getEnergy();
    final int STRENGTH = animal.getStrength();
    final int MAX_ENERGY = animal.getMaxEnergy();
    final int VIEW_RANGE = animal.getViewRange();
    final int BREEDING_ENERGY = MAX_ENERGY - 20;

    // look around fox's surroundings
    int proximity;
    Set<Item> surroundingItems = new TreeSet<Item>();
    surroundingItems = world.searchSurroundings(animal);

    // check things closest to fox first
    for (proximity = 1; proximity <= VIEW_RANGE; proximity++) {
      for (Item currentItem : surroundingItems) {
        if (currentItem.getLocation().getDistance(CURRENT_LOCATION) == proximity) {
          // if item is a rabbit
          if (currentItem.getName().equals("Rabbit")) {
            if (proximity == 1) {
              // eat rabbit if next to the rabbit
              if (currentItem.getStrength() < STRENGTH) {
                return new EatCommand(animal, currentItem);
            } else {
              // otherwise go towards the rabbit
              Direction toRabbit =
                  Util.getDirectionTowards(CURRENT_LOCATION, currentItem.getLocation());
              Location gotoRabbit = new Location(CURRENT_LOCATION, toRabbit);
              if (Util.isLocationEmpty((World) world, gotoRabbit)) {
                return new MoveCommand(animal, gotoRabbit);

          // if item is fox, spread out, don't compete for food
          if ((currentItem.getName().equals("Fox") || currentItem.getName().equals("grass"))
              && proximity < 2) {
            Direction awayfromFox =
                Util.getDirectionTowards(currentItem.getLocation(), CURRENT_LOCATION);
            Location ownTurf = new Location(CURRENT_LOCATION, oppositeDir(awayfromFox));
            if (Util.isLocationEmpty((World) world, ownTurf)) {
              return new MoveCommand(animal, ownTurf);

    // if nothing is around the fox,
    Location randomAdjLoc = Util.getRandomEmptyAdjacentLocation((World) world, CURRENT_LOCATION);

    // breed if enough energy
    if (ENERGY > BREEDING_ENERGY && randomAdjLoc != null) {
      return new BreedCommand(animal, randomAdjLoc);

    // otherwise move systematically around clockwise
    Command move =
            CURRENT_LOCATION.getX(), CURRENT_LOCATION.getY(), world, animal, CURRENT_LOCATION);
    return move;