    /** test the string swapping */
    public void testSubstitution() {
      final String sample = "eerrt$BRG$sdfsdfs$RNG$sdf<TargetType/>sdd";
      final String answer =
          "eerrt2.1sdfsdfs12.1sdf<TargetType><Type Name=\"RED\"/></TargetType>sdd";

      final WorldDistance rng = new WorldDistance(12.1, WorldDistance.YARDS);
      final Float brg = new Float(2.1f);

      final CoreSensor sensor = new ASSET.Models.Sensor.Initial.OpticSensor(12);
      final NetworkParticipant host = new ASSET.Models.Vessels.SSK(12);
      final NetworkParticipant target = new ASSET.Models.Vessels.Surface(22);

      final DetectionEvent de =
          new DetectionEvent(
              0, host.getId(), null, sensor, rng, rng, brg, null, null, null, null, null, target);

      final TargetType getRed = new TargetType();

      final WorldLocation currentLocation = new WorldLocation(1, 1, 0);
      final Status currentStatus = new Status(12, 2000);

      final String res = LaunchWeapon.swapKeywords(de, currentStatus, sample, getRed);
      assertEquals("strings swapped", answer, res);
    /** test we can read the weapon from file */
    public void testReadWeapon() {

      final WorldDistance rng = new WorldDistance(12.1, WorldDistance.YARDS);
      final Float brg = new Float(2.1f);

      final CoreSensor sensor = new ASSET.Models.Sensor.Initial.OpticSensor(12);
      final NetworkParticipant host = new ASSET.Models.Vessels.SSK(12);
      final NetworkParticipant target = new ASSET.Models.Vessels.Surface(22);

      final DetectionEvent de =
          new DetectionEvent(
              0, host.getId(), null, sensor, rng, rng, brg, null, null, null, null, null, target);

      final WorldLocation currentLocation = new WorldLocation(1, 1, 0);
      final Status currentStatus = new Status(12, 2000);

      final ParticipantType newPart =
          LaunchWeapon.getWeapon(de, currentStatus, launchBehaviour, null);
      assertNotNull("participant created", newPart);

      final DecisionType dt = newPart.getDecisionModel();
      assertEquals("correct model loaded", "Waterfall", dt.getName());

      System.out.println("part created");
  /** do the actual launch */
  private void launchWeapon(
      final DetectionEvent detection,
      final ASSET.Scenario.ScenarioActivityMonitor monitor,
      final Status currentLocation,
      final double initial_course_degs,
      final long time) {

    // have we read in the weapon description yet?
    if ((_launchThis == null) || (_launchThis.length() == 0))
      _launchThis = readWeaponFromThisFile(this._fileName);

    final ParticipantType newPart = getWeapon(detection, currentLocation, _launchThis, _myTarget);

    // create the target

    // set it's status
    final Status newState = new Status(currentLocation);
    // update the status for the object's new id

    // and put it in the participant

    // give it a faster speed though
    newState.setSpeed(new WorldSpeed(30, WorldSpeed.M_sec));

    // give the weapon a hint about direction to travel in
    SimpleDemandedStatus ds = new SimpleDemandedStatus(time, newState);

文件: Move.java 项目: waqas64/debrief
    public void testTheMove() {
      // ok, create some locations
      WorldLocation locA = new WorldLocation(0, 0, 12);
      WorldLocation locC = new WorldLocation(0, 3, 12);

      Move move = new Move();
      move.setCourse(new Double(60));
      move.setSpeed(new WorldSpeed(12, WorldSpeed.M_sec));
      move.setDistance(new WorldDistance(3, WorldDistance.DEGS));

      // check the initial values are correct
      assertEquals("the course is set", move.getCourse().doubleValue(), 60, 0.01);
      assertEquals("the speed is set", move.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec), 12, 0.01);
          "the distance is set", move.getDistance().getValueIn(WorldDistance.DEGS), 3, 0.01);

      // change course to head east (to ease our testing)
      move.setCourse(new Double(90));

      Status theStat = new Status(12, 12000);
      theStat.setSpeed(new WorldSpeed(12, WorldSpeed.Kts));

      DemandedStatus res = move.decide(theStat, null, null, null, null, 1000);

      // did it work?
      assertEquals("course set correctly", ((SimpleDemandedStatus) res).getCourse(), 90, 0.01);
      assertEquals("speed set correctly", ((SimpleDemandedStatus) res).getSpeed(), 12, 0.01);
      assertEquals("depth not set", ((SimpleDemandedStatus) res).getHeight(), -12, 0.01);

          "target location set correctly",

      // fiddle with the depth
      move.setHeight(new WorldDistance(-55, WorldDistance.METRES));

      res = move.decide(theStat, null, null, null, null, 1000);

      // did it work?
      assertEquals("course set correctly", ((SimpleDemandedStatus) res).getCourse(), 90, 0.01);
      assertEquals("speed set correctly", ((SimpleDemandedStatus) res).getSpeed(), 12, 0.01);
      assertEquals("depth set", ((SimpleDemandedStatus) res).getHeight(), -55, 0.01);
   * note that our parent behaviour has been interrupted. If we have a calculated the time/distance
   * to the next waypoint these calculations may become invalid - we need to clear them in order
   * that they be re-calculated next time we actually get called. On being interrupted we will
   * remember the location so we can head back to it before getting back on our proper route
   * @param currentStatus
  public void routeInterrupted(Status currentStatus) {
    // have we already been interrupted?
    if (_interruptedLocation == null) {
      // ok, remember where we are
      _interruptedLocation = new WorldLocation(currentStatus.getLocation());
    } else {
      // we've already been interrupted.  we want to head back to that original location, not
      // another.

    // whatever, we want to forget any immediate route calculations we may have
   * process a turn component of a larger manoeuvre
   * @param turnRequired how far we have to turn (-ve is left)
   * @param moves the movement chars for this participant
   * @param current the current status
   * @param endTime the end time for this step
   * @param turner the turn algorithm we're using
   * @param demandedHeight the demanded height (normally the same as the current height - to
   *     maintain height (and therefore speed) in a manoeuvre.
   * @return
  protected Status doThisPartOfTheTurn(
      double turnRequired,
      MovementCharacteristics moves,
      Status current,
      long endTime,
      TurnAlgorithm turner,
      double demandedHeight) {
    // what's our turn rate?
    double turnRate =
            moves, current.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec));
    turnRate = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Rads2Degs(turnRate);

    // hmm, so how long will it take?
    long turnTime = (long) (Math.abs(turnRequired) / turnRate * 1000d);

    // hey, trim the turn time to the remaining time
    long thisStep = endTime - current.getTime();
    turnTime = Math.min(turnTime, thisStep);

    // now, to make sure we turn the right way, we're going to turn 1/2 way first, then the second
    // part
    double semiTurn = turnRequired / 2;

    double semiTurnTime = turnTime / 2;

    // hey, make sure we at least have a step to make!
    semiTurnTime = Math.max(1, semiTurnTime);

    // amd do the turn!
    SimpleDemandedStatus sds =
        new SimpleDemandedStatus(1, (long) (current.getTime() + (semiTurnTime)));
    sds.setCourse(current.getCourse() + semiTurn);
    current = turner.doTurn(current, sds, moves, sds.getTime());

    // and the second part of the turn!
    sds = new SimpleDemandedStatus(1, current.getTime() + (long) (turnTime - semiTurnTime));
    sds.setCourse(current.getCourse() + semiTurn);
    current = turner.doTurn(current, sds, moves, sds.getTime());

    return current;
 public MovedEvent(final Status status) {
   _status = status;
  protected static Status processStraightCourse(
      Double requiredDistance,
      Status current,
      long endTime,
      HighLevelDemandedStatus highLevelDemStat,
      TurnAlgorithm turner,
      MovementCharacteristics moves) {

    // How far do we still have to go?
    double straightDistance = requiredDistance.doubleValue();

    // how far will we travel in this time step?

    // hey, how long of the time step is remaining?
    long thisTimeStep = endTime - current.getTime();

    // do we have a demanded height change ('cos this really buggers things up)
    double demHeight = -highLevelDemStat.getCurrentTarget().getDepth();
    double curHeight = -current.getLocation().getDepth();

    WorldLocation origin = new WorldLocation(current.getLocation());

    // take note of the original height.  We may change height during a height change, but wish to
    // return to the original
    // height on completion.  Alternatively we may wish to change to a demanded speed on completion
    // of the height change
    WorldSpeed originalSpeed = null;

    if (demHeight != curHeight) {

      // ok, and is there any distance remaining?
      double distanceTravelled = current.getLocation().subtract(origin).getRange();
      distanceTravelled = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Degs2m(distanceTravelled);
      double distanceRemaining = straightDistance - distanceTravelled;
      if (distanceRemaining > 0.1) {
        // yup, let's continue

        // yup, height change there is...
        double heightDelta = demHeight - curHeight;

        // find out what the height change speed is
        double stepTime = (endTime - current.getTime()) / 1000d;

        // and how long will the height change take?
        long heightChangeTimeMillis =
            (long) (TurnAlgorithm.calcHeightChangeTime(heightDelta, moves, stepTime) * 1000d);

        // WORKAROUND - a very small height change may require a time less than one millisecond -
        // represented
        // as zero time.  If this is the case, give us a tiny time step
        if (heightChangeTimeMillis == 0) heightChangeTimeMillis = 1;

        // hey, trim the height change to our remaining time
        heightChangeTimeMillis = Math.min(heightChangeTimeMillis, thisTimeStep);

        long timeTakenMillis;

        // right then.  Is this a vehicle with standard climb and dive speeds?
        if (moves instanceof ClimbRateCharacteristics) {
          // yes, we need to factor in the speed change

          // ok, we're doing a height change with speed consequences.  remember the current speed,
          // so
          // we can return to it on completion
          originalSpeed = new WorldSpeed(current.getSpeed());

          // ok, how far will we travel during this period
          timeTakenMillis =

          // todo - double-check that height change is achievable in the time-step,
          // though the turn decision algorithm should only produce achievable height changes

        } else {
          // right, we're just going to travel at normal speed for the turn.
          // calc how far we are due to travel in the time step

          // how long will it take to cover the remaining distance at this speed
          timeTakenMillis =
              (long) (1000 * straightDistance / current.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec));

        // trim to the step time
        timeTakenMillis = Math.min(heightChangeTimeMillis, timeTakenMillis);

        // and create a demanded status
        SimpleDemandedStatus sds = new SimpleDemandedStatus(1, current);

        // and set the height

        // and do the step
        current = turner.doTurn(current, sds, moves, current.getTime() + timeTakenMillis);
      } // if we have distance to run

    // that's the height change done - we should be at our demanded height now.  If there's any time
    // left we will allow
    // a speed change

    // ok, height change is done.  Is there any time left?
    if (current.getTime() < endTime) {
      // ok, and is there any distance remaining?
      double distanceTravelled = current.getLocation().subtract(origin).getRange();
      distanceTravelled = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Degs2m(distanceTravelled);
      double distanceRemaining = straightDistance - distanceTravelled;
      if (distanceRemaining > 0.1) {
        // yup, let's continue

        // is there a demanded speed change?
        WorldSpeed demSpeedObj = highLevelDemStat.getSpeed();
        if (demSpeedObj != null) {
          double demSpeed = demSpeedObj.getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec);
          double curSpeed = current.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec);

          if (curSpeed != demSpeed) {
            // ok, process the speed change
            long remainingTime = endTime - current.getTime();

            boolean isAccelerating = TurnAlgorithm.areWeAccelerating(curSpeed, demSpeed);
            WorldAcceleration accelRate = TurnAlgorithm.calcAccelRate(isAccelerating, moves);
            long timeAllowed =
                    demSpeedObj, current.getSpeed(), accelRate, remainingTime, distanceRemaining);

            // and move us forward
            SimpleDemandedStatus sds = new SimpleDemandedStatus(1, current);

            // and set the speed

            // and do the step
            current = turner.doTurn(current, sds, moves, current.getTime() + timeAllowed);
          } // if we need a speed change
        } // if we have a demanded speed
        else {
          // hey, no demanded speed change.  Was there a dem height change?
          // This may have caused a speed change which we now need to counter
          if (originalSpeed != null) {
            // yup, we changed height.  We need to head back to the old speed
            // ok, process the speed change
            long remainingTime = endTime - current.getTime();

            boolean isAccelerating =
                TurnAlgorithm.areWeAccelerating(current.getSpeed(), originalSpeed);
            WorldAcceleration accelRate = TurnAlgorithm.calcAccelRate(isAccelerating, moves);
            long timeAllowed =
            //            long timeAllowed = DirectedOnTopWaypoint.calcTrimmedAccelTime(demSpeedObj,
            // current.getSpeed(),
            //                accelRate, remainingTime, distanceRemaining);

            // and move us forward
            SimpleDemandedStatus sds = new SimpleDemandedStatus(1, current);

            // and do the step
            current = turner.doTurn(current, sds, moves, current.getTime() + timeAllowed);
      } // if we have distance to run
    } // if there is time left

    // hmm, that's the speed change over. do we have any time left?
    if (current.getTime() < endTime) {
      // how far have we travelled
      double distanceTravelled = current.getLocation().subtract(origin).getRange();
      distanceTravelled = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Degs2m(distanceTravelled);

      // which leaves how far?
      double distanceRemaining = straightDistance - distanceTravelled;

      if (distanceRemaining > 0.1) {
        // yup, let's continue travelling in a straight line at steady speed/height
        // collate the input data.

        // how long will it take to cover the remaining distance at this speed
        long timeTakenMillis =
            (long) (1000 * straightDistance / current.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec));

        // trim to the step time
        timeTakenMillis = Math.min(thisTimeStep, timeTakenMillis);

        // and create a demanded status
        SimpleDemandedStatus sds = new SimpleDemandedStatus(1, current);

        // and do the step
        current = turner.doTurn(current, sds, moves, current.getTime() + timeTakenMillis);

    return current;
    public void NtestLaunch() {

      final double rngToHim = 5000;
      final double crseToHim = 45;

      final WorldLocation origin = new WorldLocation(0, 0, 0);
      final WorldLocation hisLoc =
              new WorldVector(
      final Status blueStat = new Status(13, 0);
      blueStat.setSpeed(new WorldSpeed(4, WorldSpeed.M_sec));

      final Status redStat = new Status(blueStat);

      // setup a couple of targets
      final ASSET.Models.Vessels.SSN ssn = new ASSET.Models.Vessels.SSN(1);
          SSMovementCharacteristics.generateDebug("scrap", 1, 1, 0, 20, 1, 300, 1, 1, 10, 100));
          new ASSET.Participants.Category(
              Category.Force.BLUE, Category.Environment.SUBSURFACE, Category.Type.SUBMARINE));
      final ASSET.Models.Sensor.Initial.OpticSensor periscope =
          new ASSET.Models.Sensor.Initial.OpticSensor(12);
      RadiatedCharacteristics rc = new RadiatedCharacteristics();
      rc.add(EnvironmentType.VISUAL, new Optic(12, new WorldDistance(12, WorldDistance.METRES)));

      final ASSET.Models.Vessels.Surface su = new ASSET.Models.Vessels.Surface(4);
          SurfaceMovementCharacteristics.generateDebug("scrap", 1, 1, 0.001, 14, 1, 299));
          new ASSET.Participants.Category(
              Category.Force.RED, Category.Environment.SURFACE, Category.Type.CARRIER));
      rc = new RadiatedCharacteristics();
      rc.add(EnvironmentType.VISUAL, new Optic(12, new WorldDistance(12, WorldDistance.METRES)));

      /** create the scenario */
      final CoreScenario scenario = new CoreScenario();
      scenario.setName("Testing weapon launch");

      // get somebody to listen to the tracks
      final ASSET.Scenario.Observers.Recording.DebriefReplayObserver debrief_writer =
          new ASSET.Scenario.Observers.Recording.DebriefReplayObserver(
              "�test_reports", null, true, "test observer", true);


      /** now the behaviours */
      final Trail trailRed = new Trail(new WorldDistance(2000, WorldDistance.YARDS));
      final TargetType getRed = new TargetType();

      final LaunchWeapon launchWeapon = new LaunchWeapon();
      launchWeapon.setLaunchRange(new WorldDistance(4000, WorldDistance.YARDS));
      launchWeapon.setCoolOffTime(new Duration(Duration.DAYS, 3)); // 24 hr cool off time

      final Waterfall blueWaterfall = new Waterfall();

      scenario.addParticipant(1, ssn);
      scenario.addParticipant(4, su);

      // move forward a while
      boolean found = false;
      double lastRange = -1;
      double thisRange = -1;

      int counter = 0;

      while (!found && counter <= 100000) {
        final WorldVector sep =
        thisRange = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Degs2Yds(sep.getRange());

        if (lastRange == -1) {
          lastRange = thisRange;

        if (ssn.getActivity().equals(LaunchWeapon.LAUNCH_MESSAGE)) {
          found = true;
        } else {
          lastRange = thisRange;

        // just do "MAD" check to ensure we don't go on for ever

      // check we didn't time out
      assertTrue(" we just ran to end of loop (no fire)", counter < 100000);

      // check we launched at the right point
      final double launchYds = launchWeapon.getLaunchRange().getValueIn(WorldDistance.YARDS);
      assertTrue("didn't fire too soon", lastRange > launchYds);
          "didn't fire too late, got:" + launchYds + " but wanted:" + thisRange,
          thisRange <= launchYds);

      // so, we've launched the weapon - see how many participants are in the scenario
      assertEquals("New participant created", 3, scenario.getListOfParticipants().length);

      // find the weapon
      //      final ParticipantType torpedo =
      // scenario.getThisParticipant(scenario.getListOfParticipants()[0].intValue());

      // check if the torpedo gets to the target
      while (scenario.getListOfParticipants().length == 3) {

      // check that the torpedo destroys the SU, and they are both removed
      assertEquals("surface participant destroyed", 1, scenario.getListOfParticipants().length);

      // move a bit further just to give us some more blue track
      for (int ii = 0; ii < 20; ii++) {
  /** put our keywords into the XML description */
  protected static String swapKeywords(
      final DetectionEvent detection,
      final Status currentLocation,
      final String weapon,
      final TargetType theTarget) {
    // amend string template to include available parameters
    final Float brg_degs = detection.getBearing();
    final WorldDistance rng = detection.getRange();

    // take a copy of the string
    String working = new String(weapon);

    // swap the bearing
    if (brg_degs != null) {
      final String brg_val = "" + brg_degs.floatValue();
      working = replaceAll(working, "$BRG$", brg_val);

    // swap the range
    if (rng != null) {
      final String rng_val = "" + rng.getValueIn(WorldDistance.YARDS);
      working = replaceAll(working, "$RNG$", rng_val);

    // insert the location of the target
    if (brg_degs != null) {
      final float brg_val = brg_degs.floatValue();

      // do we know range?
      if (rng != null) {
        // yes, compute target location
        final WorldVector newVector =
            new WorldVector(
        final WorldLocation newLoc = currentLocation.getLocation().add(newVector);

        // produce strings from this location
        final String theDepth = "" + newLoc.getDepth();
        final String theLat = "" + newLoc.getLat();
        final String theLong = "" + newLoc.getLong();

        // put these strings into the new behaviour
        working = replaceAll(working, "$TGT_DEPTH$", theDepth);
        working = replaceAll(working, "$TGT_LAT$", theLat);
        working = replaceAll(working, "$TGT_LONG$", theLong);

      } else {
        // no, send the weapon down a bearing for XXXX yds
        // compute target location
        final double TGT_RANGE = 5000;
        final WorldVector newVector =
            new WorldVector(
        final WorldLocation newLoc = currentLocation.getLocation().add(newVector);

        // produce strings from this location
        final String theDepth = "" + newLoc.getDepth();
        final String theLat = "" + newLoc.getLat();
        final String theLong = "" + newLoc.getLong();

        // put these strings into the new behaviour
        working = replaceAll(working, "$TGT_DEPTH$", theDepth);
        working = replaceAll(working, "$TGT_LAT$", theLat);
        working = replaceAll(working, "$TGT_LONG$", theLong);

    if (theTarget != null) {
      // output the XML header stuff
      // output the plot
      final java.io.StringWriter newString = new StringWriter();
      //      final com.sun.xml.tree.XmlDocument doc = new com.sun.xml.tree.XmlDocument();
      DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
      Document doc = null;
      try {
        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        doc = builder.newDocument();
        final org.w3c.dom.Element type =
            ASSET.Util.XML.Decisions.Util.TargetTypeHandler.getElement(theTarget, doc);
        //    doc.changeNodeOwner(type);
        //   doc.setSystemId("ASSET XML Version 1.0");

        // Use a Transformer for output
        TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();

        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(newString);
        transformer.transform(source, result);
      } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
      } catch (DOMException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
      } catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError transformerFactoryConfigurationError) {
            .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
      } catch (TransformerException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.

      //      // ok, we should be done now
      //      try
      //      {
      //        doc.write(newString);
      //      }
      //      catch(java.io.IOException e)
      //      {
      //        e.printStackTrace();
      //      }

      // try to extract the <target type portion
      if (newString != null) {
        final String val = newString.toString();
        final String startIdentifier = "<TargetType";
        final String endIdentifier = "</TargetType";
        final int start = val.indexOf(startIdentifier);
        final int end = val.lastIndexOf(endIdentifier);
        final String detail = val.substring(start, end + endIdentifier.length() + 1);

        // lastly, replace the string
        working = replaceAll(working, "<TargetType/>", detail);

    return working;
   * decide the course of action to take, or return null to no be used
   * @param status the current status of the participant
   * @param detections the current list of detections for this participant
   * @param time the time this decision was made
  public DemandedStatus decide(
      final Status status,
      ASSET.Models.Movement.MovementCharacteristics chars,
      DemandedStatus demStatus,
      final DetectionList detections,
      final ASSET.Scenario.ScenarioActivityMonitor monitor,
      final long time) {
    // produce a steady-state demanded course - so we continue
    // what we're doing during the weapons launch
    DemandedStatus res = null;

    // clear the activity flag
    String activity = "Not in trail";

    // is it time to fire another yet?
    if ((_lastLaunch == -1)
        || (time > _lastLaunch + _coolOffTime.getValueIn(Duration.MILLISECONDS))) {

      // do we have any detections?
      if (detections != null) {
        // get bearing to first detection
        final int len = detections.size();
        if (len > 0) {
          for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

            final ASSET.Models.Detection.DetectionEvent de = detections.getDetection(i);
            final Float brg = de.getBearing();
            if (brg != null) {
              // do we have a target type?
              if (_myTarget != null) {
                // is this of our target type
                final ASSET.Participants.Category thisTarget = de.getTargetType();
                if (_myTarget.matches(thisTarget)) {
                  // do we have range?
                  if (de.getRange() != null) {

                    // work out distance from us to the target, not from the sensor to the target
                    WorldLocation sensorLocation = de.getSensorLocation();

                    // Work out the estimated target location
                    WorldVector sensorToTarget =
                        new WorldVector(

                    WorldLocation targetLocation = sensorLocation.add(sensorToTarget);

                    // how are are we from the target location
                    WorldVector meToTarget = status.getLocation().subtract(targetLocation);
                    double yds_to_target =
                    double brg_to_target_degs =

                    // is it within range?
                    if (yds_to_target < _launchRange.getValueIn(WorldDistance.YARDS)) {
                      // continue in steady state
                      res = new SimpleDemandedStatus(time, status);

                      // remember the launch time
                      _lastLaunch = time;

                      // start the launch steps
                      launchWeapon(de, monitor, status, brg_to_target_degs, time);

                      activity = LaunchWeapon.LAUNCH_MESSAGE;

                      // ok, drop out, we don't need to launch any more weapons
                      return res;
            } // if we know the bearing
          } // looping through the detections
        } // if we have any detections
      } // if the detections object was received
    } // whether it's time to launch another
    else {


    // always return null, since we continue in steady state
    return res;
文件: Move.java 项目: waqas64/debrief
  public DemandedStatus decide(
      final Status status,
      ASSET.Models.Movement.MovementCharacteristics chars,
      DemandedStatus demStatus,
      ASSET.Models.Detection.DetectionList detections,
      ASSET.Scenario.ScenarioActivityMonitor monitor,
      final long time) {
    // create the output object
    SimpleDemandedStatus res = null;

    String thisActivity = null;

    // have we completed this manoeuvre?
    if (_transit_complete) {
      res = null;
      return res;

    // find out where we are
    WorldLocation currentLoc = status.getLocation();

    // are we running towards a destination?
    if (_theDistance == null) {
      // ok, we're not heading towards a particular point, just put us onto the correct course and
      // speed
      double curSpeed = status.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec);
      double curCourse = status.getCourse();
      double curHeight = -status.getLocation().getDepth();

      thisActivity = "";

      // are we already working to a simple demanded course/speed/depth?
      if (demStatus instanceof SimpleDemandedStatus) {
        res = new SimpleDemandedStatus(time, (SimpleDemandedStatus) demStatus);
      } else {
        res = new SimpleDemandedStatus(time, status);

      if (_mySpeed != null) {
        if (curSpeed != _mySpeed.getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec)) {
          thisActivity += " speed to:" + (int) _mySpeed.getValueIn(WorldSpeed.Kts);

      if (_myCourse != null) {
        if (curCourse != _myCourse.doubleValue()) {
          thisActivity += " course to:" + _myCourse.doubleValue();

      if (_myHeight != null) {
        if (curHeight != _myHeight.getValueIn(WorldDistance.METRES)) {
          thisActivity += " height to:" + _myHeight.getValueIn(WorldDistance.METRES);

      // did we update any?
      if (thisActivity == "") {
        // no - we must be ok,
        res = null;
      } else {
        // cool, the res is set already

    } else {

      // do we have our destination?
      if (_theDestination == null) {
        // no, this is the first time we've been called.  Calculate where we're going to
        WorldVector vector =
            new WorldVector(

        _theDestination = new WorldLocation(currentLoc);
      } else {
        // ok, we're up and running, have we reached our destination

        // how far to the target
        double rngDegs = currentLoc.subtract(_theDestination).getRange();

        // and in yards
        double rngYds = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Degs2Yds(rngDegs);

        if (rngYds < _threshold) {
          // right, we've got there. Mark complete
          _transit_complete = true;


          // and drop out
          return res;

      // ok, now steer to the destination
      double brg_rads = _theDestination.subtract(currentLoc).getBearing();
      final double brgDegs = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Rads2Degs(brg_rads);

      // and set the course in degs
      res = new SimpleDemandedStatus(time, status);

      // do we have depth?
      if (_myHeight != null) res.setHeight(_myHeight.getValueIn(WorldDistance.METRES));

      // and the speed
      if (_mySpeed != null) res.setSpeed(_mySpeed.getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec));

      thisActivity = "Heading for target location";


    return res;