public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case // 标记为本地媒体 // editor.putBoolean("isLiveMedia", false); // 暂时去掉本地媒体播放,所以这里仍然设置为直播电视 editor.putBoolean("isLiveMedia", true); editor.commit(); startLocalMedia(); break; case // 标记为直播电视媒体 editor.putBoolean("isLiveMedia", true); editor.commit(); startLiveMedia(); break; case startUserLoadMedia(); break; case startSetupMedia(); break; default: Log.d(LOGTAG, "not supported btn id"); } }
@Override protected Payload doInBackground(Payload... args) { Payload data = doInBackgroundLoadDeck(args); if (data.returnType == DeckTask.DECK_LOADED) { double now = System.currentTimeMillis(); HashMap<String, Object> results = (HashMap<String, Object>) data.result; Deck deck = (Deck) results.get("deck"); // deck.beforeUpdateCards(); // deck.updateAllCards(); SharedDeckDownload download = (SharedDeckDownload) args[0].data[0]; SharedPreferences pref = PrefSettings.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()); String updatedCardsPref = "numUpdatedCards:" + mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getTitle() + ".anki.updating"; long totalCards = deck.retrieveCardCount(); download.setNumTotalCards((int) totalCards); long updatedCards = pref.getLong(updatedCardsPref, 0); download.setNumUpdatedCards((int) updatedCards); long batchSize = Math.max(100, totalCards / 200); mRecentBatchTimings = new long[sRunningAvgLength]; mTotalBatches = ((double) totalCards) / batchSize; int currentBatch = (int) (updatedCards / batchSize); long runningAvgCount = 0; long batchStart; mElapsedTime = 0; while (updatedCards < totalCards && download.getStatus() == SharedDeckDownload.STATUS_UPDATING) { batchStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); updatedCards = deck.updateAllCardsFromPosition(updatedCards, batchSize); Editor editor = pref.edit(); editor.putLong(updatedCardsPref, updatedCards); editor.commit(); download.setNumUpdatedCards((int) updatedCards); publishProgress(); estimateTimeToCompletion( download, currentBatch, runningAvgCount, System.currentTimeMillis() - batchStart); currentBatch++; runningAvgCount++; } if (download.getStatus() == SharedDeckDownload.STATUS_UPDATING) { data.success = true; } else if (download.getStatus() == SharedDeckDownload.STATUS_PAUSED) { Editor editor = pref.edit(); String pausedPref = "paused:" + mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getTitle() + ".anki.updating"; editor.putBoolean(pausedPref, true); editor.commit(); data.success = false; Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "pausing deck " + download.getTitle()); } else if (download.getStatus() == SharedDeckDownload.STATUS_CANCELLED) { data.success = false; } // Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Time to update deck = " + download.getEstTimeToCompletion() + " // sec."); // deck.afterUpdateCards(); } else { data.success = false; } return data; }
public void checkAndRemindThemToGiveMeAGoodRating() { final SharedPreferences mPrefs = PDActivity.this.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFERENCES_APPSTUFF, 0); long firstopened = mPrefs.getLong("firstopened", -1); if (firstopened < 0) { firstopened = System.currentTimeMillis(); Editor e = mPrefs.edit(); e.putLong("firstopened", firstopened); e.commit(); return; } long timenow = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsed = timenow - firstopened; long maxtime = 1000 * 60 * 15; // 15 minute if (!(mPrefs.getBoolean("popupshown", false))) { if (elapsed > maxtime) { // if (System.currentTimeMillis() % 10 == 1) { if (getResources() .getBoolean(com.rj.processing.plasmasound.R.bool.should_bug_about_donate)) { showRatingDialog(); } Editor e = mPrefs.edit(); e.putBoolean("popupshown", true); e.commit(); } } }
/** * Shows keeping the access keys returned from Trusted Authenticator in a local store, rather than * storing user name & password, and re-authenticating each time (which is not to be done, ever). */ private void storeAuth(AndroidAuthSession session) { // Store the OAuth 2 access token, if there is one. String oauth2AccessToken = session.getOAuth2AccessToken(); Log.d(TAG, oauth2AccessToken); if (oauth2AccessToken != null) { SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(ACCOUNT_PREFS_NAME, 0); Editor edit = prefs.edit(); edit.putString(ACCESS_KEY_NAME, "oauth2:"); edit.putString(ACCESS_SECRET_NAME, oauth2AccessToken); edit.commit(); return; } // Store the OAuth 1 access token, if there is one. This is only necessary if // you're still using OAuth 1. AccessTokenPair oauth1AccessToken = session.getAccessTokenPair(); if (oauth1AccessToken != null) { SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(ACCOUNT_PREFS_NAME, 0); Editor edit = prefs.edit(); edit.putString(ACCESS_KEY_NAME, oauth1AccessToken.key); edit.putString(ACCESS_SECRET_NAME, oauth1AccessToken.secret); edit.commit(); return; } }
/** Listener for the On/Off switch */ @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { if (key.equals(ONOFF_KEY)) { running = !running; Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(IS_ON, running); editor.commit(); if (running) { if (runNormal) SensorPreferenceActivity.start(SensorPreferenceActivity.this.getApplicationContext()); else SensorPreferenceActivity.startLite(SensorPreferenceActivity.this.getApplicationContext()); } else { if (runNormal) SensorPreferenceActivity.stop(SensorPreferenceActivity.this.getApplicationContext()); else SensorPreferenceActivity.stopLite(SensorPreferenceActivity.this.getApplicationContext()); } } if (key.equals(ANALYTIC_KEY)) { runNormal = !runNormal; Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(ANALYTIC_ON, runNormal); editor.commit(); if (running) { if (runNormal) { SensorPreferenceActivity.stopLite(SensorPreferenceActivity.this.getApplicationContext()); SensorPreferenceActivity.start(SensorPreferenceActivity.this.getApplicationContext()); } else { SensorPreferenceActivity.stop(SensorPreferenceActivity.this.getApplicationContext()); SensorPreferenceActivity.startLite(SensorPreferenceActivity.this.getApplicationContext()); } } } }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(Payload result) { super.onPostExecute(result); HashMap<String, Object> results = (HashMap<String, Object>) result.result; Decks deck = (Decks) results.get("deck"); // Close the previously opened deck. // DeckManager.closeDeck(deck.getDeckPath()); SharedDeckDownload download = (SharedDeckDownload)[0]; SharedPreferences pref = PrefSettings.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()); Editor editor = pref.edit(); Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Finished deck " + download.getFilename() + " " + result.success); if (result.success) { // Put updated cards to 0 // TODO: Why do we need to zero the updated cards? editor.putLong( "numUpdatedCards:" + mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getFilename() + ".anki.updating", 0); editor.commit(); // Move deck and media to the default deck path new File(mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getFilename() + ".anki.updating") .renameTo(new File(mDestination + "/" + download.getFilename() + ".anki")); new File(mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getFilename() + ".media/") .renameTo(new File(mDestination + "/" + download.getFilename() + ".media/")); mSharedDeckDownloads.remove(download); showNotification(download.getTitle(), download.getFilename()); } else { // If paused do nothing, if cancelled clean up if (download.getStatus() == Download.STATUS_CANCELLED) { try { new File(mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getFilename() + ".anki.updating").delete(); File mediaFolder = new File(mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getFilename() + ".media/"); if (mediaFolder != null && mediaFolder.listFiles() != null) { for (File f : mediaFolder.listFiles()) { f.delete(); } mediaFolder.delete(); } } catch (SecurityException e) { Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "SecurityException = " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } editor.remove( "numUpdatedCards:" + mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getFilename() + ".anki.updating"); editor.remove( "paused:" + mDestination + "/tmp/" + download.getFilename() + ".anki.updating"); editor.commit(); mSharedDeckDownloads.remove(download); } } notifySharedDeckObservers(); stopIfFinished(); }
private boolean loadSharedPreferencesFromFile(File src) { // this should probably be in a thread if it ever gets big boolean res = false; ObjectInputStream input = null; try { input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(src)); Editor prefEdit = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit(); prefEdit.clear(); // first object is preferences Map<String, ?> entries = (Map<String, ?>) input.readObject(); for (Entry<String, ?> entry : entries.entrySet()) { Object v = entry.getValue(); String key = entry.getKey(); if (v instanceof Boolean) prefEdit.putBoolean(key, ((Boolean) v).booleanValue()); else if (v instanceof Float) prefEdit.putFloat(key, ((Float) v).floatValue()); else if (v instanceof Integer) prefEdit.putInt(key, ((Integer) v).intValue()); else if (v instanceof Long) prefEdit.putLong(key, ((Long) v).longValue()); else if (v instanceof String) prefEdit.putString(key, ((String) v)); } prefEdit.commit(); // second object is admin options Editor adminEdit = getSharedPreferences(AdminPreferencesActivity.ADMIN_PREFERENCES, 0).edit(); adminEdit.clear(); // first object is preferences Map<String, ?> adminEntries = (Map<String, ?>) input.readObject(); for (Entry<String, ?> entry : adminEntries.entrySet()) { Object v = entry.getValue(); String key = entry.getKey(); if (v instanceof Boolean) adminEdit.putBoolean(key, ((Boolean) v).booleanValue()); else if (v instanceof Float) adminEdit.putFloat(key, ((Float) v).floatValue()); else if (v instanceof Integer) adminEdit.putInt(key, ((Integer) v).intValue()); else if (v instanceof Long) adminEdit.putLong(key, ((Long) v).longValue()); else if (v instanceof String) adminEdit.putString(key, ((String) v)); } adminEdit.commit(); res = true; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (input != null) { input.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return res; }
@Override protected void onDialogClosed(boolean positiveResult) { super.onDialogClosed(positiveResult); if (positiveResult) { String alphaTag = mPhone.getLine1AlphaTag(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(alphaTag)) { // No tag, set it. alphaTag = getContext().getString(R.string.msisdn_alpha_tag); } mPhone.setLine1Number( alphaTag, getText(), mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MESSAGE_SET_MSISDN)); if (mTcpListener != null) { mTcpListener.onStarted(this, false); } // Save the number SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(); Editor editor = prefs.edit(); String phoneNum = getText().trim(); String savedNum = prefs.getString(PHONE_NUMBER, null); // If there is no string, treat it as null if (phoneNum.length() == 0) { phoneNum = null; } if (phoneNum == null && savedNum == null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "No phone number set yet"); } else if (TextUtils.equals(phoneNum, savedNum)) { /* Save phone number only if there is some number set and it is not equal to the already saved one */ if (DBG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Saving phone number: " + phoneNum); } editor.putString(PHONE_NUMBER, phoneNum); editor.commit(); } else if (phoneNum == null && savedNum != null) { /* Remove saved number only if there is some saved and there is no number set */ if (DBG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Removing phone number"); } editor.remove(PHONE_NUMBER); editor.commit(); } else if (DBG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "No change"); } } }
private void setDefaultValues() { settings = getSharedPreferences(sharedPrefsFile, MODE_PRIVATE); for (int i = 0; i < SipdroidEngine.LINES; i++) { String j = (i != 0 ? "" + i : ""); if (settings.getString(PREF_SERVER + j, "").equals("")) { CheckBoxPreference cb = (CheckBoxPreference) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(PREF_WLAN + j); cb.setChecked(true); Editor edit = settings.edit(); edit.putString(PREF_PORT + j, DEFAULT_PORT); edit.putString(PREF_SERVER + j, DEFAULT_SERVER); edit.putString(PREF_PREF + j, DEFAULT_PREF); edit.putString(PREF_PROTOCOL + j, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL); edit.commit(); Receiver.engine(this).updateDNS(); reload(); } } if (settings.getString(PREF_STUN_SERVER, "").equals("")) { Editor edit = settings.edit(); edit.putString(PREF_STUN_SERVER, DEFAULT_STUN_SERVER); edit.putString(PREF_STUN_SERVER_PORT, DEFAULT_STUN_SERVER_PORT); edit.commit(); reload(); } if (!settings.contains(PREF_MWI_ENABLED)) { CheckBoxPreference cb = (CheckBoxPreference) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(PREF_MWI_ENABLED); cb.setChecked(true); } if (!settings.contains(PREF_REGISTRATION)) { CheckBoxPreference cb = (CheckBoxPreference) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(PREF_REGISTRATION); cb.setChecked(true); } if ( { CheckBoxPreference cb = (CheckBoxPreference) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(PREF_3G); cb.setChecked(false); CheckBoxPreference cb2 = (CheckBoxPreference) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(PREF_EDGE); cb2.setChecked(false); getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(PREF_3G).setEnabled(false); getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(PREF_EDGE).setEnabled(false); } settings.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); updateSummaries(); }
private void saveFavourite() { SharedPreferences shared = ((Activity) mContext).getSharedPreferences("favourite_filter", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); Editor editor = shared.edit(); editor.remove("favourite_filter_list"); editor.commit(); String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < favouriteFilterInfos.size(); i++) { str += favouriteFilterInfos.get(i).getFilterType() + ","; } editor.putString("favourite_filter_list", str); editor.commit(); }
@Override protected void onPause() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onPause(); position = pagefactory.getPosition(); Editor editor = sp.edit(); editor.putInt(id + "begin", position[0]); editor.putInt(id + "end", position[1]); editor.commit(); int fontSize = pagefactory.getTextFont(); Editor editor2 = sp.edit(); editor2.putInt("fontsize", fontSize); editor2.commit(); }
@Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub switch (v.getId()) { case finish(); break; case; new Thread(r_CheckNewVersion).start(); break; case File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/CourtPocket"); if (file.exists()) { File flist[] = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < flist.length; i++) { flist[i].delete(); } tv_storage.setText("0KB"); } break; case SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(SettingActivity.this); Boolean isNotificationOpen = prefs.getBoolean("isNotificationOpen", true); if (isNotificationOpen) { tv_notification.setText("关闭"); Editor pEdit = prefs.edit(); pEdit.putBoolean("isNotificationOpen", false); pEdit.commit(); } else { tv_notification.setText("打开"); Editor pEdit = prefs.edit(); pEdit.putBoolean("isNotificationOpen", true); pEdit.commit(); } break; case Data.ISLOGIN = false; // 帐号反注册信鸽推送 XGPushManager.registerPush(SettingActivity.this, "*"); setResult(RESULT_OK, SettingActivity.this.getIntent()); finish(); break; } }
void saveVolume() { if (restored) { Editor edit = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(Receiver.mContext).edit(); edit.putInt("volume" + speakermode, am.getStreamVolume(stream())); edit.commit(); } }
public void saveArchivedTodoList(TodoList tl) throws IOException { SharedPreferences settings = context.getSharedPreferences(prefArchivedTodoFile, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putString(atlkey, todoListToString(tl)); editor.commit(); }
/** * Removes the registration name and id association from local storage * * @param registrationName The registration name of the association to remove from local storage * @throws Exception */ private void removeRegistrationId(String registrationName) throws Exception { Editor editor = mSharedPreferences.edit(); editor.remove(STORAGE_PREFIX + REGISTRATION_NAME_STORAGE_KEY + registrationName); editor.commit(); }
/** Create login session */ public void createLocationsSession(String locations) { editor.putBoolean(IS_LOADED, true); editor.putString(KEY_LOCATIONS, locations); // commit changes editor.commit(); }
/** * 保存accesstoken到SharedPreferences * * @param context Activity 上下文环墄1�7 * @param token Oauth2AccessToken */ public static void keepAccessToken(Context context, Oauth2AccessToken token) { SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCES_NAME, Context.MODE_APPEND); Editor editor = pref.edit(); editor.putString("token", token.getToken()); editor.putLong("expiresTime", token.getExpiresTime()); editor.commit(); }
@SuppressWarnings("nls") private void upgrade3To3_3(final Context context) { // if RTM, store RTM to secondary preferences if (Preferences.getStringValue("rmilk_token") != null) { SharedPreferences settings = context.getSharedPreferences("rtm", Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE); Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putString("rmilk_token", Preferences.getStringValue("rmilk_token")); editor.putLong("rmilk_last_sync", Preferences.getLong("rmilk_last_sync", 0)); editor.commit(); final String message = "Hi, it looks like you are a Remember the Milk user! " + "In this version of Astrid, RTM is now a community-supported " + "add-on. Please go to the Android market to install it!"; if (context instanceof Activity) { ((Activity) context) .runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setTitle(com.todoroo.astrid.api.R.string.DLG_information_title) .setMessage(message) .setPositiveButton( "Go To Market", new AddOnService.MarketClickListener(context, "org.weloveastrid.rmilk")) .setNegativeButton("Later", null) .show(); } }); } } }
// package static void clearRegistrationId(Context context) { final SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putString("dm_registration", ""); editor.putLong(LAST_REGISTRATION_CHANGE, System.currentTimeMillis()); editor.commit(); }
public void save(Context context, String preferencesName) { SharedPreferences cfg = context.getSharedPreferences(preferencesName, MODE_PRIVATE); Editor editor = cfg.edit(); editor.putString("quad_bootloader_url", mURL); editor.putString("quad_bootloader_path", mPath); editor.commit(); }
/** * 写入整型数据 * * @param context 上下文 * @param key 键 * @param value 值 */ public static void wirteInt(Context context, String key, int value) { SharedPreferences preference = context.getSharedPreferences(AppConstant.SHARPREFER_FILENAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Editor editor = preference.edit(); editor.putInt(key, value); editor.commit(); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.setContentView(; mQuestionImage = (ImageSwitcher) findViewById(; mQuestionImage.setFactory(new MyImageSwitcherFactory()); mQuestionText = (TextSwitcher) findViewById(; mQuestionText.setFactory(new MyTextSwitcherFactory()); mQuestions = new Hashtable<Integer, Question>(QUESTION_BATCH_SIZE); mGameSettings = getSharedPreferences(GAME_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); int staringQuestionNumber = mGameSettings.getInt(GAME_PREFERENCES_CURRENT_QUESTION, 0); if (staringQuestionNumber == 0) { Editor editor = mGameSettings.edit(); editor.putInt(GAME_PREFERENCES_CURRENT_QUESTION, 1); editor.commit(); staringQuestionNumber = 1; } downloader = new QuizTask(); downloader.execute(TRIVIA_SERVER_QUESTIONS, staringQuestionNumber); }
/** * Internal Method to create new File in internal memory for each provider and save accessGrant * * @param auth AuthProvider */ private void writeToken(AuthProvider auth) { AccessGrant accessGrant = auth.getAccessGrant(); String key = accessGrant.getKey(); String secret = accessGrant.getSecret(); String providerid = accessGrant.getProviderId(); Map<String, Object> attributes = accessGrant.getAttributes(); Editor edit = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getContext()).edit(); edit.putString(mProviderName.toString() + " key", key); edit.putString(mProviderName.toString() + " secret", secret); edit.putString(mProviderName.toString() + " providerid", providerid); if (attributes != null) { for (Map.Entry entry : attributes.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ", " + entry.getValue()); } for (String s : attributes.keySet()) { edit.putString( mProviderName.toString() + "attribute " + s, String.valueOf(attributes.get(s))); } } edit.commit(); }
public static void savePreferences(Activity activity, String key, boolean value) { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity.getApplicationContext()); Editor editor = sp.edit(); editor.putBoolean(key, value); editor.commit(); }
public void setCountryNo(String id) { if (id == null) return; SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Editor edit = pref.edit(); edit.putString("countryNo", id); edit.commit(); }
void saveSettings() { if (!PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(Receiver.mContext) .getBoolean( org.sipdroid.sipua.ui.Settings.PREF_OLDVALID, org.sipdroid.sipua.ui.Settings.DEFAULT_OLDVALID)) { int oldvibrate = am.getVibrateSetting(AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER); int oldvibrate2 = am.getVibrateSetting(AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); if (!PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(Receiver.mContext) .contains(org.sipdroid.sipua.ui.Settings.PREF_OLDVIBRATE2)) oldvibrate2 = AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_ON; int oldpolicy = android.provider.Settings.System.getInt( cr, android.provider.Settings.System.WIFI_SLEEP_POLICY, Settings.System.WIFI_SLEEP_POLICY_DEFAULT); Editor edit = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(Receiver.mContext).edit(); edit.putInt(org.sipdroid.sipua.ui.Settings.PREF_OLDVIBRATE, oldvibrate); edit.putInt(org.sipdroid.sipua.ui.Settings.PREF_OLDVIBRATE2, oldvibrate2); edit.putInt(org.sipdroid.sipua.ui.Settings.PREF_OLDPOLICY, oldpolicy); edit.putInt( org.sipdroid.sipua.ui.Settings.PREF_OLDRING, am.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_RING)); edit.putBoolean(org.sipdroid.sipua.ui.Settings.PREF_OLDVALID, true); edit.commit(); } }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(String result) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onPostExecute(result); if (pd != null && pd.isShowing()) pd.dismiss(); if (result != null && result.equals("1")) { Log.d("check", result + "_"); // if(upload!=null) uploadList = db.retriveUpload(); for (Upload up : uploadList) { db.deleteUpload(up); } Editor edit = preference.edit(); edit.putInt("upload", 2); edit.putInt("playMode", 2); edit.putString("activity", null); edit.clear(); edit.commit(); finish(); } else { try { alert.showAlertDialog(home.this, "Error", "Unable to process server", true); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) { ft.setCustomAnimations(android.R.animator.fade_in, android.R.animator.fade_out); switch (tab.getPosition()) { case 0:; break; case 1:; break; case 2: if (connected != null && connected.isAlive()) { progress =, "Fuel Map", "Reading map values 0/512..."); mapOffset = 0; mapMode = true; sendRequest(mapOffset); }; break; } // we don't want to overwrite our pref if we're in onCreate if (lvDevices != null) { Editor edit = prefs.edit(); edit.putInt("prefs_last_tab", tab.getPosition()); edit.commit(); } }
@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml. int id = item.getItemId(); if (id == { return true; } if (id == { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String name = sharedPreferences.getString("username", "ab"); Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); Toast.makeText(SearchLoggedInActivity.this, "Goodbye " + name, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); editor.clear(); editor.commit(); Intent intent = new Intent(SearchLoggedInActivity.this, MainActivity.class); startActivity(intent); finish(); } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); }
/** * Starts a new clock in with an offset if boolean is true, otherwise uses the current system * time. The offset is X minutes, IE closest 15 minutes or 30, chosen by the user under settings. * * @param boolean to start new clock in with user set offset. */ protected void startNewClock(boolean offset) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (offset) { cal = roundCalendar(cal); } String DATE_FORMAT = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"; if (sp.getBoolean("prefs_time_24", true)) { DATE_FORMAT = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"; } else { DATE_FORMAT = "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm a"; } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); String name = sdf.format(cal.getTime());; long id = dbhelper.createClockIn( name, myCurrentAdress, myCurrentNeighborHood, cal.getTimeInMillis(), lastLocation); dbhelper.close(); Editor edit = sp.edit(); edit.putBoolean(Constants.KEY_IS_CLOCKED_IN, true); edit.putLong(Constants.KEY_CLOCKED_ID, id); edit.commit(); checkClockedIn(); }