   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener#mouseWheelMoved(java.awt.event.
   * MouseWheelEvent)
  public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent ev) {

    // checks if the graph exists and if the control key is pressed
    DirectedWeightedGraph canvasGraph = _canvas.get_graph();
    if (canvasGraph != null && ev.isControlDown()) {

      // We search the name of canvas parent
      CanvasPanel panelParent;
      String panel = _canvas.getParent().getClass().getName();
      if (panel.equals("acide.gui.debugPanel.traceSQLPanel.AcideTraceSQLPanel"))
        panelParent = CanvasPanel.TraceSQL;
      else if (panel.equals("acide.gui.debugPanel.debugSQLPanel.AcideDebugSQLPanel"))
        panelParent = CanvasPanel.DebugSQL;
      else if (panel.equals("acide.gui.debugPanel.traceDatalogPanel.AcideTraceDatalogPanel"))
        panelParent = CanvasPanel.TraceData;
      else panelParent = null;

      // gets the coordinates of the event
      int difx = ev.getX() - _canvas.getX0();
      int dify = ev.getY() - _canvas.getY0();
      // checks the wheel rotation direction
      if (ev.getWheelRotation() < 0) {
        // zooms in the canvas and move the graph
        int difx2 = ev.getX() - _canvas.getX0();
        int dify2 = ev.getY() - _canvas.getY0();
        _canvas.moveGraph(difx2 - difx, dify2 - dify);
      } else {
        // zooms out the canvas and move the graph
        int difx2 = ev.getX() - _canvas.getX0();
        int dify2 = ev.getY() - _canvas.getY0();
        _canvas.moveGraph(difx2 - difx, dify2 - dify);
      // repaint the canvas