   * Display AnnotatedFeatureI feature. Exon, Transcript, and Gene are all GenericAnnotationI. No
   * selection event is fired. (selectAnnot fires and displays)
  private void displayAnnot(AnnotatedFeatureI annot) {
    currentAnnot = annot;
    if (currentAnnot == null) {
      transcriptComboBox.addItem("<no feature selected>");
      lengthLabel.setText("Translation length: <no feature selected>");
      translationViewer.setTranscript(null, editorPanel.getSelectedTier()); // ??

    // else {

    SeqFeatureI topAnnot = currentAnnot;
    if (topAnnot.isTranscript()) topAnnot = currentAnnot.getRefFeature();
    if (topAnnot.isProteinCodingGene()) {
      String translation = currentAnnot.translate();
      if (translation == null) {
        lengthLabel.setText("Translation length: <no start selected>");
      } else {
        lengthLabel.setText("Translation length: " + currentAnnot.translate().length());
    } else {
      lengthLabel.setText(topAnnot.getFeatureType() + " annotation");
    FeatureSetI holder = (FeatureSetI) topAnnot.getRefFeature();
    neighbor_up = null;
    neighbor_down = null;
    if (holder != null) {

      int index = holder.getFeatureIndex(topAnnot);
      // get next neighbor up that has whole sequence
      for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0 && neighbor_up == null; i--) {
        FeatureSetI gene_sib = (FeatureSetI) holder.getFeatureAt(i);
        if (gene_sib.getFeatureAt(0) instanceof Transcript) {
          Transcript trans = (Transcript) gene_sib.getFeatureAt(0);
          if (trans.haveWholeSequence()) // szap.getCurationSet()))
          neighbor_up = trans;

      // get next neighbor down that has whole sequence
      for (int i = index + 1; i < holder.size() && neighbor_down == null; i++) {
        FeatureSetI gene_sib = (FeatureSetI) holder.getFeatureAt(i);
        if (gene_sib.getFeatureAt(0) instanceof Transcript) {
          Transcript trans = (Transcript) gene_sib.getFeatureAt(0);
          if (trans.haveWholeSequence()) // szap.getCurationSet()))
          neighbor_down = trans;
        neighbor_up == null
            ? ""
            : "Go to next 5' annotation (" + neighbor_up.getParent().getName() + ")");
    upstream_button.setVisible(neighbor_up != null);
        neighbor_down == null
            ? ""
            : "Go to next 3' annotation (" + neighbor_down.getParent().getName() + ")");
    downstream_button.setVisible(neighbor_down != null);
    // }
    // todo - translationViewer take in 1 level annot
    if (currentAnnot.isTranscript())
      translationViewer.setTranscript((Transcript) currentAnnot, editorPanel.getSelectedTier());