public void onDisconnect() { if (ManagerConnectionState.CONNECTED == this.managerConnection.getState()) { this.managerConnection.logoff(); txtEvents = "Disconnected from: " + ip + ":" + port; conteudo.setJlConnection(txtEvents); } }
public void kSendUuiMessage() { String device = conteudo.getUuiDevice(); String protocol = conteudo.getUuiProtocol(); String length = conteudo.getUuiLength(); String data = conteudo.getUuiData(); String uuiParam; KSendUUIAction action; action = new KSendUUIAction(); if (!device.equals("") && !data.equals("") && !protocol.equals("") && !length.equals("")) { action.setData(data); action.setDevice(device); action.setLength(length); action.setProtocol(protocol); uuiParam = ("Dial(Khomp/" + action.getDevice() + "/" + action.getProtocol() + "/" + action.getLength() + "/" + action.getData() + ")"); if (ManagerConnectionState.CONNECTED == this.managerConnection.getState()) { try { managerConnection.sendAction(action, sendCB); System.out.println("Sending UUI message to " + device); this.changeInfo(uuiParam); } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Aplicacao.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else { System.out.println("Existem valores em branco!"); } }
public void kSendPresentation() { String channel = conteudo.getChannel(); String presentation = conteudo.getPresentation(); String presentationParam; KGSMPresentationAction action; action = new KGSMPresentationAction(); if (!channel.equals("") && !presentation.equals("")) { action.setChannel(channel); action.setPresentation(presentation); presentationParam = ("Action: " + action.getAction() + CRLF + "channel: " + action.getChannel() + CRLF + "presentation: " + action.getPresentation() + CRLF + CRLF); if (ManagerConnectionState.CONNECTED == this.managerConnection.getState()) { try { managerConnection.sendAction(action, sendCB); System.out.println("Sending Presentation: " + presentation + " to channel: " + channel); this.changeInfo(presentationParam); } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Aplicacao.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(telaPrincipal, "Necessário conectar primeiro!"); } } else { System.out.println("Existem valores em branco!"); } }
public void kSendUssdMessage() { String device = conteudo.getUSSDDevice(); String message = conteudo.getUSSDMessage(); String ussdParam; KSendUSSDAction action; action = new KSendUSSDAction(); if (!device.equals("") && !message.equals("")) { action.setDevice(device); action.setMessage(message); ussdParam = ("Action: " + action.getAction() + CRLF + "device: " + action.getDevice() + CRLF + "message: " + action.getMessage() + CRLF + CRLF); if (ManagerConnectionState.CONNECTED == this.managerConnection.getState()) { try { managerConnection.sendAction(action, sendCB); System.out.println("Sending USSD message to " + device); this.changeInfo(ussdParam); } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Aplicacao.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else { System.out.println("Existem valores em branco!"); } }
public void kSendSimCardSelection() { String channel = conteudo.getSimCardChannel(); int simCard = conteudo.getSimCardSelected(); String selectionParam; KSelectSIMcardAction action; action = new KSelectSIMcardAction(); if (!channel.equals("") && simCard > -1) { action.setChannel(channel); action.setSIMCard(simCard); selectionParam = ("Action: " + action.getAction() + CRLF + "channel: " + action.getChannel() + CRLF + "simcard: " + action.getSIMCard() + CRLF + CRLF); if (ManagerConnectionState.CONNECTED == this.managerConnection.getState()) { try { managerConnection.sendAction(action, sendCB); System.out.println("Changind SIM card to: SIMcard: " + simCard); this.changeInfo(selectionParam); } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Aplicacao.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else { System.out.println("Existem valores em branco!"); } }
public boolean kSendSMS() { String channel = conteudo.getChannel(); String text = conteudo.getSmsText(); String destination = conteudo.getNumber(); String context = conteudo.getContext(); String tech = conteudo.getTech(); boolean back = false; String smsParam; boolean confirmation = conteudo.getConfirmation(); KSendSMSAction action; action = new KSendSMSAction(); if (!destination.equals("") && !channel.equals("") && !text.equals("")) { action.setDevice(channel); action.setDestination(destination); action.setMessage(text); action.setConfirmation(confirmation); smsParam = ("Action: " + action.getAction() + CRLF + "device: " + action.getDevice() + CRLF + "destination: " + action.getDestination() + CRLF + "Message: " + action.getMessage() + CRLF + "Confirmation: " + action.getConfirmation() + CRLF + CRLF); if (ManagerConnectionState.CONNECTED == this.managerConnection.getState()) { try { managerConnection.sendAction(action, sendCB); back = true; System.out.println("Sending SMS to " + destination); this.changeInfo(smsParam); } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Aplicacao.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else { System.out.println("Existem valores em branco!"); return back; } return back; }
/** @return */ public boolean sendPing() { ip = conteudo.getServerIp(); port = conteudo.getServerPort(); boolean retv = false; try { System.out.println("Sending a Ping."); InputStream ins = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ping -n 1 -w 2000 " + ip).getInputStream(); Thread.sleep(3000); byte[] prsbuf = new byte[ins.available()];; String parsstr = new StringTokenizer(new String(prsbuf), "%").nextToken().trim(); if (!parsstr.endsWith("100")) { retv = true; } // System.out.println(parsstr); this.changeInfo(parsstr); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("IOException" + e.getMessage()); retv = false; } return retv; }
/** * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean onConnect() throws IOException { /* variaveis locais */ boolean back = false; ip = conteudo.getServerIp(); port = conteudo.getServerPort(); user = conteudo.getUser(); password = conteudo.getPassword(); ManagerConnectionFactory factory = new ManagerConnectionFactory(ip, user, password); this.managerConnection = factory.createManagerConnection(); // registro para eventos this.managerConnection.addEventListener(this); txtEvents = "Trying Connection to: " + ip + ":" + port; conteudo.setJlConnection(txtEvents); telaPrincipal.changeJlConnection(); this.changeInfo(txtEvents); try { // efetiva login this.managerConnection.login(); } catch (IllegalStateException | AuthenticationFailedException | TimeoutException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Aplicacao.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (this.managerConnection.getState() == ManagerConnectionState.CONNECTED) { registrarClasses(); txtEvents = "Connected on: " + ip + ":" + port; conteudo.setJlConnection(txtEvents); this.changeInfo(txtEvents); back = true; } return back; }
public void exportLog() { String text = conteudo.getEventText(); System.out.println("Logs:\n" + text); GravarArquivo gravaarquivo = new GravarArquivo(); gravaarquivo.gravar(text); }
/** @param text */ public void changeInfo(String text) { System.out.println(text); conteudo.setEventText(text); // telaPrincipal.setCampos(); }
public int makeCallAplicacao() { String number = conteudo.getNumber(); String channel = conteudo.getChannel(); String context = conteudo.getContext(); String tech = conteudo.getTech(); int priority = 1; int timeOut = 30000; int back = 0; int actID = this.actionID + 1; this.actionID = actID; OriginateAction originateAction; // SendActionCallback sendCB = this; originateAction = new OriginateAction(); if (!number.equals("") && !channel.equals("") && !context.equals("")) { originateAction.setActionId(String.valueOf(actID)); if (tech.equalsIgnoreCase("Khomp")) { originateAction.setChannel(tech + "/" + channel + "/" + number); } else { originateAction.setChannel(tech + "/" + number); } originateAction.setContext(context); originateAction.setExten(number); originateAction.setPriority(priority); originateAction.setTimeout(timeOut); back = 1; } else { System.out.println("Existem valores em branco!"); return back; } if (ManagerConnectionState.CONNECTED == this.managerConnection.getState()) { System.out.println("Calling to " + "Channel:" + channel + ", Extension:" + number); try { managerConnection.sendAction(originateAction, sendCB); } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Aplicacao.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { back = -1; } String callParam = ("Action: Originate" + CRLF + "ActionID: " + originateAction.getActionId() + CRLF + "Channel: " + originateAction.getChannel() + CRLF + "Context: " + originateAction.getContext() + CRLF + "Exten: " + originateAction.getExten() + CRLF + "Priority: " + originateAction.getPriority() + CRLF + CRLF); this.changeInfo(callParam); // cria e popula objeto call Call call = new Call(); call.setActionID(Integer.toString(actID)); call.setChannel(channel); call.setStatus("Connected"); // conteudo.setTabela(call); // telaPrincipal.mostraTabelaChannels(); return back; }
private void tratarEvento(InterfaceEvento interfaceEvento) { for (String str : interfaceEvento.getAll()) { conteudo.setEventText(str); } }