public DynamicReport buildReport() throws Exception { Style detailStyle = new Style(); Style headerStyle = new Style(); Border border = Border.THIN(); border.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); border.setLineStyle(Border.BORDER_STYLE_DOTTED); Font titleFont = Font.ARIAL_BIG_BOLD; titleFont.setFontSize(34); headerStyle.setBackgroundColor(new Color(230, 230, 230)); headerStyle.setBorderBottom(Border.THIN()); headerStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.LEFT); headerStyle.setVerticalAlign(VerticalAlign.MIDDLE); headerStyle.setTransparency(Transparency.OPAQUE); detailStyle.setBorderLeft(border); detailStyle.setBorderRight(border); Style titleStyle = new Style(); titleStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.LEFT); titleStyle.setFont(titleFont); titleStyle.setTextColor(Color.white); Style subtitleStyle = new Style(); subtitleStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.RIGHT); subtitleStyle.setTextColor(Color.white); /** Creates the DynamicReportBuilder and sets the basic options for the report */ DynamicReportBuilder drb = new DynamicReportBuilder(); drb.setTitle(mTitle) // defines the title of the report .setSubtitle("generiert mit ArtiVer") .setDetailHeight(15) // defines the height for each record of the report .setMargins( 30, 20, 30, 15) // define the margin space for each side (top, bottom, left and right) .setDefaultStyles(titleStyle, subtitleStyle, headerStyle, detailStyle) .setColumnsPerPage(1); // defines columns per page (like in the telephone guide) addColumns(drb, mCols); /** add some more options to the report (through the builder) */ drb.setUseFullPageWidth(true); // This look for the resource in the classpath File ralPath = new File("/eu/gymnaila/chunks/artiver/reports" + "/" + mReportTemplate + ".jrxml"); if (!ralPath.exists()) { ralPath = new File("dist/data/reports/" + mReportTemplate + ".jrxml"); } System.out.println(ralPath.getPath()); drb.setTemplateFile(ralPath.getPath()); DynamicReport dr =; return dr; }
public DynamicReport buildReport() throws Exception { DynamicReportBuilder drb = new DynamicReportBuilder(); Integer margin = new Integer(20); drb.setTitle("November" + getYear() + " sales report") // defines the title of the report .setSubtitle( "The items in this report correspond " + "to the main products: DVDs, Books, Foods and Magazines") .setTitleHeight(new Integer(30)) .setSubtitleHeight(new Integer(20)) .setDetailHeight(new Integer(15)) .setLeftMargin(margin) .setRightMargin(margin) .setTopMargin(margin) .setBottomMargin(margin) .setColumnsPerPage(new Integer(1)) .setColumnSpace(new Integer(5)); Style style1 = new Style("style1"); style1.setFont(Font.ARIAL_MEDIUM_BOLD); style1.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.CENTER); drb.addStyle(style1); Style style2 = Style.createBlankStyle("style2", "style1"); style2.setTextColor(Color.BLUE); drb.addStyle(style2); AbstractColumn columnState = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("state", String.class.getName()) .setTitle("State") .setWidth(new Integer(85)) .setStyle(style1) .build(); AbstractColumn columnBranch = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("branch", String.class.getName()) .setTitle("Branch") .setWidth(new Integer(85)) .setStyle(style2) .build(); drb.addColumn(columnBranch); drb.addColumn(columnState); DJGroup g1 = new GroupBuilder() .setCriteriaColumn((PropertyColumn) columnBranch) // .setGroupLayout(GroupLayout.DEFAULT) .setGroupLayout(GroupLayout.DEFAULT_WITH_HEADER) .build(); drb.addGroup(g1); drb.setUseFullPageWidth(true); DynamicReport dr =; return dr; }
protected void addColumns(DynamicReportBuilder reportBuilder, List<AbstractColumn> cols) { for (AbstractColumn col : cols) { System.out.println(col.toString()); reportBuilder.addColumn(col); } }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static DynamicReportBuilder geraColunasRelatorio( DynamicReportBuilder relatorioBuilder, Class<Entidade> classeEntidadeRelatorio) { for (Field campo : classeEntidadeRelatorio.getDeclaredFields()) { ColunaRelatorio colunaRelatorio = campo.getAnnotation(ColunaRelatorio.class); if (colunaRelatorio == null) { continue; } relatorioBuilder.addColumn(geraColuna(campo, colunaRelatorio)); } return relatorioBuilder; }
@FXML private void eventReporteVentas(ActionEvent event) throws JRException, ParseException { Style titleStyle = new Style(); titleStyle.setFont(new Font(18, Font._FONT_VERDANA, true)); titleStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.CENTER); Style amountStyle = new Style(); amountStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.RIGHT); Style oddRowStyle = new Style(); oddRowStyle.setBorder(Border.NO_BORDER()); // Color veryLightGrey = new Color(230,230,230); // oddRowStyle.setBackgroundColor(veryLightGrey); oddRowStyle.setTextColor(new Color(112, 112, 112)); oddRowStyle.setFont(new Font(12, Font._FONT_ARIAL, true)); oddRowStyle.setTransparency(; oddRowStyle.setPaddingTop(2); oddRowStyle.setPaddingBottom(2); // Style HeaderStyle = new Style(); // HeaderStyle.setFont(new Font(12,Font._FONT_ARIAL,true)); int cont = 0; int cont3 = 0; String selecCampo = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cb.length; i++) { if (cb[i].isSelected()) { cont++; } } for (int i = 0; i < group.length; i++) { if (group[i].isSelected()) { cont3++; } } int ancho = 580 / (cont + 1); ArrayList<AbstractColumn> colum = new ArrayList<>(); AbstractColumn nombres[]; int pun = 0; String fecha1 = checkInDatePicker.getValue().toString(); String fecha2 = checkInDatePicker2.getValue().toString(); SimpleDateFormat formateador = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date fechaDate1 = formateador.parse(fecha1); Date fechaDate2 = formateador.parse(fecha2); System.out.println("fecha1: " + fecha1); System.out.println("Fecha2: " + fecha2); if (cont != 0) { if (fechaDate1.before(fechaDate2) || fechaDate1.equals(fechaDate2)) { nombres = new AbstractColumn[cont]; for (int i = 0; i < cb.length; i++) { if (cb[i].isSelected()) { if (i == 4 || i == 6) { nombres[pun] = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty(cb[i].getId(), Integer.class.getName()) .setTitle(cb[i].getText()) .setWidth(ancho) .setPattern("$ 0.00") // defines a pattern to apply to the values swhown (uses // TextFormat) // .setStyle(amountStyle) //special style for this column (align right) .setHeaderStyle(oddRowStyle) .build(); pun++; } else { nombres[pun] = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty(cb[i].getId(), String.class.getName()) .setTitle(cb[i].getText()) .setWidth(ancho) .setHeaderStyle(oddRowStyle) .build(); pun++; } if (cont3 != 0 && i == 6) { if (selecCampo.equals("")) { selecCampo = " sum(ventas.`total`) AS '' "; } else { selecCampo += " , sum(ventas.`total`) AS '' "; } } else { if (selecCampo.equals("")) { selecCampo = camposQuery[i]; } else { selecCampo += "," + camposQuery[i]; } } } } DynamicReportBuilder drb = new DynamicReportBuilder(); DynamicReport dr = null; for (int i = 0; i < pun; i++) { drb.addColumn(nombres[i]); } Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); String dia = Integer.toString(c.get(Calendar.DATE)) + "/"; dia += Integer.toString(c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "/"; dia += Integer.toString(c.get(Calendar.YEAR)); drb // .addGroups(2) .addImageBanner("./img/umaiSystem.png", 70, 70, ImageBanner.ALIGN_RIGHT) .setTitle("Reporte de ventas ") .setTitleStyle(titleStyle) .setSubtitle("Fecha de creacion: " + dia) .setDetailHeight(15) .setMargins(30, 20, 30, 15) .setPrintBackgroundOnOddRows(false) .setUseFullPageWidth(true) .setColumnsPerPage(1); String grupos = ""; int cont2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < group.length; i++) { if (group[i].isSelected()) { if (grupos.equals("")) { grupos = group[i].getId(); } else { grupos += "," + group[i].getId(); } cont2++; } } String Rango = " where ventas.fechaVenta Between '" + fecha1 + "' and '" + fecha2 + "' "; String sql; if (cont2 != 0) { sql = " SELECT " + selecCampo + " FROM\n" + " `ventas` ventas INNER JOIN `clientes` ON clientes.`idCli` = ventas.`idCli`\n" + " INNER JOIN `usuarios` usuarios ON ventas.`idUsu` = usuarios.`idUsu` " + Rango + " GROUP BY " + grupos + " ORDER BY ventas.idVenta "; } else { sql = " SELECT " + selecCampo + " FROM\n" + " `ventas` ventas INNER JOIN `clientes` ON clientes.`idCli` = ventas.`idCli`\n" + " INNER JOIN `usuarios` usuarios ON ventas.`idUsu` = usuarios.`idUsu` " + Rango + " ORDER BY ventas.idVenta "; } System.out.println("sql: " + sql); Connection conexion = null; // conexion=Helpers.db.db.conn; conexion = Helpers.db.getDbCon().conn; drb.setQuery(sql, DJConstants.QUERY_LANGUAGE_SQL); dr =; // Finally build the report! // JasperPrint jp=DynamicJasperHelper.generateJasperPrint(dr,new // ClassicLayoutManager(),ds); JasperPrint jp = DynamicJasperHelper.generateJasperPrint(dr, new ClassicLayoutManager(), conexion, null); JasperViewer.viewReport(jp, false); // finally display the report report System.out.println(sql); } else { AlertBox.display("Error", "Rango de fechas no valido"); } } else { AlertBox.display("Error", "Debe seleccionar minimo 1 campo"); } }
public DynamicReport buildReport() throws Exception { Style detailStyle = new Style(); Style headerStyle = new Style(); headerStyle.setFont(Font.ARIAL_MEDIUM_BOLD); headerStyle.setBorder(Border.PEN_2_POINT()); headerStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.CENTER); headerStyle.setVerticalAlign(VerticalAlign.MIDDLE); Style titleStyle = new Style(); titleStyle.setFont(new Font(18, Font._FONT_VERDANA, true)); Style importeStyle = new Style(); importeStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.RIGHT); Style oddRowStyle = new Style(); oddRowStyle.setBorder(Border.NO_BORDER()); oddRowStyle.setBackgroundColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); oddRowStyle.setTransparency(Transparency.OPAQUE); DynamicReportBuilder drb = new DynamicReportBuilder(); int margin = 20; drb.setTitleStyle(titleStyle) .setTitle("November" + getYear() + " sales report") // defines the title of the report .setSubtitle( "The items in this report correspond " + "to the main products: DVDs, Books, Foods and Magazines") .setDetailHeight(new Integer(15)) .setLeftMargin(margin) .setMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin) // .setPrintBackgroundOnOddRows(true) .setPrintColumnNames(false) .setOddRowBackgroundStyle(oddRowStyle); AbstractColumn columnState = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("state", String.class.getName()) .setTitle("State") .setWidth(new Integer(85)) .setStyle(detailStyle) .setHeaderStyle(headerStyle) .build(); AbstractColumn columnBranch = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("branch", String.class.getName()) .setTitle("Branch") .setWidth(new Integer(85)) .setStyle(detailStyle) .setHeaderStyle(headerStyle) .build(); AbstractColumn columnaProductLine = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("productLine", String.class.getName()) .setTitle("Product Line") .setWidth(new Integer(85)) .setStyle(detailStyle) .setHeaderStyle(headerStyle) .build(); AbstractColumn columnaItem = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("item", String.class.getName()) .setTitle("Item") .setWidth(new Integer(85)) .setStyle(detailStyle) .setHeaderStyle(headerStyle) .build(); AbstractColumn columnCode = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("id", Long.class.getName()) .setTitle("ID") .setWidth(new Integer(40)) .setStyle(importeStyle) .setHeaderStyle(headerStyle) .build(); AbstractColumn columnaQuantity = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("quantity", Long.class.getName()) .setTitle("Quantity") .setWidth(new Integer(80)) .setStyle(importeStyle) .setHeaderStyle(headerStyle) .build(); AbstractColumn columnAmount = ColumnBuilder.getNew() .setColumnProperty("amount", Float.class.getName()) .setTitle("Amount") .setWidth(new Integer(90)) .setPattern("$ 0.00") .setStyle(importeStyle) .setHeaderStyle(headerStyle) .build(); GroupBuilder gb1 = new GroupBuilder(); // define the criteria column to group by (columnState) DJGroup g1 = gb1.setCriteriaColumn((PropertyColumn) columnState) .addFooterVariable( columnAmount, DJCalculation .SUM) // tell the group place a variable footer of the column "columnAmount" // with the SUM of allvalues of the columnAmount in this group. .addFooterVariable( columnaQuantity, DJCalculation.SUM) // idem for the columnaQuantity column .setGroupLayout( GroupLayout .DEFAULT_WITH_HEADER) // tells the group how to be shown, there are // manyposibilities, see the GroupLayout for more. .build(); GroupBuilder gb2 = new GroupBuilder(); // Create another group (using another column as criteria) DJGroup g2 = gb2.setCriteriaColumn( (PropertyColumn) columnBranch) // and we add the same operations for the columnAmount and .addFooterVariable(columnAmount, DJCalculation.SUM) // columnaQuantity columns .addFooterVariable(columnaQuantity, DJCalculation.SUM) .build(); drb.addColumn(columnState); drb.addColumn(columnBranch); drb.addColumn(columnaProductLine); drb.addColumn(columnaItem); drb.addColumn(columnCode); drb.addColumn(columnaQuantity); drb.addColumn(columnAmount); drb.addGroup(g1); // add group g1 // drb.addGroup(g2); // add group g2 drb.setUseFullPageWidth(true); DJChartBuilder cb = new DJChartBuilder(); DJChart chart = cb.setType(DJChart.BAR_CHART) .setOperation(DJChart.CALCULATION_SUM) .setColumnsGroup(g1) .addColumn(columnAmount) .addColumn(columnaQuantity) .setPosition(DJChartOptions.POSITION_HEADER) .setShowLabels(true) .build(); drb.addChart(chart); // add chart DynamicReport dr =; return dr; }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private static DynamicReport criaRelatorioDinamico( List<? extends Entidade> lista, String caminhoImagem) { DynamicReportBuilder relatorioBuilder = new DynamicReportBuilder(); Class<Entidade> classeEntidadeRelatorio = (Class<Entidade>) lista.get(0).getClass(); Relatorio relatorioAnnotation = classeEntidadeRelatorio.getAnnotation(Relatorio.class); if (relatorioAnnotation != null) { relatorioBuilder.setPageSizeAndOrientation(relatorioAnnotation.orientacao().getPage()); relatorioBuilder.addFirstPageImageBanner( caminhoImagem, new Integer(197), new Integer(60), ImageBanner.ALIGN_LEFT); relatorioBuilder.setReportName(obtemNomeArquivo(relatorioAnnotation)); relatorioBuilder.setTitle(obtemTitulo(relatorioAnnotation)); relatorioBuilder.setOddRowBackgroundStyle(obtemEstiloLinhaPar()); relatorioBuilder.setPrintBackgroundOnOddRows(true); relatorioBuilder.setUseFullPageWidth(true); relatorioBuilder.setDefaultStyles( getEstiloTitulo(), geraEstiloSubTitulo(), geraEstiloCabecalho(), geraEstiloDetalhe()); relatorioBuilder.addStyle(adicionaEstiloSubTitulo()); relatorioBuilder = geraColunasRelatorio(relatorioBuilder, classeEntidadeRelatorio); } else { relatorioBuilder = new ReflectiveReportBuilder(lista); } return; }