private void setPosition(View v, int dx, int dy) { int parentWidth = this.getWidth(); int parentHeight = this.getHeight(); int l = v.getLeft() + dx; int t = v.getTop() + dy; if (l < 0) { l = 0; } else if ((l + v.getWidth()) >= parentWidth) { l = parentWidth - v.getWidth(); } if (t < 0) { t = 0; } else if ((t + v.getHeight()) >= parentHeight) { t = parentHeight - v.getHeight(); } int r = l + v.getWidth(); int b = t + v.getHeight(); v.layout(l, t, r, b); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); params.leftMargin = l; params.topMargin = t; v.setLayoutParams(params); }
public void onClick(View v, int position, int countitem) { ImageView selectedShip = ((MapBuilder) context).getSelectedShip(); if (selectedShip != null) { ShipOnMap som = new ShipOnMap(); RelativeLayout fl = (RelativeLayout) v; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(selectedShip.getWidth(), selectedShip.getHeight()); som.start.x = x; som.start.y = y - v.getTop(); som.time = (countitem - 1 - position) * 3 + 1; String[] shipinfo = ((String) selectedShip.getTag()).split(":"); som.type = shipinfo[0]; som.weapon = shipinfo[1]; params.leftMargin = x - (selectedShip.getWidth() / 2); params.topMargin = y - v.getTop() - (selectedShip.getHeight() / 2); ImageView iv = new ImageView(context); iv.setImageDrawable(selectedShip.getDrawable()); int h = fl.getHeight(); int w = fl.getWidth(); if (!ship.containsKey(position)) { ship.put(position, new LinkedList<ShipOnMap>()); } som.ship = iv.getDrawable(); som.param = params; List<ShipOnMap> lship = ship.get(position); lship.add(som); iv.setTag(position + "/" + (lship.size() - 1)); ((MapBuilder) context).registerForContextMenu(iv); fl.addView(iv, params); fl.getLayoutParams().height = h; fl.getLayoutParams().width = w; } }
private void moveZoomedView( ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, float newLeftMargin, float newTopMargin, StartPointUpdate animateStartPoint) { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams newLayoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); newLayoutParams.leftMargin = (int) newLeftMargin; newLayoutParams.topMargin = (int) newTopMargin; int topMarginMin = (int) (layerView.getSurfaceTranslation() + dynamicToolbarOverlap); int topMarginMax = layerView.getHeight() - viewContainerHeight; int leftMarginMin = 0; int leftMarginMax = layerView.getWidth() - viewContainerWidth; if (newTopMargin < topMarginMin) { newLayoutParams.topMargin = topMarginMin; } else if (newTopMargin > topMarginMax) { newLayoutParams.topMargin = topMarginMax; } if (newLeftMargin < leftMarginMin) { newLayoutParams.leftMargin = leftMarginMin; } else if (newLeftMargin > leftMarginMax) { newLayoutParams.leftMargin = leftMarginMax; } if (newLayoutParams.topMargin < topMarginMin + 1) { moveToolbar(false); } else if (newLayoutParams.topMargin > topMarginMax - 1) { moveToolbar(true); } if (animateStartPoint == StartPointUpdate.GECKO_POSITION) { // Before this point, the animationStart point is relative to the layerView. // The value is initialized in startZoomDisplay using the click point position coming from // Gecko. // The position of the zoomed view is now calculated, so the position of the animation // can now be correctly set relative to the zoomed view animationStart.x = animationStart.x - newLayoutParams.leftMargin; animationStart.y = animationStart.y - newLayoutParams.topMargin; } else if (animateStartPoint == StartPointUpdate.CENTER) { // At this point, the animationStart point is no more valid probably because // the zoomed view has been moved by the user. // In this case, the animationStart point is set to the center point of the zoomed view. PointF convertedPosition = getUnzoomedPositionFromPointInZoomedView(viewContainerWidth / 2, viewContainerHeight / 2); animationStart.x = convertedPosition.x - newLayoutParams.leftMargin; animationStart.y = convertedPosition.y - newLayoutParams.topMargin; } setLayoutParams(newLayoutParams); PointF convertedPosition = getUnzoomedPositionFromPointInZoomedView(0, offsetDueToToolBarPosition); lastPosition = PointUtils.round(convertedPosition); requestZoomedViewRender(); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_measure_reaction); arrowImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; timeCounterTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; LinearLayout cameraPreviewLinLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; secondsLeft = 5; timeCounterTextView.setText(String.valueOf(secondsLeft)); dbTopValue = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREF_FILENAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .getInt(Constants.SHARED_PREF_TOP_DB_VALUE, -1); isDbLevelReached = false; lastMeterDegree = 0f; moveMeterArrow(lastMeterDegree); soundLevelValue = new int[7]; isApplicationInterrupted = false; // Create our Preview view and set it as the content of our activity. preview = new CameraPreview(this); List<Camera.Size> tmpList = preview.getCamera().getParameters().getSupportedPreviewSizes(); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams cameraLP = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) cameraPreviewLinLayout.getLayoutParams(); int maxWidthResolution = tmpList.get(0).width; int maxHeightResolution = tmpList.get(0).height; DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics); int screenWidth = metrics.widthPixels; int screenHeight = metrics.heightPixels; // calculation of the best height and shift to the left float scale = (float) screenHeight / (float) maxHeightResolution; cameraLP.height = (int) (maxHeightResolution * scale); cameraLP.width = (int) (maxWidthResolution * scale); // shift to the left (center camera) int halfScreenWidth = screenWidth / 2; int shiftPx = cameraLP.width - halfScreenWidth; int leftShiftPx = shiftPx / 2; // make right and left invisible area equal size cameraLP.leftMargin = (leftShiftPx * -1); cameraPreviewLinLayout.setLayoutParams(cameraLP); cameraPreviewLinLayout.addView(preview); // add camera // center time counter RelativeLayout.LayoutParams counterLP = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) timeCounterTextView.getLayoutParams(); counterLP.topMargin = (screenHeight / 10) - (counterLP.height / 2); counterLP.leftMargin = (screenWidth / 4) - (counterLP.width / 2); }
private void moveView(int x, int y) { if (touchView == null) return; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.leftMargin = x - startX + startTouchViewLeft; params.topMargin = y - startY + startTouchViewTop; // 限制子控件移动必须在视图范围内 if (params.leftMargin < 0 || (params.leftMargin + touchView.getWidth()) > getWidth()) params.leftMargin = touchView.getLeft(); if (params.topMargin < 0 || (params.topMargin + touchView.getHeight()) > getHeight()) params.topMargin = touchView.getTop(); touchView.setLayoutParams(params); }
public void setSelected(int newState) { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) mToggleSelector.getLayoutParams(); lp.topMargin = (mTableLayout.getMeasuredHeight() - heightItem) / 2; lp.leftMargin = newState * widthItem + mTableLayout.getPaddingLeft(); mToggleSelector.setLayoutParams(lp); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11) { AlphaAnimation animation = new AlphaAnimation((float) 0.2, (float) 0.2); animation.setDuration(0); animation.setFillAfter(true); for (ImageView view : buttonList) { view.startAnimation(animation); } currentState = newState; animation = new AlphaAnimation(1, 1); animation.setDuration(0); animation.setFillAfter(true); buttonList.get(currentState).startAnimation(animation); } else { for (ImageView view : buttonList) { view.setAlpha((float) 0.2); } currentState = newState; buttonList.get(currentState).setAlpha((float) 1); } }
public void displayAjustView(RecyclingBitmapDrawable value) { if (value != null && value.getBitmap() != null) { this.value = value; adjustView = new AdjustView( context, value.getBitmap().getWidth(), value.getBitmap().getHeight(), value); adjustView.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); // adjustView.setImageBitmap(bitmap); relayout.removeAllViews(); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); Tools.initWidth = value.getBitmap().getWidth(); Tools.initHeight = value.getBitmap().getHeight(); params.topMargin = (int) (screenHeight * 0.5 - value.getBitmap().getHeight() * 0.5); params.leftMargin = (int) (screenWidth * 0.5 - value.getBitmap().getWidth() * 0.5); relayout.addView(adjustView, params); float rate = (float) viewWidth / viewHeight; int mheight = (int) (value.getBitmap().getHeight() * 0.5); int mwidth = (int) (mheight * rate); adjustView.auto_setAdjustImg(0, 0, mwidth, mheight); } else relayout.removeAllViews(); }
public void drawAnnotations() { mAnnotationLabelOverlay.removeAllViews(); if (mQueryResult == null) { return; } int[] actImageRect = getBitmapPositionInsideImageView(mImageView); List<Annotation> annotations = mQueryResult.annotations; int index = -1; for (Annotation anno : annotations) { index++; LabelView label = new LabelView(getActivity()); label.mLabelText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); label.mLabelText.setText(anno.text); label.mPosition = index; float padding = 100; float cx = anno.getCenterX() * actImageRect[2]; float cy = anno.getCenterY() * actImageRect[3]; if (cx > actImageRect[2] - padding) { cx = actImageRect[2] - padding + randomInt(-30, 30); } else if (cx < padding) { cx = padding + randomInt(-30, 30); } if (cy > actImageRect[3] - padding) { cy = actImageRect[3] - padding + randomInt(-30, 30); } else if (cy < padding) { cy = padding + randomInt(-30, 30); } RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.leftMargin = (int) cx + actImageRect[0]; params.topMargin = (int) cy + actImageRect[1]; mAnnotationLabelOverlay.addView(label, params); label.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { LabelView view = (LabelView) v; Log.d("label position: ", "" + view.mPosition); int position = view.mPosition; if (position >= 0 && position < mAnnotationList.size()) { mLinearLayoutManager.scrollToPosition(position); } // String text = view.mLabelText.getText().toString(); // AnnotationDetailFragment fragment = new // AnnotationDetailFragment(); // Bundle args = new Bundle(); // args.putString("annotation_text", text); // fragment.setArguments(args); // // getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, // fragment).addToBackStack(null).commit(); } }); if (mLabels == null) { mLabels = new ArrayList<>(); } mLabels.add(label); } }
private void initView(View layout) { lamp = layout.findViewById(; menuLv = (ListView) layout.findViewById(; subjectLv = (ListView) layout.findViewById(; foldBtn = layout.findViewById(; foldContent = layout.findViewById(; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) foldBtn.getLayoutParams(); lp.leftMargin = location[0]; lp.topMargin = location[1]; foldBtn.setLayoutParams(lp); foldBtn.setOnClickListener(this); lamp.setOnClickListener(this); menuAdapter = new DataAdapter(getActivity().getBaseContext()); menuAdapter.setData(allocateData()); menuLv.setAdapter(menuAdapter); menuLv.setOnItemClickListener( new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) { menuAdapter.checked(i); subjectAdapter.setData(allocateSubject()); subjectAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } }); subjectAdapter = new DataAdapter(getActivity().getBaseContext()); subjectAdapter.checked(-1); subjectAdapter.setData(allocateSubject()); subjectLv.setAdapter(subjectAdapter); }
private void setLinePositions(GridLayoutView glv) { // extend imgageView to bounds Bitmap bitmapy = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.line_y); bitmapy = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmapy, glWidth, bitmapy.getHeight(), true); lineY.setImageBitmap(bitmapy); Bitmap bitmapx = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.line_x); bitmapx = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmapx, bitmapx.getWidth(), glHeight, true); lineX.setImageBitmap(bitmapx); xParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) lineX.getLayoutParams(); yParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) lineY.getLayoutParams(); int positionLineXCentre = glv.getAxisXlines().get(glv.getGridSize() / 2).x; xParams.leftMargin = shapeStartPointX(glv.getZeroPosX(), glv.getLineSpacingX(), lineStartCoordX) - bitmapx.getWidth() / 2; lineX.setLayoutParams(xParams); int positionLineYCentre = glv.getAxisYlines().get(glv.getGridSize() / 2).y; yParams.topMargin = shapeStartPointY(glv.getZeroPosY(), glv.getLineSpacingY(), lineStartCoordY) - bitmapy.getHeight() / 2; lineY.setLayoutParams(yParams); }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Open app in fullscreen mode super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow() .setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); noteLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(; canvasView = new CanvasView(this); switchy = new Switch(this); switchy = (Switch) findViewById(; switchy.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this); inkRegion = new ArrayList<InkRegion>(); inkRegion.add(new InkRegion(this, 0)); inkRegion.add(new InkRegion(this, 1)); inkRegion.get(0).setBackgroundColor(Color.YELLOW); inkRegion.get(1).setBackgroundColor(Color.CYAN); // noteLayout.addView(canvasView); noteLayout.addView(canvasView); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(200, 200); params.leftMargin = 300; params.topMargin = 200; inkRegion.get(0).setBackgroundColor(Color.GREEN); inkRegion.get(0).setPivotX(0); inkRegion.get(0).setPivotY(0); inkRegion.get(0).setRotation(45); inkRegion.get(0).setScaleX((float) 0.2); inkRegion.get(0).setScaleY((float) 0.3); noteLayout.addView(inkRegion.get(0), params); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params1 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(200, 200); params1.leftMargin = 300; params1.topMargin = 200; inkRegion.get(1).setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE); inkRegion.get(1).setPivotX(0); inkRegion.get(1).setPivotY(0); inkRegion.get(1).setRotation(90); inkRegion.get(1).setScaleX((float) 0.2); inkRegion.get(1).setScaleY((float) 0.2); noteLayout.addView(inkRegion.get(1), params1); }
public void setX(float x) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { super.setX(x); } else { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); params.leftMargin = (int) x; setLayoutParams(params); } }
/** * 添加标签项 * * @param x * @param y */ private void addItem(int x, int y) { view = null; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); if (x > getWidth() * 0.5) { params.leftMargin = x - PictureTagView.getViewWidth(); view = new PictureTagView(getContext(), Direction.Right); } else { params.leftMargin = x; view = new PictureTagView(getContext(), Direction.Left); } params.topMargin = y; // 上下位置在视图内 if (params.topMargin < 0) params.topMargin = 0; else if ((params.topMargin + PictureTagView.getViewHeight()) > getHeight()) params.topMargin = getHeight() - PictureTagView.getViewHeight(); this.addView(view, params); }
/** * Moves a view to a screen position. Position is from 0 to 1 and converted to screen pixel. * Alignment is top left. * * @param view View to move * @param x X position from 0 to 1 * @param y Y position from 0 to 1 */ public static void setLayoutPosition(Activity a, View view, double x, double y) { DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = a.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); float screenWidthDp = displayMetrics.widthPixels / displayMetrics.density; float screenHeightDp = displayMetrics.heightPixels / displayMetrics.density; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.leftMargin = Helper.getPixels(a, screenWidthDp * x); params.topMargin = Helper.getPixels(a, screenHeightDp * y); view.setLayoutParams(params); }
private void setViewForMiddle() { ImageView v = (ImageView) mMiddle.findViewById(; v.setImageResource(mid_image_selected_list[mSelectedPosition % mid_image_selected_list.length]); int t = v.getTop(); int height = v.getHeight(); int l = mSelectedPosition % ITEM_NUM * 240; int width = v.getWidth(); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); lp.leftMargin = mSelectedPosition % ITEM_NUM * 240; v.setLayoutParams(lp); }
private void a(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3) { float f1 = q().getDisplayMetrics().density; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams localLayoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams); localLayoutParams.topMargin = (int)(0.5F + f1 * paramInt1); localLayoutParams.bottomMargin = (int)(0.5F + f1 * paramInt2); localLayoutParams.leftMargin = (int)(0.5F + f1 * paramInt3); localLayoutParams.rightMargin = localLayoutParams.leftMargin;;; }
/** 当页面正在滚动时 position 当前选中的是哪个页面 positionOffset 比例 positionOffsetPixels 偏移像素 */ @Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { System.out.println("position: " + position + ", positionOffset: " + positionOffset); // 20 * (1 + 0.99) = 38 int leftMargin = (int) (basicWidth * (position + positionOffset)); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) mSelectPointView.getLayoutParams(); params.leftMargin = leftMargin; mSelectPointView.setLayoutParams(params); }
public void updateProgress(int progress) { final int fairyEndX = mContentView.getWidth() / 2; final int fairyStartX = mImageViewFairy.getWidth() / 2; final int maxTravelDistance = Math.min(fairyEndX - fairyStartX, mContentView.getWidth() - mFairyContainer.getWidth()); final float translateX = maxTravelDistance * ((float) progress / 100); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = (android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) mFairyContainer.getLayoutParams(); lp.leftMargin = (int) translateX; mFairyContainer.setLayoutParams(lp); mProgressBar.setProgress(progress); }
public int processJson(String json) { courseContainer.removeAllViews(); int len = 0; try { L.d("解析所有课程", json); JSONArray jsonArray; jsonArray = new JSONArray(json); len = jsonArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); Course course = new Course(jsonObject); // 将dp转换成px,因为设置RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 的margin只能传入px int _60dp = dpToPx(getActivity(), 60); int marginDp = dpToPx(getActivity(), 1.5f); int colWidth = courseContainer.getWidth() / 7; int xStartOffset = (Integer.valueOf(course.getLessonsBegin()) - 1) * (_60dp + marginDp); int xEndOffset = (Integer.valueOf(course.getLessonsEnd()) - 1) * (_60dp + marginDp); int yStartOffset = (Integer.valueOf(course.getDayOfWeek()) - 1) * colWidth; LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()).inflate(R.layout.layout_onecourse, null); TextView courseName = (TextView) ll.findViewById(; // TextView detail = (TextView) ll.findViewById(; // TextView teacher = (TextView) ll.findViewById(; TextView room = (TextView) ll.findViewById(; courseName.setText(course.getCourseName()); // detail.setText(course.getDetail()); // teacher.setText(course.getTeacher()); room.setText(course.getRoom()); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(colWidth, xEndOffset - xStartOffset + _60dp); params.leftMargin = yStartOffset; params.topMargin = xStartOffset; courseContainer.addView(ll, params); ll.setOnClickListener(new CourseOnClickListener(course)); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return len; }
/** * Show this SnackBar. Make sure it already attached to a parent view or this method will do * nothing. */ public void show() { ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) getParent(); if (parent == null || mState == STATE_SHOWING || mState == STATE_DISMISSING) return; if (parent instanceof FrameLayout) { LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); params.width = mWidth; params.height = mHeight; params.gravity = Gravity.START | Gravity.BOTTOM; if (mIsRtl) params.rightMargin = mMarginStart; else params.leftMargin = mMarginStart; params.bottomMargin = mMarginBottom; } else if (parent instanceof RelativeLayout) { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); params.width = mWidth; params.height = mHeight; params.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM); params.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_START); if (mIsRtl) params.rightMargin = mMarginStart; else params.leftMargin = mMarginStart; params.bottomMargin = mMarginBottom; } if (mInAnimationId != 0 && mState != STATE_SHOWN) { Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getContext(), mInAnimationId); anim.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { setState(STATE_SHOWING); setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { setState(STATE_SHOWN); startTimer(); } }); startAnimation(anim); } else { setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); setState(STATE_SHOWN); startTimer(); } }
public void setProgressViewHidden(boolean hidden) { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(mTextView.getLayoutParams()); layoutParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.CENTER_VERTICAL, RelativeLayout.TRUE); layoutParams.addRule( RelativeLayout.LEFT_OF, hidden ? mLearningStatisticImageView.getId() : mImageView.getId()); layoutParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT, RelativeLayout.TRUE); layoutParams.leftMargin = (int) (10 * mScale); layoutParams.rightMargin = (int) (20 * mScale); layoutParams.bottomMargin = (int) (20 * mScale); layoutParams.topMargin = (int) (20 * mScale); mWrapper.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); mProgressBar.setVisibility(hidden ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); }
public static void resetRL(View... view) { float rote = Handler_System.getWidthRoate(ApplicationBean.getApplication().getMode_w()); if (view == null || rote == 1) { return; } for (View view2 : view) { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) view2.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.leftMargin = (int) (layoutParams.leftMargin * rote); layoutParams.rightMargin = (int) (layoutParams.rightMargin * rote); layoutParams.topMargin = (int) (layoutParams.topMargin * rote); layoutParams.bottomMargin = (int) (layoutParams.bottomMargin * rote); view2.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } }
private void updateSelection() { if (mSelectedPlanet != null && mSelectionView != null) { mSelectionView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) mSelectionView.getLayoutParams(); params.width = (int) ((((mSelectedPlanet.planet.getSize() - 10.0) / 8.0) + 4.0) * 10.0) + (int) (40 * getPixelScale()); params.height = params.width; params.leftMargin = (int) (getLeft() + mSelectedPlanet.centre.x - (params.width / 2)); params.topMargin = (int) (getTop() + mSelectedPlanet.centre.y - (params.height / 2)); mSelectionView.setLayoutParams(params); } }
private void showImagesOnScreen() { int coordY = getInitialY(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int coordX = getInitialX(); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { ImageView image = new ImageView(this); image.setImageResource(R.drawable.ball_white); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(100, 100); lp.leftMargin = coordX; lp.topMargin = coordY; layout.addView(image, lp); coordX = coordX + 120; } coordY = coordY + 120; } }
/** * @Description: 添加视图到动画层 * * @param @param vg * @param @param view * @param @param location * @param @return * @return View * @throws */ public View addViewToAnimLayout(final View view, int[] location, int height, int width) { int x = location[0]; int y = location[1]; if (aniViewGroup == null) { aniViewGroup = createAnimLayout(); } RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(width, height); lp.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT, RelativeLayout.TRUE); lp.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP, RelativeLayout.TRUE); lp.leftMargin = x; lp.topMargin = y; view.setLayoutParams(lp); aniViewGroup.addView(view); return view; }
/* * 真正的实现方法 */ private void handleOpen(Message msg) { MLog.getIns().d("start"); String[] params = msg.getData().getStringArray(EBaiduMapUtils.MAP_FUN_PARAMS_KEY); if (params == null || (params.length != 4 && params.length != 6)) { return; } int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; double lng = 0.0, lat = 0.0; boolean isUseLngLat = false; try { // 修复了前端调用open方法时传入小数时抛出NumberFormatException的问题 by waka 2016/01/23 x = (int) Double.parseDouble(params[0]); y = (int) Double.parseDouble(params[1]); w = (int) Double.parseDouble(params[2]); h = (int) Double.parseDouble(params[3]); if (params.length == 6) { lng = Double.parseDouble(params[4]); lat = Double.parseDouble(params[5]); isUseLngLat = true; } if (mMapBaseFragment != null) { MLog.getIns().e("mMapBaseFragment != null"); return; } mMapBaseFragment = new EBaiduMapBaseFragment(); mMapBaseFragment.setBaseObj(this); if (isUseLngLat) { LatLng center = new LatLng(lat, lng); mMapBaseFragment.setStartCenter(center); } String activityId = EBaiduMapUtils.MAP_ACTIVITY_ID + EUExBaiduMap.this.hashCode(); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(w, h); lp.leftMargin = x; lp.topMargin = y; addFragmentToCurrentWindow(mMapBaseFragment, lp, activityId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); MLog.getIns().e(e); } }
@Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { System.out.println( "position:" + position + ":positionOffset:" + positionOffset + ":positionOffsetPixels:" + positionOffsetPixels); // 计算红点移动的距离= 手指移动的距离/屏幕的宽度 * 灰点的间距 = positionOffset * 灰点的间距 int redPointX = (int) ((position + positionOffset) * dp2px(20)); // 通过设置红点的左边距,实现红点的移动 android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) iv_guide_redPoint.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.leftMargin = redPointX; iv_guide_redPoint.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); }
protected void moveAlphaCursor() { final int measuredHeight = this.viewAlphaCheckered.getMeasuredHeight(); float y = measuredHeight - ((this.getAlpha() * measuredHeight) / 255.f); final RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) this.viewAlphaCursor.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.leftMargin = (int) (this.viewAlphaCheckered.getLeft() - Math.floor(this.viewAlphaCursor.getMeasuredWidth() / 2) - this.viewContainer.getPaddingLeft()); layoutParams.topMargin = (int) ((this.viewAlphaCheckered.getTop() + y) - Math.floor(this.viewAlphaCursor.getMeasuredHeight() / 2) - this.viewContainer.getPaddingTop()); this.viewAlphaCursor.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); }
protected void moveCursor() { float y = viewHue.getMeasuredHeight() - (getHue() * viewHue.getMeasuredHeight() / 360.f); if (y == viewHue.getMeasuredHeight()) y = 0.f; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) viewCursor.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.leftMargin = (int) (viewHue.getLeft() - Math.floor(viewCursor.getMeasuredWidth() / 2) - viewContainer.getPaddingLeft()); layoutParams.topMargin = (int) (viewHue.getTop() + y - Math.floor(viewCursor.getMeasuredHeight() / 2) - viewContainer.getPaddingTop()); viewCursor.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); }
private void addpartialView(int index) { ViewBundle spot = gridBundle.get(index); if (spot == null) return; // should not be View displayed = spot.displayed; if (displayed == null) return; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams rlp = spot.rlp; int x = index % col; int y = index / col; rlp.leftMargin = x * colStep; rlp.topMargin = y * rowStep; rlp.height = (int) (rowStep * 1.1); rlp.width = colStep; ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) displayed.getParent(); if (vg != null) vg.removeView(displayed); super.addView(displayed, rlp); }