public void drawScene() { GLDrawer.clear(); Board currentBoard = Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard(); if (Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard() != null) { GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForWindow(); ClientBoard.drawBackground(currentBoard); GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForScene(); ClientBoard.draw(currentBoard, TileLayer.BACKGROUND); ClientBoard.draw(currentBoard, TileLayer.MIDDLEGROUND); for (Doodad doodad : currentBoard.getDoodads().values()) { if (!Crissaegrim.getDebugMode()) { doodad.draw(); } else { doodad.drawDebugMode(); } } drawLocalDroppedItems(); Crissaegrim.getPlayer().draw(); if (Crissaegrim.getDebugMode()) { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().drawDebugMode(); } drawGhosts(); ClientBoard.draw(currentBoard, TileLayer.FOREGROUND); drawParticleSystems(); } GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForWindow(); Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getInventory().draw(); while (!waitingChatMessages.isEmpty()) { Crissaegrim.getChatBox().addChatMessage(waitingChatMessages.remove(0)); } Crissaegrim.getChatBox().draw(); }
public static void clickHWall(BoardGui frame, Robot bot, Board board, int sectNum) { int xInstersectOffset = 7; int yInstersectOffset = 51; // Rest for a little while try { Thread.sleep(900, 000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // Intersects bot.mouseMove( frame.sect.get(sectNum).getX() + xInstersectOffset, frame.sect.get(sectNum).getY() + yInstersectOffset); bot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); // add time between press and release or the input event system may // not think it is a click try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } bot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } frame.submitHWall(); frame.labels[board.getCurrPlayer()].setText( "\t\t\t " + board.getWallCount(board.getCurrPlayer()) + " walls remain"); frame.labels[board.getCurrPlayer()].repaint(); frame.control.iteratePlayers(board, board.getPlayerCount()); }
// ---------makes the animation for the remote player's (computer) bead--------- private void startRemoteMoving(String position) { System.out.println("procesing " + position); if (isWin(position)) { winner = parseWinner(position); if (winner == 1) startImageLoader(WIN_IMAGE_FILE); else { isWinLoseTimer = new Timer(IMAGE_LOADERS_TIMER, this); isWinLoseTimer.setActionCommand("is win_lose"); isWinLoseTimer.setRepeats(false); // occurs only one time isWinLoseTimer.start(); } repaint(); return; } if (isDraw(position)) { winner = 0; startImageLoader(TIE_IMAGE_FILE); repaint(); return; } insertedInPegNum = mapPosToPeg(position); availableBeads[currentBead].setX( PEG_INITIAL_X[insertedInPegNum - 1] - (int) (availableBeads[currentBead].getBounds().getWidth() / 2)); availableBeads[currentBead].setY(PEG_INITIAL_Y[insertedInPegNum - 1]); pegs[insertedInPegNum - 1].addBead(availableBeads[currentBead]); remoteBeadAnimTimer = new Timer(ANIMATION_REFRESH_RATE, this); remoteBeadAnimTimer.setActionCommand("remote bead animator"); // sets the peg remoteBeadAnimTimer.setRepeats(true); remoteBeadAnimTimer.start(); // creates and inserts new bead currentBead++; // System.out.println( "Type of game: " + typeOfGame ); if (typeOfGame.equals("Gertrudis vs Computer")) { if (currentBead % 2 != 0) { availableBeads[currentBead] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'b'); availableBeads[currentBead].setImage(board.getBlackBeadImage()); } else { availableBeads[currentBead] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'w'); availableBeads[currentBead].setImage(board.getWhiteBeadImage()); } } else { availableBeads[currentBead] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'w'); availableBeads[currentBead].setImage(board.getWhiteBeadImage()); } }
// -----------draws names on screen----------- private void displayNames(Graphics g) { // draw players names drawText(g, "Player 1", TEXT_P1_INITIAL_X, TEXT_P1_INITIAL_Y + 4,, 22); drawText(g, board.player1(), TEXT_P1_INITIAL_X, TEXT_P1_INITIAL_Y,, 22); drawText(g, "Player 2", TEXT_P2_INITIAL_X, TEXT_P2_INITIAL_Y + 4,, 22); drawText(g, board.player2(), TEXT_P2_INITIAL_X, TEXT_P2_INITIAL_Y,, 22); drawText(g, "___________", BEAD_TEXT_INITIAL_X, BEAD_TEXT_INITIAL_Y - 4, Color.BLACK, 17); drawText(g, " Free Bead", BEAD_TEXT_INITIAL_X, BEAD_TEXT_INITIAL_Y, Color.BLACK, 17); }
private EvalResult eval( Board board, int restDepth, Turn currentTurn, Evaluator evaluator, double alpha, double beta) { if (restDepth == 0) return new EvalResult(evaluator.score(board, currentTurn), null); // 置ける手を全て列挙 List<Position> puttablePositions = board.findPuttableHands(currentTurn.stone()); // 自分がおける場所がないならば、相手のターンになる。 if (puttablePositions.isEmpty()) { double score = -eval(board, restDepth - 1, currentTurn.flip(), evaluator, -beta, -alpha).getScore(); return new EvalResult(score, null); } if (restDepth >= 5) doMoveOrdering(board, puttablePositions, currentTurn, evaluator); // 自分の番では、評価が最も大きくなるものを選ぶ。 double maxScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Position selectedPosition = null; for (Position p : puttablePositions) { Board b = board.clone(); Evaluator e = evaluator.clone(); e.willPut(b, p.x, p.y, currentTurn.stone()); b.put(p.x, p.y, currentTurn.stone()); double a = Math.max(alpha, maxScore); double score = -eval(b, restDepth - 1, currentTurn.flip(), e, -(a + 1), -a).getScore(); if (a < score && score < beta) { e = evaluator.clone(); e.willPut(board, p.x, p.y, currentTurn.stone()); score = -eval(b, restDepth - 1, currentTurn.flip(), e, -beta, -score).getScore(); } if (maxScore < score) { maxScore = score; selectedPosition = p; } // beta cut if (maxScore >= beta) return new EvalResult(score, p); } assert (selectedPosition != null); return new EvalResult(maxScore, selectedPosition); }
// ---------draws winner on screen-------------- private void displayWinner(Graphics g) { if (winner == 1) { // System.out.println( "Printing winner " + 1 ); drawText( g, board.player1() + " wins!", LOSE_WIN_TIE_TEXT_X, LOSE_WIN_TIE_TEXT_Y,, 38); } else if (winner == 2) { // System.out.println( "Printing winner " + 2 ); drawText( g, board.player2() + " wins!", LOSE_WIN_TIE_TEXT_X, LOSE_WIN_TIE_TEXT_Y,, 38); } else if (winner == 0) { // System.out.println( "Printing tie" ); drawText(g, "DRAW", LOSE_WIN_TIE_TEXT_X, LOSE_WIN_TIE_TEXT_Y,, 38); } }
/* * Method to check if the king can move to a position without being put in check */ public Boolean canKingMove(int destX, int destY, Board board) { ArrayList<Piece> enemyPieces = board.getEnemyPieces(this.color); for (int i = 0; i < enemyPieces.size(); i++) { Piece enemyPiece = enemyPieces.get(i); String type = enemyPiece.getClass().getName().substring(7).toLowerCase(); if (type.equals("king") && board.canKingMove(destX, destY, enemyPiece)) { return false; } else if (enemyPiece.checkValid(destX, destY, board)) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Returns the move with the best score for the selected player, doing a recursive search to the * specified depth. Returns a ScoreMove object that holds the move and its score * * @param depth the max depth to search to * @param color the color whose score to maximize * @param a * @return the highest scoring move and score */ private ScoreMove chooseMove(int depth, int color, int a, int b) { Move bestMove = new Move(); int bestScore = 0; if (color == this.color) bestScore = a; else bestScore = b; LinkedList<ScoreMove> scores = new LinkedList<ScoreMove>(); boolean first = true; // first is used to get the method started for (Move move : board.getValidMoves(color)) { int moveScore = getScore(move, depth, color, a, b); scores.add(new ScoreMove(moveScore, move)); if (first || (this.color == color && moveScore > bestScore) || (oppositeColor(this.color) == color && moveScore < bestScore)) // This player's move (max score) { // Other player's move (min score) bestMove = move; bestScore = moveScore; if (this.color == color) { a = moveScore; } else { b = moveScore; } first = false; } if (a >= b) break; } return new ScoreMove(bestScore, bestMove); }
public static ArrayList<Tile> getMovements( Board board, Color color, Type t, Location l, boolean attacksOnly) { ArrayList<Location> movements = null; int row = l.getRow(); int col = l.getCol(); switch (t) { case PAWN: movements = PawnMovement.getAdjacentMoves(board, color, row, col, attacksOnly); break; case ROOK: movements = HorizontalMovement.getHorizontalMoves(board, row, col, attacksOnly); break; case KNIGHT: movements = KnightMovement.getLMoves(row, col); break; case BISHOP: movements = DiagonalMovement.getDiagonalMoves(board, row, col, attacksOnly); break; case KING: movements = KingMovement.getKingMoves(board, row, col, attacksOnly); break; case QUEEN: movements = HorizontalMovement.getHorizontalMoves(board, row, col, attacksOnly); movements.addAll(DiagonalMovement.getDiagonalMoves(board, row, col, attacksOnly)); break; } ArrayList<Tile> ret = filterMovements(board, l, movements, color); if (ret != null && !ret.isEmpty()) { Assert.assertEquals(ret.get(0), board.getSquare(ret.get(0).getRow(), ret.get(0).getColumn())); } return ret; }
private Point getRandomShot() { Random random = new Random(); Point nextShot = null; boolean validShot = false; int nextX; int nextY; int origX = origHit.getX(); int origY = origHit.getY(); while (!validShot) { if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) { if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) nextX = origX - 1; else nextX = origX + 1; nextY = origY; } else { nextX = origX; if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) nextY = origY - 1; else nextY = origY + 1; } nextShot = new Point(nextX, nextY); if (!board.isValidShot(nextShot) || alreadyTriedShot(nextShot)) validShot = false; else validShot = true; } return nextShot; }
/** * This method takes an event, and sends the appropriate commands to the model based on the * command that the event sends: * * @param event an actionEvent representing an instruction from the View. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { gameBoard = Board.getBoard(); gameInfo = GameInfoPanel.getGameInfo(); String actionCommand = event.getActionCommand(); // play button commands if (actionCommand.equals("play")) { /** this is passed in as an ActionListener */ if (!hasStarted) { makeGameThread(); waitTime = DEFAULT_RUN; hasStarted = true; isFinished = model.isFinished(); } else { paused = false; waitTime = DEFAULT_RUN; } } // fastforward button commands if (actionCommand.equals("fastForward")) { paused = false; waitTime = FAST_FORWARD; } // fastforwardX2 button commands if (actionCommand.equals("fastForwardX2")) { paused = false; waitTime = DOUBLE_FAST_FORWARD; } // pause button commands (pause game until user runs some sort of play if (actionCommand.equals("pause")) { paused = true; } // stop game if (actionCommand.equals("stop")) { gameStopped = true; } // handle stepback button if (actionCommand.equals("home")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "This button does not work at this time, sorry.", "ERROR", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } // handle stepback button if (actionCommand.equals("stepback")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "This button does not work at this time, sorry.", "ERROR", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } }
@Override public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; displayNames(g); displayWinner(g); g2d.drawImage(board.getImage(), board.getX(), board.getY(), null, null); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { g2d.drawImage(pegs[i].getImage(), pegs[i].getX(), pegs[i].getY(), null, null); for (int j = 0; j < pegs[i].amountOfBeads2(); j++) { g2d.drawImage( pegs[i].beadAt(j).getImage(), pegs[i].beadAt(j).getX(), pegs[i].beadAt(j).getY(), null, null); } } if (availableBeads[currentBead].getImage() == null) { availableBeads[currentBead].loadImage(); } g2d.drawImage( availableBeads[currentBead].getImage(), availableBeads[currentBead].getX(), availableBeads[currentBead].getY(), null, null); if (beadMustAnimate) { animationTimer = new Timer(ANIMATION_REFRESH_RATE, this); // every // REFRESH_RATE // ms animationTimer.setActionCommand("animation"); animationTimer.start(); beadMustAnimate = false; currentBead++; // creates next new bead availableBeads[currentBead] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'b'); availableBeads[currentBead].setImage(board.getBlackBeadImage()); } }
private boolean pathIsObstructed(Board board, Location currentLocation, Location newLocation) { boolean lastValidMove = false; if (board.getSquare(newLocation).isOccupied()) { if (!newLocation.equals(currentLocation)) { lastValidMove = true; } } return lastValidMove; }
/** * Returns the score of the given move made by the given color based upon searches to the * specified depth. * * @param m the move to score * @param depth the max depth to search to * @param color the player who makes the move * @return the score of the move */ private int getScore(Move m, int depth, int color, int a, int b) { board.makeMove(m, color); depth--; int score = 0; if (board.hasNetwork(oppositeColor(this.color))) { score = Scorer.MINSCORE - depth; } else if (board.hasNetwork(this.color)) { score = Scorer.MAXSCORE + depth; } else if (depth == 0 || Scorer.hasScore(board, color)) { score = Scorer.getScore(board, this.color); } else { score = chooseMove(depth, oppositeColor(color), a, b).score; Scorer.addScore(board, color, score); } board.rollback(); return score; }
public void moveTo(int x, int y) { if (board.isValidPosition(x, y)) { if (x == this.x + 1 || x == this.x - 1) { if (y == this.y + 1 || y == this.y - 1) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Panel( String p1, String p2, LinkedBlockingQueue<String> sendQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue<String> recvQueue, JMenuBar menuBar) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { winner = NO_WINNER; typeOfGame = ""; this.menuBar = menuBar; this.sendQueue = sendQueue; // receives queues this.recvQueue = recvQueue; board = new Board(BOARD_INITIAL_X, BOARD_INITIAL_Y); // creates board board.setPlayerNames(p1, p2); pegs = new Peg[MAX_NUM_PEGS]; beadMustAnimate = false; isFirstTransaction = true; insertedInPegNum = 0; currentBead = 0; // its referree's responsibility to stop the game when no more bead are avasilable availableBeads = new Bead[MAX_NUM_BEADS * 2]; // sets first free bead availableBeads[0] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'w'); availableBeads[0].setImage(board.getWhiteBeadImage()); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { pegs[i] = new Peg(PEG_INITIAL_X[i], PEG_INITIAL_Y[i]); } setFocusable(true); // makes panel focusable // adds listeners mouseListener = new MouseListener(); addMouseMotionListener(mouseListener); addMouseListener(mouseListener); // when this timer fires, images will be displayed updateWhenLoaded = new Timer(IMAGE_LOADERS_TIMER, this); updateWhenLoaded.setActionCommand("images are loaded"); updateWhenLoaded.setRepeats(false); // occurs only one time updateWhenLoaded.start(); }
/** * Returns a new <code>Move</code> by this player. Internally records the move (update the * internal game board) as a move by this player. Changes search depth based on whether pieces are * being added or stepped * * @return the Move chosen by this player */ public Move chooseMove() { int maxDepth = searchDepth; if (maxDepth == VARDEPTH) { if (board.getNumPieces(color) > 8) // Step move maxDepth = 4; else // Add move maxDepth = 4; } Move m; if (board.getNumPieces(color) == 0) { // First move starts in center m = new Move(3, 3); if (!board.isValidMove(m, color)) m = new Move(3, 4); } else { ScoreMove sm = chooseMove(maxDepth, color, Scorer.MINSCORE - 1, Scorer.MAXSCORE + 1); m = sm.move; Scorer.clearCache(); } board.makeMove(m, color); return m; }
/* *Method to check if a king can move to a location on the board * */ public Boolean checkValid(int destX, int destY, Board board) { if (Math.abs(destX - this.currX) != 1 && (destX - this.currX) != 0) { return false; } if (Math.abs(destY - this.currY) != 1 && (destY - this.currY) != 0) { return false; } if (board.getPiece(destX, destY) != null && board.getPiece(destX, destY).color == this.color) { return false; } if (!canKingMove(destX, destY, board)) { return false; } return true; }
protected List<Position> doMoveOrdering( Board board, List<Position> ps, Turn currentTurn, Evaluator evaluator) { List<EvalResult> shallowEvaluation = new ArrayList<EvalResult>(); for (Position p : ps) { Board b = board.clone(); Evaluator e = evaluator.clone(); e.willPut(board, p.x, p.y, currentTurn.stone()); b.put(p.x, p.y, currentTurn.stone()); EvalResult er = eval(b, 2, currentTurn.flip(), e); shallowEvaluation.add(new EvalResult(-er.getScore(), p)); } // スコアの大きい方から並べる。 Collections.sort(shallowEvaluation, new HandComparator()); List<Position> result = new ArrayList<Position>(); for (EvalResult er : shallowEvaluation) result.add(er.getPosition()); return result; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, OverPopulationException { String path = args[0]; String lineread; BoardLoader BL = new BoardLoader(); Display BD = new Display(new Location(-100, -30), new Location(-100, 50), new Location(100, -30)); Board B = BL.Load(path); BD.PrintBoard(B); System.out.println("\n\nEnter q to quit, otherwise press enter:\n\n"); try (BufferedReader cin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( { while (!(lineread = cin.readLine()).equals("q")) { B = B.NextGeneration(); BD.PrintBoard(B); System.out.println("\n\nEnter q to quit, otherwise press enter:\n\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } return; }
/** @author David Rice This is the main for the Quoridor game */ public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException { Board board = new Board(2); board.setCurrPlayer(0); BoardGui frame = new BoardGui(board.getPlayerCount(), board.getCurrPlayer(), board); frame.setSize(700, 410); frame.setResizable(false); frame.setVisible(true); /* Robot bot = new Robot(); // Rest for a little while try{Thread.sleep(900,000);}catch(InterruptedException e){} clickSpace(frame, bot, board, 3); clickHWall(frame, bot, board, 17); clickVWall(frame, bot, board, 10); */ }
private static ArrayList<Tile> filterMovements( Board board, Location l, List<Location> locations, Color color) { ArrayList<Tile> moves = new ArrayList<Tile>(); for (Location location : locations) { Tile tile = board.getSquare(location); // You can't take a king or your own pieces if (!(tile.isOccupied() && (tile.getOccupiedPiece().getColor().equals(color)))) { moves.add(tile); } } Collections.sort(moves, new TileComparator()); return moves; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Board board = new Board(); board.setup(); Turn turn = Turn.BLACK; boolean hasPassed = false; // Player blackPlayer = new HumanPlayer(Turn.BLACK); // Player blackPlayer = new SimpleAI(Turn.BLACK); // Player blackPlayer = new MinMaxSimpleAIPlayer(Turn.BLACK, 5); // Player blackPlayer = new NegaMaxBoardScoreAIPlayer(Turn.BLACK, 5); Player blackPlayer = new PerfectPlayWrapperPlayer(new NegaScoutAdvancedAIPlayer(Turn.BLACK, 7), 15); // Player blackPlayer = new AlphaBetaSimpleAI(Turn.BLACK, 5); // Player blackPlayer = new LearnedAI(turn, 9, 15); // Player whitePlayer = new SimpleAI(Turn.WHITE); // Player whitePlayer = new MinMaxSimpleAIPlayer(Turn.WHITE, 5); // Player whitePlayer = new NegaMaxSimpleAIPlayer(Turn.WHITE, 5); Player whitePlayer = new PerfectPlayWrapperPlayer(new NegaScoutLearnedAIPlayer(Turn.WHITE, 7), 15); // Player whitePlayer = new NegaMaxBoardScoreAIPlayer(Turn.WHITE, 5); // Player whitePlayer = new NegaMaxAdvancedAI(Turn.WHITE, 5); // Player whitePlayer = new AlphaBetaSimpleAI(Turn.WHITE, 5); // Player whitePlayer = new AlphaBetaEvaluationSimpleWithCompleteReadingAI(Turn.WHITE, 5, 15); // Player whitePlayer = new NegaScoutEvaluationSimpleAI(Turn.WHITE, 5); // Player whitePlayer = new NegaScoutEvaluationSimpleWithCompleteReadingAI(Turn.WHITE, 5, 15); // Player whitePlayer = new TranpositionEvaluationSimpleAI(Turn.WHITE, 5); // Player whitePlayer = new TranpositionEvaluationCompleteReadingSimpleAI(Turn.WHITE, 5, 15); while (true) { // 盤を見やすいように表示; // どこかに置けないならばパスをしなければならない。 if (!board.isPuttableSomewhere(turn.stone())) { if (hasPassed) // 2連続パスすると終了 break; hasPassed = true; turn = turn.flip(); continue; } hasPassed = false; Position p; if (turn == Turn.BLACK) p =; else p =; board.put(p.x, p.y, turn.stone()); turn = turn.flip(); } System.out.printf("BLACK = %d\n", board.countStone(Stone.BLACK)); System.out.printf("WHITE = %d\n", board.countStone(Stone.WHITE)); }
@Override // public void draw(Graphics g, Board b, int z, boolean highlight) { public void draw(Graphics g, Board b) { int doorFraction = 5; // int pixelModifier = 25; int pixelModifier = Math.min(b.size().width / b.getNumColumns(), b.size().height / b.getNumRows()); int doorOffset = pixelModifier / doorFraction; b.setPixelModifier(pixelModifier); g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); if (this.highlight) { g.setColor(Color.GREEN); } g.fillRect(column * pixelModifier, row * pixelModifier, pixelModifier, pixelModifier); g.setColor(; if (this.isDoorway() && (doorDirection.equals(DoorDirection.UP))) { g.fillRect(column * pixelModifier, row * pixelModifier, pixelModifier, doorOffset); } else if (this.isDoorway() && (doorDirection.equals(DoorDirection.DOWN))) { g.fillRect( column * pixelModifier, (row * pixelModifier + pixelModifier) - doorOffset, pixelModifier, doorOffset); } else if (this.isDoorway() && (doorDirection.equals(DoorDirection.LEFT))) { g.fillRect(column * pixelModifier, row * pixelModifier, doorOffset, pixelModifier); } else if (this.isDoorway() && (doorDirection.equals(DoorDirection.RIGHT))) { g.fillRect( (column * pixelModifier + pixelModifier) - doorOffset, row * pixelModifier, doorOffset, pixelModifier); } if (drawName) { g.drawChars( b.getRooms().get(roomClassifier).toCharArray(), 0, b.getRooms().get(roomClassifier).length(), column * pixelModifier, row * pixelModifier); } }
public static void clickSpace(BoardGui frame, Robot bot, Board board, int space) { int xButtonOffset = 16; int yButtonOffset = 63; // Rest for a little while try { Thread.sleep(900, 000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // Spaces bot.mouseMove( + xButtonOffset, + yButtonOffset); bot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); // add time between press and release or the input event system may // not think it is a click try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } bot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); frame.control.iteratePlayers(board, board.getPlayerCount()); }
public vsGame(Board board, ArrayList<InputConfigData> InitialConfig) { gameBoard = board; board.reset(InitialConfig); }
@Override public ArrayList<Move> getMoves(Board board) { ArrayList<Move> movesList = new ArrayList<Move>(); Location newLocation = null; Location currentLocation = board.getLocation(this); char column = currentLocation.getCharacter(); int row = currentLocation.getInteger(); int boardLength = 8; // Down Left for (int i = 1; i < boardLength; i++) { newLocation = new Location((char) (column - i), (row - i)); if (board.isValidSquare(newLocation)) { Piece p = board.getPiece(newLocation); if (p != null && p.getColor() != this.getColor()) { movesList.add(new Move(currentLocation, newLocation)); } else if (p == null) { movesList.add(new Move(currentLocation, newLocation)); } if (pathIsObstructed(board, currentLocation, newLocation)) break; } } // Down Right for (int i = 1; i < boardLength; i++) { newLocation = new Location((char) (column + i), (row - i)); if (board.isValidSquare(newLocation)) { Piece p = board.getPiece(newLocation); if (p != null && p.getColor() != this.getColor()) { movesList.add(new Move(currentLocation, newLocation)); } else if (p == null) { movesList.add(new Move(currentLocation, newLocation)); } if (pathIsObstructed(board, currentLocation, newLocation)) break; } } // Up Left for (int i = 1; i < boardLength; i++) { newLocation = new Location((char) (column - i), (row + i)); if (board.isValidSquare(newLocation)) { Piece p = board.getPiece(newLocation); if (p != null && p.getColor() != this.getColor()) { movesList.add(new Move(currentLocation, newLocation)); } else if (p == null) { movesList.add(new Move(currentLocation, newLocation)); } if (pathIsObstructed(board, currentLocation, newLocation)) break; } } // Up Right for (int i = 1; i < boardLength; i++) { newLocation = new Location((char) (column + i), (row + i)); if (board.isValidSquare(newLocation)) { Piece p = board.getPiece(newLocation); if (p != null && p.getColor() != this.getColor()) { movesList.add(new Move(currentLocation, newLocation)); } else if (p == null) { movesList.add(new Move(currentLocation, newLocation)); } if (pathIsObstructed(board, currentLocation, newLocation)) break; } } return movesList; }
/** * Forces this player to make the specified move if legal and returns true. If the move is not * legal, returns false and does not record the move. * * @param m the Move forced to make * @return true if legal move, false otherwise */ public boolean forceMove(Move m) { if (!board.isValidMove(m, color)) return false; board.makeMove(m, color); return true; }
/** * Records the specified move as a move by the opponent if it is legal and returns true. If the * move is not legal, returns false and does not record the move. * * @param m the Move provided by the opponent * @return true if legal move, false otherwise */ public boolean opponentMove(Move m) { if (!board.isValidMove(m, oppositeColor(color))) return false; board.makeMove(m, oppositeColor(color)); return true; }
@Override public List<Coordinate> getMatchCoordinates(Board board, Coordinate coord) { List<Coordinate> res = new ArrayList<>(); res.addAll(board.getColumn(coord)); return res; }