/** * Rendering method for the HighScoreBoard. * * @param gameContainer used by the program. * @param stateBasedGame being played at the moment. * @param graphics used by the game. * @throws SlickException */ @Override public void render(GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame stateBasedGame, Graphics graphics) throws SlickException { gameContainer.setPaused(tPause); if (!tPause) { tBackground.draw(0, 0, gameContainer.getWidth(), gameContainer.getHeight()); graphics.setColor(Color.white); graphics.drawString("HIGH SCORE BOARD", 600, 100); graphics.drawString("Press Enter to return to menu", 550, 150); if (tMain.getGame() == null) { tHighScoreManager = new HighScoreManager(); } else { tHighScoreManager = tMain.getGame().getHighScoreManager(); } ArrayList<Score> list = tHighScoreManager.getScores(); int x = 400; int y = 300; int j = 1; for (Score aList : list) { graphics.drawString( j + ". " + aList.getPlayer() + ": " + Integer.toString(aList.getScore()) + "\n", x, y); y = y + 25; j = j + 1; } } }
private void populateAdminHeaders() { HashMap<String, String> adminMap = Main.getAdminDetails(); adminAgencyName.setText(adminMap.get("name")); adminMobileLabel.setText(adminMap.get("mobile")); adminAddrLabel.setText(adminMap.get("addr")); }
private boolean productExistsInCategory(String name, String category) { try { Connection con = Main.dbConnection; if (!con.isValid(0)) { con = Main.reconnect(); } String query = "select count(*) from products where lower(name)=? and lower(bill_category)=? and product_id<>?"; PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setString(1, name.toLowerCase()); stmt.setString(2, category.toLowerCase()); stmt.setLong(3, productRow.getProductId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) return true; } } catch (SQLException e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } return false; }
public void populateBillCategoryValues() { try { Connection con = Main.dbConnection; if (!con.isValid(0)) { con = Main.reconnect(); } billCategoryValues = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement( "select distinct bill_category from point_name order by bill_category"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { if (billCategoryValues != null && !billCategoryValues.contains(rs.getString(1))) billCategoryValues.add(rs.getString(1).toLowerCase()); } billCategoryTF.setItems(billCategoryValues); new AutoCompleteComboBoxListener<>(billCategoryTF); } catch (SQLException e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void populateProdTypeValues() { try { Connection con = Main.dbConnection; if (!con.isValid(0)) { con = Main.reconnect(); } productTypeValues.clear(); PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement( "select value, code, seq, lov_lookup_id from lov_lookup where code='PRODUCT_TYPE' order by seq"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { productTypeValues.add(rs.getString(1)); } typeTF.getItems().addAll(productTypeValues); } catch (SQLException e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Initialize variables for the test process. * * @throws Exception possible Exception. */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { testWon = new Won(1); testWon.tMain = mockedGame; when(mockedGame.getGame()).thenReturn(new Game(0, 0, mockedLogger, 1)); }
/** * Method to check whether a key is released. * * @param key integer value for a key. * @param c character value for a key. */ public void keyReleased(int key, char c) { switch (key) { default: break; case Input.KEY_ENTER: tMain.enterState(0, new FadeOutTransition(Color.black), new FadeInTransition(Color.black)); } }
/** Resets initBoard, all panes with Circles, and text */ public void reset() { Random randoInt = Main.randoInt; ArrayList<pieceType> initSolution = Board.generateSolution( randoInt.nextInt(4), randoInt.nextInt(4), randoInt.nextInt(4), randoInt.nextInt(4)); Main.initBoard = new Board(initSolution); guesses.getChildren().clear(); inputBox.getChildren().clear(); winLose.setText(""); guessSet.setDisable(false); Main.allGuesses.clear(); Main.generateAllGuesses(Main.allGuesses); }
@FXML void updateAdminDetails(ActionEvent event) { try { TextField mobileNum = new TextField(); TextField agencyName = new TextField(); TextField addr = new TextField(); Connection con = Main.dbConnection; if (!con.isValid(0)) { con = Main.reconnect(); } String query = "select company_name,company_mobile,company_addr from admin_login where username ='******' "; PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(query); // stmt.setString(1, HawkerLoginController.loggedInHawker.getPointName()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { agencyName.setText(rs.getString(1)); mobileNum.setText(rs.getString(2)); addr.setText(rs.getString(3)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); Dialog<ButtonType> deleteWarning = new Dialog<ButtonType>(); deleteWarning.setTitle("Update Admin Details"); deleteWarning.setHeaderText("Update admin details below."); ButtonType saveButtonType = new ButtonType("Save", ButtonData.OK_DONE); deleteWarning.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(saveButtonType, ButtonType.CANCEL); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(20, 150, 10, 10)); grid.add(new Label("Agency Name"), 0, 0); grid.add(new Label("Mobile"), 0, 1); grid.add(new Label("Address"), 0, 2); grid.add(agencyName, 1, 1); grid.add(mobileNum, 1, 0); grid.add(addr, 1, 2); deleteWarning.getDialogPane().setContent(grid); Optional<ButtonType> result = deleteWarning.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent() && result.get() == saveButtonType) { PreparedStatement updateStmt = con.prepareStatement( "update admin_login set company_name=?, company_mobile=?, company_addr=?"); updateStmt.setString(1, agencyName.getText()); updateStmt.setString(2, mobileNum.getText()); updateStmt.setString(3, addr.getText()); updateStmt.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
@FXML private void changePasswordClicked(ActionEvent evt) { TextInputDialog changePwdDialog = new TextInputDialog(); changePwdDialog.setTitle("Change password"); changePwdDialog.setHeaderText( "Please enter the new password. \nPassword must be atleast 5 characters long."); // changePwdDialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(ButtonType.OK, // ButtonType.CANCEL); final Button btOk = (Button) changePwdDialog.getDialogPane().lookupButton(ButtonType.OK); btOk.addEventFilter( ActionEvent.ACTION, event -> { if (changePwdDialog.getEditor().getText().isEmpty() || changePwdDialog.getEditor().getText().length() < 5) { Notifications.create() .title("Empty password") .text( "Password cannot be left empty and must be more than 5 characters. Try again.") .hideAfter(Duration.seconds(5)) .showError(); event.consume(); } }); Optional<String> result = changePwdDialog.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent()) { try { Connection con = Main.dbConnection; if (!con.isValid(0)) { con = Main.reconnect(); } String deleteString = "update admin_login set password =? where username='******'"; PreparedStatement deleteStmt = con.prepareStatement(deleteString); deleteStmt.setString(1, changePwdDialog.getEditor().getText()); deleteStmt.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); Notifications.create() .title("Password updated") .text("Password was successfully updated. Please login again!") .hideAfter(Duration.seconds(5)) .showInformation(); logoutClicked(new ActionEvent()); } catch (SQLException e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); Notifications.create() .hideAfter(Duration.seconds(5)) .title("Delete failed") .text("Delete request of hawker bill has failed") .showError(); } catch (IOException e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { Main._logger.debug("Error :", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
@FXML public void cambiarEscena2() { main.cambiarEscena2(); }