public void transformPage(View view, float position) { int pageWidth = view.getWidth(); if (position < -1) { // [-Infinity,-1) // This page is way off-screen to the left. view.setAlpha(0); } else if (position <= 0) { // [-1,0] // Use the default slide transition when moving to the left page view.setAlpha(1); view.setTranslationX(0); view.setScaleX(1); view.setScaleY(1); } else if (position <= 1) { // (0,1] // Fade the page out. view.setAlpha(1 - position); // Counteract the default slide transition view.setTranslationX(pageWidth * -position); // Scale the page down (between MIN_SCALE and 1) float scaleFactor = MIN_SCALE + (1 - MIN_SCALE) * (1 - Math.abs(position)); view.setScaleX(scaleFactor); view.setScaleY(scaleFactor); } else { // (1,+Infinity] // This page is way off-screen to the right. view.setAlpha(0); } }
@Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy); int childCount = recyclerView.getChildCount(); int width = recyclerView.getChildAt(0).getWidth(); int padding = (recyclerView.getWidth() - width) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { View view = recyclerView.getChildAt(i); float ratio = 0; if (view.getLeft() <= padding) { if (view.getLeft() >= padding - view.getWidth()) { ratio = (padding - view.getLeft()) * 1f / view.getWidth(); } else { ratio = 1; } view.setScaleY(1 - ratio * 0.5f); view.setScaleX(1 - ratio * 0.5f); } else { if (view.getLeft() <= recyclerView.getWidth() - padding) { ratio = (recyclerView.getWidth() - padding - view.getLeft()) * 1f / view.getWidth(); } view.setScaleY(0.5f + ratio * 0.5f); view.setScaleX(0.5f + ratio * 0.5f); } } }
@Override protected void onTransform(View view, float position) { if (position <= 0f) { view.setTranslationX(0f); view.setScaleX(1f); view.setScaleY(1f); } else if (position <= 1f) { final float scaleFactor = MIN_SCALE + (1 - MIN_SCALE) * (1 - Math.abs(position)); view.setAlpha(1 - position); view.setPivotY(0.5f * view.getHeight()); view.setTranslationX(view.getWidth() * -position); view.setScaleX(scaleFactor); view.setScaleY(scaleFactor); } }
@Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { // 布局卡片view int size = viewList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { View viewItem = viewList.get(i); int childHeight = viewItem.getMeasuredHeight(); viewItem.layout(left, top, right, top + childHeight); int offset = yOffsetStep * i; float scale = 1 - SCALE_STEP * i; if (i > 2) { // 备用的view offset = yOffsetStep * 2; scale = 1 - SCALE_STEP * 2; } viewItem.offsetTopAndBottom(offset); viewItem.setScaleX(scale); viewItem.setScaleY(scale); } // 布局底部按钮的View if (null != bottomLayout) { int layoutTop = viewList.get(0).getMeasuredHeight() + bottomMarginTop; bottomLayout.layout(left, layoutTop, right, layoutTop + bottomLayout.getMeasuredHeight()); } // 初始化一些中间参数 initCenterViewX = viewList.get(0).getLeft(); initCenterViewY = viewList.get(0).getTop(); childWith = viewList.get(0).getMeasuredWidth(); }
public void setScaleX(float scaleX) { if (NEEDS_PROXY) { wrap(this).setScaleX(scaleX); } else { super.setScaleX(scaleX); } }
public void transformPage(View view, float position) { int pageWidth = view.getWidth(); int pageHeight = view.getHeight(); if (position < -1) { // [-Infinity,-1) // This page is way off-screen to the left. view.setAlpha(0); } else if (position <= 1) { // [-1,1] // Modify the default slide transition to shrink the page as well float scaleFactor = Math.max(MIN_SCALE, 1 - Math.abs(position)); float vertMargin = pageHeight * (1 - scaleFactor) / 2; float horzMargin = pageWidth * (1 - scaleFactor) / 2; if (position < 0) { view.setTranslationX(horzMargin - vertMargin / 2); } else { view.setTranslationX(-horzMargin + vertMargin / 2); } // Scale the page down (between MIN_SCALE and 1) view.setScaleX(scaleFactor); view.setScaleY(scaleFactor); // Fade the page relative to its size. view.setAlpha(MIN_ALPHA + (scaleFactor - MIN_SCALE) / (1 - MIN_SCALE) * (1 - MIN_ALPHA)); } else { // (1,+Infinity] // This page is way off-screen to the right. view.setAlpha(0); } }
@Override public void transformPage(View view, float position) { if (-INITIAL_POSITION <= position && position <= FINAL_POSITION) { if (position <= MEDIUM_POSITION) { view.setScaleX(position / INCLINE_FACTOR + MOVE_FACTOR_LEFT); view.setScaleY(position / INCLINE_FACTOR + MOVE_FACTOR_LEFT); } else { view.setScaleX(-position / INCLINE_FACTOR + MOVE_FACTOR_RIGHT); view.setScaleY(-position / INCLINE_FACTOR + MOVE_FACTOR_RIGHT); } } else { view.setScaleX(SCALE_MIN_FACTOR); view.setScaleY(SCALE_MIN_FACTOR); } }
private void showFooterLoadingView() { View view = mFooterLoadingView.findViewById(; view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); view.setScaleX(1.0f); view.setScaleY(1.0f); view.setAlpha(1.0f); mFooterLoadingView.findViewById(; }
@Override protected void onTransform(View view, float position) { view.setPivotX(position < 0 ? 0 : view.getWidth()); view.setPivotY(view.getHeight() / 2f); float scale = position < 0 ? 1f + position : 1f - position; view.setScaleX(scale); view.setScaleY(scale); }
@Override private void start(View view, long l, float f, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6) { view.setScaleX(f); view.setScaleY(f); view.setTranslationX(f3); view.setTranslationY(f4); ViewPropertyAnimator viewPropertyAnimator = view.animate().translationX(f5).translationY(f6).scaleX(f2).scaleY(f2).setDuration(l); viewPropertyAnimator.start(); }
/** Resets this view's properties */ void resetViewProperties() { setDim(0); setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null); TaskViewTransform.reset(this); if (mActionButtonView != null) { mActionButtonView.setScaleX(1f); mActionButtonView.setScaleY(1f); mActionButtonView.setAlpha(1f); mActionButtonView.setTranslationZ(mActionButtonTranslationZ); } }
/** apply selected in view */ public static void applyScaleX(View view, DynamicProperty property) { if (view != null) { switch (property.type) { case BOOLEAN: { view.setScaleX(property.getValueFloat()); } break; } } }
/** * reset the view to default status * * @param target the target */ public void reset(View target) { target.setAlpha(1); target.setScaleX(1); target.setScaleY(1); target.setTranslationX(0); target.setTranslationY(0); target.setRotation(0); target.setRotationY(0); target.setRotationX(0); target.setPivotX(target.getMeasuredWidth() / 2.0f); target.setPivotY(target.getMeasuredHeight() / 2.0f); }
// Debemos recordar que la traslationX ya se realiza por defecto. @Override public void transformPage(View view, float position) { // Si la página no está visible se resetean los valores por defecto. if (position <= -1 || position >= 1) { view.setScaleX(1); view.setScaleY(1); } else { // Si se trata del panel de la derecha (0, 1) if (position > 0) { // Se escala como hasta como máximo la mitad de su tamaño. view.setScaleX(Math.max(ESCALA_MINIMA, (1 - position))); view.setScaleY(Math.max(ESCALA_MINIMA, (1 - position))); } // Si se trata del panel de la izquierda o visible entero (-1, 0] else { // Se escala como hasta como máximo la mitad de su tamaño. view.setScaleX(Math.max(ESCALA_MINIMA, (1 + position))); view.setScaleY(Math.max(ESCALA_MINIMA, (1 + position))); } } }
private void reset(View root) { if (root instanceof ViewGroup) { ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) root; for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++) { reset(parent.getChildAt(i)); } } else { root.setScaleX(1); root.setScaleY(1); root.setAlpha(1); } }
@Override protected void onTransform(View view, float position) { final float height = view.getHeight(); final float width = view.getWidth(); final float scale = min(position < 0 ? 1f : Math.abs(1f - position), 0.5f); view.setScaleX(scale); view.setScaleY(scale); view.setPivotX(width * 0.5f); view.setPivotY(height * 0.5f); view.setTranslationX(position < 0 ? width * position : -width * position * 0.25f); }
/** * 拡大・縮小を行います。 * * @param newScale 設定する拡大率 */ private void setScale(float newScale) { // INFO:childにscaleを設定しないと拡大率が変わらない現象に対処するための修正 if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View targetView = getChildAt(i); targetView.setScaleX(newScale); targetView.setScaleY(newScale); } } else { setScaleX(newScale); setScaleY(newScale); } }
private void interpolate(View view1, View view2, float interpolation) { getOnScreenRect(mRect1, view1); getOnScreenRect(mRect2, view2); float scaleX = 1.0F + interpolation * (mRect2.width() / mRect1.width() - 1.0F); float scaleY = 1.0F + interpolation * (mRect2.height() / mRect1.height() - 1.0F); float translationX = 0.5F * (interpolation * (mRect2.left + mRect2.right - mRect1.left - mRect1.right)); float translationY = 0.5F * (interpolation * ( + mRect2.bottom - - mRect1.bottom)); view1.setTranslationX(translationX); view1.setTranslationY(translationY - mHeader.getTranslationY()); view1.setScaleX(scaleX); view1.setScaleY(scaleY); }
private void animateButton(View loginButton) { loginButton.setScaleX(0f); loginButton.setScaleY(0f); loginButton.setAlpha(0f); ObjectAnimator animator1 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(loginButton, "alpha", 1f); animator1.setDuration(1000); ObjectAnimator animator2 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(loginButton, "scaleX", 1f); animator2.setDuration(1000); ObjectAnimator animator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(loginButton, "scaleY", 1f); animator3.setDuration(1000); AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet();; set.start(); }
// 由index对应view变成index-1对应的view private void ajustLinkageViewItem(View changedView, float rate, int index) { int changeIndex = viewList.indexOf(changedView); int initPosY = yOffsetStep * index; float initScale = 1 - SCALE_STEP * index; int nextPosY = yOffsetStep * (index - 1); float nextScale = 1 - SCALE_STEP * (index - 1); int offset = (int) (initPosY + (nextPosY - initPosY) * rate); float scale = initScale + (nextScale - initScale) * rate; View ajustView = viewList.get(changeIndex + index); ajustView.offsetTopAndBottom(offset - ajustView.getTop() + initCenterViewY); ajustView.setScaleX(scale); ajustView.setScaleY(scale); }
private void animateLogo(View vkLogo) { vkLogo.setScaleX(0f); vkLogo.setScaleY(0f); vkLogo.setAlpha(0f); ObjectAnimator animator1 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(vkLogo, "rotation", 720f); animator1.setDuration(1000); ObjectAnimator animator2 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(vkLogo, "alpha", 1f); animator2.setDuration(1000); ObjectAnimator animator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(vkLogo, "scaleX", 1f); animator3.setDuration(1000); ObjectAnimator animator4 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(vkLogo, "scaleY", 1f); animator4.setDuration(1000); AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet();; set.start(); }
private Animator createShowItemAnimator(View item) { float dx = centerItem.getX() - item.getX(); float dy = centerItem.getY() - item.getY(); item.setScaleX(0f); item.setScaleY(0f); item.setTranslationX(dx); item.setTranslationY(dy); Animator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder( item, AnimatorUtils.scaleX(0f, 1f), AnimatorUtils.scaleY(0f, 1f), AnimatorUtils.translationX(dx, 0f), AnimatorUtils.translationY(dy, 0f)); anim.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); anim.setDuration(50); return anim; }
// 设置动画效果代码 public void setStyleCode(int type) { try { mType = type; char[] ints = (mType + "").toCharArray(); mTransInt = ints[0] - '0'; mScaleInt = ints[1] - '0'; mAlphaInt = ints[2] - '0'; mRotateInt = ints[3] - '0'; mMenuView = getChildAt(0); if (mMenuView != null) { mMenuView.setScaleX(1); mMenuView.setScaleY(1); mMenuView.setTranslationX(0); mMenuView.setRotationX(0); mMenuView.setRotationY(0); mMenuView.setRotationX(0); mMenuView.setAlpha(1); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("SwipeMenu", "动画代码设置出错,请检查范围"); } }
private void start( View view, long duration, float fromScale, float toScale, float fromTranslationX, float fromTranslationY, float toTranslationX, float toTranslationY) { view.setScaleX(fromScale); view.setScaleY(fromScale); view.setTranslationX(fromTranslationX); view.setTranslationY(fromTranslationY); ViewPropertyAnimator propertyAnimator = view.animate() .translationX(toTranslationX) .translationY(toTranslationY) .scaleX(toScale) .scaleY(toScale) .setDuration(duration); propertyAnimator.start(); DebugUtils.log("KenBurnsView: starting Ken Burns animation " + propertyAnimator); }
public static void setScaleX(View view, float f) { view.setScaleX(f); }
public synchronized void place(View v, Point pt, boolean animate) { final int i = pt.x; final int j = pt.y; final float rnd = frand(); if (v.getTag(TAG_POS) != null) { for (final Point oc : getOccupied(v)) { mFreeList.add(oc); mCells[oc.y * mColumns + oc.x] = null; } } int scale = 1; if (rnd < PROB_4X) { if (!(i >= mColumns - 3 || j >= mRows - 3)) { scale = 4; } } else if (rnd < PROB_3X) { if (!(i >= mColumns - 2 || j >= mRows - 2)) { scale = 3; } } else if (rnd < PROB_2X) { if (!(i == mColumns - 1 || j == mRows - 1)) { scale = 2; } } v.setTag(TAG_POS, pt); v.setTag(TAG_SPAN, scale); tmpSet.clear(); final Point[] occupied = getOccupied(v); for (final Point oc : occupied) { final View squatter = mCells[oc.y * mColumns + oc.x]; if (squatter != null) { tmpSet.add(squatter); } } for (final View squatter : tmpSet) { for (final Point sq : getOccupied(squatter)) { mFreeList.add(sq); mCells[sq.y * mColumns + sq.x] = null; } if (squatter != v) { squatter.setTag(TAG_POS, null); if (animate) { squatter .animate() .withLayer() .scaleX(0.5f) .scaleY(0.5f) .alpha(0) .setDuration(DURATION) .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()) .setListener( new Animator.AnimatorListener() { public void onAnimationStart(Animator animator) {} public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) { removeView(squatter); } public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animator) {} public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animator) {} }) .start(); } else { removeView(squatter); } } } for (final Point oc : occupied) { mCells[oc.y * mColumns + oc.x] = v; mFreeList.remove(oc); } final float rot = (float) irand(0, 4) * 90f; if (animate) { v.bringToFront(); AnimatorSet set1 = new AnimatorSet(); set1.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(v, View.SCALE_X, (float) scale), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(v, View.SCALE_Y, (float) scale)); set1.setInterpolator(new AnticipateOvershootInterpolator()); set1.setDuration(DURATION); AnimatorSet set2 = new AnimatorSet(); set2.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(v, View.ROTATION, rot), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(v, View.X, i * mCellSize + (scale - 1) * mCellSize / 2), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(v, View.Y, j * mCellSize + (scale - 1) * mCellSize / 2)); set2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); set2.setDuration(DURATION); set1.addListener(makeHardwareLayerListener(v)); set1.start(); set2.start(); } else { v.setX(i * mCellSize + (scale - 1) * mCellSize / 2); v.setY(j * mCellSize + (scale - 1) * mCellSize / 2); v.setScaleX((float) scale); v.setScaleY((float) scale); v.setRotation(rot); } }
@Override protected void onTransform(View view, float position) { view.setPivotX(position < 0 ? 0 : view.getWidth()); view.setScaleX(position < 0 ? 1f + position : 1f - position); }
// Show(or hide) one view with some effects private void showView(int viewId, int delay, int b) { View myView = findViewById(viewId); final int behavior = b; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { float x = myView.getX(); float y = myView.getY(); Path path1 = new Path(); Path path2 = new Path(); // Show with bounce effect if (behavior == 0) { path1.moveTo(x, y + 100); path1.rLineTo(0, -100); path2.moveTo(0, 0); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Show with bounce effect(and drop from top) else if (behavior == 1) { path1.moveTo(x, y - 300); path1.rLineTo(0, 300); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Show with inflate effect else if (behavior == 2) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(10, 10); } // Hide with deflate effect(from large shape) else if (behavior == 3) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(10, 10); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Fade in and float else if (behavior == 4) { path1.moveTo(x, y + 50); path1.rLineTo(0, -50); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Fade out else if (behavior == 5) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Hide with deflate effect else if (behavior == 6) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(0, 0); } // Show with inflate effect else if (behavior == 7) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(20, 20); } // Hide with deflate effect(from large shape) else if (behavior == 8) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(20, 20); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // This effect only used for the flipTimes label else if (behavior == 9) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(2, 2); } ObjectAnimator mAnimator1, mAnimator2, mAnimator3; mAnimator1 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, View.X, View.Y, path1); mAnimator2 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, View.SCALE_X, View.SCALE_Y, path2); mAnimator1.setDuration(300); mAnimator2.setDuration(300); mAnimator1.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator2.setStartDelay(delay); if (behavior == 0 || behavior == 1) { mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new BounceInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new BounceInterpolator()); mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", myView.getAlpha(), 1); mAnimator3.setDuration(10); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } else if (behavior == 2 || behavior == 7) { myView.bringToFront(); FrameLayout menuLayout = (FrameLayout) findViewById(; menuLayout.requestLayout(); menuLayout.invalidate(); mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofArgb( myView, "textColor", ((Button) myView).getCurrentTextColor(), Color.TRANSPARENT); mAnimator3.setDuration(100); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start();[SOUND_OPEN], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 3 || behavior == 8) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofArgb( myView, "textColor", ((Button) myView).getCurrentTextColor(), Color.WHITE); mAnimator3.setDuration(100); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay + 200); mAnimator3.start();[SOUND_CLOSE], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 4) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", myView.getAlpha(), 1); mAnimator3.setDuration(300); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } else if (behavior == 5) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", myView.getAlpha(), 0); mAnimator3.setDuration(300); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } else if (behavior == 6) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", myView.getAlpha(), 0); mAnimator3.setDuration(300); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } else if (behavior == 9) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", 1, 0); mAnimator2.setDuration(1000); mAnimator3.setDuration(1000); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); mAnimator3.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } if (behavior == 0 || behavior == 1 || behavior == 4) { mAnimator1.start(); } mAnimator2.start(); mAnimator1.addListener( new Animator.AnimatorListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { if (behavior == 0) {[SOUND_BLOP], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {} }); } // If the device OS is below Lollipop, the animation feature will be lost else { if (behavior == 5 || behavior == 6) { myView.setAlpha(0); } else { myView.setAlpha(1); } if (behavior == 2) { myView.setScaleX(10); myView.setScaleY(10); ((Button) myView).setTextColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } else if (behavior == 3) { myView.setScaleX(1); myView.setScaleY(1); ((Button) myView).setTextColor(Color.WHITE); } if (behavior == 0) {[SOUND_BLOP], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 2 || behavior == 7) {[SOUND_OPEN], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 3 || behavior == 8) {[SOUND_CLOSE], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 6) {[SOUND_CLICK], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } } }
static void setScaleX(View view, float scaleX) { view.setScaleX(scaleX); }
public void zoom(Float scaleX, Float scaleY, PointF pivot) { transformableView.setPivotX(pivot.x); transformableView.setPivotY(pivot.y); transformableView.setScaleX(scaleX); transformableView.setScaleY(scaleY); }