public void onRadioButtonClicked(View v) { if (v.getId() == { groupLogo.setImageResource(R.drawable.group_closed); groupLogo.setBackgroundColor(R.color.color_primary); groupTypeDescr.setText(R.string.group_closed_description); Log.e( TAG, "Cliccato: " + v.getId() + "! Setto: " + R.drawable.group_closed + ", " + R.color.color_primary + ", " + R.string.group_closed_description); } else if (v.getId() == { groupLogo.setImageResource(R.drawable.group_open); groupLogo.setBackgroundColor(R.color.color_primary); groupTypeDescr.setText(R.string.group_open_description); Log.e( TAG, "Cliccato: " + v.getId() + "! Setto: " + R.drawable.group_open + ", " + R.color.color_primary + ", " + R.string.group_open_description); } }
public static void load(Activity a, int R_layout_yourXML) { a.setContentView(R_layout_yourXML); Views.inject(a); // butterknife injection String className = a.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "$$ViewInjector"; try { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Checking if butterknife injections exist" + ", className=" + className); Class.forName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // injection did not work show instructions: Log.e( LOG_TAG, "! Butterknife could not find injection classes " + "(see" + "butterknife/ide-eclipse.html )"); Log.e( LOG_TAG, "! Right click on project -> " + "Head to Java Compiler -> Annotation " + "Processing -> CHECK 'Enable project " + "specific settings'"); Log.e( LOG_TAG, "! Select 'Factory Path' -> " + "Check \"Enable project specific settings\" " + "-> click \"Add JARs\" -> Navigate to the " + "project's libs/ folder and select " + "the Butter Knife jar -> Click Ok"); throw new RuntimeException( "Butterknife could not " + "find injection class '" + className + "'"); } }
public static String printKeyHash(Activity context) { PackageInfo packageInfo; String key = null; try { // getting application package name, as defined in manifest String packageName = context.getApplicationContext().getPackageName(); // Retriving package info packageInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES); Log.e("Package Name=", context.getApplicationContext().getPackageName()); for (Signature signature : packageInfo.signatures) { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); md.update(signature.toByteArray()); key = new String(Base64.encode(md.digest(), 0)); // String key = new String(Base64.encodeBytes(md.digest())); Log.e("Key Hash=", key); } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e1) { Log.e("Name not found", e1.toString()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { Log.e("No such an algorithm", e.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Exception", e.toString()); } return key; }
public static CharMappingSaveData[] readCharMappingFromResource(Context context) { InputStream is = context.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.albhabet); CharMappingSaveData[] saveData = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); saveData = (CharMappingSaveData[]) ois.readObject(); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to read char mapping from resource.", ex); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to read char mapping from resource.", ex); } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } if (ois != null) { try { ois.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } return saveData; }
/** * retrieve the auth token string securely * * @param context Context used to read storage * @return String of the stored access token, returns "" if no access token exists. */ public static String getAccessToken(Context context) { String accessToken = ""; String filename = getAccessTokenFilename(context.getApplicationContext()); File authFile = context.getDir(filename, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); try { if (!authFile.exists()) { Log.e( AppBlade.LogTag, "Trying to create Authfile location : " + authFile.getAbsolutePath()); authFile.mkdirs(); authFile.createNewFile(); } FileInputStream fis = context.openFileInput(filename); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(fis); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader); accessToken = bufferedReader.readLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.w(AppBlade.LogTag, "Error creating Access Token ", ex); } if (!authFile.exists()) { Log.e(AppBlade.LogTag, "Did not create Authfile location : " + authFile); } Log.v( AppBlade.LogTag, String.format("getAccessToken File:%s, token:%s", filename, accessToken)); return accessToken; }
@Override public Void doInBackground(String... params) { HttpsURLConnection connection = null; try { URL url = new URL(SEARCH_URL + params[0]); Log.d("****URL:", url.toString()); connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("Host", ""); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "JustDoIt"); connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer " + BEARER_TOKEN); connection.setUseCaches(false); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(ReadResponse.readResponse(connection)); buildTweets(obj); Log.d("***GetTweets:", obj.toString()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Log.e("***GetTweets", "Invalid endpoint URL specified.", e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("***GetTweets", "IOException: ", e); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); } lock.release(); } return null; }
@Override protected String doInBackground(String... params) { try { String postCode = params[0]; String link = ""; String data = URLEncoder.encode("pass", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode("SOME_HIDDEN_CODE", "UTF-8"); data += "&"; data += URLEncoder.encode("code", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(postCode, "UTF-8"); URL url = new URL(link); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream()); wr.write(data); wr.flush(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); break; } return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error: on in app"); Log.e(TAG, e.toString()); return "Failed In App"; } }
public String streamtostring(InputStream is) { // convert response to string try { int length; if (is.available() > 0) length = is.available(); else length = 1; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } String result = sb.toString(); is.close(); reader = null; sb = null; Log.e("Received data", "" + result); this.result = result; return result; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("log_tag", "Error converting result " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
/** * Wipe the device. * * @param code - Operation code. * @param data - Data required by the operation(PIN). */ public void wipeDevice(String code, String data) { String inputPin; String savedPin = Preference.getString(context, resources.getString(R.string.shared_pref_pin)); try { JSONObject wipeKey = new JSONObject(data); inputPin = (String) wipeKey.get(resources.getString(R.string.shared_pref_pin)); String status; if (inputPin.trim().equals(savedPin.trim())) { status = resources.getString(R.string.shared_pref_default_status); } else { status = resources.getString(R.string.shared_pref_false_status); }, status); if (inputPin.trim().equals(savedPin.trim())) { Toast.makeText(context, resources.getString(R.string.toast_message_wipe), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); try { Thread.sleep(PRE_WIPE_WAIT_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Wipe pause interrupted :" + e.toString()); } devicePolicyManager.wipeData(ACTIVATION_REQUEST); } else { Toast.makeText( context, resources.getString(R.string.toast_message_wipe_failed), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid JSON format." + e); } }
/** Lazy initializes the {@link GCMBroadcastReceiver} instance. */ static synchronized void setRetryBroadcastReceiver(Context context) { if (sRetryReceiver == null) { if (sRetryReceiverClassName == null) { // should never happen Log.e(TAG, "internal error: retry receiver class not set yet"); sRetryReceiver = new GCMBroadcastReceiver(); } else { Class<?> clazz; try { clazz = Class.forName(sRetryReceiverClassName); sRetryReceiver = (GCMBroadcastReceiver) clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e( TAG, "Could not create instance of " + sRetryReceiverClassName + ". Using " + GCMBroadcastReceiver.class.getName() + " directly."); sRetryReceiver = new GCMBroadcastReceiver(); } } String category = context.getPackageName(); IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(GCMConstants.INTENT_FROM_GCM_LIBRARY_RETRY); filter.addCategory(category); // must use a permission that is defined on manifest for sure String permission = category + ".permission.C2D_MESSAGE"; Log.v(TAG, "Registering retry receiver"); sRetryReceiverContext = context; sRetryReceiverContext.registerReceiver(sRetryReceiver, filter, permission, null); } }
public String execSu(String cmd) { Log.d(TAG, "^ Executing as SU '" + cmd + "'"); try { Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su"); DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(process.getInputStream()); DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream()); os.writeBytes(cmd + "\n"); os.writeBytes("exit\n"); os.flush(); os.close(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); try { String fullOutput = ""; String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { fullOutput = fullOutput + line + "\n"; } return fullOutput; } catch (IOException e) { // It seems IOException is thrown when it reaches EOF. e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(TAG, "^ execSU, IOException 1"); } process.waitFor(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(TAG, "^ execSU, IOException 2"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(TAG, "^ execSU, InterruptedException"); } return ""; }
@Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult( int requestCode, String permissions[], int[] grantResults) { Log.d(TAG, "onRequestPermissionsResult: "); switch (requestCode) { case PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_ALL_PERMISSIONS: boolean hasAllPermissions = true; for (int i = 0; i < grantResults.length; ++i) { if (grantResults[i] != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { hasAllPermissions = false; Log.e(TAG, "Unable to get permission " + permissions[i]); } } if (hasAllPermissions) { finish(); } else { Toast.makeText(this, "Unable to get all required permissions", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); finish(); return; } break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected request code"); } }
/** * 批量上传图片 * * @param path 服务器地址 * @param name 用户名 * @param filePath sd卡图片路径 * @param onSuccessListner * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String sendDataByHttpClientPost( String path, List<File> files, List<Part> mparameters, OnSuccessListner listner) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { mparameters.add(new FilePart("file", files.get(i))); } Part[] parts = mparameters.toArray(new Part[0]); PostMethod filePost = new PostMethod(path); filePost.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, filePost.getParams())); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(5000); int status = client.executeMethod(filePost); if (status == 200) { Log.e("DataService", "" + filePost.getResponseCharSet()); String result = new String(filePost.getResponseBodyAsString()); Log.e("DataService", "--" + result); // JSONArray array = (JSONArray) JSON.parse(result); Log.e("JSONArray", "--" + result); listner.onSuccess(result); return result; } else { listner.onFailed(); return null; } }
@Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { Log.e("mcoy", "McoyScrollView--onInterceptTouchEvent"); switch (ev.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: xDistance = yDistance = 0f; xLast = ev.getX(); yLast = ev.getY(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: final float curX = ev.getX(); final float curY = ev.getY(); xDistance += Math.abs(curX - xLast); yDistance += Math.abs(curY - yLast); xLast = curX; yLast = curY; if (xDistance > yDistance) { return false; } } boolean onIntercept = super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); Log.e("mcoy", "McoyScrollView--onInterceptTouchEvent return " + onIntercept); return onIntercept; }
@Override public void NotifyDataChanged(int notifyType) { switch (notifyType) { // 网络加载的备料单列表发生变化 case NOTICE_PREPARE_ADAPTER: if (prepareAdapter != null) { prepareAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); Log.i("Inmake:NotifyItem", prepareDataList.toString()); showNullItemImg(prepareDataList, nullItemLayoutPrepare); } loadingView.dismiss(); break; // 搜索的备料单列表发生变化 case NOTICE_SEARCH_ADAPTER: Log.e("Inmake:NotifyItem", "searchItemList" + searchItemList.toString()); if (searchAdapter != null) { searchAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); Log.e("Inmake:NotifyItem", searchItemList.toString()); showNullItemImg(searchItemList, nullItemLayoutSearch); } loadingView.dismiss(); break; } }
@Override public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) { AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info; try { info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { Log.e(TAG, "bad menuInfo", e); return false; } switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENU_ITEM_DELNOTE: { Log.e(TAG, "MENU_ITEM_DELFAVORITE id = " +; dao.delete(; loadNoteList(); return true; } case MENU_ITEM_BIBLEVIEW: { Log.e(TAG, "MENU_ITEM_SONGVIEW uri = " + item.getIntent().getData().toString()); startActivity(item.getIntent()); return true; } } return false; }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_REFLESH_DONE: if (null != mListView) { if (null != mAdapter) { mAdapter.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { mDatas.add("Item " + mDatas.size()); } mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } mListView.refreshCompleted(); mListView.loadMoreCompleted(mDatas.size() < 50); Log.e(TAG, "Refresh finished +=====================^_^"); } break; case MSG_LOAD_DONE: if (null != mListView) { if (null != mAdapter) { for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { mDatas.add("Item " + mDatas.size()); } mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } mListView.refreshCompleted(); mListView.loadMoreCompleted(mDatas.size() < 50); Log.e(TAG, "Load more finished +=====================^_^"); } break; default: break; } super.handleMessage(msg); }
@Override public Cursor query( Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { Log.e("appstorequery", "uri is " + uri.toString()); Log.e("appstorequery", "seletcion is " + selection); Log.e("appstorequery", "selectionArgs is " + selectionArgs[0]); Log.e("appstorequery", "selectionArgs is " + selectionArgs[1]); selection = "url=? AND service_name=?"; selectionArgs = new String[] {"", "service1"}; switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) { case ITEMS: // Log.d("appstorequery", "uri is ITEMS "); return database.query( TABLE_URL_PERMISSIONS, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder); case ITEM: // Log.d("appstorequery", "uri is ITEM "); return database.query( TABLE_URL_PERMISSIONS, projection, _ID + "=" + uri.getPathSegments().get(1), selectionArgs, null, null, null); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown uri: " + uri); } }
/** * Stops all the device activities <br> * close session <br> * stop find adv name <br> * stop scheduled service <br> * Set is reachable to false */ void stopDeviceActivities() { isReachable.set(false); try { connMgr.cancelFindAdvertisedName(sender); } catch (ControlPanelException cpe) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to call cancelFindAdvertisedName(), Error: '" + cpe.getMessage() + "'"); } connMgr.unregisterEventListener(ConnManagerEventType.FOUND_DEVICE, this); connMgr.unregisterEventListener(ConnManagerEventType.LOST_DEVICE, this); Status status = endSession(); if (status != Status.OK) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to end the session, Status: '" + status + "'"); } stopDeviceFoundVerificationService(); for (Unit unit : unitMap.values()) { unit.release(); } unitMap.clear(); } // stopDeviceActivities
public static String handleRetrofitErrorQuietly(final RetrofitError error) { error.printStackTrace(); InputStream inputStream = null; try { if (error.isNetworkError()) { Log.e("XDA-ONE", "Network error happened."); } else { final TypedInput body = error.getResponse().getBody(); if (body == null) { Log.e("XDA-ONE", "Unable to retrieve body"); return null; } inputStream =; final String result = IOUtils.toString(inputStream); Log.e("XDA-ONE", result); return result; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } return null; }
public void retrieveVcard() { ConnectionConfiguration conf = new ConnectionConfiguration( ConnectionManager.HOST, ConnectionManager.PORT, ConnectionManager.SERVICE); connection = new XMPPConnection(conf); ProviderManager.getInstance().addIQProvider("vCard", "vcard-temp", new VCardProvider()); try { connection.connect(); Log.i("success", "successful connection to server"); } catch (XMPPException e) { Log.e("unable to connect to the server", e.toString()); } try { connection.login("admin", "xenomorph"); gettingCard(connection); } catch (XMPPException ex) { Log.e("error logging in as user ", ex.toString()); } }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(String sResponse) { try { if (dialog.isShowing()) { dialog.dismiss(); firstexecution = 1989; ArrayAdapter<String> dataAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>( TechnicienActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, listclt); dataAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.select_dialog_singlechoice); // facturespinner.setAdapter(dataAdapter); addItemsOnSpinner(services, 3); // ArrayAdapter<String> dataAdapter = new // ArrayAdapter<String>(TechnicienActivity.this,android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, listclt); clients.setAdapter(dataAdapter); clients.setThreshold(1); clients.setTextColor(Color.RED); for (BordreauIntervention b : myoffine.LoadInterventions("")) { Log.e(">> interv ", b.toString()); } // wakelock.release(); } } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), e.getMessage() + " << ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); Log.e(e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage() + " << ", e); } }
/** * Blacklisting apps. * * @param code - Operation code. * @param data - Data required(Application data). */ public void blacklistApps(String code, String data) { ArrayList<DeviceAppInfo> apps = appList.getInstalledApps(); JSONArray appList = new JSONArray(); String identity = null; try { JSONObject resultApp = new JSONObject(data); if (!resultApp.isNull(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_data))) { resultApp = (JSONObject) resultApp.get(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_data)); } identity = (String) resultApp.get(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_identity)); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid JSON format." + e); } for (DeviceAppInfo app : apps) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { result.put(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_name), app.getAppname()); result.put(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_package), app.getPackagename()); if (identity.trim().equals(app.getPackagename())) { result.put(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_not_violated), false); result.put(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_package), app.getPackagename()); } else { result.put(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_not_violated), true); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid JSON format." + e); } appList.put(result); }, appList); }
private String readFromZipFile(String filename) { ZipFile zip = null; String str = null; try { InputStream fileStream = null; File applicationPackage = new File(mActivity.getApplication().getPackageResourcePath()); zip = new ZipFile(applicationPackage); if (zip == null) return null; ZipEntry fileEntry = zip.getEntry(filename); if (fileEntry == null) return null; fileStream = zip.getInputStream(fileEntry); str = readStringFromStream(fileStream); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "error reading zip file: " + filename, ioe); } finally { try { if (zip != null) zip.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // catch this here because we can continue even if the // close failed Log.e(LOGTAG, "error closing zip filestream", ioe); } } return str; }
private void saveMyBitmap() { try { Bitmap bitmap = mGesture.toBitmap(240, 75, 12, Color.RED); // mImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap); if(path == null || path.equals("") || path.equals("null")){ path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString(); } Log.e("?????", path); File destDir = new File(path); if (!destDir.exists()) { destDir.mkdirs(); } String name = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date()) + ".png";// 照片命名 this.pathAndName = path + "/"+name; File f = new File(pathAndName); FileOutputStream fos = null; fos = new FileOutputStream(f); bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 50, fos); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "保存成功", 5000).show(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.e("Exception", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Substracts the values from a previous object found in myList from the current Process in order * to obtain an object containing only the data since a referenc * * @param myList */ public void substractFromRef(List<StatElement> myList) { if (myList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++) { try { Process myRef = (Process) myList.get(i); if ((this.getName().equals(myRef.getName())) && (this.getuid() == myRef.getuid())) { this.m_userTime -= myRef.getUserTime(); this.m_systemTime -= myRef.getSystemTime(); this.m_starts -= myRef.getStarts(); if ((m_userTime < 0) || (m_systemTime < 0) || (m_starts < 0)) { Log.e( TAG, "substractFromRef generated negative values (" + this.toString() + " - " + myRef.toString() + ")"); } } } catch (ClassCastException e) { // just log as it is no error not to change the process // being substracted from to do nothing Log.e(TAG, "substractFromRef was called with a wrong list type"); } } } }
public boolean onSavePassword( String schemePlusHost, String username, String password, Message resumeMsg) { // resumeMsg should be null at this point because we want to create it // within the CallbackProxy. if (Config.DEBUG) { junit.framework.Assert.assertNull(resumeMsg); } resumeMsg = obtainMessage(NOTIFY); Message msg = obtainMessage(SAVE_PASSWORD, resumeMsg); Bundle bundle = msg.getData(); bundle.putString("host", schemePlusHost); bundle.putString("username", username); bundle.putString("password", password); synchronized (this) { sendMessage(msg); try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "Caught exception while waiting for onSavePassword"); Log.e(LOGTAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } } // Doesn't matter here return false; }
public void ReDoORUndo(boolean flag) { if (!IsShowing) { ReDoOrUnDoFlag = true; try { if (flag) { Log.e("redo", ""); ReDoNodes.add(pathNode.getTheLastNote()); pathNode.deleteTheLastNote(); preview(pathNode.getPathList()); invalidate(); // ReDoOrUnDoFlag = true; // if(!isShowing()) // preview(pathNode.getPathList()); } else { Log.e("undo", ""); pathNode.addNode(ReDoNodes.get(ReDoNodes.size() - 1)); ReDoNodes.remove(ReDoNodes.size() - 1); preview(pathNode.getPathList()); // ReDoOrUnDoFlag = true; // if(!isShowing()) // preview(pathNode.getPathList()); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); showCustomToast("无法操作=-="); } } }
// Update single ScavItem public void updateScavItem(ScavItem scavItem) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); Log.d(TAG, db.toString()); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(KEY_NAME, scavItem.get_name()); // ScavItem name values.put(KEY_ADDRESS, scavItem.get_address()); // ScavItem address values.put(KEY_DIRECTIONS, scavItem.get_directions()); // ScavItem directions values.put(KEY_IMAGE, scavItem.get_image()); // ScavItem image // Update the corresponding row try { int i = db.update( TABLE_SCAV_ITEMS, values, KEY_ID + "=?", new String[] {String.valueOf(scavItem.get_id())}); if (i <= 0) { Log.e(TAG, "Update failed in a weird way"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Update failed", e); } db.close(); }
public WebView createWindow(boolean dialog, boolean userGesture) { // Do an unsynchronized quick check to avoid posting if no callback has // been set. if (mWebChromeClient == null) { return null; } WebView.WebViewTransport transport = WebViewTransport(); final Message msg = obtainMessage(NOTIFY); msg.obj = transport; synchronized (this) { sendMessage(obtainMessage(CREATE_WINDOW, dialog ? 1 : 0, userGesture ? 1 : 0, msg)); try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "Caught exception while waiting for createWindow"); Log.e(LOGTAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } } WebView w = transport.getWebView(); if (w != null) { w.getWebViewCore().initializeSubwindow(); } return w; }